Synopsis: A superheroine is enslaved by an extraterrestrial, who uses a brain implant to neutralize her superpowers and punish her with excruciating pain. For all her tenacity, the freedom fighter can only kneel before her overlord and serve his vile sexual demands. Nevertheless, her brutal captor remains unsatisfied and soon puts a tragic end to Solaria's meaningless existence.
Discussion: At the end of the film, the extraterrestrial states that Solaria is useless and then kills her, butt why? If all he wanted was a sex slave, an ordinary woman could have served him just as well, and she certainly would have cost him less time & money. Clearly the extraterrestrial wanted a woman with exceptional qualities, but Solaria could not have great strength, if he deprived her of it. Nor could she be both a defender of liberty and a prisoner at the same time. Since forcing Solaria to surrender nullified all her virtues, the extraterrestrial could neither buy nor steal them from her. And, although it was never his intention to set Solaria free, ironically, the alien did so when he destroyed her.
Mp4 (1080p, 4.5 Mbps) 30:15, 1 Gb
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