I was a big fan of sclover's Spank Anywhere mod and ended up making some additions to it:
Some things to note:
- Instead of clicking to spank, holding down the left mouse button over her body will charge up the spank and letting go will release the spank
- The 'power' of the spank will increase for each frame that LMB is held down
- Which sound effect plays
- Size of the mark
- Volume of the sound effect
- Mark fade rate
- Mark initial alpha value
- Eye shock while power is increasing
- 'Flinch' effect (simulated by cough animation/slight position change/breast accel stuff)
- Blinking/wincing/gagging(while mouth full)/coughing depending on power
- Moaning (uses vanilla sound effects, only when her mouth is full and she winces)
- Eye shock
- Tears
- +/- pass out factor
- +/- breath level
- +/- his pleasure
- debugMode setting to display location and power when spanked
- Option to keep spank marks, after fading to a given alpha value
- Key to clear all spank marks (numpad 7 = 103 by default)
- Option to hide his arm while charging up the spank (I don't think it looks great, but maybe under the right circumstances)
- Ability for her to wake up while her mouth is full (ex. from spanking pass out factor modifiers)
- Ability for her to pass out due to spanking (from spanking pass out factor modifiers)
- sby's breastexpansionplus V3_7
- +/- puke timer
- Eye shock if puke is triggered by spank
- progressiveExhaustion 7.2 (2/14/23 version)
- +/- exhaustion
- Setting to multiply changes in breath level + breastexpansionplus puke timer by exhaustionFactor, and exhaustion + pass out factor by inverse
- dynamicBlushing 1.3 (2/14/23 version)
- blush on spank
- option to maintain blush due to spank while puking if spank triggers breastexpansionplus puke
- Most of the effects have separate settings for each of the 8 body groups she can be spanked on
- Here is a very professional illustration of each of the 8 locations (it's also in the download):
- Using a hotkey (default numpad 0 = 96) users can switch between the usual 'spank/slap' mode and 'punch' mode
- While in punch mode:
- The five different impact sounds are changed
- Pass out factor and progressiveExhaustion exhaustion modifiers are reversed
- Uses separate settings for keeping marks, mark color, alpha values, eyeshock during power up
- Some other minor stuff (check the settings file)
Some things to note:
- I made the default settings based on a constant 48 fps thanks to The Hacker Known As Snow's awesome frame rate unlocker. Since the power value increase is based on fps, if you run on lower frames I would suggest reducing 'powerMax' in the settings, and 'threshold' values to match
- On that note, I think the default settings are pretty mild when it comes to spank effect differences between body locations, so you might want to adjust those too
- If coughing is triggered while her mouth isn't full she will queue an open cough. The open cough is always delayed, sometimes by an unnoticeable amount and sometimes a very noticeable amount. I sort of like the delayed effect, but if you don't there is a setting to disable the open cough
- If you have 'keepSpankMarks' on and spank a lot there will be a considerable performance impact (use the hotkey to clear them)
- If there are any major bugs please let me know
Also, don't worry about .as files, that's just in case someone wants to look at the code