I inserted the best reference picture I could find.
That is indeed a much better reference image. Thank you for finding it.
In the future, I would encourage you to
post your reference images offsite. There are various websites which specialize in hosting these files (such as Imgur and Imagebam). Undertow is a relatively small website and our file storage capacity is limited. We're happy to host content files (such as stories, RP logs, mods, texture replacements, etc) but reference images are less important to us.
Since you're posting the image offsite, filesize is a much smaller concern. You can therefore
post full-size images. Cropping is usually unnecessary. In some cases it can reduce the quality of an image (through repeated JPG compression). It can sometimes remove content (such as the hairtips which were excluded from this image). It's best to
post the complete image (and/or link to the original source). If a modder decides to work on the project then they'll crop your images to suit their own purposes.
A dynamic hair mod would be most appreciated.
This one may be tricky. The bangs and the ear-adjacent strands are simple enough, but I the hair intakes would be half-assed because I don't know how they ought to move. The rear hair is both long and thick, which limits our animation options. We can't allow it to sway freely because it would clip through the girl's shoulder.
I'm not willing to proceed with this project as-is. The current image is somewhat pixellated due to video compression, and I hate working with grainy source files while attempting to draw fine details.
You'll need to
provide a vectorized version of this hairstyle, which will probably involve finding a
high-definition copy of the show, taking one or more side-view
screenshots, and then
tracing the best screenshot into a vector drawing. If you can complete the first two steps then I can give you some guidance on how to trace, but I will nonetheless expect
you to handle the tracing work.
If you're not willing to do that then that's ok -- it's not compulsory. You can leave the request as-is and wait for a Flash modder to take an interest in the project. Alternatively, you could change your request into a
static hairstyle and then seek out an artist to work on it.