Tera - Black and Pink Mods Nya :3 (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
May 29, 2014
Ahh thank you very much~ :3
Also, if it's not too much trouble, is it possible if you could make a pompom version for the pink lion and ears please? <3 The pompoms can be just the default white or the same pink color


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
hm sure =o i should of just though of that lol
i just need to find the darn Red bat wing helm before it is driving me crazy haha!
i just found the black one its Acc#39 but then the Red one is nowhere to be seen and i bough a red one on priest to save money lol
i did find the frills though i think in that process! so ill make the frills pink and make a maid with the silver pink soon
but has soon i can find those Red bat wing ill do it Arrrrg i hate searching 300 accessorry packs 1by1


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
Finally done with the Bat hearband... no wonder i was searching and searching and searching...
When i made the black ones tip Pink, Both colors ended up with a pink tip...
Normally there is multiple DIFF files for that color... But i could only see the black one..
Only thing i could do is, i had to completely remove the ctsm, and put the Mask,Diff and Spec totally pink

So sadly both red and black version are complete Pink =x Oh well still looks Kawaii!
Download up on first page!!

Ima redo the Pink pompoms next then Fix maid robe and make the frills! should be up tonight or tomorow
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Potential Patron
May 29, 2014
I can't wait to see everything! ^^ I love your mods~

Say, do you use photoshop to edit the .diff files? I'm currently having trouble getting PS to edit .diff files :c


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
i prefer gimp, well i learned gimp first so i kept on using it
you might need a dds script for it


Potential Patron
May 29, 2014
Yeah, I tried to install the NVIDIA DDS Texture Tool thing but PS or any other software I tried won't open a .dds file.. What do you use for GIMP?


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
i use gimp dds and normal map addons

just google gimp dds plugins and it should be the first one up list

and i remade the pink ears with pompoms but i did not try them if you want to let me know =p
Also posted the new maid and frills :3


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
Made a few changes to some armors and accessories
Changed my Pink hair to fit with everything now that i know how to remove cstm
Have a look at new colors =)


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
Added Pitch black hairs with black tail and ears!
Also added Pinkier Hair with Black tail and ears ( should make one with pink tail and ears soon)
Also might try to just make one where it would copy your hair color so it won't force 1 color on all elins

up on first page =)

More too come!! if i could finaly understand that hex thing...im so dummmmyyy desuu


Potential Patron
May 29, 2014
I have a request for you if you're not too busy already! I'd like to see the Princess tiara (the one from the fed bill shop) redone in pink~ . w.b


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
well i can't really do it because i do not have it, can't get a good view when trying to view it from marketplace
could try it but can't guarantee how it would look

ohh ohhh the circlet ya i guess if i can find it xD
i don't remember coming across it and well thats 270 accessory packs to search huhu
so if i fall on it ill do it


Potential Patron
May 29, 2014
Oh, you don't have it? In that case, you don't have to then! I understand it would be hard to mod something you don't actually have c:


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
nah its ok its the haiirband i can see it fine by just outfitting it =P
its really the fact that acessories are super long to find but if i fall on it ill do it :3

- - - Updated - - -

- - - Updated - - -

Bunch of New Hair tail and ears Colors Now up!


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
New Parlor Costumes are up!
You need the pink frills for color change or just change textures yourself =)
Also will be Making a Version of all my Hair colors Without Ears also! Since the Nekomimi Earband is so Kawaii!!!
I already made the one for the Black hairs

textures works on Chamber's also since it is basically the same armor, Just change textures
Hope u like =)


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
reuploaded Parlors i had missed a spot on the pantsu's and was bugging me off all fixed now

i am going to add different tail ribbon to all haircuts now O-o will take a while there is plenty aaa
Should be up tonight or tomorow =)

I feel its better to be all yellow or all purple etc so that pink ribbon has to change =o
I should of thought about it when i did them =x


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
Made multiple ribbon colors for the black hairs
Also made multiple colors for the steel tipped wings

Enjoy! :3


Potential Patron
May 26, 2014
i had to do dailies on all 6 chars twice xD sell all my alkahest to get it and noone bargained me for 35k..had to pay full 42k for it haha CRY atleast u can get either Chambers or Parlor and just switch textures since it is the same armor =o

and finally a cute hairband =o those neko ears looks alot better then lion ones so i deleted them too now xD and made tails to fit them =o

never though id use anything else then black and pink but i am banging in yellow and black today haha
id need to make devilicous,ninja mask and bat helm all colors also =o


Potential Patron
May 29, 2014
Oh wow I don't even have 6 chars to do that! But which quests did you do to farm gold so quickly? That is true, but I prefer the Housekeeper Uniform better c:

I agree, the headbands are really cute! I don't know whether to get the black or white ones. Although the pink ones are really cheap on my server.

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