Ryonani Teamster
- Joined
- Jun 10, 2010
Sometimes RPs can get a little out of hand and while that's not always a side of myself I indulge too often, it can be a lot of fun to role-play dangerous sexual scenarios. Since I don't feel entirely comfortable with sharing this sort of thing, I didn't want to put it in the general RP section. Here is the first (and possibly only) RP I'm going to post that has explicit sexual content and by that I mean the heroine gets brutally raped. Proceed with caution.
What you need to know about Trinidee: She was a normal woman who found herself possessed by three separate entities, each one granting her a special power. She can only use one power at a time, like the Legion of Super Heroes' Ultra Boy. Her three powers are flight, invisibility and the ability to shoot blasts of spiritual energy. Each power is tied to an entity (flight = entity of heroism, invisibility = entity of mischief, spirit blasts = entity of anger) so when she uses that power the entity gains more influence over her. Thus, she has to be careful when and for how long she uses each ability.
Drawing courtesy of the brilliant and sadistic Idoro! Check out his pixiv page!
Audlan's Delight
The day had grown dim since the report was broadcasted on TV... all of a sudden, a large portion of the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles had blown apart, trapping many and killing some that were unlucky enough to be hit by the blast. Already, people who had been attending the concert had begun filing out in large quantities.
Ambulances, police, all sorts of emergency response teams had been sent to aid and help as much as they could. However.. as they went inside, none came out..
As soon as foul play was suspected, the police had summoned their SWAT teams to investigate. And that is when the young heroine, Trinidee arrived on the scene as well.
Descending from the sky, Trinidee landed with as little pomp and circumstance as possible. The last thing anyone needed was more hysteria. Still, in her vibrant yellow costume, she knew she'd be the centre of attention soon enough.
The sight of so many people in anguish made her sick. People looking for lost family and friends, unsure if they were even alive. She clenched a fist and silently swore that she would hunt down whoever was responsible.
She walked over to the nearest official and took him gently by the arm. "How can I help?"
The person she addressed appeared to be the SWAT commander. He looked to her and did a double take, smiling a little. She’d worked with this man before on two previous instances, and managed to conduct two successful evacuation missions alongside his SWAT team..
But he appears nervous now, a side of him she’d never seen. "Trin..." he says, offering his hand. "Good to have you here.. I.. I'm at wit's end."
Trinidee took his hand in hers, subtly massaging it without even realizing it. "Commander, I've seen you in action before. I know that you and your men are doing everything in your power to help these people. We can do this."
Trinidee shielded her eyes from the ashes floating through the air. "We'll find the cowards responsible for this. But first, tell me where I'm needed most."
The Commander chuckled nervously. "That's just it.. we need you.. in there. Period. My men... I've lost contact with them. Every single one. No response. Just gone.."
He slammed the console with his fist. "I just don't believe it.. first, we sent in the paramedics and officers... none ever came back. A few stray bystanders went for a look inside.. none made it back."
"I'm out of options." he said, turning to Trinidee. "It's you or we call in the military."
Trinidee had a suspicion that there was more to this than meets the eye and even the military might not be equipped to deal with the problem. She saw no reason to endanger more brave men and women. "It'll be me, then."
She put a hand on the commander's shoulder and looked him in the eyes, brimming with confidence. "There's no time to waste. Focus all of your efforts on helping the victims, let me go in there and figure out just what the hell is going on." With that, Trinidee flew towards the destruction with only justice on her mind.
As she approached the ruins of the stadium, she could see the destruction was pretty wide-spread.. PVC pipe containing water lines leak out freely to where the giant chunk was blown, rubble is everywhere, covering all sorts of objects... sparking severed electrical wires hang on, still putting out a bit of power..
The most haunting of all these images.. the line of bodies she sees upon coming in.. some people rolling on the ground in pain, others moaning.. some not even moving.
It was then she heard a shout and several gunshots!
*gasp* Trinidee brought her hand to her mouth in revulsion at the devastation before her. "Why..." she thought. "...why would someone do this?"
She knew that she had to press on and she did her best to block out the gross sensations...the bodies...the cries...the stench...she considered using her powers to fly the victims out, but the sound of gunfire created a more urgent concern. Landing amongst the debris, she switched from flight to invisibility and went to investigate.
"ARRGH!" A voice cried out, followed by a sickening snap..
"Human bodies.. so frail.... hehehehehe!"
As Trinidee turned one of the corners, she saw a strange sight before her- an odd-looking being was holding an injured SWAT officer by his arm, examining it in detail..
"Huh.. but I wonder, what do they taste like?" He opened his mouth to reveal rows of sharp, serrated teeth..
The time for stealth was clearly over and Trinidee had no choice but to reveal herself. "STOP!" she yelled loudly, materalizing only a few feet away from the attacker. She pointed an authoritative finger at him. "Release that man immediately and surrender to me!"
The being stopped! Once she had come closer, Trinidee could identify the creature a bit more clearly.. he wasn't of very impressive build at all. Scrawny, lanky.. long, greasy strands of dark hair covering his face.
But that's where the normal appearances stopped. Most notably, his skin was a sickly brownish green.. and his eyes were equally as unappealing, being a lighter color than his kin but in place of his pupils were black slits.
the garments he wore were clearly not of an ordinary design. Large shoulderpads and a skintight black suit with oddly-shaped longshorts attached.
He looked to her for a second, still holding the man's arm to his mouth and then snickered. He dropped the hapless man to the ground and hopped off of the counter to get a better look at Trinidee.
"You.. you're not like the others.. you're much more good-looking.." He licked his lips. "Shyne.. am I correct?"
There was something about the villain's appearance that was instantly repulsive to Trinidee. It made her want to gag and his comments didn't help.
"Shyne?" That wasn't the first time she'd been mistaken for the famous heroine and it was a comparison she didn't shy away from. "Ha! You wish Shyne was here! You'll find that I'm not nearly as merciful as she. The name is Trinidee. I'm going to assume you have something to do with this calamity and if that's the case then you are going to pay!"
The being was completely focused on Trinidee.. stepping closer and closer.. until he was within reach. "Oh.. you're not Shyne? Well, that doesn't really matter. Darkur said there'd be others to seek out.."
"Mm.." he said, reaching out and grabbing Trinidee’s breast! "So, are you here to offer yourself to me then? Because I must say.. you'll make my mate jealous... eheheh.." He gave it a little squeeze.. however, she could feel his sharp nails begin to dig in as well!
As the villain approached, Trinidee refused to back down...but rather than some vicious attack, he surprised her by grabbing her chest! "Waaaggh!" she exclaimed, more surprised than frightened. "What are you..."
When he started to squeeze, Trinidee was embarrassed. That feeling was replaced by pain as his fingers stabbed into her flesh. "Aaaoooow!"
Channeling the dark entity within, Trinidee focused her energies into a spirit blast that emerged from her palm aimed at knocking the villain away from her!
The being was having a bit of fun squeezing Trinidee's breast.. when he suddenly saw a bright light. "Eh..?"
In an instant, he felt himself heaved away as he smashed into a wall! "GAAHH!"
He hit the floor, sitting up and shaking his head. ".....Huh."
He stood up, dusting himself off.. but instead of being angry, he smiled. "Is that a yes?"
"No." Trinidee turned invisible, looking to outmaneuver her opponent. If she was smart about it, she could pick him apart before he even knew what was happening to him.
She slowly sidestepped around the rubble, never taking her eye off of him.
"Heh.. well, aren't you playing hard to get.." he said, closing his eyes and slicking some of his hair back. "By the way, name's Audlan an- huh?"
As he opened his eyes, he could see that she had disappeared...
"What?! Oh come on, don't leave!" he said, sounding rather disappointed. "Hm.. maybe I came on a bit too strong.."
Whatever the case, he seemed oblivious to Trinidee being invisible..
"Disgusting pest..." Trinidee thought. She was almost in position for her attack, having walked until she was almost behind him. It might not have been sporting, but all she cared about was taking this guy down...hard. All it would take was a well placed spirit blast, but...the mischievous entity inside of her prompted her to act differently.
Instead of reappearing and attacking from range, she sprang forward and tried to trap Audlan in a full nelson. "Much more fun this way!" A voice in her head said. It must have looked like he was being assaulted by a ghost.
"Whoargh?!" Audlan cried out in surprise. "What.. oh.. eheheh!" he chuckled. "I see.. so you had to come back for me after all?!"
Audlan didn't struggle, turning his head to the side. "But I still can't see you.. why do you play coy, my dear Trinidee?"
"So you want to see me, huh?" Trinidee shut off her invisibility, which also brought back her sensibility. "Damn it, what am I doing?" She shoved Audlan away, delivering a firm kick to his behind at the same time. She enjoyed combat, but she knew it was a mistake taking risks like that.
She placed her hands on her impressive hips and stuck her chest out. "I'm not hiding from anyone, Audlan. What about you? What do you have to hide?"
"Gah.." Audlan groaned as he was kicked away, nearly stumbling over. He looked back to Trinidee and smiled again, rubbing his back. "Me? Well.. I have a few surprises.."
Audlan tried to stand up straight, though he was still wincing from the pain in his back. "Oof.. though I'd prefer to end this with as little trouble as possible.. you know? So um.. why don't you settle down and just come with me?"
He spread his arms out, winking. "I bet you've never had a Sindov do you before, huh? Eh eh eh? Hahaha.."
"What is this guy going on about?" Trinidee thought. His brash attitude was making her feel uneasy. "Is he talking" Trinidee blocked the idea from her mind.
"I won't be going anywhere with you. You have to answer for what's happened here!" Now Trinidee was getting angry, which suited a certain aspect of herself just fine. She pointed her palms at the villain again and unleashed a furious spirit blast in his direction!
"GYAAHH!" Audlan cried out as the blast ripped through him, forcing him to fly back once more and smash into the wall!
Audlan slid down the wall into a seated position, his head hanging. "Guh.." he groaned. "..."
Suddenly, he looked up, his most sincere smile on his face.. "Not even if I said pleeeease?"
"You are disgusting!" Trinidee shouted. She wasn't sure if it was the way she was using her powers or Audlan's taunting, but all she could see was red. Looking to intimidate her foe, Trinidee flew up into the air before firing another blast downward at Audlan.
Audlan looked up, a frown forming on his face as the blast came closer. "..."
When it hit, the impact was enough to cause the area around him to explode, forcing his body to once again shoot through the air- this time hurling his body over the concession stand, into a freezer containing bottled drinks.
As he lay there, pain all around, his easy-going mood suddenly turned to malice as he slammed the ground with his fist.. his expression turning quite sour.
With bits of glass and rubble falling off of him, he stood up, hopping over the counter and eyeing Trinidee with anger. "Okay.. I tried to be nice.. I tried to be kind..."
His mouth contorted into a twisted smile as a nervous chuckle left his lips. "But you're just a non-compliant bitch.. and now I'm going to have to END YOUU!"
The urge to just blow Audlan away was tempting, but Trinidee needed answers. She was also afraid of embracing that side of herself. She forced herself to remain calm. With Audlan in her sights, she used her power of flight to charge at him with both fists extended!
Audlan watched as the woman charged directly for him and smiled. "I have you.."
He then agilely ducked underneath Trinidee as she passed by, and uppercutted her directly in her gut!
Trinidee paid dearly for her high risk attack as Audlan's fist was buried deep in her stomach. Her body twisted up, disrupting her beautiful flying form, and she ended up bouncing off of partially destroyed wall before tumbling to the ground in a heap. She groaned as she got onto her knees with one hand clutching her stomach.
"Heh.. you know, come to think of it.. I did hear of you."
Audlan turns to face Trinidee, making his way over to her at a leisurely pace. "Darkur said not to worry about you.. that you were weak in comparison to your friends."
"I can see he was right.. Gyahaha!"
"Weak..." Trinidee thought. "I'll show him." She was recovering quickly and feigned being badly hurt until he got close enough for her to strike. When the time was right, she sprang up and launched a massive uppercut to Audlan's jaw.
"ARRHH!!" Audlan yelled out in surprise, as his body was lifted up several feet into the air...!
On the offence again, Trinidee considered using another spirit blast but she didn't want to rely on that. She could handle this on her own terms. Pulling her fist back, she did a 180 spin and extended her lithe leg to kick Audlan in the chest.
Trinidee's kick connects beautifully, and it sends the scrawny Audlan sliding across the ground!
Audlan skids along the ground until finally coming to a stop with his body lying in a heap. "Guhh.."
He struggles to stand up, seemingly dazed by the effective combo Trinidee had used against him!
Trinidee's aggression caused spiritual energy to flare from her body. It was an intimidating sight! She stomped over to Audlan and grabbed him by the front of his suit. "This is your last chance! Yield to me now and we can have a more peaceful discussion while you tell me why this place was attacked."
At first, Audlan seemed to gasp in pain.. but the air he inhaled quickly turned to laughter... building in intensity until it was near hysterical.
"Oh Trinidee.. my sweet, sweet Trinidee.."
"You.. have no idea.. what you have gotten yourself into."
*sigh* "I see you've chosen to do this the hard way. Very well." Charging her fist with spiritual energy, Trinidee reared it way back prepared to send Audlan to dream land.
"Tell me something my sweetie.." Audlan said, his voice eerily soft-toned. "Did you know that my kind has a fondness for oxygen?"
Audlan's strange question caused Trinidee to pause, her fist still poised to land a finishing blow. "What? Oxygen? What are you babbling about?"
Audlan smiled wide, he had gotten her attention. "Tell me something... this planet.. just happens to be abundant in oxygen.. does it not?"
Trinidee unclenched her fist and used it to secure her grip on Audlan, giving him a little shake. "Finally, some answers." she thought.
"It does. What of it?"
Audlan smiled wider... and then that sadistic laugh began to resurface...
"Let me.. show you something.." He said, suddenly grabbing Trinidee's arm! At first, it simply seemed like he had been stalling her to gain his strength back..
But in a matter of milliseconds, his grip began to strengthen... and his arm seemed to grow larger... Upon his forehead, a small slit was beginning to open, until it became a large hole.
Audlan was growing in size and his muscle mass was increasing. Soon, it was Trinidee who was being held in the air due to the creature's growth.
"Hnngh.." He grunted as he began to effortlessly crush Trinidee's arm in his iron grip.
Audlan's transformation was alarming and Trinidee reacted too slowly to get her arm free. The crushing sensation and the feeling of being elevated surprised her. "Heeeey!"
She planted both feet against Audlan's chest and tried to kick away from him, using her flight powers to enhance her efforts.
Audlan, quickly sensing that she was trying to escape, used his brute strength to quickly slam her onto the ground while he still had her in his grip!
Trinidee's efforts proved futile as Audlan refused to let her get airborne. Instead, she was roughly forced back to Earth.
Slammed down on her back, Trinidee gritted her teeth and soaked up the impact. She arched her back, not noticing that Audlan hadn't let go of her.
Audlan dragged Trinidee across the ground by her leg... and then suddenly drew her up into the air as he began to spin around!
"Hope you don't lose your food easily, hahaha!" he called out, his voice deepened by his massive growth. His rotations began to build in speed until he finally released Trinidee, sending her careening out towards the concert stage far down below!
"Whoa-oh-oh-oooooh!" Trinidee yelped as she was spun at an absurd speed. Audlan didn't seem too concerned about her comfort as she was both dizzy and in pain from being held up by one leg.
Down was up, left was right, all sense of direction was lost until Audlan finally let her go. She crashed into the stage, making large dent in the steel structure underneath. She rolled onto her side groggily.
"Got...go to get away..." she muttered. Instinctively, she tried to disappear, but instead various parts of her body flickered in and out of visibility.
CRASH! The entire stage vibrated as Audlan touched down, each footstep he made bounced Trinidee a little into the air.
"Aww, trying to disappear on me again?" he boomed, quickening his pace. Before Trinidee could gain control over her powers again, Audlan had already caught up to her, grabbing her by her hair!
Just as Trinidee was about to completely disappear, Audlan was on her again. She turned to look at him and was amazed at how big he had become! But she remembered that old saying about "the bigger they are..."
*poom* *thwam* Trinidee rifled off two stiff punches into Audlan's belly.
Trinidee's fists would harmlessly bounce off the monster's chest.
"Heh.. you call that a punch?!" Still holding her by her hair, Audlan lifted Trinidee up into the air and slammed his fist into her soft belly.
"Oooh.. seems you need to toughen your belly up a bit."
"Hwwwauullgh!" Trinidee squealed. Her eyes shot wide open from the punch to her mid-section. Had she ever been hit that hard before? Her body hung in the air for what seemed like minutes before she fell to her knees, clutching on to Audlan's pant leg to steady herself.
"How pathetic.. and here I thought you were going to actually FIGHT for your freedom.." Audlan shook his head.
"Oh well..." He scooped up Trinidee in one arm, and then brought his other arm around to grab her and hug her tight to his chest.
"Now how about a hug and a kiss?" He said sweetly as he began to crush her in a powerful bearhug, drawing her face close to his mouth.. and puckering up.
The second she was in Audlan's embrace, Trinidee's legs began to kick wildly in an attempt to get him off-balance...but it was too late.
"Hrrnn..." she gritted her teeth again, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a scream. As he started to squeeze, her body jerked forward almost putting her face up to his lips. She was able to pull back, but there wasn't much she could do about the bearhug that was squeezing the life out of her.
"Hm.." He mumbled, noticing she was not complying. "I suppose I need to hug you a bit more.. until you're a bit more affectionate!"
"Hrrrngh!" he grunted, squeezing her even more, forcing her back to pop a little!
"Hrrnnn...oooooooh!" Trinidee wasn't prepared for the power that Audlan put into the hold and the sound of her back popping scared her. She turned her wrists up to dig her fingers into his arms, but it was like trying to claw through titanium. Another pump of the hold stopped that attempt and she arched her head back woefully. Her legs trembled from the pressure.
"Kiss me.." he growled, heaving her up a bit higher into the air. "Kiss me, or I'll break your BONES!"
Audlan shook her about, giving another forceful squeeze!
"Aaaauucck!" Trinidee's stomach churned as her body was compressed even further. "I...I..." the damage she was taking muddled her thoughts and she leaned in and placed her mouth against the side of his neck. She pursed her lips, making a half-hearted effort to appease Audlan's request.
Audlan suddenly whipped his head around, covering her mouth with his now massive lips- he sucked in a bit, allowing his long, slimy tongue to cascade over her face before drawing back and releasing her, letting her drop to the ground.
"Ah.. a brief taste.. all TOO brief.." he said, prodding at her side with his foot. "Stand up.. I'm not done with you yet.."
Trinidee closed her eyes tightly in response to Audlan's sloppy kiss. "No..." she thought to herself, as if that would make it end any faster. Even with eyes closed, she could still feel the saliva from his tongue covering her cheeks and eyelids. "...mmmpphh...MMMMMMHHH!"
She didn't open her eyes until she was lying on the ground with Audlan asking for more. She ran her arm across her face to try and wipe some of his residue away. "You're disgusting!"
Audlan roared as the opening on his forehead blared out like some sort of warhorn.. He suddenly kicked Trinidee over onto her belly and set his foot onto her back, pressing just enough.. to hopefully get her to spread her limbs out.
Trinidee's fear grew as Audlan's form grew even more monstrous. A hard kick put her on her stomach and a stomp made her flop like a fish, her arms and legs sprawled out. "Let me up, you disgusting bastard!"
Audlan walked over and set his feet upon Trinidee's thighs, and then reached forward to grab her wrists..
"I'll show you... DISGUSTING!!" he roared as he locked his feet between Trinidee's calf and lower thigh. He then rolled backwards onto his own back, hoisting Trinidee up into the air- the Romero Special!
Audlan spread his legs and arms a bit, stretching out all four of her appendages... "RRAAGH!!"
Audlan's strength allowed him to do pretty much anything he wanted with the heroine and there was little she could do to stop the elaborate hold he was arranging. "'t!" She didn't know how, but she found herself horizontal to the ground being pulled in every direction!
"NnnnnyyyaaaaaAAAAAHHH!" The scream came easily this time. She threw her head back as she cried out, struggling to process what was happening to her. She was completely immobilized and her back was being horribly bent.
"Haha... yes.. scream for me, my darling.." Audlan grunted out, his tongue lashing across his mouth as he spread his limbs a bit more, stretching Trinidee even more. "Beg me to release you.. BEG YOUR MASTER!!"
Trinidee's limbs felt miniature in Audlan's grasp and she was completely unable to slip free. "AAAAAAHHHH! What are you doing to me?!?" She was able to sputter out.
Her stomach shot up, her shoulders were wrenched and her legs spread unnaturally. Her groin muscles were strained to their limit. "N...uuuh...won't beg...never..."
Audlan, even in his monstrous form still had that eerie, hysteric laughter. "Heheh.. EHEHEHEH!" he cried out, heaving Trinidee higher into the air. "Then I'll just have to RIP you in HALF!"
He began to stretch her out more, pulling her joints to their very limits. "NOW BEEEEEEEEEEEEG!!"
The Romero Hold combined with Audlan's laugh tortured Trinidee's body and mind. She realized she was completely helpless. "AAAAAIIIEEEEE!" she screamed loudly as it felt like a sharp spike was being driven into her spine. As the muscles in her limbs threatened to tear, she finally nodded. "No more...pleeeeease...aaaaah! No more...I beg of you...let me go...oooooh!"
The laugh fluttered by once more.. it was an odd noise, for one whose voice was now so deep to be laughing like a hysterical child. "What? WHAAAAT?! Didn't hear you. DIDN'T. HEAR."
He kept his hold strong, not stretching her any more, but simply wanting to torment her now..
"I'm begging you...let me go..." Trinidee had been stretched out so long that she was almost getting used to the pain...almost. She gasped, ashamed of herself. A few stray tears ran down her cheeks and dripped onto the cackling Audlan.
"Heheheh.. ha... eh.." Audlan chuckled, his laughter dying down. "Okay, okay..."
He then released her wrists, letting her body sway backwards, and quickly caught her head with his hands, leaning in for another embrace..
His mouth was like a suction cup over hers as he sucked the oxygen clear out of her lungs, leaving just enough for her to function.. his tongue eagerly met the insides of her mouth and her face as he drew back, letting her fall onto him on her way down.
The punishment from the hold had weakened Trinidee considerably. Her arms were free, but they felt like weights. They hung limply as her head craned backwards right where Audlan wanted it.
"Uuuuummmpph...nnnnnooo" Trinidee moaned as Audlan got more of what he wanted, both enjoying her luscious lips and draining the life out of her. She whimpered and cried more at the intrusion occurring inside of her mouth.
As Trinidee lay on the ground, Audlan sat up, smiling wide. "Well.. that was invigorating.. hm?"
He noticed her supple, wide asscheeks simply begging him for his touch.. and he could not resist. He reached over and grabbed each cheek with a firm grip and started groping Trinidee whilst licking his lips. "Wonderful.. just.. wonderful."
Fly away...turn invisible...blast Audlan...none of these were options anymore. The entities within weren't responding at all. The vessel was too badly damaged.
She slid one knee up. Then the other. That was all the movement she could muster and unfortunately, it was exactly what Audlan was looking for. Trinidee winced as his filthy hands played with her ass.
Audlan has his way, playing with her ass for a few seconds, moving his fingers to settle on the heroine's leotard strap that ran along her crotch. "Oho.. what's this?"
He grabbed the strap and gave it a sharp tug, driving it between her ass and running it tightly along her vagina, forcing it to ride up into just a little..
Trinidee wanted to get up, but her upper body was nearly useless. The backs of her arms and hands were flat against the ground as was her face, which she was able to turn enough to witness what Audlan was up to. Her hair spread messily along the ground.
Her laboured breathing became a grunt as Audlan manipulated the crotch of her costume. The feeling of the material rubbing against her caused intense discomfort. "Aaa...huuuhhh..."
Audlan allowed her leotard strap to snap back to her body, watching it have a ripple effect on her as it did so. He stuck his finger in his mouth, savoring the taste of her body's perspiration on that part of the costume as he got to his feet and made his way over to the front of the young woman.
"Well.. I suppose there's no need to continue like this.." he said musingly as the hole on his forehead opened once more.. except instead of sucking in the air, it began to let it out.. and his body began to compress and shrivel. A few more seconds passed, and he was back to his original size.
Audlan now knelt down, poking at Trinidee's cheek. "You're sure a feisty one. I'm sure you won't mind if we have some fun before I bring you back over, eh?"
Trinidee's soft skin seemed to recoil at Audlan's cruel gestures. When he was done toying with her, she slumped over exhausted. "Why...are you doing this...?" Her whole body heaved up and down as she struggled to regain a fraction of her strength.
Her hand weakly gripped his wrist, but she couldn't even stop a finger. "I'm not...going anywhere..." She spit at his feet.
Audlan chuckled, standing once more and prodding her belly with his foot to get her to roll onto her back. "Still some fire left in you... good! Good."
She refused to be defeated and humiliated any further. The aggressive entity within beckoned her to act and she was able to raise her arm just enough to point a finger at Audlan. A thin spirit beam emerged, flowing towards his chest.
'Whoa!" Audlan cried out as he swerved just in time to avoid the blast. But fortunately, he seemed to be in a jovial, easygoing mood once more. "Hey come on, just give it up already!"
"But.. just in case you still got some resistance.." He then delivered a swift kick to her belly this time, not interested in being careful on her body anymore.
"Aaaagh!" That might have been Trinidee's last attack, especially after that kick. She curled up into the fetal position, protecting her bruised stomach.
Audlan knelt down beside the curled up heroine, reaching in for her breast and giving it a squeeze. "Mm.. not quite hard enough.. what say we get you a little more stimulated.."
Leaning in closer, he reached in with his other hand to rub against her crotch, his sharp nail dragging against it sharply.. though it wasn't clear if was his intention to do so.
Trinidee's alternated between her chest and her crotch, lamely trying to deflect Audlan's probing digits. "Mmmmnnnhh..." His nail certainly got her attention and the groping created a unique mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Don't do this."
Letting his inhibitions get the better of him, Audlan moved in closer, now beside the heroine on the ground. He ran his finger over her vagina and pressed his finger into her vagina firmly.
With his other hand meanwhile, he used his sharp nail to cut through the partly see-through material on her chest and wiggled his hand inside to get a direct handle on her breast, pinching her nipple between his two sharp nails. "Yes.."
As Audlan's finger entered her, Trinidee tried to scream. All that came out was a desperate squeak. The squeak was repeated as Audlan opened up her costume to access her large breasts. "Don't do this. Don't do this." The pinching of her nipple sent a crippling shock through her system. Her hands stopped moving and she gave up trying to stop him.
"That's right.." Audlan said, delighting in her starting to give in. "Just.. let your feelings guide you.."
He moved forward to mount her now, leaving her vagina alone for the moment.. and worked on getting both of his hands inside her costume. Soon, he was groping both of her breasts.. and began to lean in closer.
He made sure to spread his legs enough so that his penis and genitals were rubbing against her lower body. "Can you feel me? Heheheheh.."
The villain grinded on top of her taking full advantage of her delicious chest. She wondered how things got to this point, not that the answer would help her. His stinking breath assaulted her nostrils, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of Audlan's member against her body. It was becoming harder with every passing moment.
Audlan dipped his head into Trinidee's chest, opening his mouth and allowing his tongue to make its way around her nipples.. and then he took one of them by the teeth, pulling up on it to stretch it out. He drew one of his arms back..
"'Ow does dis.. HPHEEL!" he yelled, his teeth still around Trinidee's nipple as he suddenly laid a punch right into her belly!
"Noooo..." Trinidee's protests were a dull whisper at this point. As Audlan nibbled on her tit, her voice raised slightly: "Aaaa...uhhh...nnuuuh!"
Her beautiful orb was temporarily warped by Audlan's bite. Her head shot up, but it fell back down again as the wind was knocked out of her by the crushing stomach punch.
Audlan realized he could do this all night.. but what he really wanted was... well within his grasp as well. He moved his body up Trinidee's body so that his crotch now rested against her neck.. his throbbing genitals warm against her delicate skin- only the thin fabric of his bodysuit preventing them from actual contact. He rubbed them across her face, licking his lips again. "Yes.. you want to taste it, don't you.."
This latest offence was too much for Trinidee and she snapped out of her paralyzed state...for a second anyway. Her hand pressed up against Audlan's groin and she gave a hard shove while turning her body away from him. She looked like a worm as she tried to crawl away.
"I can't...I won't..."
Audlan, instead of pressing further onto the heroine began to back off, a devilish grin forming on his face as he drew back and stood up.
"Oh? Well then.. perhaps you need a little more convincing.."
He stepped forth, grabbing the bottom strap of Trinidee's leotard and tugged it hard upwards, forcing her to stand while it rode up her butt and vagina painfully. "Stand up you cow!"
"Not again..." Trinidee thought. She wanted to get away or at least just lie there until Audlan left her alone, but standing, as hard as it was, would be better than enduring this awful feeling between her legs.
Her legs wobbled and she stumbled backwards into Audlan.
Immediately, Audlan wrapped his arm around Trinidee's neck, putting her into a headlock! "Yah!"
He then wrenched her from side to side, applying pressure to the hold. "What is it going to take, hm?!"
"Hkkkk..." Trinidee choked out. She placed a hand on Audlan's arm to loosen the pressure, but there wasn't any give. It fell to the side and her body was a rag doll as he whipped her around.
"Heheheh, eeeehh!" He grunted as he choked her some more, eventually letting go but quickly turning her around..
"And how DARE you refuse my magnificent cock!" he yelled in a high-pitched, prudish voice. He followed it up by delivering a heavy slap to her face!
Before she fell, he caught her with his arms, helping her back up into a standing position. "Oh no you don't.. we're still not done here."
Trinidee started to fall, but Audlan wouldn't let her. She felt so heavy...she wanted the lights to go out, but...
The sharp slap brought her back to her senses. Staring into Audlan's vile face was terrifying in her current state. If only she was stronger...her head tilted back and her breasts bounced up as Audlan held on to her.
Hoisting her up, Audlan began a series of quick jabs to the heroine's soft belly...
"We'll.." SMACK! "Get..." SMACK! "This.." SMACK! "Flabby belly.." SMACK! "Toned.." SMACK! "IN A HURRY!"
Audlan drew his fist back and his hand suddenly expanded greatly, as an opening in the center of his palm expanded and grew.. until it was a wide tube-looking appendage. He placed the end against Trinidee's stomach and blew her away with a loud blast, sounding something like a foghorn..
Over and over again, Audlan drove his fist into Trinidee. Her body shook with every punch and she slumped over. The only thing keeping her up was the grip Audlan had on the back of her costume, which continued to ride up on her. She lost count of how many times she'd been hit. The skin around her ribcage began to bruise and change colour.
Just when it seemed like she couldn't take anymore, Audlan initiated a new attack that Trinidee couldn't possibly prepare for. A mighty blast came forth from his transformed hand sending her hurtling through the air. She didn't stop until she collided with a large shard of wreckage. As she bounced off, it felt like she was weightless, dropping to the floor in slow motion. She fell to her knees first, her beautiful features showing little emotion, then she fell flat on her face.
Audlan followed after her, shaking his arm and making it return to its normal shape. "Heh.. well, if that doesn't settle you down, I don't know what will.."
"Hahahaha.." he chuckled, his riotous laughter returning for Trinidee to hear.. "HAHAHAHAHA!!"
Whipping his head back and howling in laughter, Audlan lost himself in the moment..
Within Trinidee, the entities stirred...whatever their motivations for inhabiting her body, they wanted her to stay alive. Spiritual energy crackled around her as she started to come to.
Her invisibility went on and off, creating a shimmering effect. Lastly, her powers of flight kicked in and she started to elevate off of the ground, back to her feet.
More than anything, Trinidee drew from her own willpower, refusing to back down from this vile being no matter how much he hurt her. She adjusted her costume, covering up her breasts and struck the strongest pose she could. It wasn't much, but the look in her eyes said she was still in this fight.
"Come on...then...Audlan...answer for...for what you've done..."
"EH?" Audlan grunted, his eyes opening wide as Trinidee's challenge brought him back to reality...
He looked forward to her, blinking. "....You serious?"
Trinidee took two big steps forward...then fell to a knee again. She shook her head and got back up. Even though defeat seemed inevitable, she kept coming forward. "For justice."
"HA!" Audlan snapped, pointing a clawed finger forward. "You just don't know when to give in do you.. alright. Come on then, take your best shot!"
Audlan began to advance, spreading his fingers on both hands and extending his nails a bit longer..
"I'll even let you get the first hit.. see how generous I can be, my darling?"
It took everything Trinidee had to just make it over to Audlan, but she couldn't let him know that. She took a deep breath and cocked her fist back. The ensuing right hook looked impressive, but in truth, there was little steam behind it.
The blow smacked hard against Audlan's chest.. as it did, his chest barely budged...
But a split-second later, Audlan suddenly launched an upward fist at the joint that connected Trinidee's forearm to the rest of her arm... the blow was so quick and instantaneous, that only the sound of the bone snapping would have alerted Trinidee to what just happened..
"EEEEYAAAAAAAH!" Trinidee thought she didn't have enough energy left to scream, but the swift and vicious maneuver proved her wrong. As she felt her arm snap like a twig, she collapsed like she had been shot, massaging her wounded appendage.
Audlan couldn't help but snicker as he creeped along behind his opponent, delivering a boot to her backside to knock her on her belly..
"And now.. the coup de grâce!" he exclaimed, plopping down on her back as if she was some sort of bean bag pillow..
Trinidee felt truly useless as she was kicked around by Audlan. It couldn't end like this...could it? She wheezed a little as Audlan sat down on her. Even in his original form, his weight was considerable. She clawed at the ground with her one good arm, searching for any way out of this predicament.
"No? Oh, but you don't even know what I'm going to do yet.."
Audlan slipped his legs under Trinidee's arms and hoisted his knee up under her arm joints- giving little regard to her broken joint- so that her upper body was slightly lifted off the ground.
"That thing you humans have.. what is it. a television? I learned this one watching it! You're going to love it... heheheh.."
Audlan reached down and cupped both hands over Trinidee's mouth, grinning. "Here goes.. YAAHH!"
Engaging her in a camel clutch, Audlan pulled back on Trinidee's mouth, feeling a rush of excitement as he did so..
"NNNYYYYYAAAAAHHHAAAA!" Trinidee bellowed just from being put into position for the camel clutch. Her back was killing her and the feeling of her injured arm being forcefully repositioned made her sick.
She wasn't even given a chance to beg before Audlan's hands clamped her mouth shut. "MMMMMMPPPPHH!" Why was he doing this? He could easily have knocked her unconscious or just escaped but she knew now that she was dealing with an soulless demon.
As her back bent in a way it wasn't intended to, Trinidee started crying and whimpering all over again. Her neck wasn't doing much better, twisted in Audlan's clutches. She could barely move an inch as Audlan tortured her.
"Heheheh... your screams..." Audlan said, his voice hardly more audible than a whisper.. His eye twitched, and his breathing began to quicken..
"Scream more for me.. MORE!" he demanded, pulling back and lowering his grip to allow Trinidee use of her mouth once more..
"!...noooOOOOOOOOH!" With her lips free, Trinidee tried to speak but the pressure from the camel clutch only allowed her to make a guttural howl. "Oooh...AAIIIIEEE!" she followed with a high pitched scream.
The submission hold was both destructive and humiliating. Her arms were completely trapped and could do nothing but occasionally flop around. Her feet beat against the ground uselessly. Her pretty hair hung over her sweat stained face and Audlan's fingers.
As Audlan cranked on the hold, she could feel her spine curling around his pelvis. Her had her wrapped up tightly. The worst part was that his dick was pressing against her and it was getting harder and harder...
"How much more.." Audlan said, as Trinidee's screams filled his ears. To him, it was such a sweet sound.. his nails begin to dig in deeper on her chin, and he momentarily ceased his pulling back.. to lower his head just enough to place a kiss on her cheek.
"Thank you.." he whispered, sounding oddly sincere.. and Trinidee would have been given enough time to think about it.. but she was quickly wrenched back up in the painful hold, with Audlan having no regard for the state of her body.. or how much more she could take..
Trinidee started to choke again as Audlan used his fingers to toy with her. Somehow she hadn't blacked out from the pain. It was as if he knew exactly how much punishment her body could take and he had her on the threshold at all times.
When he eased up, Trinidee nearly started crying from the joy of not being stretched out. But she was filled with anguish again when he placed his rotten lips on her skin. "Aaah...nooo..."
The flopping of her arms and the beating of her feet ceased when he reapplied the camel clutch. The only movement Trinidee made was from Audlan working the hold, which he did to sadistic perfection.
Finally...Trinidee gave a light tap against Audlan's thigh, a universal sign of submission. "I give up!" she squealed. "Audlan...I'll...aaaah! I'll do anything! Please...let...let me go..."
"Is it talking?!" he claimed in alarm, his eyes opening wide once more. " IS IT?!"
"Can't hear... too quiet.." he said, chuckling. "Not enough.. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMS!!" he exclaimed in a very disturbing voice while pulling back a bit more..
"AAAAIIIEEEE!" What was left of the arena was filled with Trinidee's distressed cries. Her beautiful voice was nearly unrecognizable. Every pump of the hold elicited another scream. The only other sounds were her creaking bones and Audlan's excited breaths.
There appeared to be no end in sight.. but just as Audlan pulled back in one final hold, he looked down to Trinidee, seeing her body struggle.. "...Anything?"
Without thinking, Trinidee responded with two clear nods. "...anything...just make it...make it stop."
PLOP! Trinidee was suddenly dropped to the ground.. and Audlan was eerily silent as he slipped his legs from under her arms, rising and stepping away..
"That's quite a promise you've made... and I fully intend for you to stick to it." he said, his voice calm..
He walked over to the front of Trinidee and kneeled down, looking upon her with a frown...
Which quickly spread into one of the creepiest grins that Trinidee would ever see, pointed teeth and all..
Trinidee managed to lift her head, but her eyes could barely see above his torso. She wasn't even thinking about the conversation, she was just glad to be free from the camel clutch.
Then she remembered why he let go. "I...I won't fight anymore. You can...leave...nobody will were here..." Trinidee was ashamed to be making this offer.
"Hehehe.. aw.." he said, moving his hand forward to stroke her hair, and then down her face to stroke her cheek. "I bet you're pretty sure that it's going to be -that- easy.."
He suddenly leaned in close, their faces nearly touching as he moved his tongue around her chin, getting a nice slurp. "But you're mine now..."
He drew back and placed a finger under Trinidee's chin.. getting to his feet and lifting her up so that she was positioned on her knees..
Trinidee's face twisted in revulsion at Audlan's touch. "Aah!" she gasped when he licked her. His sticky saliva lingered on her delicate skin. As she was forced to rise, Audlan's intentions became clearer. "No...he wouldn't..." she told herself.
"Audlan, wait...I said I'd do can go free, I promise..."
The movement was quick.. though by now, Trinidee could hardly be expecting to be shown mercy by the crazed Audlan as he suddenly shot his hand forward, gripping Trinidee's scalp tightly and digging his nails in a bit..
"You will do as I command.." he said authoritatively, moving in closer so that his stimulated cock now brushed up against Trinidee's face.. "...And you know what I want.."
Trinidee shut her eyes as Audlan forced her towards his cock, as if that might make him stop or leave her alone. She abandoned that hope as she felt it rubbing directly against her cheek. "Unnhh..."
She considered one last act of defiance, but then...the terrible memories of their battle came flooding back. The bone crushing bearhug...the impossibly painful ceiling hold...that evil, twisted camel clutch...she didn't know how she'd survived. All she knew is she couldn't go through anything like that again.
She bowed, her forehead resting between Audlan's legs. "Okay...I will...just don't hurt me anymore."
"HA!" he chortled, giving her head a good shove. "No promises there.."
Wringing her head back in position, he moved his cock about her face a few times.. "Get a nice good feel for it.."
"When you're ready.." he said, snarling, licking his lips.. "Pull down on my pants- they come right off! Heheh..heh.."
(end of part 1)
What you need to know about Trinidee: She was a normal woman who found herself possessed by three separate entities, each one granting her a special power. She can only use one power at a time, like the Legion of Super Heroes' Ultra Boy. Her three powers are flight, invisibility and the ability to shoot blasts of spiritual energy. Each power is tied to an entity (flight = entity of heroism, invisibility = entity of mischief, spirit blasts = entity of anger) so when she uses that power the entity gains more influence over her. Thus, she has to be careful when and for how long she uses each ability.
Drawing courtesy of the brilliant and sadistic Idoro! Check out his pixiv page!
Audlan's Delight

The day had grown dim since the report was broadcasted on TV... all of a sudden, a large portion of the Staples Center in Downtown Los Angeles had blown apart, trapping many and killing some that were unlucky enough to be hit by the blast. Already, people who had been attending the concert had begun filing out in large quantities.
Ambulances, police, all sorts of emergency response teams had been sent to aid and help as much as they could. However.. as they went inside, none came out..
As soon as foul play was suspected, the police had summoned their SWAT teams to investigate. And that is when the young heroine, Trinidee arrived on the scene as well.
Descending from the sky, Trinidee landed with as little pomp and circumstance as possible. The last thing anyone needed was more hysteria. Still, in her vibrant yellow costume, she knew she'd be the centre of attention soon enough.
The sight of so many people in anguish made her sick. People looking for lost family and friends, unsure if they were even alive. She clenched a fist and silently swore that she would hunt down whoever was responsible.
She walked over to the nearest official and took him gently by the arm. "How can I help?"
The person she addressed appeared to be the SWAT commander. He looked to her and did a double take, smiling a little. She’d worked with this man before on two previous instances, and managed to conduct two successful evacuation missions alongside his SWAT team..
But he appears nervous now, a side of him she’d never seen. "Trin..." he says, offering his hand. "Good to have you here.. I.. I'm at wit's end."
Trinidee took his hand in hers, subtly massaging it without even realizing it. "Commander, I've seen you in action before. I know that you and your men are doing everything in your power to help these people. We can do this."
Trinidee shielded her eyes from the ashes floating through the air. "We'll find the cowards responsible for this. But first, tell me where I'm needed most."
The Commander chuckled nervously. "That's just it.. we need you.. in there. Period. My men... I've lost contact with them. Every single one. No response. Just gone.."
He slammed the console with his fist. "I just don't believe it.. first, we sent in the paramedics and officers... none ever came back. A few stray bystanders went for a look inside.. none made it back."
"I'm out of options." he said, turning to Trinidee. "It's you or we call in the military."
Trinidee had a suspicion that there was more to this than meets the eye and even the military might not be equipped to deal with the problem. She saw no reason to endanger more brave men and women. "It'll be me, then."
She put a hand on the commander's shoulder and looked him in the eyes, brimming with confidence. "There's no time to waste. Focus all of your efforts on helping the victims, let me go in there and figure out just what the hell is going on." With that, Trinidee flew towards the destruction with only justice on her mind.
As she approached the ruins of the stadium, she could see the destruction was pretty wide-spread.. PVC pipe containing water lines leak out freely to where the giant chunk was blown, rubble is everywhere, covering all sorts of objects... sparking severed electrical wires hang on, still putting out a bit of power..
The most haunting of all these images.. the line of bodies she sees upon coming in.. some people rolling on the ground in pain, others moaning.. some not even moving.
It was then she heard a shout and several gunshots!
*gasp* Trinidee brought her hand to her mouth in revulsion at the devastation before her. "Why..." she thought. "...why would someone do this?"
She knew that she had to press on and she did her best to block out the gross sensations...the bodies...the cries...the stench...she considered using her powers to fly the victims out, but the sound of gunfire created a more urgent concern. Landing amongst the debris, she switched from flight to invisibility and went to investigate.
"ARRGH!" A voice cried out, followed by a sickening snap..
"Human bodies.. so frail.... hehehehehe!"
As Trinidee turned one of the corners, she saw a strange sight before her- an odd-looking being was holding an injured SWAT officer by his arm, examining it in detail..
"Huh.. but I wonder, what do they taste like?" He opened his mouth to reveal rows of sharp, serrated teeth..
The time for stealth was clearly over and Trinidee had no choice but to reveal herself. "STOP!" she yelled loudly, materalizing only a few feet away from the attacker. She pointed an authoritative finger at him. "Release that man immediately and surrender to me!"
The being stopped! Once she had come closer, Trinidee could identify the creature a bit more clearly.. he wasn't of very impressive build at all. Scrawny, lanky.. long, greasy strands of dark hair covering his face.
But that's where the normal appearances stopped. Most notably, his skin was a sickly brownish green.. and his eyes were equally as unappealing, being a lighter color than his kin but in place of his pupils were black slits.
the garments he wore were clearly not of an ordinary design. Large shoulderpads and a skintight black suit with oddly-shaped longshorts attached.
He looked to her for a second, still holding the man's arm to his mouth and then snickered. He dropped the hapless man to the ground and hopped off of the counter to get a better look at Trinidee.
"You.. you're not like the others.. you're much more good-looking.." He licked his lips. "Shyne.. am I correct?"
There was something about the villain's appearance that was instantly repulsive to Trinidee. It made her want to gag and his comments didn't help.
"Shyne?" That wasn't the first time she'd been mistaken for the famous heroine and it was a comparison she didn't shy away from. "Ha! You wish Shyne was here! You'll find that I'm not nearly as merciful as she. The name is Trinidee. I'm going to assume you have something to do with this calamity and if that's the case then you are going to pay!"
The being was completely focused on Trinidee.. stepping closer and closer.. until he was within reach. "Oh.. you're not Shyne? Well, that doesn't really matter. Darkur said there'd be others to seek out.."
"Mm.." he said, reaching out and grabbing Trinidee’s breast! "So, are you here to offer yourself to me then? Because I must say.. you'll make my mate jealous... eheheh.." He gave it a little squeeze.. however, she could feel his sharp nails begin to dig in as well!
As the villain approached, Trinidee refused to back down...but rather than some vicious attack, he surprised her by grabbing her chest! "Waaaggh!" she exclaimed, more surprised than frightened. "What are you..."
When he started to squeeze, Trinidee was embarrassed. That feeling was replaced by pain as his fingers stabbed into her flesh. "Aaaoooow!"
Channeling the dark entity within, Trinidee focused her energies into a spirit blast that emerged from her palm aimed at knocking the villain away from her!
The being was having a bit of fun squeezing Trinidee's breast.. when he suddenly saw a bright light. "Eh..?"
In an instant, he felt himself heaved away as he smashed into a wall! "GAAHH!"
He hit the floor, sitting up and shaking his head. ".....Huh."
He stood up, dusting himself off.. but instead of being angry, he smiled. "Is that a yes?"
"No." Trinidee turned invisible, looking to outmaneuver her opponent. If she was smart about it, she could pick him apart before he even knew what was happening to him.
She slowly sidestepped around the rubble, never taking her eye off of him.
"Heh.. well, aren't you playing hard to get.." he said, closing his eyes and slicking some of his hair back. "By the way, name's Audlan an- huh?"
As he opened his eyes, he could see that she had disappeared...
"What?! Oh come on, don't leave!" he said, sounding rather disappointed. "Hm.. maybe I came on a bit too strong.."
Whatever the case, he seemed oblivious to Trinidee being invisible..
"Disgusting pest..." Trinidee thought. She was almost in position for her attack, having walked until she was almost behind him. It might not have been sporting, but all she cared about was taking this guy down...hard. All it would take was a well placed spirit blast, but...the mischievous entity inside of her prompted her to act differently.
Instead of reappearing and attacking from range, she sprang forward and tried to trap Audlan in a full nelson. "Much more fun this way!" A voice in her head said. It must have looked like he was being assaulted by a ghost.
"Whoargh?!" Audlan cried out in surprise. "What.. oh.. eheheh!" he chuckled. "I see.. so you had to come back for me after all?!"
Audlan didn't struggle, turning his head to the side. "But I still can't see you.. why do you play coy, my dear Trinidee?"
"So you want to see me, huh?" Trinidee shut off her invisibility, which also brought back her sensibility. "Damn it, what am I doing?" She shoved Audlan away, delivering a firm kick to his behind at the same time. She enjoyed combat, but she knew it was a mistake taking risks like that.
She placed her hands on her impressive hips and stuck her chest out. "I'm not hiding from anyone, Audlan. What about you? What do you have to hide?"
"Gah.." Audlan groaned as he was kicked away, nearly stumbling over. He looked back to Trinidee and smiled again, rubbing his back. "Me? Well.. I have a few surprises.."
Audlan tried to stand up straight, though he was still wincing from the pain in his back. "Oof.. though I'd prefer to end this with as little trouble as possible.. you know? So um.. why don't you settle down and just come with me?"
He spread his arms out, winking. "I bet you've never had a Sindov do you before, huh? Eh eh eh? Hahaha.."
"What is this guy going on about?" Trinidee thought. His brash attitude was making her feel uneasy. "Is he talking" Trinidee blocked the idea from her mind.
"I won't be going anywhere with you. You have to answer for what's happened here!" Now Trinidee was getting angry, which suited a certain aspect of herself just fine. She pointed her palms at the villain again and unleashed a furious spirit blast in his direction!
"GYAAHH!" Audlan cried out as the blast ripped through him, forcing him to fly back once more and smash into the wall!
Audlan slid down the wall into a seated position, his head hanging. "Guh.." he groaned. "..."
Suddenly, he looked up, his most sincere smile on his face.. "Not even if I said pleeeease?"
"You are disgusting!" Trinidee shouted. She wasn't sure if it was the way she was using her powers or Audlan's taunting, but all she could see was red. Looking to intimidate her foe, Trinidee flew up into the air before firing another blast downward at Audlan.
Audlan looked up, a frown forming on his face as the blast came closer. "..."
When it hit, the impact was enough to cause the area around him to explode, forcing his body to once again shoot through the air- this time hurling his body over the concession stand, into a freezer containing bottled drinks.
As he lay there, pain all around, his easy-going mood suddenly turned to malice as he slammed the ground with his fist.. his expression turning quite sour.
With bits of glass and rubble falling off of him, he stood up, hopping over the counter and eyeing Trinidee with anger. "Okay.. I tried to be nice.. I tried to be kind..."
His mouth contorted into a twisted smile as a nervous chuckle left his lips. "But you're just a non-compliant bitch.. and now I'm going to have to END YOUU!"
The urge to just blow Audlan away was tempting, but Trinidee needed answers. She was also afraid of embracing that side of herself. She forced herself to remain calm. With Audlan in her sights, she used her power of flight to charge at him with both fists extended!
Audlan watched as the woman charged directly for him and smiled. "I have you.."
He then agilely ducked underneath Trinidee as she passed by, and uppercutted her directly in her gut!
Trinidee paid dearly for her high risk attack as Audlan's fist was buried deep in her stomach. Her body twisted up, disrupting her beautiful flying form, and she ended up bouncing off of partially destroyed wall before tumbling to the ground in a heap. She groaned as she got onto her knees with one hand clutching her stomach.
"Heh.. you know, come to think of it.. I did hear of you."
Audlan turns to face Trinidee, making his way over to her at a leisurely pace. "Darkur said not to worry about you.. that you were weak in comparison to your friends."
"I can see he was right.. Gyahaha!"
"Weak..." Trinidee thought. "I'll show him." She was recovering quickly and feigned being badly hurt until he got close enough for her to strike. When the time was right, she sprang up and launched a massive uppercut to Audlan's jaw.
"ARRHH!!" Audlan yelled out in surprise, as his body was lifted up several feet into the air...!
On the offence again, Trinidee considered using another spirit blast but she didn't want to rely on that. She could handle this on her own terms. Pulling her fist back, she did a 180 spin and extended her lithe leg to kick Audlan in the chest.
Trinidee's kick connects beautifully, and it sends the scrawny Audlan sliding across the ground!
Audlan skids along the ground until finally coming to a stop with his body lying in a heap. "Guhh.."
He struggles to stand up, seemingly dazed by the effective combo Trinidee had used against him!
Trinidee's aggression caused spiritual energy to flare from her body. It was an intimidating sight! She stomped over to Audlan and grabbed him by the front of his suit. "This is your last chance! Yield to me now and we can have a more peaceful discussion while you tell me why this place was attacked."
At first, Audlan seemed to gasp in pain.. but the air he inhaled quickly turned to laughter... building in intensity until it was near hysterical.
"Oh Trinidee.. my sweet, sweet Trinidee.."
"You.. have no idea.. what you have gotten yourself into."
*sigh* "I see you've chosen to do this the hard way. Very well." Charging her fist with spiritual energy, Trinidee reared it way back prepared to send Audlan to dream land.
"Tell me something my sweetie.." Audlan said, his voice eerily soft-toned. "Did you know that my kind has a fondness for oxygen?"
Audlan's strange question caused Trinidee to pause, her fist still poised to land a finishing blow. "What? Oxygen? What are you babbling about?"
Audlan smiled wide, he had gotten her attention. "Tell me something... this planet.. just happens to be abundant in oxygen.. does it not?"
Trinidee unclenched her fist and used it to secure her grip on Audlan, giving him a little shake. "Finally, some answers." she thought.
"It does. What of it?"
Audlan smiled wider... and then that sadistic laugh began to resurface...
"Let me.. show you something.." He said, suddenly grabbing Trinidee's arm! At first, it simply seemed like he had been stalling her to gain his strength back..
But in a matter of milliseconds, his grip began to strengthen... and his arm seemed to grow larger... Upon his forehead, a small slit was beginning to open, until it became a large hole.
Audlan was growing in size and his muscle mass was increasing. Soon, it was Trinidee who was being held in the air due to the creature's growth.
"Hnngh.." He grunted as he began to effortlessly crush Trinidee's arm in his iron grip.
Audlan's transformation was alarming and Trinidee reacted too slowly to get her arm free. The crushing sensation and the feeling of being elevated surprised her. "Heeeey!"
She planted both feet against Audlan's chest and tried to kick away from him, using her flight powers to enhance her efforts.
Audlan, quickly sensing that she was trying to escape, used his brute strength to quickly slam her onto the ground while he still had her in his grip!
Trinidee's efforts proved futile as Audlan refused to let her get airborne. Instead, she was roughly forced back to Earth.
Slammed down on her back, Trinidee gritted her teeth and soaked up the impact. She arched her back, not noticing that Audlan hadn't let go of her.
Audlan dragged Trinidee across the ground by her leg... and then suddenly drew her up into the air as he began to spin around!
"Hope you don't lose your food easily, hahaha!" he called out, his voice deepened by his massive growth. His rotations began to build in speed until he finally released Trinidee, sending her careening out towards the concert stage far down below!
"Whoa-oh-oh-oooooh!" Trinidee yelped as she was spun at an absurd speed. Audlan didn't seem too concerned about her comfort as she was both dizzy and in pain from being held up by one leg.
Down was up, left was right, all sense of direction was lost until Audlan finally let her go. She crashed into the stage, making large dent in the steel structure underneath. She rolled onto her side groggily.
"Got...go to get away..." she muttered. Instinctively, she tried to disappear, but instead various parts of her body flickered in and out of visibility.
CRASH! The entire stage vibrated as Audlan touched down, each footstep he made bounced Trinidee a little into the air.
"Aww, trying to disappear on me again?" he boomed, quickening his pace. Before Trinidee could gain control over her powers again, Audlan had already caught up to her, grabbing her by her hair!
Just as Trinidee was about to completely disappear, Audlan was on her again. She turned to look at him and was amazed at how big he had become! But she remembered that old saying about "the bigger they are..."
*poom* *thwam* Trinidee rifled off two stiff punches into Audlan's belly.
Trinidee's fists would harmlessly bounce off the monster's chest.
"Heh.. you call that a punch?!" Still holding her by her hair, Audlan lifted Trinidee up into the air and slammed his fist into her soft belly.
"Oooh.. seems you need to toughen your belly up a bit."
"Hwwwauullgh!" Trinidee squealed. Her eyes shot wide open from the punch to her mid-section. Had she ever been hit that hard before? Her body hung in the air for what seemed like minutes before she fell to her knees, clutching on to Audlan's pant leg to steady herself.
"How pathetic.. and here I thought you were going to actually FIGHT for your freedom.." Audlan shook his head.
"Oh well..." He scooped up Trinidee in one arm, and then brought his other arm around to grab her and hug her tight to his chest.
"Now how about a hug and a kiss?" He said sweetly as he began to crush her in a powerful bearhug, drawing her face close to his mouth.. and puckering up.
The second she was in Audlan's embrace, Trinidee's legs began to kick wildly in an attempt to get him off-balance...but it was too late.
"Hrrnn..." she gritted her teeth again, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a scream. As he started to squeeze, her body jerked forward almost putting her face up to his lips. She was able to pull back, but there wasn't much she could do about the bearhug that was squeezing the life out of her.
"Hm.." He mumbled, noticing she was not complying. "I suppose I need to hug you a bit more.. until you're a bit more affectionate!"
"Hrrrngh!" he grunted, squeezing her even more, forcing her back to pop a little!
"Hrrnnn...oooooooh!" Trinidee wasn't prepared for the power that Audlan put into the hold and the sound of her back popping scared her. She turned her wrists up to dig her fingers into his arms, but it was like trying to claw through titanium. Another pump of the hold stopped that attempt and she arched her head back woefully. Her legs trembled from the pressure.
"Kiss me.." he growled, heaving her up a bit higher into the air. "Kiss me, or I'll break your BONES!"
Audlan shook her about, giving another forceful squeeze!
"Aaaauucck!" Trinidee's stomach churned as her body was compressed even further. "I...I..." the damage she was taking muddled her thoughts and she leaned in and placed her mouth against the side of his neck. She pursed her lips, making a half-hearted effort to appease Audlan's request.
Audlan suddenly whipped his head around, covering her mouth with his now massive lips- he sucked in a bit, allowing his long, slimy tongue to cascade over her face before drawing back and releasing her, letting her drop to the ground.
"Ah.. a brief taste.. all TOO brief.." he said, prodding at her side with his foot. "Stand up.. I'm not done with you yet.."
Trinidee closed her eyes tightly in response to Audlan's sloppy kiss. "No..." she thought to herself, as if that would make it end any faster. Even with eyes closed, she could still feel the saliva from his tongue covering her cheeks and eyelids. "...mmmpphh...MMMMMMHHH!"
She didn't open her eyes until she was lying on the ground with Audlan asking for more. She ran her arm across her face to try and wipe some of his residue away. "You're disgusting!"
Audlan roared as the opening on his forehead blared out like some sort of warhorn.. He suddenly kicked Trinidee over onto her belly and set his foot onto her back, pressing just enough.. to hopefully get her to spread her limbs out.
Trinidee's fear grew as Audlan's form grew even more monstrous. A hard kick put her on her stomach and a stomp made her flop like a fish, her arms and legs sprawled out. "Let me up, you disgusting bastard!"
Audlan walked over and set his feet upon Trinidee's thighs, and then reached forward to grab her wrists..
"I'll show you... DISGUSTING!!" he roared as he locked his feet between Trinidee's calf and lower thigh. He then rolled backwards onto his own back, hoisting Trinidee up into the air- the Romero Special!
Audlan spread his legs and arms a bit, stretching out all four of her appendages... "RRAAGH!!"
Audlan's strength allowed him to do pretty much anything he wanted with the heroine and there was little she could do to stop the elaborate hold he was arranging. "'t!" She didn't know how, but she found herself horizontal to the ground being pulled in every direction!
"NnnnnyyyaaaaaAAAAAHHH!" The scream came easily this time. She threw her head back as she cried out, struggling to process what was happening to her. She was completely immobilized and her back was being horribly bent.
"Haha... yes.. scream for me, my darling.." Audlan grunted out, his tongue lashing across his mouth as he spread his limbs a bit more, stretching Trinidee even more. "Beg me to release you.. BEG YOUR MASTER!!"
Trinidee's limbs felt miniature in Audlan's grasp and she was completely unable to slip free. "AAAAAAHHHH! What are you doing to me?!?" She was able to sputter out.
Her stomach shot up, her shoulders were wrenched and her legs spread unnaturally. Her groin muscles were strained to their limit. "N...uuuh...won't beg...never..."
Audlan, even in his monstrous form still had that eerie, hysteric laughter. "Heheh.. EHEHEHEH!" he cried out, heaving Trinidee higher into the air. "Then I'll just have to RIP you in HALF!"
He began to stretch her out more, pulling her joints to their very limits. "NOW BEEEEEEEEEEEEG!!"
The Romero Hold combined with Audlan's laugh tortured Trinidee's body and mind. She realized she was completely helpless. "AAAAAIIIEEEEE!" she screamed loudly as it felt like a sharp spike was being driven into her spine. As the muscles in her limbs threatened to tear, she finally nodded. "No more...pleeeeease...aaaaah! No more...I beg of you...let me go...oooooh!"
The laugh fluttered by once more.. it was an odd noise, for one whose voice was now so deep to be laughing like a hysterical child. "What? WHAAAAT?! Didn't hear you. DIDN'T. HEAR."
He kept his hold strong, not stretching her any more, but simply wanting to torment her now..
"I'm begging you...let me go..." Trinidee had been stretched out so long that she was almost getting used to the pain...almost. She gasped, ashamed of herself. A few stray tears ran down her cheeks and dripped onto the cackling Audlan.
"Heheheh.. ha... eh.." Audlan chuckled, his laughter dying down. "Okay, okay..."
He then released her wrists, letting her body sway backwards, and quickly caught her head with his hands, leaning in for another embrace..
His mouth was like a suction cup over hers as he sucked the oxygen clear out of her lungs, leaving just enough for her to function.. his tongue eagerly met the insides of her mouth and her face as he drew back, letting her fall onto him on her way down.
The punishment from the hold had weakened Trinidee considerably. Her arms were free, but they felt like weights. They hung limply as her head craned backwards right where Audlan wanted it.
"Uuuuummmpph...nnnnnooo" Trinidee moaned as Audlan got more of what he wanted, both enjoying her luscious lips and draining the life out of her. She whimpered and cried more at the intrusion occurring inside of her mouth.
As Trinidee lay on the ground, Audlan sat up, smiling wide. "Well.. that was invigorating.. hm?"
He noticed her supple, wide asscheeks simply begging him for his touch.. and he could not resist. He reached over and grabbed each cheek with a firm grip and started groping Trinidee whilst licking his lips. "Wonderful.. just.. wonderful."
Fly away...turn invisible...blast Audlan...none of these were options anymore. The entities within weren't responding at all. The vessel was too badly damaged.
She slid one knee up. Then the other. That was all the movement she could muster and unfortunately, it was exactly what Audlan was looking for. Trinidee winced as his filthy hands played with her ass.
Audlan has his way, playing with her ass for a few seconds, moving his fingers to settle on the heroine's leotard strap that ran along her crotch. "Oho.. what's this?"
He grabbed the strap and gave it a sharp tug, driving it between her ass and running it tightly along her vagina, forcing it to ride up into just a little..
Trinidee wanted to get up, but her upper body was nearly useless. The backs of her arms and hands were flat against the ground as was her face, which she was able to turn enough to witness what Audlan was up to. Her hair spread messily along the ground.
Her laboured breathing became a grunt as Audlan manipulated the crotch of her costume. The feeling of the material rubbing against her caused intense discomfort. "Aaa...huuuhhh..."
Audlan allowed her leotard strap to snap back to her body, watching it have a ripple effect on her as it did so. He stuck his finger in his mouth, savoring the taste of her body's perspiration on that part of the costume as he got to his feet and made his way over to the front of the young woman.
"Well.. I suppose there's no need to continue like this.." he said musingly as the hole on his forehead opened once more.. except instead of sucking in the air, it began to let it out.. and his body began to compress and shrivel. A few more seconds passed, and he was back to his original size.
Audlan now knelt down, poking at Trinidee's cheek. "You're sure a feisty one. I'm sure you won't mind if we have some fun before I bring you back over, eh?"
Trinidee's soft skin seemed to recoil at Audlan's cruel gestures. When he was done toying with her, she slumped over exhausted. "Why...are you doing this...?" Her whole body heaved up and down as she struggled to regain a fraction of her strength.
Her hand weakly gripped his wrist, but she couldn't even stop a finger. "I'm not...going anywhere..." She spit at his feet.
Audlan chuckled, standing once more and prodding her belly with his foot to get her to roll onto her back. "Still some fire left in you... good! Good."
She refused to be defeated and humiliated any further. The aggressive entity within beckoned her to act and she was able to raise her arm just enough to point a finger at Audlan. A thin spirit beam emerged, flowing towards his chest.
'Whoa!" Audlan cried out as he swerved just in time to avoid the blast. But fortunately, he seemed to be in a jovial, easygoing mood once more. "Hey come on, just give it up already!"
"But.. just in case you still got some resistance.." He then delivered a swift kick to her belly this time, not interested in being careful on her body anymore.
"Aaaagh!" That might have been Trinidee's last attack, especially after that kick. She curled up into the fetal position, protecting her bruised stomach.
Audlan knelt down beside the curled up heroine, reaching in for her breast and giving it a squeeze. "Mm.. not quite hard enough.. what say we get you a little more stimulated.."
Leaning in closer, he reached in with his other hand to rub against her crotch, his sharp nail dragging against it sharply.. though it wasn't clear if was his intention to do so.
Trinidee's alternated between her chest and her crotch, lamely trying to deflect Audlan's probing digits. "Mmmmnnnhh..." His nail certainly got her attention and the groping created a unique mixture of pain and pleasure.
"Don't do this."
Letting his inhibitions get the better of him, Audlan moved in closer, now beside the heroine on the ground. He ran his finger over her vagina and pressed his finger into her vagina firmly.
With his other hand meanwhile, he used his sharp nail to cut through the partly see-through material on her chest and wiggled his hand inside to get a direct handle on her breast, pinching her nipple between his two sharp nails. "Yes.."
As Audlan's finger entered her, Trinidee tried to scream. All that came out was a desperate squeak. The squeak was repeated as Audlan opened up her costume to access her large breasts. "Don't do this. Don't do this." The pinching of her nipple sent a crippling shock through her system. Her hands stopped moving and she gave up trying to stop him.
"That's right.." Audlan said, delighting in her starting to give in. "Just.. let your feelings guide you.."
He moved forward to mount her now, leaving her vagina alone for the moment.. and worked on getting both of his hands inside her costume. Soon, he was groping both of her breasts.. and began to lean in closer.
He made sure to spread his legs enough so that his penis and genitals were rubbing against her lower body. "Can you feel me? Heheheheh.."
The villain grinded on top of her taking full advantage of her delicious chest. She wondered how things got to this point, not that the answer would help her. His stinking breath assaulted her nostrils, but it was nothing compared to the feeling of Audlan's member against her body. It was becoming harder with every passing moment.
Audlan dipped his head into Trinidee's chest, opening his mouth and allowing his tongue to make its way around her nipples.. and then he took one of them by the teeth, pulling up on it to stretch it out. He drew one of his arms back..
"'Ow does dis.. HPHEEL!" he yelled, his teeth still around Trinidee's nipple as he suddenly laid a punch right into her belly!
"Noooo..." Trinidee's protests were a dull whisper at this point. As Audlan nibbled on her tit, her voice raised slightly: "Aaaa...uhhh...nnuuuh!"
Her beautiful orb was temporarily warped by Audlan's bite. Her head shot up, but it fell back down again as the wind was knocked out of her by the crushing stomach punch.
Audlan realized he could do this all night.. but what he really wanted was... well within his grasp as well. He moved his body up Trinidee's body so that his crotch now rested against her neck.. his throbbing genitals warm against her delicate skin- only the thin fabric of his bodysuit preventing them from actual contact. He rubbed them across her face, licking his lips again. "Yes.. you want to taste it, don't you.."
This latest offence was too much for Trinidee and she snapped out of her paralyzed state...for a second anyway. Her hand pressed up against Audlan's groin and she gave a hard shove while turning her body away from him. She looked like a worm as she tried to crawl away.
"I can't...I won't..."
Audlan, instead of pressing further onto the heroine began to back off, a devilish grin forming on his face as he drew back and stood up.
"Oh? Well then.. perhaps you need a little more convincing.."
He stepped forth, grabbing the bottom strap of Trinidee's leotard and tugged it hard upwards, forcing her to stand while it rode up her butt and vagina painfully. "Stand up you cow!"
"Not again..." Trinidee thought. She wanted to get away or at least just lie there until Audlan left her alone, but standing, as hard as it was, would be better than enduring this awful feeling between her legs.
Her legs wobbled and she stumbled backwards into Audlan.
Immediately, Audlan wrapped his arm around Trinidee's neck, putting her into a headlock! "Yah!"
He then wrenched her from side to side, applying pressure to the hold. "What is it going to take, hm?!"
"Hkkkk..." Trinidee choked out. She placed a hand on Audlan's arm to loosen the pressure, but there wasn't any give. It fell to the side and her body was a rag doll as he whipped her around.
"Heheheh, eeeehh!" He grunted as he choked her some more, eventually letting go but quickly turning her around..
"And how DARE you refuse my magnificent cock!" he yelled in a high-pitched, prudish voice. He followed it up by delivering a heavy slap to her face!
Before she fell, he caught her with his arms, helping her back up into a standing position. "Oh no you don't.. we're still not done here."
Trinidee started to fall, but Audlan wouldn't let her. She felt so heavy...she wanted the lights to go out, but...
The sharp slap brought her back to her senses. Staring into Audlan's vile face was terrifying in her current state. If only she was stronger...her head tilted back and her breasts bounced up as Audlan held on to her.
Hoisting her up, Audlan began a series of quick jabs to the heroine's soft belly...
"We'll.." SMACK! "Get..." SMACK! "This.." SMACK! "Flabby belly.." SMACK! "Toned.." SMACK! "IN A HURRY!"
Audlan drew his fist back and his hand suddenly expanded greatly, as an opening in the center of his palm expanded and grew.. until it was a wide tube-looking appendage. He placed the end against Trinidee's stomach and blew her away with a loud blast, sounding something like a foghorn..
Over and over again, Audlan drove his fist into Trinidee. Her body shook with every punch and she slumped over. The only thing keeping her up was the grip Audlan had on the back of her costume, which continued to ride up on her. She lost count of how many times she'd been hit. The skin around her ribcage began to bruise and change colour.
Just when it seemed like she couldn't take anymore, Audlan initiated a new attack that Trinidee couldn't possibly prepare for. A mighty blast came forth from his transformed hand sending her hurtling through the air. She didn't stop until she collided with a large shard of wreckage. As she bounced off, it felt like she was weightless, dropping to the floor in slow motion. She fell to her knees first, her beautiful features showing little emotion, then she fell flat on her face.
Audlan followed after her, shaking his arm and making it return to its normal shape. "Heh.. well, if that doesn't settle you down, I don't know what will.."
"Hahahaha.." he chuckled, his riotous laughter returning for Trinidee to hear.. "HAHAHAHAHA!!"
Whipping his head back and howling in laughter, Audlan lost himself in the moment..
Within Trinidee, the entities stirred...whatever their motivations for inhabiting her body, they wanted her to stay alive. Spiritual energy crackled around her as she started to come to.
Her invisibility went on and off, creating a shimmering effect. Lastly, her powers of flight kicked in and she started to elevate off of the ground, back to her feet.
More than anything, Trinidee drew from her own willpower, refusing to back down from this vile being no matter how much he hurt her. She adjusted her costume, covering up her breasts and struck the strongest pose she could. It wasn't much, but the look in her eyes said she was still in this fight.
"Come on...then...Audlan...answer for...for what you've done..."
"EH?" Audlan grunted, his eyes opening wide as Trinidee's challenge brought him back to reality...
He looked forward to her, blinking. "....You serious?"
Trinidee took two big steps forward...then fell to a knee again. She shook her head and got back up. Even though defeat seemed inevitable, she kept coming forward. "For justice."
"HA!" Audlan snapped, pointing a clawed finger forward. "You just don't know when to give in do you.. alright. Come on then, take your best shot!"
Audlan began to advance, spreading his fingers on both hands and extending his nails a bit longer..
"I'll even let you get the first hit.. see how generous I can be, my darling?"
It took everything Trinidee had to just make it over to Audlan, but she couldn't let him know that. She took a deep breath and cocked her fist back. The ensuing right hook looked impressive, but in truth, there was little steam behind it.
The blow smacked hard against Audlan's chest.. as it did, his chest barely budged...
But a split-second later, Audlan suddenly launched an upward fist at the joint that connected Trinidee's forearm to the rest of her arm... the blow was so quick and instantaneous, that only the sound of the bone snapping would have alerted Trinidee to what just happened..
"EEEEYAAAAAAAH!" Trinidee thought she didn't have enough energy left to scream, but the swift and vicious maneuver proved her wrong. As she felt her arm snap like a twig, she collapsed like she had been shot, massaging her wounded appendage.
Audlan couldn't help but snicker as he creeped along behind his opponent, delivering a boot to her backside to knock her on her belly..
"And now.. the coup de grâce!" he exclaimed, plopping down on her back as if she was some sort of bean bag pillow..
Trinidee felt truly useless as she was kicked around by Audlan. It couldn't end like this...could it? She wheezed a little as Audlan sat down on her. Even in his original form, his weight was considerable. She clawed at the ground with her one good arm, searching for any way out of this predicament.
"No? Oh, but you don't even know what I'm going to do yet.."
Audlan slipped his legs under Trinidee's arms and hoisted his knee up under her arm joints- giving little regard to her broken joint- so that her upper body was slightly lifted off the ground.
"That thing you humans have.. what is it. a television? I learned this one watching it! You're going to love it... heheheh.."
Audlan reached down and cupped both hands over Trinidee's mouth, grinning. "Here goes.. YAAHH!"
Engaging her in a camel clutch, Audlan pulled back on Trinidee's mouth, feeling a rush of excitement as he did so..
"NNNYYYYYAAAAAHHHAAAA!" Trinidee bellowed just from being put into position for the camel clutch. Her back was killing her and the feeling of her injured arm being forcefully repositioned made her sick.
She wasn't even given a chance to beg before Audlan's hands clamped her mouth shut. "MMMMMMPPPPHH!" Why was he doing this? He could easily have knocked her unconscious or just escaped but she knew now that she was dealing with an soulless demon.
As her back bent in a way it wasn't intended to, Trinidee started crying and whimpering all over again. Her neck wasn't doing much better, twisted in Audlan's clutches. She could barely move an inch as Audlan tortured her.
"Heheheh... your screams..." Audlan said, his voice hardly more audible than a whisper.. His eye twitched, and his breathing began to quicken..
"Scream more for me.. MORE!" he demanded, pulling back and lowering his grip to allow Trinidee use of her mouth once more..
"!...noooOOOOOOOOH!" With her lips free, Trinidee tried to speak but the pressure from the camel clutch only allowed her to make a guttural howl. "Oooh...AAIIIIEEE!" she followed with a high pitched scream.
The submission hold was both destructive and humiliating. Her arms were completely trapped and could do nothing but occasionally flop around. Her feet beat against the ground uselessly. Her pretty hair hung over her sweat stained face and Audlan's fingers.
As Audlan cranked on the hold, she could feel her spine curling around his pelvis. Her had her wrapped up tightly. The worst part was that his dick was pressing against her and it was getting harder and harder...
"How much more.." Audlan said, as Trinidee's screams filled his ears. To him, it was such a sweet sound.. his nails begin to dig in deeper on her chin, and he momentarily ceased his pulling back.. to lower his head just enough to place a kiss on her cheek.
"Thank you.." he whispered, sounding oddly sincere.. and Trinidee would have been given enough time to think about it.. but she was quickly wrenched back up in the painful hold, with Audlan having no regard for the state of her body.. or how much more she could take..
Trinidee started to choke again as Audlan used his fingers to toy with her. Somehow she hadn't blacked out from the pain. It was as if he knew exactly how much punishment her body could take and he had her on the threshold at all times.
When he eased up, Trinidee nearly started crying from the joy of not being stretched out. But she was filled with anguish again when he placed his rotten lips on her skin. "Aaah...nooo..."
The flopping of her arms and the beating of her feet ceased when he reapplied the camel clutch. The only movement Trinidee made was from Audlan working the hold, which he did to sadistic perfection.
Finally...Trinidee gave a light tap against Audlan's thigh, a universal sign of submission. "I give up!" she squealed. "Audlan...I'll...aaaah! I'll do anything! Please...let...let me go..."
"Is it talking?!" he claimed in alarm, his eyes opening wide once more. " IS IT?!"
"Can't hear... too quiet.." he said, chuckling. "Not enough.. SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAMS!!" he exclaimed in a very disturbing voice while pulling back a bit more..
"AAAAIIIEEEE!" What was left of the arena was filled with Trinidee's distressed cries. Her beautiful voice was nearly unrecognizable. Every pump of the hold elicited another scream. The only other sounds were her creaking bones and Audlan's excited breaths.
There appeared to be no end in sight.. but just as Audlan pulled back in one final hold, he looked down to Trinidee, seeing her body struggle.. "...Anything?"
Without thinking, Trinidee responded with two clear nods. "...anything...just make it...make it stop."
PLOP! Trinidee was suddenly dropped to the ground.. and Audlan was eerily silent as he slipped his legs from under her arms, rising and stepping away..
"That's quite a promise you've made... and I fully intend for you to stick to it." he said, his voice calm..
He walked over to the front of Trinidee and kneeled down, looking upon her with a frown...
Which quickly spread into one of the creepiest grins that Trinidee would ever see, pointed teeth and all..
Trinidee managed to lift her head, but her eyes could barely see above his torso. She wasn't even thinking about the conversation, she was just glad to be free from the camel clutch.
Then she remembered why he let go. "I...I won't fight anymore. You can...leave...nobody will were here..." Trinidee was ashamed to be making this offer.
"Hehehe.. aw.." he said, moving his hand forward to stroke her hair, and then down her face to stroke her cheek. "I bet you're pretty sure that it's going to be -that- easy.."
He suddenly leaned in close, their faces nearly touching as he moved his tongue around her chin, getting a nice slurp. "But you're mine now..."
He drew back and placed a finger under Trinidee's chin.. getting to his feet and lifting her up so that she was positioned on her knees..
Trinidee's face twisted in revulsion at Audlan's touch. "Aah!" she gasped when he licked her. His sticky saliva lingered on her delicate skin. As she was forced to rise, Audlan's intentions became clearer. "No...he wouldn't..." she told herself.
"Audlan, wait...I said I'd do can go free, I promise..."
The movement was quick.. though by now, Trinidee could hardly be expecting to be shown mercy by the crazed Audlan as he suddenly shot his hand forward, gripping Trinidee's scalp tightly and digging his nails in a bit..
"You will do as I command.." he said authoritatively, moving in closer so that his stimulated cock now brushed up against Trinidee's face.. "...And you know what I want.."
Trinidee shut her eyes as Audlan forced her towards his cock, as if that might make him stop or leave her alone. She abandoned that hope as she felt it rubbing directly against her cheek. "Unnhh..."
She considered one last act of defiance, but then...the terrible memories of their battle came flooding back. The bone crushing bearhug...the impossibly painful ceiling hold...that evil, twisted camel clutch...she didn't know how she'd survived. All she knew is she couldn't go through anything like that again.
She bowed, her forehead resting between Audlan's legs. "Okay...I will...just don't hurt me anymore."
"HA!" he chortled, giving her head a good shove. "No promises there.."
Wringing her head back in position, he moved his cock about her face a few times.. "Get a nice good feel for it.."
"When you're ready.." he said, snarling, licking his lips.. "Pull down on my pants- they come right off! Heheh..heh.."
(end of part 1)
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