How many times does Supernova have to narrowly escape defeat before it slowly dawns on her that maybe, just perhaps she's not really invincible? No matter how many times they walk right into a trap, fall for some despicable trick, or get hit with some high tech weapon, they always seem to be taken completely by surprise. Fortunately, even though these superheroines are all too predictable, the villains aren't. They are constantly pulling strings in the background, and we never get a clear picture of the puppet master. Moreover, the drama is further complicated by stringing numerous story lines together into one interwoven plot. As per usual, there are alternative endings. In the VV version, Supernova dies. In the SS version, she lives.
Mp4 (720p, 3 Mbps | VV 16:31, 332 Mb | SS 18:06, 370 Mb)
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