Nigida said:
EpicDT-Hunter said:
Nigida said:
EpicDT-Hunter said:
With Adobe Photoshop CS6. Just search on Youtube. There are a lot of tutorials how to download and work with it.
Well, creating backgrounds isn't that demanding that you have to use PS for it. Just about any image editor can do it with decent results.
Yes of course. But if you want the best get the best. And Photoshop is the most popular programm so i recommended this. Maybe easier for him to find stuff. I see no problem in using Photoshop i do it by my self and im not a professional.
If he wants to do more complicated stuff than copy pasting images and cropping them into the right size that might be true. If not, the easier way might just be to use free software and not bother with cracking your way into popular commercial products. Didn't mean to say you shouldn't use PS.
Nobody said anything about crack. I just said if he will search on youtube he will find. And its not that complicated belive me or not i just got Full Version of PS with 2 Clicks. What i want to say is ur right other programms then PS would be enough for making BG´s but I find it esier to get PS then search after other programms, besides i dont know any other programms then PS. And i experienced that the most freeware imitates are more difficult to work with, then the original. For example i worked with Microsoft Word a lot where u can see every important menu by 1 look. Then i switched to open office and could not find anything. The menus were not sorted and anything. PS is like a Sandbox i don´t needed any tutorial to start i just clickt on some menus i saw, regulated some switches and looked what happend with my picture. In 10 Minutes of learning by doing i gained a lot of experience. How to switch colors, kontrast and other simple stuff like that. Why not? If he get a taste of the programm an want to make more awesome BG´s for SDT, it would be a win for everyone. And i personaly think BG´s are sadly underratet on at the momment...