If anyone was confused about the bite feature not working - it seems the "bite" actually is just a red circle appearing around the screen. I thought there might be something else to it, like teeth showing or something physical shown, but no if you see that red circle then the girl pulling away abruptly I'm pretty sure that is supposed to be the "bite" and that's it.
To trigger the red circle you have to be holding down the left mouse button while the penis is in her mouth, doesn't seem to work if holding down spacebar; and depending on her breath level/etc in the settings, there's a chance that upon doing that the red circle will occur. Or, if you just set the "biteoccurancedivisor=" line in the setting file to 1, it will literally occur every time you do the hold - it will show the red circle and she pulls away. Then you can make a dialogue trigger from this if you want to, by going to Modding tab in the game, click Edit under custom dialogue, Add line, make the selected line an "Add Custom" type, then enter the text "moremoods_bitten:"You just bit me!"{"style":"Him"}", or whatever you want him/her to say. Doing so just adds text when the red circle appears and doesn't make anything physically change . Great mod, could have used some extra clarification in the readme about this feature