So I do confirm that when everything's in the $INIT folder, the sound file IS played. But even with an horrible amplificaiton of the sound file (which makes it totally saturated by the way), it is still played really really low, you can barely hear it...
I encountered the same problem with
audio dialogue files. I ran them through
MP3Gain using default settings. It automatically
reduced the volume for most of the files (by only a few dB). The resulting MP3s sounded nearly identical when played through media players (such as VLC), but were properly audible in Flash.
But wait ! There's more ! The sound file does play, but it loops like 4-5 times instead of being played just once.
This can occur with audio dialogue files when the MP3 is very short. The playback ends so quickly that the dialogue line can be triggered
again by the same gameplay event (such as
"cum on face").
I have no idea why it would occur with a
PLAY_SFX command. I did not notice any repetition during my own (limited) testing, and there's nothing in the code to imply repeated playback. The simplest explanation is that
the entire dialogue line is recurring.
first_dt:"foo! [PLAY_SFX_foo.mp3]"
// This line should be heard only once
cum_in_eye:"bar! [PLAY_SFX_bar.mp3]"
// This line might seem to "loop" if the girl is repeatedly struck by cum strands during a long ejaculation
Please try to "repair" the MP3 files themselves (as described above), trigger the dialogue lines manually (via the dialogue editor), and then report whether the unwanted looping behavior is still occurring.
You could also try to introduce
several variants for the dialogue lines (such as [PLAY_SFX_Ouch.mp3] and [PLAY_SFX_Hey.mp3]). If you hear
"Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch Ouch" then it's probably looped audio; if you hear
"Hey Ouch Ouch Hey Hey" then it's just rapid event-triggering. We can deal with the latter by adjusting cooldown timers in the code, or simply by padding the MP3 files themselves with a few hundred milliseconds of silence.
If you want me to send you the complete package of my loader, mods and character folder for a deeper troubleshooting, please let me know where I can send it to you. Maybe you'll have an explanation for this...
Nope :)
@Pim_gd's mod. If he's interested in advanced troubleshooting then he'll get in touch with you. Maybe it's simply a rare "known issue" that he has chosen not to pursue. Either way: it's not my problem.