I would like to make her entire body semi transparent making a sort of half-assed x-ray mode. I think at some point the penis becomes transparent so that would need to be removed to get the effect I want, that is, seeing the penis through her semi transparent body.
There used to be a mod that had various transparency effects but it no longer works in the current loader. I'm having a hard time finding it or I would provide a link but it might be used as a starting point.
The old moddoes work kinda works after I added a mods.txt file to it. That mod is here: http://www.sdtmods.com/index.php?topic=1792.0 . That mod has a bug in it that causes it to glitch if the girl is brought above the penis.
So, after the 5th edit, if anyone can get this working right I'd appreciate it.
The old mod
So, after the 5th edit, if anyone can get this working right I'd appreciate it.