Flowers of War (Discussion Thread) (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Jun 14, 2016
Flowers of War (In Character Thread)


The world of Floriel has a medieval setting with fantasy elements. Humans are the only civilized race but certain human groups have developed traits such as pointed ears, grow to be eight feet tall, etc. Rather than animals, Floriel has monsters that are classified as either tamed or wild, so not all monsters are scary ones wishing to devour our flesh, even though plenty of such monsters do exist.

Women are often the more aggressive and stronger of the sexes; the ones most often seen out in public and fighting in conflicts. Although it depends on the area, men are not necessarily treated poorly. Many times they do have rights, but it's a social and cultural thing willingly followed by both parties. Also, women of this world outnumber men five to one, which contributes to the way things are.

The continent of Astor is largely under the control of the Astorian Empire, most commonly simply called "the Empire". Presumptuously, those within the Empire also say things like, "we daughters of Astor", speaking for the entire continent. Land not within their borders actually amounts to nearly 40% of the continent, half of that belonging to all other kingdoms and the other half being uninhabitable/filled with monsters. Across the Great Ocean lies another continent housing the powerful Kingdom of Xir, which they're currently at war with after many proxy wars for as long as either side can remember

The Empress of Astor brought about the Empire 80 years ago after uniting various kingdoms during a great war against wild monsters who were terrorizing the divided kingdoms up until that point. She and others like her have special powers granted to them by the Goddess's power. Praised as heroes, they brought the entire continent into a new age with massive population booms and advancements.


Fragments of the Goddess's power have drifted down to the fantasy world of Floriel over time. If enough energy gathers around a single location then it may sprout forth into what can best be described as a structure made of radiant energy in the vague form of a crystalline flower. People who touch it remark on how odd it feels, like it's not entirely physically there even though they can interact with it. These objects are called Maea, or sometimes called flowers in casual speech when it's clear what they're referring to, even if not an accurate term. The energy gathering has been witnessed to occur in front of those deemed worthy of it's power, although in most cases it's just happenstance in high concentration areas. Many believe that it spawning for worthy people is a myth.

Ingesting a flower grants enhanced physical abilities to different extents and sometimes special magical abilities in addition to this, although not always. Most men are not compatible with maea in the slightest, with rare exceptions, but even among women not everyone is compatible. Incompatible individuals ingesting the flower could suffer a severe reaction of their body flooding with energy that they can't control, overloading and killing them in extreme cases, or at the very least causing them to become very weak and in pain for a period of time and, of course, gain none of the positive benefits.

People who carry out the ingestion process successfully are called diviners. An average diviner can fend off five normal attackers. Very skilled or lucky warriors can defeat diviners in single combat, however. Powers, as incredibly diverse as they are, very seldom give them such a distinct advantage over the non-powered that it's virtually impossible to overcome. The best of them, however, could likely slay hundreds of normal combatants if left unchecked. Diviners experience greatly reduced effects of aging and heal from wounds easier than normal people.



Imperial soldiers are often young and inexperienced, relying on overwhelming numbers to defeat their enemies, being completely expendable. They wear cheap iron plating along their upper torso, forearms, and calves. Their uniforms, characterized by red and silver color schemes, looks similar to this image:

They can have bare midriff or shorter skirts, which is popular in warmer environments, while colder environment uniforms allow them to use bulkier clothing and cloaks. The empire has territory spanning many biomes, but is generally hotter climates. Some groups wear additional/better armor, often the more experienced ones and guards for the rich and famous, or those used in heavy conflict where wave tactics fail.

Imperial soldiers are often given the nickname of "sandals" or "reds". Among women in imperial territory, red hair is the most common, followed by brown/blonde, and light skin complexions.


They dress in heavier armor such as this image but green and brown colored:

The Kingdom of Xir is doing very well against the Empire so far, killing their enemy at a roughly 2 to 1 ratio. The possible outcome of the war is constantly swinging one way or another. This conflict is the driving force for the Astorian Empress to push more aggressively at the other kingdom of her continent to try and secure their resources, most notably their maea, to gain a much needed edge. A genius male tactician from Xir named Qour Olong has proved especially troublesome to the imperials, granting the kingdom great victories over them in several battles, thanks to careful study of enemy forces. They also have an elite male battalion, a rarity for the empire.


Those of the Astor continent who oppose the Empire. Few are as technologically advanced as them, although they have more battle hardened warriors on average.

The Marjoryan Kingdom is similar to vikings from Earth and is the largest of the alliance in both territory and numbers, but have poor armor.

Ranun has knights dressed like this:

Although elite and extremely well equipped, normally killing imperials at a five to one ratio, a famous defeat at the battle of Belmeth had them slain at a twenty to one ratio against them thanks to guts, luck, and brilliance of the enemy command, completely crushing their army (the death of 24,000 women being most of the force) before they could manage to spearhead the alliance into empire territory, thus breaking the entire alliance offensive.

Other important kingdoms are Heryth, Lilcese, and Eldeis.


There's a ton of war and information going on in the background that's good to know, but the roleplay will primarily focus on two much smaller groups that's far more easy to manage. The first group is the rebels who wish to overthrow the Empress of Astor, comprised of women (and some men) from Xir, the alliance of kingdoms, and even some members of the empire itself. Consider this your default protagonsts. On the other side is the empress's task force sent to eliminate said group. I can't think of cool names for either group at the moment. The two will become rivals who butt heads with one another many times over the course of the roleplay. Our characters can be on either side and you can have multiple characters. They are likely diviners but not necessarily.

Special powers are open to your own creativity as long as it doesn't break the plot in some way, such as being overpowered.

The plot will start with the rebel group infiltrating the palace to assassinate the empress, but of course things don't go as planned as the imperial group intercepts them. The story will progress based on our characters actions, not set in stone. If one of you has a character who beats the snot out of someone else's character (in a fair fight you both agree on), that could very well change how things go down.

Post a character sheet here based on how you guys desire, but include vital information such as their capabilities rather than springing out a power out of thin air. Feel free to post anything about the roleplay here besides where the actual roleplay will take place with us in character, which will be it's own thread.
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Swell Supporter
Oct 19, 2015
Jade is a daughter of one of the general of Xir and an expert spear-woman. She stands 6 feet tall with a muscular built, packed with biceps and six-packs. She wear the same armour as the Xir soldiers but it is sleeveless and the armour is less heavier: allowing agility and offence. She wield a long spear called Dragon Tail: the spear head golden and the shaft is made out of strong ebony wood.

When Qour Olong asked for volunteers to infiltrate the Imperial castle, Jade volunteered with two men and women. Her small faction will be commanded by a male captain: Shi He.

Jade is a diviner and her powers is basically super speed and super strength. She is able to sprint faster than any human and is a match against ten warriors.


Club Regular
Jun 23, 2015
Name: Leila
Affiliation: Rebels
Class: Assassin


Leila was born an orphan in the Empire's capital city. Working as a street urchin from a young age, she did her best to survive in the slums before she was taken by the Boatmen, a secret society of assassins working deep in the empire. Forced to go through hellish training to become a professional killer, Leila eventually succeeded and was initiated into the Boatmen with the traditional rite: the ingesting of a Maea.

The Maea made Leila more athletic and nimble, increasing her proficiency as an Assassin. She is able to blend into shadows seamlessly and without a sound and can jump from large heights without incurring any damage.

Additionally, her time in the Boatmen has given her a knowledge and appreciation of various poisons and alchemical concoctions. She is able to brew poisons that can disable and swiftly kill her enemies within seconds.

Leila has used her master of the daggers and all the tools available at her disposal to carry out numerous assassinations for those who require the Boatmen's aid, often putting her at odds with the Imperial Guard. Now she finds herself in the royal palace, once again facing off against a familiar enemy.
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Casual Client
Oct 25, 2014
Maya lived in the wild her whole life but she wasn't uncivilized because she had stolen a bunch of books from travelers who would roam through the forest or take them off those who died by the wolves. She knew what was going on in the world and her ability to see things beyond her vision helped her become an outstanding hunter. She knew what was going on in the world and decided to join the rebels because she didn't like the idea of a big nasty empire roaming through her forest.

Maya is of average height, she doesn't have muscles but is still physically fit, she has a curvaceous body with large breasts, she has short blonde hair that reaches down to her shoulders, and she has crimson red eyes.




Ryonani Teamster
Aug 15, 2011
(Here is a Rebel character. I might make a Empire one too. Let me know if she is a bit on the OP side and I can tone her down. I've tried to make as many drawbacks as I could.)


Name: Yuri
Alias: Rebel
Class: Kuniochi

Bio: Yuri is the last living member of the Kage(Shadow) Clan, a once elite, proud and very dangerous force of Kuniochi. They were one of the Empress of Astor's most reliable forces, often sent out a night before a battle to thin the numbers of enemy ranks and eliminate their generals making sure the coming battle was heavily tipped in the favour of the Empire. They were most often tasked with secret and highly dangerous missions, such as sabotage and assassination, but were even mobilised on the battlefield as an elite force.

Such was their efficiency, that the Empress began to grow rather cautious of her own force. Despite the Kage Clan's loyalty, the Empress grew to distrust them, discovering how dangerous the clan had become, able to end battles before they even started. She feared with such ability, the clan could easily turn upon her, and like they had with so many of their enemies, eliminate her key personel in a single night before coming for her throne.

The Empress allowed suspicion to get the best of her, and thus betrayed the Kage Clan, sending them on an impossible mission she had herself orchastrated. The Shadow Clan, proving their worth, managed to succeed what was thought to be impossible, but were ambushed by what they thought were allied forces of the Empire.

Having already suffered heavy losses in the name of the Empress, they were too few to hold back the forces sent against them. The few that survived the slaughter fled, but were gradually hunted down over time. Of a once great Clan, now only Yuri remains, and she seeks to join the rebel forces, in an act to gain revenge against the Empress and her Empire and avenge her clan.

Despite her background as a former ally of the Empire, the lone Shadow Clan member is still a force to be reckoned with, taking with her hundreds of years of ancient training and techniques from her former Clan. The Rebels found they could not pass up the chance to gain such a deadly ally.


Kuniochi Training - Yuri is highly skilled in hand to hand combat. She is quick on her feet, extremeley agile, nimble and highly trained in the use of a bow, small swords, shurikens and daggers. Yuri was considered one of the top members of her clan and as such has mastered the ways of the Kuniochi, capable of hiding undetected and unseen in the shadows, as well as being deadly in battle and combat where concealment is not the answer.

Kage Clan Conditioning - Yuri is in top physical condition, and has also been subjected to ancient Kage conditioning in order to become a deadly Kuniochi. Her body is scentless, giving off no smell or odours to help conceal her presence when required. She can also step and move without a single sound, capable of concealing her breathing and even her heartbeat. The drawback to this extreme conditioning, is that Yuri is mute, and that she wears no armour.

Maea Power - Yuri was blessed with a rather apt gift from her time when she was exposed to the Flower. With concentration, Yuri is capable of teleportation. Her body seemingly bursts into wisps of black smoke, only for her to appear elsewhere in the blink of an eye. Yuri can rapidly teleport, capable of attacking her enemies from near seemingly multiple locations, making her very deadly in combat, as well as being capable of fast escape. (Perhaps her power is the only reason she is still alive today)

Though a great power, Yuri requires line of sight, and cannot teleport where she cannot see. Yuri is also required to be free of thought to use her power. If in pain, or grappled, Yuri cannot use this ability as her mind will not be clear. If wounded, Yuri will be unable to teleport until she is healed.

Along with this power, Yuri has been granted fortitude, generally faster healing and peak human strength, along with the rare and unusual longetivity of life.

Beautiful Heaven

Potential Patron
Jun 14, 2016
Heaven belongs to the Marjoryan Kingdom, she is a well experienced warrior. When she found her maea giving her the ability to heal her allies wounds. She became the leader of her tribe as she became smarter about to to battle over the years. Her armor is lighter than other to allow her quicker movement to her wounded commrads.


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Edit: Revised!


Name: Altheira Garlinde
Faction: Kingdom of Heryth
Weapons: Flail, shield
Power: Cleansing Flame

Lacking the sheer weight of numbers or advanced weaponry of the more powerful kingdoms, Heryth relies on an elite order of knights - composed mostly of Maea users - to spearhead their army. Altheira ("Althy" to her friends) is the younger sister of a Heryth knight and was fast-tracked towards knighthood. She survived the Maea process and was inducted into the order at a young age.

Altheira is rather self-righteous and brims with absolute confidence (you could say arrogance), always eager to prove herself. Her natural skill, coupled with her diviner powers, makes her brash and hot-headed, and this along with her inexperience often gets her into situations over her head. Due to her power and propensity for risk, she was deemed slightly more expendable by Heryth command and sent on what some considered a suicide mission.

The Maea grants her control over what she calls her "Cleansing Flame." She is able to channel spiritual fire at close range. The spirit fire has three main uses - she can channel it through her body to raise her strength and toughness, it can be channeled through her weapon or used as a short-range damaging attack to burn and damage foes, and it also has the ability to remove "impurities" from those it burns. This includes things like disease, poison... and magic. Exposure temporarily weakens Maea-based powers and erodes magical effects, though the stronger the diviner, the more resistant they are to its effects.

Althy is armed with a chain flail and a shield and wears heavy Heryth armor.

(tldr; Skilled but overconfident self-righteous young holy knight with anti-magic spirit fire)
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Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
As an aside, the Maea kinda gives me a One Piece Devil Fruit vibe and I love it. Super stoked to give this RP a shot!

I might start on an Empire character too. It'll be tons of fun having someone be deliciously evil. :D (Though I realize the empire is not necessarily evil itself).


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Is this the first Imperial character? Anyways, I have Fenria set up as more of an antagonist than a player really. I kind of see her as a Mountain or Kenpachi - hopefully that'll make for interesting scenarios.


Name: Fenria Kerobos
Faction: Mercenary, the Empire
Weapons: "Legionbreaker"
Power: Enhanced muscular density - increased strength, hardened muscles

Fenria was born in the borderlands of the Marjoryan kingdom. Monsters and bandits attacked her village relentlessly, and she quickly grew into a brutal, hard-bitten warrior. She came to love combat, the feeling of crushing and dominating foes beneath her - so much so that she sought battle even when wisdom dictated retreat or diplomacy. Eventually her bloodlust was too great even for a Marjoryan, and she left the kingdom, hungry for blood and battle.

She made a name for herself as a mercenary willing to take on any job, so long as it involved fighting and killing. While working for a group of bandits, she came across a Maea they had stolen and turned on them, taking it for herself. She survived ingesting it and the Maea made her muscles super dense, hardening her body and increasing her already prodigious strength.

Fenria fights unarmored as it is difficult for most non-diviners to penetrate her body, and carries a huge blunted sword as tall as she is that she calls Legionbreaker. The sword is unwieldable by any normal human, and even for her it is awkward and clumsy - she in fact wields it as a self-handicap. Fenria is also a fierce grappler, a skill that is enhanced by her Maea ability, and which she often employs against weaker opponents, reveling in the feeling of crushing them with her bare hands.

Crude, violent and unpredictable, Fenria was still hired by the Imperial Army to spearhead their shock troops due to her reputation for victory. She is merciless to both her enemies as well as those under her command, though she will sometimes leave opponents broken but alive if she thinks they'll become a greater challenge in the future... or if she's looking for a new slave.

(tldr; evil female viking Kenpachi with Guts' sword)

(edit: Removed berserk form, rejigged her Maea ability)
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Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Oh, and if anyone feels like any of my characters are treading on their concept, just let me know! I'm happy to change things around so that everyone can shine.


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
So, just wondering Secret, have you thought of the typical armaments and tactics of each faction? Like, I noticed the Imperials have a bit of a Roman vibe, so are they toting around shortswords and spears as well?


Casual Client
Jun 14, 2016
I know the most about the imperial strategies, which are indeed roman-like. The ones fighting us would mostly use shortswords, as it's hard for them to stay in formations while fighting our characters, so spear walls wouldn't be all that effective. The Xir forces can be assumed to use Chinese tactics or some other asian location.


Club Regular
Dec 3, 2010
Lots of spears and sabres if Dynasty Warriors is anything to go by :P

So I've never really done a freeform RP like this before (mostly my experience is tabletop stuff). How does it work exactly? Secret, it seems like you have an overarching plot in mind, or at least directions to steer the story right? And for conflicts, are they just resolved naturally through RP?

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