Got the game to work.
From what I could make out of it you've been abducted and raped by Succubi but one passes out and gives you the opportunity to flee; that's where the actual game starts.
Z - Attack
X - Jump
C - Rape
v+X - get down crates
v+C Masturbate
S&D - Switch between missionary and doggy rape
So far there seems to be only one stage and one kind of enemy with two different attack pattern; one will simply fly towards you and once she reaches she'll start having her way with you, and if you don't escape quickly enough a second one can join in, the other one will shoot you with some kind of a light ball, if it hits you it may knock you down. If any succubi reaches you while you're knocked down a different animation will be used. If you hit a succubus often enough they will faint and you can rape them by getting close and pressing C; when she orgasms she is truly beaten and cannot get up anymore and you also get XP. However once you've started to rape a succubus you'll be unable to pull out for some time, if another succubus reaches you while you rape one they will turn the tables. When one of the succubi gets you off you take heavy damage, it seems it one-hits you if you don't have full health, otherwise you lose half of your health. Your excitement slowly depletes over time, or you can deplete it completely via masturbating however doing so costs you a little bit of your health.
So far the game is very slow and repetitive, you basically need to rape every succubi you come across because otherwise they stockpile on you and two are already certain doom unless they are already weakened.