Make mess not cleanup on its own (1 Viewer)


Potential Patron
Jun 2, 2017
I tried to search for a mod like this but didn't find any. Basically a mod that makes it so that things like tears and cum and spit don't disappear on their own. Now obviously it would lag but you could still clear them yourself. And if there's a mod like this, please tell me.


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
my strandlimit mod might actually be able to do this by using negative values, try these settings

;strandlimitV3 options, place this file in the 'Settings' folder if not using the loader menu to load the mod
debugshow=0 ;1=active, shows some information
persist=1 ;1=active, the mod will not be unloaded when reset is pressed
;--------- automatic frames per second target options ------
checkautofsp=0 ;1=active, enables determining an automatic frames per second target according to when there are few strands (less than 4 of each)
averagefpsevaldelay=30 ;0+, polling delay when to update the automatic fps target, needed to get accurate goal due to game pausing (when in menu)
autodesiredfpsfromspitstrandscushion=4 ;0+, the target for spit strands will be the average fps minus this option
autodesiredfpsfromcumstrandscushion=4 ;0+, the target for cum strands will be the average fps minus this option
autodesiredfpsspitstrandslengthevalcushion=5 ;0+, the most amount of spit strands that are allowed to exist for autofps target to decrease
autodesiredfpscumstrandslengthevalcushion=5 ;0+, the most amount of cum strands that are allowed to exist for autofps target to decrease
;************** cumstrand options ********************
checkcumstrands=1 ;1=active, turns on limiting for cumstrands
;---------- outside of bounds cunstrand options ---------
deleteout=0 ;1=active, will delete cumstrands that are outside of the specified window, probably not needed so default disabled
deleteoutinterval=30 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
deleteoutx=-30 ;the left side of the window to delete strands
deleteoutx2=800 ;the right side of the window to delete strands
deleteouty=800 ;the bottom side of the window to delete strands
deleteouty2=-30 ;the top side of the window to delete strands
;---------- frames per second cumstrand options ---------
maintainfpsfromcumstrands=0 ;1=active, will fade cumstrands to attempt to satisfy fps target
maintainfpsfromcumstrandsinterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
desiredfpsfromcumstrands=18 ;0+, the desired fps target for cumstrands to start fading, is overwritten if checkautofsp is active
numberstrandstoageforcumfps=2 ;1+, the amount of cumstrands to fade at the same time when fps target is met (higher value results in faster fps normalizing by deleting multiple stands at the same time)
cumagingfpsamount=30 ;1+, the amount of age per frame that is added to the oldest targeted cumstrands (higher value results in faster fps normalizing by deleting the selected strands quicker)
;---------- alpha cumstrand fade options ------------
fadecumstrandsoflessalpha=0 ;1=active, kills almost hidden strands quickly, good to remove almost invisible stands hogging cpu time
fadecumstrandsoflessalphainterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
fadecumstrandsalphalevel=0.25 ;0.0 to 1.0, alpha level to start fading strands quickly
cumalphafadeageincreaseamount=10 ;rate that strands fade
;----------- constantly fading all cum strand options -----------
quickercumfadeall=1 ;1=active, fades all cum quicker
quickercumfadeallinterval=5 ;0+, interval wait in frames when feature is used
quickercumfadeallamount=-5 ;1+ amount added to all cum strands age each frame
;----------- constant defined cumstrand fade options --------
constcumfade=0 ;1=active, fades strands after desired amount at equal amounts
constcumfadeinterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
numcumstrandsdesiredconst=35 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates
cumagingbasconst=5 ;amount added to age
;----------- linear cumstrand fade options ---------
linearcumfade=0 ;1=active, fades strands after desired amount linearly compared to creation
linearcumfadeinterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
numcumstrandsdesiredlinear=40 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates
cumagingbaselinear=3 ;bonus amount always added to age
cumagingmultlinear=0.5 ;multiplier of linear amount added to age
;----------- quadratic cumstrand fade options --------
quadraticcumfade=0 ;1=active, fades strands after desired amount quadratically compared to creation
quadraticcumfadeinterval=6 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
numcumstrandsdesiredquad=45 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates
cumagingmultquad=0.3 ;multiplier of quadratic amount added to age
cumagingbasequad=0 ;multiplier of quadratic amount added to age
;----------- instant cumstrand kill options ----------
cumstrandkill=0 ;1=active, will remove older strands after limit is reached (no fading, instant remove, good for defining absolute maximum of cumstrands, but looks bad)
numcumstrandsdesiredkill=50 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates
;************* spitstrand options ***************
checkspitstrands=1 ;1=active, turns on limiting for spit strands
;------- frames per second spitstrand options ---------
maintainfpsfromspitstrands=0 ;1=active, will fade spitstrands to attempt to satisfy fps target
maintainfpsfromspitstrandsinterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
desiredfpsfromspitstrands=25 ;0+, the desired fps target for spitstrands to start fading, is overwritten if checkautofsp is active
numberstrandstoageforspitfps=1 ;1+, the amount of spitstrands to fade at the same time when fps target is met (higher value results in faster fps normalizing by deleting multiple stands at the same time)
spitagingfpsamount=7 ;1+, the amount of age per frame that is added to the oldest targeted spitstrands (higher value results in faster fps normalizing by deleting the selected strands quicker)
;------- alpha spitstrand fade options ------------
fadespitstrandsoflessalpha=0 ;1=active, kills almost hidden strands quickly, good to remove almost invisible stands hogging cpu time
fadespitstrandsoflessalphainterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
fadespitstrandsalphalevel=0.07 ;0.0 to 1.0, alpha level to start fading strands quickly
spitalphafadeageincreaseamount=1 ;rate that strands fade
;-------- constantly fading all spit strand options -----------
quickerspitfadeall=1 ;1=active, fades all spit quicker
quickerspitfadeallinterval=5 ;0+, interval wait in frames when feature is used
quickerspitfadeallamount=-5 ;1+ amount added to all spit strands age each frame
;----------- constant defined spitstrand fade options --------
constspitfade=0 ;1=active, fades strands after desired amount at equal amounts
constspitfadeinterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
numspitstrandsdesiredconst=15 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates
spitagingbasconst=1 ;amount added to age
;----------- linear spitstrand fade options ---------
linearspitfade=0 ;1=active, fades strands after desired amount linearly compared to creation
linearspitfadeinterval=5 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
numspitstrandsdesiredlinear=20 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates
spitagingbaselinear=0 ;min amount added to age
spitagingmultlinear=0.5 ;multiplier of linear amount added to age
;----------- quadratic spitstrand fade options ------------
quadraticspitfade=0 ;1=active, fades strands after desired amount quadratically compared to creation
quadraticspitfadeinterval=6 ;interval wait in frames when feature is used
numspitstrandsdesiredquad=25 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates
spitagingmultquad=0.3 ;multiplier of quadratic amount added to age
spitagingbasequad=0 ;min amount added to age
;----------- instant kill spitstrand fade options -------
spitstrandkill=0 ;1=active, will remove older strands after limit is reached (no fading, instant remove, good for defining absolute maximum of spitstrands, but looks bad)
numspitstrandsdesiredkill=30 ;number of strands on screen until feature activates


Potential Patron
Jun 2, 2017
So okay, testing this and now there's no spit or cum or anything at all, also, if this was to work, would the eye makeup also not disappear? because that's like the main thing that i need


Content Creator
Sep 11, 2012
So okay, testing this and now there's no spit or cum or anything at all, also, if this was to work, would the eye makeup also not disappear? because that's like the main thing that i need
darn. well if somebody was interested in trying this one out, it would essentially be setting the age of strands to the same number all the time.

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