Synopsis: Skyhawk finds Talon laying unconscious on the ground. As soon as Talon awakens, she immediately attacks Skyhawk. Apparently, Talon is being controlled by an amulet around her neck. Skyhawk doesn't want to hurt Talon, but she has to get the amulet.
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Critique: The mystery of the amulet, the conflict between allies, and the psychological undertones add intrigue to a simple vignette. The fight scenes are well choreographed, and the special effects are good. However, the fight for supremacy is a banal a theme. Kristina is a good actress, butt I just don't like her ass. Heather has nice hips, and she's pretty, but she's too tall and slender for my taste.
Psychology: The loss of Talon's memory is an inversion. It's a metaphor for the reawakening of her dormant sexual desires. Just as salmon must return to their natal stream to spawn, Talon must procreate, even at the cost of her life.
The closer Skyhawk gets, the greater Talon's anguish. The Oedipal child (Talon) is torn between her incestuous desire and her moral code. On one hand, Skyhawk is the nurturing parent that Talon loves. On the other hand, Skyhawk punishes Talon for her forbidden desire. As a result, Talon does not know if Skyhawk is her friend or her enemy.
The metaphorical goal of the contest is to determine who will be the male in the courtship ritual. The poles are phallic symbols. The amulet represents libido (sexual energy), and its removal is castration. The final scene is a repetition of the first, except Skyhawk becomes the caretaker of the 'family jewels'. The winner is the moral authority. The loser, is a submissive female. Notice that Skyhawk straddles Talon as she repeatedly pummels her to and fro.
If your Carl Jung, the amulet is the Self. The Self is the "the god within us". It's a nexus that is the center of our true nature and our connection to the cosmos. Skyhawk is the persona (a personality we assume in order to socialize) and Talon is her shadow (her subconscious nature). Skyhawk is a hero simply because she dares to probe the unknown, even though her introspective journey is perilous. Notice the mesmerizing effect that the jewel has on her.
"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."