A few basic setup questions... (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Mar 31, 2015
So I've been messing with SDT for a while now....huge thanks to guys like WeeWillie and SBY for putting so much great content on the board to make the game more interesting than just the basic intro package!

I have to admit, USING the downloads isn't as simple as I'd like, so I'm going to ask a few (sure to be noob-type) questions to make it a little less frustrating.

Okay, so outside of WeeWillie's bundles where everything you need comes zipped up, I have some serious issues with getting the mods to work and get all of the settings right. Sometimes I get the girl the way I want with no background and have to set that manually. Sometimes the dialog starts in the middle and I can't reset it to the beginning. Sometimes just knowing WHERE to make all of the changes in the files is confusing.

So questions are as follows:
1.) Is there some simple utility that will do all of this for me? Like I can select the girl (based on code) the background, and the dialogue to use so that I don't have to make changes in the mods or settings files?

2.) How can I get a dialogue to reset to the beginning? I open SDT, select a preset character I built, and load the dialog, but it does nothing but start in the middle or the end. How do I get it to start at the beginning when loaded?

3.) I love the versions of this where it tells a story, with the selection buttons for actions on the side. However, sometimes these aren't working. (Submissive Schoolgirl Saga for instance, I can't get that one to launch to save my life.

I look around the boards and can't find a consolidated answer for these....though I'm sure they're all pretty common questions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 24, 2014
Hm, I'll try:
1) Not sure what do you mean exactly and if that's not what you mean by "preset character" in #2, but there should be a guide called "Saving Guide.txt" in your SDT folder that explains this quite well.
2) That's very weird actually, I don't think I've ever seen a dialogue start from the middle, usually restarting SDT or picking a different character that's not saved with the same dialogue should reset it completely. But either way, clicking the small arrow thingy next to the dialogue name in the options menu and loading the file again should absolutely restart it.
3) By not working you mean they are visible but don't do anything, or don't appear at all? They require the DialogueActions mod to work/appear at all, but if they're coded properly (and I'm pretty sure they are, as dialogues with buttons are usually written by people who are pretty good at how dialogues work), they may simply sometimes take a while to work. They also tend to respond better when you're not doing anything.

Hope any of this helps, just weren't sure what did you mean exactly in some cases.


Potential Patron
Mar 31, 2015
I'll try to rephrase.

Question 1: Is there a UI that exists that would make all necessary settings or mod .txt file changes for me?

For instance:
Let's say I have a code.txt file that contains my character info, body stats, hair type, clothing, whatever. In a separate file, I have my dialogue. In a third, I have my background. Maybe there's more for special clothing that would be added to the loader via swf files.

Wouldn't it be great if there was a UI built that a newbie or a non-coding type (like me) could open that would allow them to check off each thing they want added to a SDT instance, and click "GO" and off they went with everything working??

2.) Dialogues start in the middle.

Here's my process:
Open SDT in Flash 11 using PLAY SDT LOADER link from SBY's mod pack.
Go to Scenes and select one of a pre-set girl that I built and added to my Mods folder (and the character text file so that it displayed.)
Go to Modding and select text and background if needed.
Close all menu windows - now I'm facing the regular SDT screen with my character and background displayed, but the text from the dialog isn't starting at the beginning. (Clicking EDIT for the dialog shows plenty before where I currently am at, but I can't get it to start from the top!)

No clue on how to reset this to start from the beginning.

Wee Willie has this right....set everything in a zip file and have the user download and unzip, and launch. Everything works. No manual changes needed.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
hmm, i don't do much dialog stuff, but here is a few notes

the dialog lines are not played sequentially, they are played based on situation.

fancy dialog writers may create some type of order to follow that uses the mod 'dialog actions'. my loader pack does not include dialog actions, mostly because i haven't really worked on it and it is actively managed by other coding people. this mod is probably required for the dialog you are using.

not sure it this works for dialog, but changing the intro resistance in game resets her state of throating.

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