Synopsis: Alpha Girl boldly strides into a criminal lair only to face her worse nightmare, the truth. And, it is the truth, not a reclusive genius, that actually holds Alpha Girl hostage. No matter what costume she wears, Jessica cannot conceal her carnal desires. Inevitably, Jessica quietly admits to herself that she enjoys sex, albeit at the hands of a revolting creep. It is this defining moment that marks the end of Alpha Girl's career as a superheroine and an icon of virtue. Ironically, by forcing Alpha Girl to surrender, Reigns actually sets Jessica free.
Critique In my opinion this story is Rye's best romance to date. More than a classic struggle between brains and brawn, Rye introduces an idea that I've never seen before in any superheroine rape fantasy. While it's a simple matter for any decent, self-respecting villain to completely subdue a pushover like Alpha Girl and make her his personal sex slave, Reigns faces a more difficult propositon.
To truly succeed, Reigns must convince the grudging young maiden that she enjoys sex as much as he does. It is understood, of course, that Alpha Girl is his girlfriend. In agreement, sexual intercourse appears to be consensual and far less violent than in many of Rye's previous works.
What is truly unique about this melodrama, however, is the realization that there is more at stake than who is in control. In fact, when we reach the end of the film, we see Jessica on top in the bedroom. The key point is that Reigns willingly places himself at risk by making Alpha Girl keep a secret diary. Perhaps for the first time in a low-budget superheroine rape fantasy, the villain actually plays the role of the hero.
Mp4 (1080p, 49:44, 1.8 Gb)
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