Space at start of new line on line 38, col 70 near "(...) Whore%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 (...)"
Line 38: intro_open:"[NORMAL_STYLE][NORMAL_MOOD][ARMS_LEGS]*ME* the Grade Whore%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 <Curtains Open>%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 -Interior, Professor *YOU *Dickeinstein's Office - %0ACharacters Present: *ME* and *YOU* %0AББББББББББББББББББББ [LEFT_ARM_LEGS][RIGHT_ARM_LOOSE]"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_A","set":{"chapter":"one","count":1}}
Usage of colon in dialogue line or erroneous space before dialogue line on line 38, col 203 near "(...) Present: *ME* (...)"
Line 38: intro_open:"[NORMAL_STYLE][NORMAL_MOOD][ARMS_LEGS]*ME* the Grade Whore%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 <Curtains Open>%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 -Interior, Professor *YOU *Dickeinstein's Office - %0ACharacters Present: *ME* and *YOU* %0AББББББББББББББББББББ [LEFT_ARM_LEGS][RIGHT_ARM_LOOSE]"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_A","set":{"chapter":"one","count":1}}
Usage of %01 on line 38.
Don't use the old way of delaying dialogue (with %01). It clutters your dialogue. During testing, I found that 1x Б equals 1x %01. Suggested fix: Replace %01 with Б.
Line 38: intro_open:"[NORMAL_STYLE][NORMAL_MOOD][ARMS_LEGS]*ME* the Grade Whore%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 <Curtains Open>%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 -Interior, Professor *YOU *Dickeinstein's Office - %0ACharacters Present: *ME* and *YOU* %0AББББББББББББББББББББ [LEFT_ARM_LEGS][RIGHT_ARM_LOOSE]"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_A","set":{"chapter":"one","count":1}}
Found a probable illegal colon on line 38, col 203. Replace colons in dialogue lines with %3A.
Line 38: intro_open:"[NORMAL_STYLE][NORMAL_MOOD][ARMS_LEGS]*ME* the Grade Whore%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 <Curtains Open>%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 -Interior, Professor *YOU *Dickeinstein's Office - %0ACharacters Present: *ME* and *YOU* %0AББББББББББББББББББББ [LEFT_ARM_LEGS][RIGHT_ARM_LOOSE]"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_A","set":{"chapter":"one","count":1}}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the player name is not set, on line 38, col 213 near "(...) and *YOU* %0AББББББББББББББББББББ (...)"
Line 38: intro_open:"[NORMAL_STYLE][NORMAL_MOOD][ARMS_LEGS]*ME* the Grade Whore%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 <Curtains Open>%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 -Interior, Professor *YOU *Dickeinstein's Office - %0ACharacters Present: *ME* and *YOU* %0AББББББББББББББББББББ [LEFT_ARM_LEGS][RIGHT_ARM_LOOSE]"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_A","set":{"chapter":"one","count":1}}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the girl's name is not set, on line 38, col 204 near "(...) Present: *ME* and (...)"
Line 38: intro_open:"[NORMAL_STYLE][NORMAL_MOOD][ARMS_LEGS]*ME* the Grade Whore%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 <Curtains Open>%0A %01%01%01%01%01%01 -Interior, Professor *YOU *Dickeinstein's Office - %0ACharacters Present: *ME* and *YOU* %0AББББББББББББББББББББ [LEFT_ARM_LEGS][RIGHT_ARM_LOOSE]"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_A","set":{"chapter":"one","count":1}}
The following error was found on line 40 after removing (*ME*) subsitutes, triggers and delay characters:
Space before period for new line on line 40, col 24 near "(...) Miss . How (...)"
Line 40: intro_A:"HIM> Hello Miss . How can I help you today?"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_B"}
Space at start of new line on line 41, col 141 near "(...) test!ББББББББББББББББББББ%0A I (...)"
Line 41: intro_B:"her> [ANGRY_MOOD]This is BS. Professor *YOU*. [NORMAL_MOOD]ББББББББББББББББББББ Your TA shafted me on that test!ББББББББББББББББББББ%0A I got *foreplay* Multiple choice right, ББББББББББББББББББББ%0A*shortanswers* Short answer questions,ББББББББББББББББББББ%0A and *essay* on my essay.ББББББББББББББББББББ"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_C"}
The following error(s) were found on line 42 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 42, col 29 near "(...) um.. not (...)"
Line 42: intro_C:"HIM> Oh? I'm .. um.. not sure what I can do about that. "{"style":"Him","next":"intro_D"}
Invalid trigger ([LEFT_ARM_HIS_LEG]) on line 43, col 62
Line 43: intro_D:"her> [HAPPY_MOOD] ... well Professor *YOU*, there is [LEFT_ARM_HIS_LEG][AHEGAO_MOOD] something I have in mind... ББББББББББББББББББББa way to retake that test.ББББББББББББББББББББ[HAPPY_MOOD]LEFT_ARM_LEGS"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_E"}
There will be a space before a comma if the player name is not set, on line 43, col 45 near "(...) Professor *YOU*, (...)"
Line 43: intro_D:"her> [HAPPY_MOOD] ... well Professor *YOU*, there is [LEFT_ARM_HIS_LEG][AHEGAO_MOOD] something I have in mind... ББББББББББББББББББББa way to retake that test.ББББББББББББББББББББ[HAPPY_MOOD]LEFT_ARM_LEGS"{"style":"Him","next":"intro_E"}
Double space on line 44, col 49 near "(...) idea? ББББББББББББББББББББ[intro_F]"{"style":"H(...)"
Line 44: intro_E:"HIM> Oh.. ok .. um .. what is your idea? ББББББББББББББББББББ[intro_F]"{"style":"Him"}
Unknown line-attribute "Style" on line 47.
Line 47: intro_one:"[storyline_*chapter*_*count*]"{"Style":"Him"}
The following error(s) were found on line 58 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 58, col 58 near "(...) right? So, (...)"
Line 58: lickpC:"her> The first section was multiple choice, right? So, A is gonna be licking [lickpD]"{"style":"Him"}
The following error(s) were found on line 62 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 62, col 74 near "(...) cheating. We (...)"
Line 62: lickpG:"HIM> I hope no one catches us. %0Aher> But ... we're not cheating. We make the rules for this test.%0AHIM>Th th the t tes test ha had 20.. 20 questions. %0Aher> Goody! I wanna get started.[ARMS_HAND_JOB] "{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 69, col 22 near "chap_one_grading:"HIM> Oh (...)"
Line 69: chap_one_grading:"HIM> Oh *ME*. That was amazing. I guess I can give you ББББББББББББББББББББ *foreplay* points for the multiple choice part of the test.ББББББББББББББББББББ[chap1a]"{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 72, col 20 near "(...) um... you (...)"
Line 72: chap2a:"So ... um... you got a *shortanswers* on the short answer section ?ББББББББББББББББББББ I can ask you few I guess.. keeping with the nature of the situation.ББББББББББББББББББББ[chap2aa]"{"style":"Him"}
Grammatical error (space before question mark) on line 72, col 74 near "(...) section ?ББББББББББББББББББББ (...)"
Line 72: chap2a:"So ... um... you got a *shortanswers* on the short answer section ?ББББББББББББББББББББ I can ask you few I guess.. keeping with the nature of the situation.ББББББББББББББББББББ[chap2aa]"{"style":"Him"}
The following error(s) were found on line 73 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 73, col 111 near "(...) slut? Show (...)"
Line 73: chap2aa:"Hmmm ...... Ok. Here is your first makeup question. You said you were a bad girl. Are you a good slut? Show me how good a slut you are."{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 76, col 22 near "chap_two_grading:"HIM> Let (...)"
Line 76: chap_two_grading:"HIM> Let me mark down that you earned *shortanswers* points for the short answer part. ББББББББББББББББББББ Now for your essay.[startessay]" {"style":"Him","set":{"chapter":"three"}}
Double space on line 79, col 17 near "startessay2:"her> Well, (...)"
Line 79: startessay2:"her> Well, since I'm on my knees ...ББББББББББББББББББББ [LEFT_ARM_HAND_JOB] with my hand on your cock ...ББББББББББББББББББББ [RIGHT_ARM_HIS_LEGS] and my other hand on your balls ...ББББББББББББББББББББ[startessay3]"{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 80, col 111 near "(...) cum ... (...)"
Line 80: startessay3:"her> I've wiped *facial* your cum off my face ...ББББББББББББББББББББ swallowed *meal* of your cum ... ББББББББББББББББББББ and had you shoot *gullet* straight down my throat ... ББББББББББББББББББББ[startessay4]"{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 84, col 58 near "(...) mouth. You've (...)"
Line 84: chap_three_grading:"HIM> *ME*. Oh Fuck *ME*. What a mouth. You've earned .. lets say ... *essay* points for the essay porton.[testtally]" {"style":"Him","set":{"chapter":"four"}}
Double space on line 85, col 15 near "testtally:"HIM> So (...)"
Line 85: testtally:"HIM> So *ME*, lets see... you have Б.Б.Б.Б.Б.Б oh screw the made up points. You are such a good little slut-whore I'm giving you an A on the test.БББББББББ[chap_three_ex]"{"style":"Him"}
There will be a space before a comma if the girl's name is not set, on line 85, col 19 near "(...) So *ME*, (...)"
Line 85: testtally:"HIM> So *ME*, lets see... you have Б.Б.Б.Б.Б.Б oh screw the made up points. You are such a good little slut-whore I'm giving you an A on the test.БББББББББ[chap_three_ex]"{"style":"Him"}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the player name is not set, on line 86, col 42 near "(...) Professor *YOU* ... (...)"
Line 86: chap_three_ex:"her> Oh thank you Professor *YOU* ... If I'm a really really good slut do you think I can get a little extra credit?[ARMS_HIS_LEGS][extracredit]"{"style":"Him"}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the player name is not set, on line 88, col 46 near "(...) Professor *YOU* ... (...)"
Line 88: chap_four_grading:"her> Oh thank you Professor *YOU* ... think I can get a little more extra credit?[ARMS_HIS_LEGS][extracredit]"{"style":"Him"}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the player name is not set, on line 90, col 50 near "(...) Professor *YOU* ... (...)"
Line 90: chap_four_grading_end:"her> Oh thank you Professor *YOU* ... but ... БББББББББ[end]"{"style":"Him"}
The following error(s) were found on line 93 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 93, col 30 near "(...) ME*. Wait.. (...)"
Line 93: end2:"HIM> I'd like that* ME*. Wait.. is this your test over here?[end3]"{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 94, col 49 near "(...) ... БББББББББ[end4]"{"style":"Him"}"
Line 94: end3:"HIM> It looks like you passed this test ... БББББББББ[end4]"{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 101, col 19 near "first_dt:".Aaaaaah. That (...)"
Line 101: first_dt:".Aaaaaah. That must be E .. all of the above."{"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","dt":"true"}}
Line 117 is unused!
Line 117: pulled_off:"pulled off 1 check[storyline_*chapter*_*count*]"{"style":"Him"}
Line 118 is unused!
Line 118: pulled_off:"pulled off 2 check[storyline_*chapter*_*count*]"{"style":"Thought"}
Line 119 is unused!
Line 119: pulled_off:"pulled off speak check[storyline_*chapter*_*count*]"
Line 120 is unused!
Line 120: pulled_off:"pulled off speak check[storyline_*chapter*_*count*]"
Invalid trigger ([WINK]) on line 129, col 26
Line 129: woken:"Thank you *YOU*... [WINK] maybe I can take my next test this way? [WINK]"{"style":"Him"}
Invalid trigger ([WINK]) on line 129, col 26
Line 129: woken:"Thank you *YOU*... [WINK] maybe I can take my next test this way? [WINK]"{"style":"Him"}
The following error(s) were found on line 136 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 136, col 45 near "(...) ... lab (...)"
Line 136: storyline_one_C:"I might need to give you ... lab work. "{"style":"Him"}
An uneven amount of opening and closing {} was found on line 142. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 142: storyline_one_3:"This is probably not what everyone meant by 'hard teacher'" {"style":"Thought","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}}
An uneven amount of opening and closing {} was found on line 143. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 143: storyline_one_4:"You really shouldn't be doing this.ББББББББББ[storyline_*chapter*_A]" {"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}}
An uneven amount of opening and closing {} was found on line 144. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 144: storyline_one_5:"Gotta pass this test... and its such a nice test.[LOOK_UP]" {"style":"Thought","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}}
The following error(s) were found on line 152 after removing delay (Б) characters:
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the girl's name is not set, on line 152, col 72 near "(...) that *ME* [SWITCHJACKFONDLE]" (...)"
Line 152: storyline_one_9:"You're gonna have to .. um .. try harder than that *ME* [SWITCHJACKFONDLE]" {"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}
Space at start of new line on line 154, col 16 near "SWITCHJACKFONDLE:" Time (...)"
Line 154: SWITCHJACKFONDLE:" Time for a little 'Answer B'.[LEFT_ARM_HAND_JOB][RIGHT_ARM_HIS_LEGS]ББББББББББ" {"style":"Thought"}
An uneven amount of opening and closing {} was found on line 162. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 162: storyline_one_14:"You really shouldn't be doing this.ББББББББББ[storyline_*chapter*_A]" {"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the player name is not set, on line 164, col 26 near "(...) me *YOU* I (...)"
Line 164: storyline_one_15:"Teach me *YOU* I need to get my grades up. ББББББББББ " {"style":"Thought","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 165 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 165, col 33 near "(...) *YOU*. [storyline_*chapter*_D]" (...)"
Line 165: storyline_one_15:"Teach me *YOU*. [storyline_*chapter*_D]" {"style":"Thought"}
The following error(s) were found on line 166 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 166, col 33 near "(...) *YOU*. [storyline_*chapter*_D]" (...)"
Line 166: storyline_one_15:"Teach me *YOU*. [storyline_*chapter*_D]" {"style":"Thought"}
The following error(s) were found on line 167 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 167, col 33 near "(...) *YOU*. [storyline_*chapter*_D]" (...)"
Line 167: storyline_one_15:"Teach me *YOU*. [storyline_*chapter*_D]" {"style":"Thought"}
The following error(s) were found on line 169 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 169, col 47 near "(...) hot. [switchblowjob]"{"style":"Him","set":{"fo(...)"
Line 169: storyline_one_16:"Your naughty mouth is so hot. [switchblowjob]"{"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 171 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 171, col 50 near "(...) D? [LEFT_ARM_HIS_LEGS]" (...)"
Line 171: switchblowjob:"So you want a little more answer D? [LEFT_ARM_HIS_LEGS]" {"style":"Thought"}
Double space on line 177, col 57 near "(...) cheating. ББББББББББ (...)"
Line 177: storyline_one_18:"*foreplay* questions done. No cheating. ББББББББББ [storyline_*chapter*_A] "{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 179, col 68 near "(...) D. Shouldn't (...)"
Line 179: storyline_one_19:"*foreplay* questions done. We have A, B, C, and D. Shouldn't there be an E? ББББББББББ"{"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"},"check":{"dt":"false"}}
Double space on line 187, col 25 near "storyline_one_21:"Oookay. Bonus (...)"
Line 187: storyline_one_21:"Oookay. Bonus number 1." {"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}
Double space on line 188, col 25 near "storyline_one_22:"Aaaand. Bonus (...)"
Line 188: storyline_one_22:"Aaaand. Bonus number 2." {"style":"Him","set":{"foreplay":"+1","count":"+1"}}
Double space on line 196, col 55 near "(...) you. You (...)"
Line 196: storyline_two_25:"HIM> *ME* is a good slut, aren't you. You suck on that cock so good. ББББББББББ"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+1","shortanswers":"+1"}}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the girl's name is not set, on line 196, col 22 near "storyline_two_25:"HIM> *ME* is (...)"
Line 196: storyline_two_25:"HIM> *ME* is a good slut, aren't you. You suck on that cock so good. ББББББББББ"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+1","shortanswers":"+1"}}
An uneven amount of double quotes was found on line 202. This could indicate a coding error.
Line 202: storyline_two_32:"HIM> You didn't study for your test so you came to suck my cock, didn't you slut?{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+1","shortanswers":"+1"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 205 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 205, col 51 near "(...) ....<<shhluuurp>> every (...)"
Line 205: storyline_two_35:"her> Every test ....<<shhluuurp>> every question <<shhluuurp>> "{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+1","shortanswers":"+1"}}
Double space on line 209, col 51 near "(...) whore. You (...)"
Line 209: storyline_two_39:"HIM> You are a good little whore. You feel wonderful sucking on my dick.ББББББББББ"{"set":{"shortanswers":"+1","count":"+1"},"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 220, col 101 near "(...) whore. ББББББББББ"{"style":"Him","next":"chap2b"(...)"
Line 220: storyline_two_48:"HIM> Aaaahhh. I thББ think we can woББ work somethiiing out, my slutty grade whore. ББББББББББ"{"style":"Him","next":"chap2b","set":{"count":"+3","shortanswers":"+3"}}
Invalid trigger ([RIGHT_ARM_LEG]) on line 228, col 21
Line 228: essay_general_lines:"[RIGHT_ARM_LEG]Those are good points ... %0Aher> and this [RIGHT_ARM_HIS_LEGS] is a great point."{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Double space on line 228, col 61 near "(...) ... %0Aher> (...)"
Line 228: essay_general_lines:"[RIGHT_ARM_LEG]Those are good points ... %0Aher> and this [RIGHT_ARM_HIS_LEGS] is a great point."{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Invalid trigger ([LEFT_ARM_HIS_LEG]) on line 230, col 26
Line 230: essay_general_lines:"her> [LEFT_ARM_HIS_LEG] Grade whores use everything.. do anything."{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Invalid trigger ([RIGHT_ARM_LEG]) on line 234, col 84
Line 234: essay_general_lines:" So that saying 'Nice girls spit, Naughty girls swallow' ... [RIGHT_ARM_LEG]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Double space on line 234, col 81 near "(...) ... (...)"
Line 234: essay_general_lines:" So that saying 'Nice girls spit, Naughty girls swallow' ... [RIGHT_ARM_LEG]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Space at start of new line on line 234, col 19 near "essay_general_lines:" So (...)"
Line 234: essay_general_lines:" So that saying 'Nice girls spit, Naughty girls swallow' ... [RIGHT_ARM_LEG]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
There will be a space before a comma if the girl's name is not set, on line 236, col 43 near "(...) throat *ME*, (...)"
Line 236: essay_general_lines:"Keep using your throat *ME*, you little slut. "{"style":"Him"}
The following error(s) were found on line 239 after removing delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 239, col 37 near "(...) ... oh (...)"
Line 239: essay_general_lines:"Suck my cock ... oh yeah suck on my cock."{"style":"Him"}
The following error was found on line 242 after removing (*ME*) subsitutes, triggers and delay characters:
Space before period for new line on line 242, col 33 near "(...) working . Suck (...)"
Line 242: essay_general_lines:"Keep working . Suck this Professor cock."{"style":"Him"}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the player name is not set, on line 244, col 51 near "(...) Professor *YOU* was (...)"
Line 244: essay_general_lines:"Everyone always said Professor *YOU* was a hard teacher, but I didnt think they meant it this way."{"style":"Thought"}
Double space on line 257, col 29 near "storyline_three_100:"Ahhhhhhh thБББ (...)"
Line 257: storyline_three_100:"Ahhhhhhh thБББ that'sБББenББ enough* ME*.ББББББББББББББББ[chap_three_grading]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Double space on line 259, col 73 near "(...) from. "{"style":"Him"}"
Line 259: storyline_four_105:" There's Lots more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 259, col 18 near "storyline_four_105:" There's (...)"
Line 259: storyline_four_105:" There's Lots more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 260, col 73 near "(...) from. "{"style":"Him"}"
Line 260: storyline_four_106:" There's Lots more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 260, col 18 near "storyline_four_106:" There's (...)"
Line 260: storyline_four_106:" There's Lots more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 261, col 77 near "(...) from. "{"style":"Him"}"
Line 261: storyline_four_107:" There's ..some.. more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 261, col 18 near "storyline_four_107:" There's (...)"
Line 261: storyline_four_107:" There's ..some.. more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 262, col 77 near "(...) from. "{"style":"Him"}"
Line 262: storyline_four_108:" There's ..some.. more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 262, col 18 near "storyline_four_108:" There's (...)"
Line 262: storyline_four_108:" There's ..some.. more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 263, col 85 near "(...) from. "{"style":"Him"}"
Line 263: storyline_four_109:" There's a .. um .. a bit more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 263, col 18 near "storyline_four_109:" There's (...)"
Line 263: storyline_four_109:" There's a .. um .. a bit more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 264, col 85 near "(...) from. "{"style":"Him"}"
Line 264: storyline_four_110:" There's a .. um .. a bit more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 264, col 18 near "storyline_four_110:" There's (...)"
Line 264: storyline_four_110:" There's a .. um .. a bit more extra credit where that came from. "{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 265, col 18 near "storyline_four_111:" Awwww.... (...)"
Line 265: storyline_four_111:" Awwww.... no more extra credit? [end]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Space at start of new line on line 266, col 18 near "storyline_four_112:" Awwww.... (...)"
Line 266: storyline_four_112:" Awwww.... no more extra credit? [end]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Space at start of new line on line 267, col 18 near "storyline_four_113:" Awwww.... (...)"
Line 267: storyline_four_113:" Awwww.... no more extra credit? [end]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Space at start of new line on line 268, col 18 near "storyline_four_114:" Awwww.... (...)"
Line 268: storyline_four_114:" Awwww.... no more extra credit? [end]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Space at start of new line on line 269, col 18 near "storyline_four_115:" Awwww.... (...)"
Line 269: storyline_four_115:" Awwww.... no more extra credit? [end]"{"style":"Him","set":{"count":"+5"}}
Space at start of new line on line 271, col 18 near "storyline_four_116:" Ok... (...)"
Line 271: storyline_four_116:" Ok... see you ... and your cock ... tomorrow."{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 272, col 18 near "storyline_four_117:" Ok... (...)"
Line 272: storyline_four_117:" Ok... see you ... and your cock ... tomorrow."{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 273, col 18 near "storyline_four_118:" Ok... (...)"
Line 273: storyline_four_118:" Ok... see you ... and your cock ... tomorrow."{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 274, col 18 near "storyline_four_119:" Ok... (...)"
Line 274: storyline_four_119:" Ok... see you ... and your cock ... tomorrow."{"style":"Him"}
Space at start of new line on line 275, col 18 near "storyline_four_120:" Ok... (...)"
Line 275: storyline_four_120:" Ok... see you ... and your cock ... tomorrow."{"style":"Him"}
The following error(s) were found on line 301 after removing triggers and delay (Б) characters:
Space at start of new line on line 301, col 13 near "swallowit_one:" Too (...)"
Line 301: swallowit_one:" Too bad I can't get smarter from this."{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"more","count":"+1"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 302 after removing triggers and delay (Б) characters:
Space at start of new line on line 302, col 13 near "swallowit_one:" Is (...)"
Line 302: swallowit_one:" Is there an F? None of the Above? "{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"more"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 303 after removing triggers and delay (Б) characters:
Space at start of new line on line 303, col 13 near "swallowit_two:" I (...)"
Line 303: swallowit_two:" I like these kinds of tests. "{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"a mouthful"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 304 after removing triggers and delay (Б) characters:
Space at start of new line on line 304, col 13 near "swallowit_two:" All (...)"
Line 304: swallowit_two:" All part of a balanced diet. "{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"a mouthful"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 305 after removing triggers and delay (Б) characters:
Space at start of new line on line 305, col 15 near "swallowit_three:" Deepthroat (...)"
Line 305: swallowit_three:" Deepthroat sluts love to swallow cum."{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"a meal's worth","count":"+5"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 306 after removing triggers and delay (Б) characters:
Double space on line 306, col 65 near "(...) lots of (...)"
Line 306: swallowit_three:" Sluts love to whore for grades... they get lots of cock and cum"{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"a meal's","count":"+5"}}
Space at start of new line on line 306, col 15 near "swallowit_three:" Sluts (...)"
Line 306: swallowit_three:" Sluts love to whore for grades... they get lots of cock and cum"{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"a meal's","count":"+5"}}
The following error(s) were found on line 307 after removing triggers and delay (Б) characters:
Space at start of new line on line 307, col 14 near "swallowit_four:" Extra (...)"
Line 307: swallowit_four:" Extra credit is tasty."{"style":"Him","set":{"meal":"2 meal's worth"}}
There will be a double space in the dialogue line if the player name is not set, on line 316, col 29 near "(...) around *YOUR* cock) (...)"
Line 316: CUMT_one:"(*ME* smiles around *YOUR* cock) That was quick. Guess he did not study for this test."{"style":"Him","set":{"gullet":"a bunch"}}
Double space on line 317, col 17 near "CUMT_two:"Oooooh. You've (...)"
Line 317: CUMT_two:"Oooooh. You've got such a silky throat."{"style":"Him","set":{"gullet":"a lot"}}
Double space on line 319, col 18 near "CUMT_three:"Nummy! Now (...)"
Line 319: CUMT_three:"Nummy! Now I won't need lunch."{"style":"Him","set":{"gullet":"a whole lot","count":"+5"}}
Failed to properly parse line-attributes for line 327, parsing stopped at col 52 at ",{"check":"count":"111"}}"
Line 327: restart_four:"[chap_four_grading_end]"{"style":"Him",{"check":"count":"111"}}