Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash NSFW Cards Mod (1 Viewer)


Avid Affiliate
May 18, 2012
So there are a bunch of card edits for Senran Kagura: New Wave floating around that "uncensor" the cards to show nudity. I put them into PBS. Almost every card in PBS is copied from New Wave, so the edits fit in perfectly. This mod changes 306 cards.

Note that I take no credit for the art used in this mod, all I did was put them into the game. All credit goes to the original artists.

Where possible, I've replaced cards with edited versions of the original card. However, not all of the New Wave cards that were edited appear in PBS, so I just replaced other cards with them. In general, I tried to keep the "feel" for every card the same, trying to replace cards that have an action shot with a NSFW card that has an action shot. That wasn't always possible, so expect card names to not make sense with the displayed image.

I worked top-down, meaning the higher star cards were replaced first, so the rarer cards will show nudity more often than common cards, unless there were enough edits available to replace everything. Certain cards cannot be replaced (Homura's first 5-star card crashed the game every time I tried) though. DLC cards were not replaced unless I had an edit available for the picture on the DLC card, or I had an overflow of card edits (looking at you, Souji, Leo and Kagura). Certain characters (Mirai/Minori/Kafuru, some others) had very few to no edits available, so don't expect every 5 star card to be replaced.


- Possibly the skill card DLC's, I'm not sure if you'd crash without them. If you do, remove the files starting with 100.

Install instructions:

- Back up your GameData/card/nw folder!

- Install the contents of the archive into your PBS install directory, overwrite when asked.

Known issues:

- Most cards have the character name at the bottom and rarity in top left, unlike the PBS cards. I can't help that, that's how they looked in New Wave.

- Due to image compression, the cards may look worse than usual at higher (more than 1080p) resolutions. I can't use higher quality images because the file size of the cards HAS to be identical to the original or they won't load.

If you experience crashes or a card that won't load, let me know and I'll look into it.

This mod should be complete unless more edited cards appear in the future.


Download from attachment or Mega Mirror:

Purist Version: This version only changes cards that have direct edits, i.e. the original card has an edited version, no other cards were changed. This changes 95 cards.
Download from attachment or Mega Mirror:


SKPBS Card Mod.7z
82.2 MB · Views: 1,384

SKPBS Card Mod Purist Version.7z
25 MB · Views: 915

Last edited:


Avid Affiliate
May 18, 2012
Uploaded the Purist version for those who are bothered by the cards that were completely changed to different art. It changes only 95 cards compared to the main mod's 306.


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Apr 16, 2012
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Very respectfully,
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