Hello I would like to refresh the subject.
Link to official game -
Humankind Game - Official Website
About potential of mods - what would make sence?
To begin with that you have to understand where mods should take place.
Any visuals that represents action between players are in "Diplomatic menu"
As of that there are huge limitations of what mods should be made so here are my ideas as of typical pervert:
Bacis mods:
1. Hair mods - there are way to few hairstyles
2. Boobs, ass, genitalias enlargement mods - there are very, VERY limited options to those right now - what character/avatar looks like in video below
3. Color mods - we need more colors and possibility to change their "glowiness" - THERE ARE NO FANCY COLORED LIPSTICKS RIGHT NOW T_T
Intermidiate mods:
1. Adding new personalities and personality trats to avatars - there are no perverts and bdsm's right now - man this game is about humankind but it is not tainted with humanity at all }:->
2. Adding sexual interactions or a whole sex tab to diplomatic menu. For example when you make a vassal of someone. Animation of you standing while vassalized leader sucks your coock would not hurt :3
Trade for sexual interactions (hooker mod) would be nicely welcomed too :D
Advanced mods:
1. Adding new "civilizations", "faiths", "developments" - right now even as the final civilization is developped there are NO NEKKO GIRLS, NO DOMINAS, NO SEX SLAVES
For example adding whole civilization of demons or religion of ocultists, developing sex chambers, sex toys, brothels
Anyway if any "18+ content creator" needs ideas - feel free to contact me