Happily Ever After
By Me and thesteedman
Part 1
[03:02:33] <Sickerton> "Alright... a little over here... a little of that..."
[03:04:37] <Sickerton> Faith, uh, 'looked' on as her guide fiddled with what seemed to be a set of engravings on a stone wall. This was probably one of the more roundabout ways to gain an audience with royalty, but her current options were rather limited.
[03:08:26] <Sickerton> The serpentine information broker she had escaped the coils of not long ago had given her one word of parting guidance: Seek out a 'Phobie Von Hündin' if she wished to continue on the path to hunt down Blackthorn. Well, no, there was also "Phobie is incredibly dangerous", but considering why she was important that was kind of a given.
[03:10:06] <Sickerton> Se'Na had also offered a guide, but... yeah. No. Faith had found her way to the baroness' township just fine on her own, and only after she had reached an impasse there did she tap the locals for assistance.
[03:14:05] <Sickerton> You see, Phobie was... difficult to gain an audience with. At least, an audience on good terms. Taking quite a few pages out of more tyrannical kings and queens of ages past, she almost never called for meetings and even when she did only the most dull would show up to them if not already metaphorically (or sometimes literally) held at knifepoint.
[03:15:58] <Sickerton> This meant that walking in the front gate was a no-go. But luckily the baron of bitches had not completely snuffed out the local rapscallion population yet, and they always knew all the good nooks and crannies to squeeze through.
[03:16:16] <Sickerton> Speaking of which...
[03:16:48] <Sickerton> "Just a little more, love... hold yer blindfold..."
[03:18:38] <Sickerton> Faith's current 'companion went by the name Deja La Chance, although it was just as likely to simply be a convenient alias. She certainly looked like someone liable to pull up all her stakes and bolt at a moment's notice.
[03:21:49] <Sickerton> She was covered head to toe in black leather, held tight with straps across them at regular intervals to silence rustling and creaking that could give her away in the middle of her work. Both a high-collared coat and a ragged tophat did their best to hide her features in shadows. It'd probably have worked too, if not for the cherry bud at the end of her hand-rolled smoke illuminating her youthful face somewhat.
[03:26:04] <Sickerton> As obvious a ne'er do well as she was, this woman had dangled a very tempting factoid in front of the blind monk: While Phobie was not dumb enough to allow entrance through the sewer of her castle, there WAS a secret passage a short ways in used to sneak in and out... things that the baron wanted, and then was finished with.
[03:27:22] <Sickerton> And to prevent willy-nilly exploitation of this, the passage was both cleverly hidden and locked in a very peculiar way that only those in the know could decipher. And Deja, supposedly, was one of them.
[03:28:44] <Sickerton> "Almost there..." the tramp mumbled, her gloved hands darting back and forth from indentation to indentation. "Just gotta-DAMMI-wait, there!"
[03:31:38] <Sickerton> A series of clicks sounded off, and all at once the 'engravings' began to rotate and transform. As they shifted and spun it soon became apparent that when shifted in the correct manner it was actually an engraving: That of a rose, it's petals in full bloom and it's stem covered in hooked thorns.
[03:33:51] <Sickerton> As soon as the 'picture' was completed it all swung inwards, revealing an unlit passage, and Deja stepped back to bow to Faith.
[03:35:27] <Sickerton> "I believe you may be better suited to lead the way here." She spoke smoothly and softly. "If you don't mind, of course..."
[03:35:30] <Sickerton> (yt)
[03:37:53] <thesteedman> The device that kept the passage from opening was no doubt a beautiful and well crafted one, given its design to look like a grand rose. Unfortunately the art form was wasted on Faith, whose blindfolded eyes had not seen sight for well over a decade. To her, Deja might as well have been cooking a stew given the passing comments she made whilst she solved it.
[03:38:46] <thesteedman> That was neither here or there though, and Faith knew she needed an audience with Phobe if she was to regain Blackthorn's trail. With what she had heard of the woman, it was best to meet her on ones own terms rather then on hers.
[03:39:45] <thesteedman> Faith was clad in fresh clothing. It had taken her some time to upgrade from the rags her encounter with Se'Na had left her with, but she managed to scavenge enough rags to make a cloak for a time and do some odd tasks to earn some gold.
[03:40:35] <thesteedman> With that gold, she managed to purchase new clothing before her arrival at Phobe's town, clad in fresh dark gi like trousers that cut off at her mid shins, with a waist cloak to dangle behind.
[03:41:22] <thesteedman> Her belt was cobalt, near matching the tone of her hair. A black material was wrapped around her chest and one of her arms, whilst a fresh blindfold coated her eyes.
[03:42:10] <thesteedman> There had always been a inkling of doubt etched into the back of her mind of whether Se'Na had been throwing her on a wild goose chase just to spare herself from Faith's wrath... but thus far everything had checked out.
[03:43:08] <thesteedman> Se'Na even warned her of the dangers of Phobie Von Hündin... The serpentine woman was at least honest to her word if nothing else.
[03:44:02] <thesteedman> "Very well, thank you for your assistance thus far. If fortune favors us I will not have much more need of your services." Faith spoke, giving a small nod and bow of appreciation for Deja's efforts in getting her into the keep.
[03:45:26] <thesteedman> Faith took the lead from here. Though the keep was new to her senses, most had roughly the same manner of layout. She had lived in a keep herself way back when in her days when she openly named herself of House Naridia. This one shouldn't be all too different.
[03:46:13] <thesteedman> The quarters of nobles were often in the same place, high above everyone else, stationed so they could look down upon the lands that belonged to them. Often Noble types held desire simply to look down on their peons as was most often the case.
[03:47:57] <thesteedman> Faith frowned slightly, getting a 'feel' for her surroundings. The slight chill meant it was dark, and the cobbles below her feet made her detect that the two had entered a cellar of some form. It was surprisingly spacious in the room she entered, as Faith half expected to sense kegs and barrells. The wine and mead of the keep were often stored in places like this.
[03:49:15] <thesteedman> "We shall head up. I believe most of the guard will be stationed upon the walls, we should not encounter too many within. Bypassing patrols will not be of any difficulty." Faith whispered to Deja, looking to reassure the smaller woman.
[03:50:00] <thesteedman> Faith stopped suddenly within the middle of the vast space however, her head tilting and turning slightly, a motion common to her when she detected something.
[03:51:54] <thesteedman> Already on her guard, Faith turned... "We are not alone." Faith whispered, taking a defencive stance.
[03:51:55] <thesteedman> (yt)
[03:55:22] <Sickerton> "Well well well..." a sultry voice mused down from somewhere up ahead. "I believe we have a rat problem."
[03:57:20] <Sickerton> Someone snapped their fingers, and several wall sconces suddenly lit to make all plain to see... for Deja at least. Although since the other inhabitants were no longer waiting in ambush and free to move unhindered, they were most likely far easier for Faith to pick up as well.
[04:01:33] <Sickerton> Hunched over and slowly advancing were two women, faces covered by masks and grasping oddly designed punch daggers in each balled fist. While these were clearly some sort of hired help for the castle, they alse were obviously not the type one would call a 'guard'. 'Agents', 'Secret Police', or 'Spooks' more likely.
[04:02:46] <Sickerton> But still they were not the stars of the show here. That belonged to the woman watching passively from the top of a stairway on the other side of the room, blocking the only path further in the process.
[04:05:49] <Sickerton> She was dressed in a crisp and almost militaristic uniform, crimson red with liberal golden trim. It was so official looking that one could almost overlook the corset built right into it. Almost.
[04:08:36] <Sickerton> On her left hip was a coiled whip, seemingly ready for use at a moment's notice. On her right was a seathed saber; heavily detailed, although merely ornamental or legitimately combat worthy would be anyone's guess. But she apparently saw no use for either, merely crossing her arms across her chest while staring down at her guests with pale blue eyes.
[04:11:27] <Sickerton> "And quite a unique rat at that!" the obvious royal who could only be Phobie continued, the ponytail pulled almost painfully tight drooping onto one shoulder as she tilted her head. "Are you bringing me damaged goods, wretch?"
[04:13:43] <thesteedman> (Out of mild curiosity, ye wouldn't happen to have a reference image for Phobe wud ye? =) )
[04:14:06] <Sickerton> "Very funny." Deja surprisingly (but at the same time rather not surprisingly at all) mumbled back. Turning away from something she had apparently been busy with during the moment of introductions. As rumbles once more began and the breeze behind them cut off, Faith soon realized that said task was resealing the passage they had taken.
[04:14:31] <Sickerton> (Funny you should ask, I was gonna give you some right after finishing this segment)
[04:15:26] <Sickerton> (Phobie's attire is mostly based on
http://i.imgur.com/clqWTxJ.jpg )
[04:16:00] <Sickerton> (And Deja's is largely based on
http://darksouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/npcs/marvellous-chester-large.jpg )
[04:16:03] <thesteedman> (Ahh cool xD )
[04:17:36] <Sickerton> "Not like I had a choice." Deja continued, slapping her hands together to brush off dust. "This was your mark."
[04:18:58] <Sickerton> "Sush, don't ruin the illusion." Phobie replied slyly, before shifting her attention to Faith. "As for her..."
[04:20:19] <Sickerton> The baroness shifted her stance slightly, her thigh-high boots creaking a bit in the process, and she almost dismissively motioned towards the monk.
[04:20:53] <Sickerton> "Subdue her. Oh, and a bonus to whoever out of you three makes her squeak the loudest."
[04:20:56] <Sickerton> (yt)
[04:23:29] <thesteedman> Faith took a deep breath. Ever since she was able to conquer her rage, she had become a shining example of patience and understanding. The blind fighter never raised her voice, never grew angry or impatient. She was always kind and caring to those she could spare the time for. Faith expected nothing in return for such noble and good deeds.
[04:23:53] <thesteedman> However... she wasn't going to give Deja such usual treatment she even reserved for her enemies.
[04:23:59] <thesteedman> No... Deja was getting a kick to the face.
[04:25:01] <thesteedman> With a loud shout, Faith did just that, leaping from one leg and letting the other shoot out, making sure her heel caught her jaw as she finished the motion.
[04:26:09] <thesteedman> The kick was hard enough to keep her down for the moment, as Faith quickly moved to the advancing goons of the witch up the stairs. They did not conceal their steps as they advanced, giving away their position too easily.
[04:27:34] <thesteedman> Faith found she had little of a mood for games, and rather wanted to deal with these two women as promptly as she could. She tried to sweep one of them, aiming for the side of the knees to try and bring them down, before she relied on her fists, weapons as deadly as her feet. She rammed one hard punch towards the standing woman's stomach, looking to hit with enough power to rise her up off her feet.
[04:27:55] <thesteedman> With a quick spin, she ended the brief combo with a kick to the side of her head whilst her feet were still elvated from the air.
[04:28:44] <thesteedman> "Phobie Von Hündin I assume..." Faith spoke more direct, convincingly facing the woman, unlike when Faith purposely didn't face those she spoke to to play up on her blindess.
[04:29:19] <thesteedman> "I have much to discuss with you." Faith added, sending a stomp towards the other floored woman, looking to drive a heel into her lower back.
[04:29:21] <thesteedman> (yt)
[04:33:20] <Sickerton> The heel to Deja's jaw was probably as satisfying as any blow could ever possibly be; Letting out a choked "GHHRK" as her mouth was slammed shut hard enough to sever her smoke, the woman flipped backwards and hit the wall, eventually sliding down to land on her face as she bent backwards against the corner.
[04:37:01] <Sickerton> While not beaten down quite as humiliatingly, the two agents did not really fare much better. As the first was brought to her knees the other turned to seemingly gape at the speed of the blow, leaving her wide open to a hit of her own. Or two as the case may be.
[04:41:01] <Sickerton> The standing agent's mask was darkened with spittle as she was struck in the gut hard enough to pop her up, leaving her gagging and retching midair. This was not for long though, as Faith's followup kick to her head sent her tumbling off to the side in a rolling sprawl. As she slowly came to an eventual stop she sputtered, let out a long breath of ragged air with a "KHHHHhhh..." and then lay still.
[04:43:49] <Sickerton> The final adversary stared up in horror at the oncoming stomp from her kneeling position... but it never landed, as a hand from behind her caught it mid-descent and pushed back.
[04:45:37] <Sickerton> Phobie had apparently descended the stairs to intercept right at the last second, although when and how she managed that so fast was lost in the heat of battle. Being as nimble as she was, Faith was able to keep her balance even with such a surprise, but still she was forced back a step or two to do so.
[04:48:59] <Sickerton> "So you think..." the baroness mused, before bringing one of her feet up to stomp down right where Faith intended to on the doubled over agent. The girl began to squeal and beg, but it was soon cut short as Phobie reached down to clutch the mook's jaw from behind and pull her head back with a brutal SNAP!
[04:51:48] <Sickerton> "So hard to find good help..." the royal continued, continuing her advance on the monk by trodding upon what used to be her minion as if she was a shuddering bump in the road. "No matter. I don't mind getting my hands dirty."
[04:51:55] <Sickerton> (yt)
[04:53:16] <thesteedman> Faith frowned... perhaps not so much at the sudden speed of Phobie Von Hündin being able to save one of her minions... but rather what followed, sensing as the woman simply snapped her neck with no mercy or remose.
[04:53:58] <thesteedman> However, how fast she was able to move was also an issue, given she had managed to descend a flight of stairs without sound and intercept her. Faith was fast herself, but to achieve what Phobie Von Hündin had... it seemed like something else.
[04:55:00] <thesteedman> Faith retook her stance. "Blackthorne... Where is Blackthorne? That is all I require from you." Faith spoke, beginning to circle Phobie as the woman slowly approached her.
[04:55:48] <thesteedman> Sensing dark intent, Faith took the first strike, leading in with a straight punch aimed towards her chest. She tried to follow up with two more rapid strikes towards her jaw and stomach, beginning her combo she had begun to master over the last few years. A triple punch to open the enemy up.
[04:56:28] <thesteedman> Faith felt she already had a good measure of the woman. Knowing talking alone would not shift her resolve. Only combat would most likely do that...
[04:56:30] <thesteedman> (yt)
[04:59:31] <Sickerton> Phobie weaved to the side as the first blow came her way, turning the ki-enforced strike from a solid whump to the breastplate to a glancing blow which mostly just wrecked the tasseled shoulder of her coat.
[05:00:44] <Sickerton> The followup blows might have been better adapted to match the royal's speed... if Faith's concentration was not at that moment broken by a sharp pain to the calf.
[05:02:27] <Sickerton> Faith did not look down, as she did not NEED to, but at least focused her senses in that direction to get a better idea of what was happening. It seems that while Deja was not quite well enough yet to get back up and running, that did not mean she couldn't be a hassle.
[05:04:11] <Sickerton> The rogue had crawled her way over and revealed yet another interesting tidbit: She had something up her sleeves. Specifically, sharpened bits of onyx that despite their crude appearance could sink into flesh quite easily if deployed at just the right time.
[05:08:08] <Sickerton> While probably not too bad by itself, Phobie was also quick to pick up on this turn of events and lunged in to press her advantage. Turning to the side and rearing back one arm in preparation, the royal then sunk an elbow into Faith's turned abs with far more force than her relatively petite frame would suggest.
[05:10:18] <Sickerton> "Good morning." Phobie quipped down at her 'assistant.' "Keep pulling your weight and I may not hang you by it."
[05:10:22] <Sickerton> (yt)
[05:14:03] <thesteedman> The pain in her calf was not horrific, a sting certainly, enough to make one flinch most definitely. Her focus was broken perhaps for no more then a second, but a second was all it took for Phobie to take complete advantage of the situation.
[05:14:57] <thesteedman> Her last strike did not even come to finish, and suddenly an elbow dug into her toned abs. A loud grunt escaped from Faith as the air left her lungs. She felt her feet slide against the ground from the force of the strike.
[05:15:53] <thesteedman> She managed to retain her balance, but doubled over, folding her arms over her bare midriff. The pain hit much later then the strike itself, and Faith fell to one knee for a moment, coughing spittle and a little blood.
[05:16:39] <thesteedman> Faith gasped, managing to regain her composure, knowing too much distraction would grant Phobie another opening. She was fast... that much was certain, but Faith was certain she could keep up... provided nothing was distracting her.
[05:17:24] <thesteedman> Deja was unfortunately that element that tipped the balance heavily for Phobie. Given she didn't seem that strong... Faith knew she would have to try and take out the sly girl first.
[05:18:02] <thesteedman> "How many have you.... uugh... betrayed Deja?" Faith asked, before taking a deep breath and letting the pain shift aside to become an after thought.
[05:19:09] <thesteedman> The blind warrior didn't even wait for an answer, she darted in quickly, seemingly aiming for Phobie again, looking to try and make her go on the defensive... however, a last change of course sent a heavy punch towards Deja, looking to try and take her out. She knew this would open her up, but Faith felt she needed to deal with the outside elements before she could deal with Phobie herself.
[05:19:12] <thesteedman> (yt)
[05:20:44] <Sickerton> "Enough to-" Deja began, and then the fist came down.
[05:22:14] <Sickerton> Faith could hear the impact of her strike, feel the impact of knuckles against flesh and the sensation of cheek mashing against teeth... then all of a sudden didn't.
[05:24:05] <Sickerton> The target was gone, leaving her to swipe at open air after fully committing to the blow, leading her to totter off balance as momentum intended to be canceled out went on and outwards.
[05:26:20] <Sickerton> "-survive" Deja finished from behind her, finally ending the monk's precarious balance with a boot to the rear. "Gotta save up to cash out in the bad times, love. And boy, are there a lot of bad times."
[05:27:27] <Sickerton> Luckily for Faith, there was someone there to catch her. Unluckily, it was Phobie.
[05:29:28] <Sickerton> The baroness took hold of the blind warrior's head - a handful of scalp above while cradling her chin below - and ran with the stumbling girl all the way to the wall near where the last surviving agent was laid out. Phobie did not stop as they hit it... or rather, she did not stop Faith.
[05:32:56] <Sickerton> The monk's face was bashed up against the wall, and as it rebounded was pushed back in for another go. Again. And again. And again. Eventually, when the baroness was pleased enough with the size and shape of the modern art piece they had painted on the brickwork, she pulled Faith back to examine her bruised and battered face with glee.
[05:34:43] <Sickerton> "What was it that was all you required from me?" Phobie purred, pulling the dazed monk into a deceptively loving embrace before lapping up a bit of blood from around her lips.
[05:35:48] <Sickerton> "Because oh... what I demand from YOU..."
[05:35:52] <Sickerton> (yt)
[05:38:06] <thesteedman> Faith somewhat managed to defend herself against the first impact, throwing her arms in the way of her head to minimize the impact of her skull hitting a hard wall. For some part... she managed to prevent the worst of the second attempt, damaging her hand as her head was forced against it on the second bash,
[05:39:03] <thesteedman> By the third, there was no defense, and the side of her head gashed against the wall, cutting the side of her forehead. She barely had a chance to think before her head hit the wall again, hitting her cheek, before another bash all but knocked the senses clean out of her.
[05:40:55] <thesteedman> The world span, and she felt a wetness down the side of her face. Somehow, Faith still managed to look like a pretty flower... though half her face bloomed the wrong colour of crimson. Her blindfold was soaked on the left side, and blood tears rolled from under it, rolling down her cheek. Her cobalt hair became sodden and damp where the side of her upper head had hit the wall hard.
[05:41:43] <thesteedman> When Phobie pulled her into her embrace.. it was only Phobie keeping Faith on her feet. Her legs seemingly dangled, her feet dragging a little on the floor as she leaned against Phobie.
[05:42:18] <thesteedman> She was clearly out, the shocking impacts rendering her unconscious. Unfortunately for Faith, that unconsciousness did not last long, and after a few passing seconds she lolled into consciousness.
[05:43:03] <thesteedman> A low groan escaped her lips, as she pressed her hands against Phobie's shoulders, slowly bringing herself upright, only to feel the woman slither her tongue over her lips where some blood had seeped down.
[05:43:58] <thesteedman> Faith winced in disgust, her head still reeling from the vicious blows. She was light headed, her senses were all wrong and she struggled to get her bearings, hearing Phobie's words as nothing more then an echo in the back of her mind.
[05:44:58] <thesteedman> Feeling her tongue trace over her lips again, Faith groaned, pressing her hand against her chin before she tried to push her head back, letting her other hand push against her shoulder as she tried to seperate her body from Phobie's rather... loving embrace.
[05:45:00] <thesteedman> (yt)
[05:46:26] <Sickerton> "Uh uh uh..." Phobie chided lightly...
[05:47:12] <Sickerton> ...as opposed to the knee which shot up to catch Faith in the gut, which was anything but.
[05:48:55] <Sickerton> "No struggling." the baroness continued, taking the monk's head with both hands as she bent over. "The tough girl act was cute, but now you learn your place."
[05:50:40] <Sickerton> Phobie pushed the blind warrior back up against the wall, and gave her a few more knees for good measure. When she felt that her plaything had been sufficiently tenderized, the royal merely let go and let her slide down into a seated position.
[05:52:39] <Sickerton> "Little rat right off the street..." the royal continued bringing a foot up to press against the monk's windpipe. "You're lucky I don't just crush you under my heel."
[05:54:24] <Sickerton> "Then again..." she mused, leaning over to pull off Faith's blindfold and begin toying with the knot in the back as it's owner struggled for air, "Maybe that isn't such a bad idea..."
[05:54:28] <Sickerton> (yt)
[05:56:35] <thesteedman> The first knee was shocking enough. Phobie's legs were not massive, yet the force behind the knee gave away the strength of her legs. Faith was literally lifted off her feet from the knee to her gut, coughing violently. She'd barely got the air back into her lungs before a few more swift knees caught her.
[05:56:53] <thesteedman> What little defense and guard Faith put it, it was mostly crushed by each strike, barely preventing any impact.
[05:57:39] <thesteedman> By the time Faith had slid down the wall, she felt something hard press against her neck, making her gag as the air suddenly cut off and pressure began to build. She grasped at the long boot of Phobie's, trying to shift her leg away from her neck, feeling her windpipe closing.
[05:58:21] <thesteedman> Her chest heaved as her body strained, trying desperately to draw breath. She let out a pathetic gasp when her blindfold was removed, revealing her brilliant sightless eyes.
[05:58:54] <thesteedman> One of her eyes was half closed and bloodied, no doubt damage from the wall bash, whilst the other was wide, yet not staring at anything in particular.
[05:59:41] <thesteedman> Faith tried to kick at the standing leg of Phobie... but there was no strength or co-ordination in her strike... Faith realized all too late that this woman had her completely outmatched... but how?
[05:59:43] <thesteedman> (Yt)
[06:02:00] <Sickerton> Phobie chuckled at the pitiful attempt to counter, barely a token if even that. "Done so soon? Even vermin should be able to put up a fight when cornered."
[06:05:42] <Sickerton> For seemingly no reason the royal's boot drew back, allowing Faith to take in a whoop of much needed air... and also allowed Phobie to force a length of fabric into her mouth. After a few moments Faith's foggy brain caught up, and realized with disgust that it was her own blindfold repurposed into a gag.
[06:06:34] <Sickerton> "But still, even the lowliest creatures have their uses."
[06:08:35] <Sickerton> Phobie slowly slid down to come almost even with the slouched monk, adjusting the both of them so that the royal's knees rested roughly at the sides of Faith's midsection while little more than her head was still against the wall.
[06:09:25] <Sickerton> "Have you ever seen what a cat does after it catches a rat?"
[06:10:30] <Sickerton> Slowly her thighs began to close, putting steadily more pressure on Faith as she was squeezed between them.
[06:11:56] <Sickerton> "They don't outright kill them most of the time. Often they just bat them around, toy with them until their little rodent hearts give out."
[06:13:15] <Sickerton> More and more the pressure built, Faith now being in essentially a vice of flesh as her captor idly traced her gloved fingers across the monk's abused abs.
[06:14:15] <Sickerton> "I think that's quite interesting. Enjoying the kill. Playing with it. It's only natural..."
[06:14:18] <Sickerton> (yt)
[06:17:59] <thesteedman> Faith winced, feeling her thighs slowly press in against her sides. She pushed against Phobie's stomach, reaching up at the gag in her mouth as a muffled groan escaped her lips.
[06:18:56] <thesteedman> With grotesque she managed to remove the gag from her mouth, coughing violently. She'd barely caught her breath from the sole of her boot pressing against her neck.
[06:19:40] <thesteedman> Faith tried to breathe in, but could only moan in pain, feeling Phobie's thighs continue to press inwards against her sides, pressing her body inwards.
[06:21:18] <thesteedman> A line of saliva and blood ran down the side of her mouth, as instinctively she pushed against Phobies thigh with one hand and her knee the other. She arched a little, tensing her body to endure, unfortunately allowing for Phobie to trace her hand and fingers over her well toned form.
[06:23:10] <thesteedman> Somehow, the pressure continued to build. Faith thought Phobie was using her thighs to merely keep her in place... but now she slowly realized she was actually beginning to crush her. Another moan escaped her parting bloodied lips, as Faith grasped at Phobie's sides, trying shove her away. "... I... I... am no... mouse..." Faith whispered breathlessly. Seemingly regaining some composure finally.
[06:23:12] <thesteedman> (yt)
[06:26:14] <Sickerton> "Oh come now." Phobie growled, just noticing that the gag had been removed. "You can't just be doing that..."
[06:29:00] <Sickerton> The baroness seized Faith's hands, and after a little bit of pitiful resistance was able to force them back and behind the monk so they went through the blindfold/gag now resting loosely around her neck.
[06:29:15] <Sickerton> "At least..."
[06:30:18] <Sickerton> Phobie took hold of the new knot she had made to turn it into a gag, and smiled leeringly down at her plaything before continuing.
[06:30:31] <Sickerton> "Not without PUNISHMENT!"
[06:31:41] <Sickerton> The royal pulled at the knot in juuuuust the right way, in an instant removing all the slack it once had and binding Faith's wrists tight... around her throat...
[06:32:53] <Sickerton> "Now that THAT'S out of the way..." Phobie continued, leaning further over Faith hungrily. "About your other point."
[06:36:25] <Sickerton> The pressure continued to build around Faith's midsection, and the cross between cuffs and a garrotte was doing her no favors either, but that did not mean things could not continue to get worse. Case in point, when her torturer leaned down to begin nipping at her chest, leaving almost-too-hard-to-be-lovebites across her glistening collarbone.
[06:38:32] <Sickerton> "You may not think you are a mouse" she continued between bites. "But you are. Nothing but prey, living for a predator to eventually take down and devour."
[06:40:21] <Sickerton> "You aren't the first. And you won't be the last. I will make you realize what you are, make you beg me for sweet release. But for today..."
[06:42:07] <Sickerton> Phobie's thighs squeezed with a quick surge of power, for a moment crushing the monk caught between them several times greater than the agony she was already trying to cope with.
[06:42:32] <Sickerton> "...I'll be good enough with just hearing you squeak."
[06:42:35] <Sickerton> (yt)
[06:44:22] <thesteedman> Faith gagged out when the binding pulled against her neck, restricting some of her airflow, feeling her wrists now bound behind her back. There was no leverage at all, and any attempt to free her wrists threatened to tighten the deadly contraption.
[06:45:08] <thesteedman> Fatih felt despair setting in that her own blindfold had been used against her in such a way. Her body was now free for Phobie's thighs to slowly press inwards, before a sharp squeeze began.
[06:45:46] <thesteedman> Faith was squeezed into a near hourglass shape, her insides being crushed within her. She could hear a loud creak from the leather of Phobie's boots grinding against her flesh.
[06:47:15] <thesteedman> Another breathless moan escaped from Faith's lips, as she closed her eyes tight, struggling to endure. Her chest heaved with sharp heavy breathes, and her body squirmed and writhed, trying to get free of an impossible trap.
[06:48:03] <thesteedman> By now she couldn't fight the shout of pain, feeling the pressure beginning to get the best of her. She tried to pull her body back from her thighs, gasping... shuddering in both agony and fear.
[06:48:46] <thesteedman> Her body tensed, as the creaking sound increased, feeling her body being squeezed between the dangerous thighs of Phobie.
[06:48:49] <thesteedman> (yt)
[06:52:33] <Sickerton> "Don't fight it." Phobie cooed, almost directly into Faith's chest as she continued her 'work'. "I know you want to. Scream, because it's all you have left to do. It's natural for prey like you."
[06:54:10] <Sickerton> The royal lifted her head for a moment to take in her writhing prize in full, licking her lips in earnest. "Just like how it's natural for a predator to... to..."
[06:56:26] <Sickerton> That was enough. She was teasing for too long, and finally went over the edge. Her sated purrs turning into animalistic growls, Phobie lunged and clamped her jaws around Faith's throat like a wolf going for the kill!
[06:58:02] <Sickerton> Luckily for the monk though, the very fabric that had been repurposed to strangle her also shielded her from any chance of those teeth being able to pierce the skin. But this did not mean that they did not hurt, nor that her breathing situation had gone anywhere but worse.
[07:00:44] <Sickerton> Growling into Faith's neck, the feral royal shook her back and forth seemingly in imitation of the beasts she had previously been going on about. And, full on frenzied as she was, her thighs continued to close around the monk despite the creaking and moaning of every part of her torso.
[07:01:40] <Sickerton> Could Faith last much longer without giving Phobie what she wanted? Or even, could she last much longer period?
[07:01:44] <Sickerton> (yt)
[07:04:31] <thesteedman> This woman... she... was insane. Her teeth pinched at her throat using the fabric... which was only half a blessing as it prevented her teeth from breaking into her flesh. However... her legs... somehow they were still closing around her slender waist.
[07:05:26] <thesteedman> Her body strained, and Faith writhed. In desperation, she pushed off from the wall, trying to carry Phobie and slam her against the hard ground below. However she was unsure if that would shift the mad woman even with a heavy impact.
[07:06:28] <thesteedman> Her teeth were on her throat, her thighs were digging agonizingly tight against her sides. She knew there would be serious internal damage upon her body if she didn't escape... and escape was proving to be impossible.
[07:08:31] <thesteedman> "Uugh!" Faith tried to fight it, but as her legs build pressure even more she could not stop herself from screaming in pain. Now on top of Phobie, her heels arched upwards as her body writhed from the growing pressure. What air she had left in her lungs was spent screaming in pain.
[07:08:34] <thesteedman> (yt)
[07:11:39] <Sickerton> Phobie was pushed onto her back, with Faith now seated above, but it did very little to help her situation. I fact it may have just made it worse, as the royal was now able to wrap her legs completely around her and ramp up the constriction that much more.
[07:13:20] <Sickerton> "Yes!" she shouted with glee upon hearing the destined release, ecstatic enough to release her 'hold' on the monk's throat. "Scream! Sing for me!"
[07:15:44] <Sickerton> The woman's hands wrapped around her prey's upper body and pulled her in, now mashing their stomachs and chests together hard enough to almost rival her thighs. Staring longingly into those blank eyes, Phobie merely whispered:
[07:15:59] <Sickerton> "Let me taste them."
[07:18:37] <Sickerton> Before taking Faith in a full kiss, clamping down on her mouth hard enough for it to almost be a bite in of itself. She wanted those cries. To eat. She would take them inside her and leech away the strength from this failing warrior.
[07:19:13] <Sickerton> It was only natural.
[07:19:15] <Sickerton> (yt)
[07:21:01] <thesteedman> There was a horrid crackle from Faith's lower back when Phobie's legs clamped around her slender waist. It brought Faith upright, resting flat on her knees as she arched back, overwhelmed by the pain, unable to even think straight or do anything else but be caught in sheer agony.
[07:21:56] <thesteedman> Phobie pulled her back down into a truly crushing embrace, one that threatened to squeeze Faith into a bloodied pulp. Her ribs began to curve inwards, her spine began to bend in a way it was not meant too, pushing to what Faith could take.
[07:22:20] <thesteedman> Naturally, she could do nothing but scream out loud with air she didn't realize she had within her burning lungs.
[07:23:15] <thesteedman> However, it only came out as a muffled cry, as Phobie took her in a feverish kiss. She could feel the heat coming from Phobie as the woman kissed her frantically, feeling her tongue force its way down her mouth as she screamed into her own.
[07:24:29] <thesteedman> Faith strained. her eyes closing tightly as a tear rolled down her cheeks to merge with the blood on half her face. Her toes curled as her body tensed with the strain... in a few seconds however, the screaming soon stopped, and Faith slackened, coming to rest against Phobie as the pain and the lack of air became too much for the blind fighter.
[07:25:31] <thesteedman> With no resistance, her body clicked and popped within Phobie's embrace, threatening to break as the unconscious monk could no longer fight against the constriction.
[07:25:32] <thesteedman> (yt)
[07:28:29] <Sickerton> Phobie drank the monk's screams greedily even as they died off, and for a good few moments or so she still refused to let up. Maybe she could squeeze juuust a little more...
[07:28:57] <Sickerton> But no, this was all she would get. For now at least.
[07:30:46] <Sickerton> Phobie rolled over, so that now her slack prize rested below her, and all but devoured her then and there with her eyes alone. All the things she could - no - WOULD do to break this body and spirit...
[07:32:00] <Sickerton> "...Okay." a familiar voice finally rang in from above. "That was beyond creepy, but I ain't judging. I'll just be on my way an-"
[07:32:02] <Sickerton> THUMP
[07:32:04] <Sickerton> WHUMP
[07:33:19] <Sickerton> "Thank you!" Phobie spat up to the remaining agent without even bothering to look. "Get that buzzkill down to the cells."
[07:34:44] <Sickerton> "As for this one..." the royal continued, tracing a finger around Faith's lips before dipping a finger into her slack mouth. "I'll bring her down myself."
[07:34:51] <Sickerton> "Eventually..."
[07:35:04] <Sickerton> (End)