The first issue of the dialogue has two problems...
A third double quote was found on line 13, col 26, before finding a { in that line. This indicates a coding error.
Line 13: intro:"Well Ms. "Well Ms. "ME", do you have any limitations when you perform fellatio on your husband?""{"style":"Him"}
Double space on line 80, col 21
Line 80: restart:"I think..... THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!!!"{"mood":"Ahegao","next":"restart"}
Line 13 really needs looking over because there's a bunch of hidden issues in there as well (" as *)
Looking at it further...
I think I'll be adding .? and .! to the checklist. Ms and Dr should be part of the substitutes.
intro:"It's just........ I don't know. I wonder if I can ever please my husband. He says I often leaving him wanting more." <- often leave him wanting more
intro:"NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Dr.* YOU* I can't let that happen, I love hime too much.! What can I do to repair the marriage." <- him too much!