Resident Evil 5 Sheva Bikini G-string (1 Viewer)


Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
Simplesim is requesting this topic be closed. I have to respect his wishes.
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Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
Everyone appreciate your skils, Gandalf, but if you help make this mod, why didn't you put it up here? (just curious?)


I lost it all in a crash because i hadn't moved it over to my storage drive.
Do you have Jill's see through body suit?


Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
Sort of, I've got Black Widow Jill, the Brown hair, Red hair, and Chris. (I know there were more variations but I didn't save them) I did saved a lot of the Resident Evil 5 mods released on the old GVZ. I also still have UmbrellaJillSheva and EvilJillSheva for both Sheva and Chris too.

However, while Simplesim did give me his permission to put their mods back up, I got no way to contact Puissance to get permission about Jill.

And while I could repost them without permission and give Puissance full credit... I certainly don't want to offend the original author. I still feel a bit weird putting Gadda's stuff up, even if I did make a few minor improvements technically making them 'new' mods.

I really hope Sectus comes back to GVZ and puts their Resident Evil 5 stuff back up here as well. I saw they were at when Mass Effect 3 came out.
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Potential Patron
Apr 24, 2012
Hi people!
i´m looking a full nude mod for jill, can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

Hey! Gandalf, i have a back up of the mod you mentioned, i can share it with you...
Just let me hunt for it on my hard drives.

Have a nice day.


I know what you mean uploading another modders work just seems improper.
KatzMotel has OKed it here as long as we supply accurate credits but you have to do what you feel is right.
What makes me mad is when the post is left vague as to the author or even claims authorship.

Ok cool.:cool:
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Potential Patron
Apr 24, 2012
jejeje sorry i forget to refresh the web browser, my bad.

I don´t see the @Mutter :P
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i am not trying to offend anyone, also i am not trying to take credit for someones work, i just want to be nice and share, if i broke any rules of the forum... my apologies. :(

I don't understand?You didn't do anything against the rules.:confused:

---------- Post added at 04:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 AM ----------

What if we combined the available RE5 mods all in one thread?
Just the ones we're sure about as to authorship.


Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
I guess I can always request the thread deleted.... on saturday when I have got more free time I'll put up the Jill mods.

"What if we combined the available RE5 mods all in one thread? Just the ones we're sure about as to authorship."

I think it's actually better that the RE5 mods are uploaded are seperately. That way, if a mod author complains, we can just have that single thread removed.
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thank you so much..this was so not avail on GVZ before as the moderators made it strict to get it as we had to we get it for free..thanks a lot!

It wasn't the moderators it was the fact that the owner of the site could not afford to pay all the expenses by himself anymore and was struggling to find a way to keep the site going.:rolleyes:

It's amazing to me how little compassion is given to site owners when they fall on hard times, most users do nothing but leach from sites and give nothing in return.
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Potential Patron
Sep 17, 2012
Is there a way to replace the actual tribal costome instead of the bsaa? I would like to replace the tribal outfit, not the bsaa, wich is already modded with another mod. Thanks

Edit: also, is there a way to remove the zoomed out camera? I prefer the vanilla fov :) I really like the outfit and I would like to use it but I can't stand that fov :)
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Potential Patron
Sep 17, 2012
I have the trainer but I thought it was meant to mod things, not to unmod other modifications. Will I have to execute the trainer before executing the game everytime to play with the normal fov?

Thanks for looking for the tribal replacer :)

---------- Post added 09-20-2012 at 10:06 AM ---------- Previous post was 09-19-2012 at 11:18 AM ----------

Ok, sorry for the trouble, I have re-readed the 1st post and I didn't notice that there's a version inside the file that replaces the tribal outfit. Now if I could remove the zoomed out camera, that would be perfect...

Edit: I have tried the tribal replacer and it seems that it doesn't affect fov, so it's perfect! Thanks for sharing this mod
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Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
Wow, lucky break. I wasn't sure where it was, I guess I accidently place it in with my BSAA mods. I was looking all over my tribal stuff and just not seeing it. (My files are normally sort by costume.)


Content Creator
Apr 26, 2012
Sorry, the extra links were nice but not worth the effort to host. Will not be reloading the cut scene fix or vest patch for BSAA tribal.
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