The Trading Post (Lists only) (1 Viewer)

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Potential Patron
Jan 18, 2010
After much deliberation, we decided we'd give those who wish to trade videos amongst themselves the chance to do so in this thread. This is not because we are in favour of using Trading Lists in a forum based on good will and free sharing, far from it, but we do concede that it's the only way that certain videos can be shared, and mainly because it might help a person that actually does want to share videos build up a collection. Do have that in mind before posting your list.

For now, this thread is experimental, and anyone can post their Trading List, in the future we may restrict entry based on post count and/or post quality, or erase it completely if it proves to be detrimental. Currently, the only rule is that only one post per member is allowed, post more than one and all of them will be deleted. If you want to add something to your list, edit your post. If you want to discuss something with someone who's already posted a list, send him a visitor message or private message.


Potential Patron
Apr 29, 2011
*Post moved from Ringdivas thread*

Anyone who Has Ringdivas videos, who is willing to trade, send me a private message please. This is the list of Ringdivas videos that I have. The Girls of War are not the full videos but are about a third of the full video.
-Sayuri vs Jagged low blows -Girls of war 1+3 -Gojirah vs destiny -jagged vs Hollie 2 -Jagged vs Mandy -Kati vs Gojirah -Private sessions 1 Lacey von Erich
-Hazel vs Racquel Ultimate low blows 19 -Racquel vs Tina -Sam Sexton vs Lacey New years 2007 -Kati vs Sam Sexton Coed bikini beatdown -Racquel vs Suicide State of emergency
-Sam vs Gojirah Ragdoll 10 -Suicide vs Angel vs Jelena -So Cal Val vs Tracy Backstage brawls 5 -So Cal Val vs Sam Sexton belly punching contest -Bra and Thong destuction 2+4+6
-Tina vs So Cal Val Glory and honor 2008 -Racquel vs Tina Hot oil Bra thong wrestling -Kati vs Hazel Hot oil match -Nip slips and cunt busts 1 -Please knock me out 1
-So Cal Val vs The grand Yubari -Sam Sexton vs Destiny, Racquel, Taty, Gojirah -Sayuri vs Crystal -So Cal Val vs Amber + Demon 1+2 -So Cal Val vs Jason Jones
-Suicide vs Jessicka vs Sam Sexton Divamania 2009 -Torture rack of death Sam vs Demon -Destiny vs Sam + Gojirah Ultimate low blows -Sam vs Amber Ultimate low blows 2
-Vanessa vs Hazel -Violet vs Gojirah superstars 2010 -Ab destruction of Tina lockhart 1+2 -Tina vs Jessicka end of days 08, retribution 2007 - Cali Gi Danger vs Destiny
- Madison vs Queen Arrianna - Sandy van Buren vs Sam Sexton.
If you're interested, send me a message of the videos that you have that are not any of these.

Edit : If anyone has these videos, please message me.
DT 795 Blood work
BLOOD WORK: Double Trouble
DT 533 Bad vibes, the full video.
Bad Vibes: Double Trouble
I have plenty of ringdivas, some skw, and dt.

I am Looking for any x club wrestling videos. If you have any send me message and we will work out a trade. Thanks.
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Ryonani Teamster
Jul 30, 2010
*Post moved from Ringdivas thread*

Here's what I've got. Uploads on trades only. PM me with a list of your stuff. Thanks!

Gojirah vs Destiny
Jagged vs Mandy
Kati vs Gojirah
Vanessa Kraven vs Sayuri
Leilani vs Destiny Dumon
Leilani vs Sam Sexton
Private Sessions (Lacey Von Erich)
Sam Sexton vs Lacey
Kati vs Sam Sexton
Amy Love vs SoCal Val
Sayuri vs SoCal Val
Sayuri vs SoCal Val 2
Brooke vs Amy Love
Crystal vs Tina Lockhart
Jessicka Havoc vs Amber Van Buren
Sayuri vs Alexa
Sayuri vs Mandy and Hollie
Hazel vs Racquel
Racquel vs Kyle Shillinger
Racquel vs Tina Lockhart
Sam Sexton vs Gojirah
Racquel vs Tatyana
Kati vs Hazel
Sayuri vs Crystal
SoCal Val vs Nicole Franklin
Tina vs SoCal Val
Vanessa vs Hazel
Jagged vs Sayuri

*Post moved from SKW thread*

Here's what I've got. Uploads on trades only. PM me with a list of your stuff. Thanks!

Angelina vs Gia Primo
Alex vs Fantasia
Sumiko vs Alex
Sumiko vs Angelina
Battle Royal Match
6 vs 1 Match
Alex vs Serena
Angelina Love vs Sleeperkid
Cali vs Sumiko
Cali vs Natasha
Cameron vs Sumiko (Ballad Part 1)
Sumiko vs Sleeperkid
Helena vs Rapture
Lacey vs Sleeperkid
Lacey vs The Machine
Sapphire vs Fiorella Fuego
Rain vs Sleeperkid
Tara Bush vs Jackson
Sumiko vs Sapphire
Jacquelyn Velvets vs Sleeperkid


My list for trading anything is.

Brooke v Amy Love
SoCal vs Amy Love
AbDes of Tina II
Brooke vs Sayuri
SoCal vs Grand Yubari
Kati v Hazel [OIL]
SoCal vs Tina Lockhart
Traci Brooks and Socal Backstage Part 1
Kati vs Sam Sexton

Torrie vs Reese
Jamie vs Torrie
Kelly vs Taylor
Brooke vs Autumn I

Hayley vs Kimberly
Hayley vs Kimberly II
Itallian Stallion vs Barbara

Jenna vs Layla Part 1 Only

Angel Williams vs Jennifer Blake
Britanny Love vs Christie Ricci
Angel Williams vs Daffney.. Unger
Amber O Neal vs Krissy Vaine
Brandi Wine vs Jessie McKay
Angela Fong vs Britani Knight
Amy Love vs Shantelle Taylor
Alexa Thatcher vs L&R
Shantelle Taylor vs Trenesha

Helena vs Orlana
Gwen vs Kira


*Post was deleted as user is apparently a scammer*
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Potential Patron
Dec 6, 2010
Hi all, basically I have most of the MIXED VIDEO from l@puta japan,, sl33pkld and f3mmix, and i am only interested in trading mixed wrestling video, kindly PM me with what u want and what u have, i can send you preview as well :) Cheers
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Potential Patron
Jul 2, 2011
I'm mainly looking for any Kari vs Alicia stuff from Sleeperkid's World, except for Once and For All (the spy v spy one).

I have lots of stuff from most companies, way too much to list.

Contact me for more info.


Potential Patron
Jul 3, 2011
List is available via PM have over ten years worth of trading and collecting. All the top producers and my list is organized by producer, vid number and girls. PM me for my list or what you're looking for. What I want most is listed below. I have TONS to trade.

What I want to trade for

All f3mm1x featuring k1mb3rl3y
Any videos with Kr1$t1@n@ losing
Any videos with H0n3y losing
Any videos with extended victory pose scenes
Any videos with Kr1$$y from R1ngm@$t3r
Any videos with JC M@r1e losing
Any videos with $h3lly M@rtin3z
Any videos with Tyl3n3 buck (No WCW stuff please)
Any videos with Kry$t@l $umm3r$
Any videos with $h@nn0n (T@yl0r)
Any f3mm1x videos with victory pose
Any videos with G0ld1e losing
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i have 200 video of FataleFighting (lethalfemales) interested exchange ?


Ryonani Teamster
Jun 25, 2011
ok here goes for those that have tried to contact me & ask for my list, I'm including a link to my latest update, the excel sheet is broken into different catagories,
for those looking for DT Wrestling simply go to the DT PAge & click on the link to see my latest Master list.

you'll find that here:
_Master Wrestling 2011 JULY.xlsx

PLease contact me directly here:

with specific details & what you might have in trade :have a nice day:

thank members

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Looking primarily for DC DT or SKW's newer videos, but open to other offers I guess.

My list

D@nger0u$ Curve$

@utumn v. Br00ke 1
P!per v. Summer
Torr!e v. J@de dc03!
V@ne$$a v. J@de #3
J@mie v. @utumn 1
@utumn v. Sp!r!t #2
Torr!e v. @ngel
Kyl!e v. Torr!e (posted in the D@ngerous Curve$ thread, so a freebee for you guys)
Peyt0n v. Kyl!e
Bell@ v. @utumn 1
Sh@nna v. M!kayla
Sp!r!t v. Rox!e
G@ll@s v. @utumn oil
Torr!e v. B@!ley
@utumn v. Steph!e
Sp!r!t v. Torr!e #1
@utumn v. Cal!
S@r@h v. B@!ley
B@!ley v. @utumn
@lex!s @ngel v. @utumn
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Potential Patron
Apr 9, 2011
I have large collections of following:

Ac4demy Wrest1ing
D4ngerous Curves
D0uble Tr0uble
R1ng D1vas

I also have smaller collections of many other companies. I am mainly looking to trade with DC, DT, or F0xyc0mbat. But I am open to other suggestions.


Potential Patron
Jul 9, 2011
i´m looking foward to trade

videos i got


dc016 Alexis vs Jade
dc007 Brooke vs Mia
dc020 Vanessa vs Angie
dc026 Jade vs Vanessa
dc028 Jennifer vs Reese
dc033 Karma vs Torrie
dc034 Jade vs Vanessa 45min fight
dc035 Kelly vs Taylor
dc037 Torrie vs Reese
dc038 Kelly vs Torrie
dc040 Jamie vs Torrie
dc050 Roxie vs Autumn
dc057 Torrie vs Kylie


keri vs busty
keri vs tara the belt
keri vs heather destroying keri
cali vs danielle the one in thongs

few femmix

if this isn´t enough i also have other videos, but i only trade them for dangerousvideo, SAF or femmix ones, because these are the ones i´m interessted in especially dangerousvideo

all videos from Kickassgirlz
lots of from knockoutgirlz (partnersite of KAG)

hope some will trade with me

PS: sorry for my bad english :)

kind regards


I have large collections of

Super action fight
Wrestling lounge

PM me if you want to trade videos or for more info about specific vids


I have a lot of the kimberly vids from f3mmix. If anyone is interested in trading, let me know. I am interested in trading for more of her vids, lingerie vids 3 and 4 (I have 2), addison oil wrestling, etc.


Potential Patron
Jun 28, 2011
i have a large collection of videos from : Bitchfight Uk, Cali Logan, Catfight Corner, Catfight Fantasy/Pro Catfight Fantasies, Catfight Haven, Catty Fights, Chickfight, DT , FFB, FFFights, Kickassgirlz & Knockoutgirlz, Ladyfist, Office Catfights, Queen of the Hood, Sleeperkidsworld, Trib girls, Ultimate Surrender and Vira's apartment wrestling. I have alot of full length (30 minute or more) from each one. Right now I'm looking for anything with Helena in it from Sleeperkidsworld or Absynthe in Ladyfist. I'm also looking for Maidens of Mayhem, and more...PM me if you want to trade..
edited: also I wouldn't mind other videos from SKWS or Ladyfist you might have besides Absynthe or Helena ...but those 2 are my favorites. Hope to trade with you all soon!
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I would like to trade I am looking for ring divas sayuri, skw devon and Alex, honey and erica d'erico. But I am open to other videos

Part of my list that I have bought and havent seen in the site

-002KNGT kery vs Honey

-Brittany Love vs Mary E. Monroe

-alexa thatcher vs lacy/rain
-Angel Williams vs Jennifer Blake
-Cindy Rogers vs Nikki Roxx
-Portia Perez vs Zach

-AmyLove vs Sayuri Rematch
-LeeAnn vs Destiny
- Nip Slips & Cunt Busts Vol. Lee Ann
-Sayuri vs. So Cal Val

-Bigtimebackfire3 Willa vs Helena
-Mixed Dreams DEVON

-Honey vs Trixie

I also have another 155 from trades and downloads PM!!!


Potential Patron
Apr 14, 2011
Ringdivas Collection

amber vs jessika
amber vs sam
amy love vs tiana ringer
Backstage Brawls Jagged vs Socal
Bra & Thong Destruction Vol. 2
britney vs jessika
Diva Rumble 2011
DragonStar vs. Crystal & Amber (Last Stand 2007)
Gang Violence Vol.5 (Sam vs. Destiny, Tina & Jessicka)
hollie vs vanessa
Jagged vs amber
jagged vs holie
Jagged vs Mandy
Jason Jones vs. Angelina
Jason Jones vs. So Cal Val
Kati vs Gojirah
Kati vs Hazel
kati vs sam
kyle vs racquel
Lacey Von Erich vs Jessicka Havoc
Lacey Von Erich vs. So Cal Val
lacey von erich PrivateSessions
leeann vs mpr
madison vs ariana
Please Knock Me Out Vol1
Racquel Bra and Thong Destruction 6
Racquel vs Sam (TickleStorm)
racquel vs tatyana
RagDoll Vol.1 (Vanessa vs. Sayuri)
RagDoll Vol.3 (Vanessa vs. Sayuri)
Sam Sexton vs. So Cal Val
sayuri vs alexa
sayuri vs brooke
Sayuri vs Mandi
Sayuri vs. Socal Val - Backstage Brawls Vol.1
Sayuri vs. Socal Val
Sayuri Blood Chronicles
Socal Val vs. Amber & Demon
Socal Val vs. Amy Love
Socal Val vs. Amy Love (ragdoll)
Socal Val vs. Angelina
Socal Val vs. Crystal
Socal Val vs. Nicole Franklin
Socal Val vs. Sayuri
Socal Val vs. The Grand Yubari
Socal Val vs. Tiana Ringer
Suicide vs. Jelena vs. Angel (New Years Resolution 2009)
tina vs racquel
Ultimate Low Blows Vol.9 (Racquel vs Hazel Custom)
Violet VS Gojirah

Incomplete (guaranted to be about 10 minutes but unfinished/missing first few minutes)
hazel vs kyle(nutbuster)
sayuri vs vanessa (prostyle)
sayuri vs jagged
Ultimate Low Blows Vol.6 (Racquel vs. Sam & Jessicka)
vanessa vs hazel

note: give me a few days to reply
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