Dialogues just freezing [FIXED] (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Jul 1, 2017
Hello , i have this weird bug , when im playing with any of the dialogue bundle (Like the WeeWillieBundle)
i m playing no problem , when at any moment a dialogue appear (logic) the lines is written and .. it never disseaper like it need to ! So the dialogue system is bloked !!

Any solutions ?

Right click on the folder where loader is located > Properties > security and allow the files to work as admin !
Last edited:


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
i m playing no problem , when at any moment a dialogue appear (logic) the lines is written and .. it never disseaper
The game has probably encountered an exception and it's therefore unable to proceed. Please try to play the game again, using the Adobe Flash Player projector content debugger tool. If an error occurs while you're running the game via this application, then you'll see the error message (in the form of a popup window). You can then copy-paste the message and post it here. Afterwards, we'll investigate the problem and try to fix it.


Content Creator
Jul 1, 2017
Yep i got an error , there it is :
TypeError: Error #1009: Il est impossible d'accéder à la propriété ou à la méthode d'une référence d'objet nul.
at SoundTriggers/playSound()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\SoundTriggers.as:323]
at SoundTriggers/playGagSound()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\SoundTriggers.as:316]
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at FunctionObject/call()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\FunctionObject.as:25]
at TriggerManager/triggerWithArray()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\TriggerManager.as:64]
at TriggerManager/triggerFromString()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\TriggerManager.as:30]
at TriggerManager/trigger()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\TriggerManager.as:23]
at Main/onTrigger()[E:\Programming\SDTDialogueActions\src\Main.as:311]
at Function/http://adobe.com/AS3/2006/builtin::apply()
at Modules::lProxy/forwardMethod()
at obj.dialogue::Dialogue/nextChar_l()
at obj.dialogue::Dialogue/update_l()
at DT/tick_l()

I hope it will help


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Yep i got an error , there it is :
This error commonly indicates a "file not found" problem. It can arise when a user begins to edit dialogue TXT files (in order to make personalized changes, or when they're trying to write new dialogues of their own). It can arise when a user tinkers with the game's file structure.

But since it's occuring in all of the Dialogue bundles which you've tested, there may be a simpler explanation. It's possible that you've setup the SDT game within a special folder (such as c:\windows, My Documents, Downloads, etc). When the dialogueActions code attempts to load external MP3 files in those special folders, it may be blocked by your operating system because of security rules.

Therefore I would advise you to copy your entire SDT folder into a less important location. For example: c:\Games\SDT. You can then try running the game from its new location. If it works then you should probably delete the old copy (in order to recover storage capacity, and to prevent you from accidentally using the old copy in the future).

However, this may not be the actual cause of the problem. If it's still occuring then could you please provide more information about your local setup? For example:
  • which dialogue bundle(s) did you download?
  • what did you do with those bundles (e.g. did you extract each one to a separate folder, or combine them all into one folder)?
  • which file are you opening, or which shortcut are you using, when you try to start SDT?
  • does SDT start cleanly, or does it generate error messages during startup? In the upper right-hand corner of the screen, you should notice a few white and green lines of text -- are there any red lines among them?
  • which Character Folder(s) are you trying to activate? Have you added any mods to the $INIT$ list?
  • how do you load the dialogue file? Are you using the roster, or do you manually select the TXT file via the "Modding" tab of the in-game menu?


Content Creator
Jul 1, 2017
Thanks for the fast reply ! So ,
- My file was allready in the "games" folder :P so that no the problem !
-I tried running SDT as an admin , but no , always the same error

Now the things that you need :
-Dialogue Bundle : WeeWillie ; DrZombi Sweet treats ; SBY loader that i use as a sandbox
-I seperate them in different folder to find them
-When i want to use SDT i run the "Flashplayer_11_sa" that include each bundle (So im not using the same one)
-No red lines when it start and when it run too
-Im not using characterfolder for the moment in my sandbox install but in the dialogues bundles , im using the included one , and apart from the sandbox install , i have not made any modification to the game !!!
-I let the game make his job ;)

-DrZombi's Sweet Treats

I also tried to move WeeWillie alone in an another disk but nop , same error
That not logic because i used the same organisation that i use in my MainPC (because im in vacation so i have not my pc with me :P) and it work so i really dont know why it crashed with this one !
I also reinstall Win10 on this pc (fresh install) so it can be why :/


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
-I tried running SDT as an admin , but no , always the same error
It was a good idea to try this, but it shouldn't be necessary. I would advise you to run Flash application in user mode (i.e. not as an admin) just to avoid any extra risk.

-Dialogue Bundle : WeeWillie ; DrZombi Sweet treats ; SBY loader that i use as a sandbox
Does the error arise with sby's Loader bundle as well? Will any custom Dialogue cause the game to crash? Or is it only the highly specialized Dialogue files created by WeeWillie and DrZombi?

-When i want to use SDT i run the "Flashplayer_11_sa" that include each bundle (So im not using the same one)
WeeWillie's bundle doesn't include a copy of that file. It's not a problem, because you're using the Flash Player projector application -- exactly as we recommend :)

But it's important to be precise for tech-support purposes. I'm not asking these questions so that I can accuse you of making mistakes. I'm trying to exactly replicate your actions, so that I can encounter the exact same errors. In this case I would hope to see a description such as "I launch the c:\game\sdt\flashplayer_26_sa_debug.exe file and then I open c:\games\sdt\WeeWillieLoader\Loader.swf and then ..."

-Im not using characterfolder for the moment in my sandbox install but in the dialogues bundles , im using the included one
Could you describe this step-by-step? For example "... after I've launched the game I see the Slave Bazaar splash screen and then I see the buttons for New Male, New Female, New Shemale. I ignore these buttons. I open the in-game menu, open the character roster, and choose 'Trials of the Sorceress'. The mod seems to load OK, but after a few seconds it displays a dialogue line, and then the exception occurs. I can click 'Dismiss All' but the game remains broken and the dialogue line never fades away."

That not logic because i used the same organisation that i use in my MainPC (because im in vacation so i have not my pc with me :P) and it work so i really dont know why it crashed with this one !
Flash games sometimes store files on your local disk (such as configuration options, saved-game files, high scores, etc). These SOL files are stored in a special location which is very different from the location where the SWF file resides.

C:\Users\your username\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\alphanumeric string\localhost\filepath

Since you didn't copy these files onto your vacation PC, it's not exactly the same as your home PC. This discrepancy does not usually cause a major disruption. Usually it means that your SDT settings (such as the game's volume level, and the girl's breast size) revert to default. It's probably not the cause of the current problem. SDT mods can potentially store information in SOL files, but most of them don't do so (because it's confusing for users, and it's more difficult to troubleshoot).

I also reinstall Win10 on this pc (fresh install) so it can be why :/
Good observation. Flash usually doesn't care about your exact OS version; it will run on a 32-bit or 64-bit OS without any concern. It doesn't even care whether your OS is registered, whether you're running in Safe Mode, etc.

But a modded copy of SDT will access external files (such as TXT configuration files, MP3 sound clips, etc). Security software may block such file-access operations. If you're recently reinstalled Windows then it may have automatically enabled Windows Defender (and/or a trial copy of software such as Norton Antivirus). So it would be a good idea to double-check your local security settings. If you're willing to take a bit of extra risk then you could try to temporarily disable your local security, and then test whether the game runs properly. If so, then you could try to add custom whitelist exceptions (so that you'll be able to play SDT while leaving your normal security rules in-place).


Content Creator
Jul 1, 2017
Before we start i just want to say that the computer that im currently using is pretty basic so i need to remove strandshader and low quality to have a solid 10FPS ... that changed me (i was +35 with my regular pc with everything enabled , that can be why it crashed ? Pretty sure no , but hey , its better that i point this subjet)
So let's start !

Does the error arise with sby's Loader bundle as well? Will any custom Dialogue cause the game to crash? Or is it only the highly specialized Dialogue files created by WeeWillie and DrZombi?
I tested some "basic" dialogue like Cadence and the example that i found in Data folder of Sby. And ... No ! Only highly specialized dialogue files make the game crash.

But it's important to be precise for tech-support purposes. I'm not asking these questions so that I can accuse you of making mistakes. I'm trying to exactly replicate your actions, so that I can encounter the exact same errors.
Oh yeah , i understand :grin: , i just prefer to point out that i use really different flashplayer so they dont have problem with other files . With all help you give me , the only thing that i could do say is thanks you :wink:

. In this case I would hope to see a description such as
SO ! I launch the c:\game\sdt\flashplayer_26_sa_debug.exe file and then I open c:\games\sdt\WeeWillieLoader\Loader.swf and then i wait until it finished loading ..... its long ... then , i press Y , i choose Custom , then Slave Trainer (faster to make it crashed :rolleyes:) i click on pick her , then i only make her sucking and when a dialogue appear (only the white one) the game crashed( by crashed i mean the dialog , i can play with the girl but no button work , dialogue crashed only) Sometime it crashed on the first white dialogue box , or the 20nd box , very random
I can click 'Dismiss All' but the game remains broken and the dialogue line never fades away."
Exactly that ! With EVERY , dialogues , SlaveBazaar , Mistress anything....

C:\Users\your username\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\alphanumeric string\localhost\filepath
Yep i allready see them while i was searching myself before contacting you (Im using %appdata% its faster )

Security software may block such file-access operations.
I really thinking it was that , but after i disabled the W-Defender , the game dialogue still crashed :mad:

Thanks for help ! Really we dont see guy like you everytime :wink:


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
Before we start i just want to say that the computer that im currently using is pretty basic so i need to remove strandshader and low quality to have a solid 10FPS ... that changed me (i was +35 with my regular pc with everything enabled , that can be why it crashed ? Pretty sure no , but hey , its better that i point this subjet)
Low FPS can cause problems in dialogues - such as missed triggers. This would normally cause the dialogue to become "stuck" (i.e. the narrative fails to progress; the girl doesn't react properly to your actions) but the game does not actually crash. This problem is most noticeable during orgasm (such as CUM_ON_FACE lines). Since you're running into trouble very early into the game, it's probably not the direct cause of your problem.

Still, low FPS is associated with unreliability. So I encourage you to improve the game's FPS (e.g. by shrinking the game window, reducing the graphics quality, disabling spit strands, etc) if possible.

(faster to make it crashed :rolleyes:)
Do you mean that "the crash will occur even if I don't perform this step ... but it takes longer. So I'll do it in order to complete the test more quickly"?

Or is it just a joke? "This whole process is taking a long time. I wish that the game would crash so that I could stop writing."

SO ! I launch the c:\game\sdt\flashplayer_26_sa_debug.exe file and then I open c:\games\sdt\WeeWillieLoader\Loader.swf and then i wait until it finished loading ..... its long ... then , i press Y , i choose Custom , then Slave Trainer (faster to make it crashed :rolleyes:) i click on pick her ,
Slave Trainer should load automatically after initialization. You shouldn't need to load it manually. Could you please re-download the latest version (8.5), extract it into a new folder and then perform a "hands off" test? The idea is just to let it startup on its own, avoid using the in-game menu at all, try to play the game normally (e.g. click the "New Male" button, move the mouse pointer around, press the J key, etc) and find out whether the same dialogue error occurs.


Content Creator
Jan 25, 2013
The issue is, whenever you have a line with [GAG] in it, it breaks.

DialogueActions changelog v4.05:
- make non-existing sound files display a red message, rather than throwing an error Pim_gd / SDTDialogueActions / commit / 99d50992e2a3 — Bitbucket

Seems like you're running an old version of DialogueActions. You could try upgrading DialogueActions and checking the red messages that pop up in the top-left corner.

Specifically, you're running... hmm, which version of SoundTriggers has line 316 going from playGagSound to line 323 in playSound?


That'd be DialogueActions v4.05 and onward.

So you already have that version.

Okay, what else could be null...?

First we enter playGagSound...

public function playGagSound(... args):void {
            var random:Number = Math.random();
            if (random <= 0.3) {
                playSound(g.soundControl.wretch1.play(), 0.5);
            } else if (random <= 0.6) {
                playSound(g.soundControl.wretch2.play(), 0.5);
            } else {
                playSound(g.soundControl.wretch3.play(), 0.5);

Enter checkInitClasses to load the sound files if they weren't loaded already...

But they should be because the loading of the sounds is called upon registering the trigger [GAG], which is what's causing the bug, so it's supposed to work.

It's not the code.

WeeWillie says "2. Open LoaderWeeWillieBundle/Loader.swf with Flash Player Projector version 13 or higher."

You say "flashplayer_11_sa.exe". That's flashplayer 11.

If I run it with flashplayer 11.9 though, [GAG] doesn't break the game. If I run it with flashplayer 11.1... it also works.

I have no idea what's causing the issue. All I know is that it works on my end using the flashplayer 11's that I tested, using the latest Weewillie bundle. I can see that in your case flash apparently gives null for sound.play... which is what Flash does when there are no more soundchannels, apparently. Hmmh. I guess I should add a check for that. Expect the real v4.09 (not the developer versions) to "fix" your issue partially - you might stop hearing sound after a while though, but you'd be able to play... but I'm still working on the v4.09.


Content Creator
Jul 1, 2017
That was so simple .... The loader cant go to the file , so i was thinking that he need admin ! So i run as admin FlashPlayer and it didnt fixed so mewh BUT ! FlashPlayer have admin but the Loader.swf and SDT.swf and ALL of the other not have admin ! So what i had to do is right click on my loaderFOLDER > Properties > Sécurity and allow all the files to work with admin !!!!!
Thanks for the helps !!

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