Artist: Making a few new mods and might take requests. Looking for a flash dev to help me. (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Apr 28, 2016
I like SDT a lot, and recently I've been interested in making clothing and hair mods of my own.
  • Judy Hopps (Zootopia) .png headpiece
  • Wetlook leggings
  • Platform pumps
Open to requests if I can get someone to help me.

I can make the visuals myself, but I couldn't make an swf of it because I don't have any Flash editing programs. I'm looking for someone who does have access to flash development programs who can import my custom clothes and make swf's out of them. I could make hairpieces myself, however.

Anyone willing to help out? Any requests?

This is also my first post on this website. Hello!

The Hacker Known As Snow

Content Creator
Aug 30, 2012
I made a thread where I offered to turn peoples art into .swf mods, check my signature. Use the template and post your artwork, I'll make it into a mod if no one else does, maybe.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
This is also my first post on this website. Hello!
Welcome to the Undertow forums. Please feel free to have a look around. Be sure to check out the Downloads area (some people overlook it at first) and some of the other discussion boards (dealing with videogames, nude modding, wrestling, role-play, and so on).

One minor nitpick: when you're adding tags, please try to use one tag per concept. <furry> is fine; <furries> is fine; but <furry> and <furries> is redundant. If your concept doesn't exist in the tag database yet (such as Judy Hopps) then you can tag it however you like and we'll follow your precedent. So you could use <judy hopps> or <judy hopps the rabbit> or <judy hopps (zootopia)> or whatever. But once you've established that tag, the additional <judy> and <hopps> tags aren't really needed.

I can make the visuals myself, but I couldn't make an swf of it because I don't have any Flash editing programs.
There are free tools for editing and compiling ActionScript code; you can create code-only mods without touching Adobe software. You may also be able to assemble a "Frankenstein" amalgamation of free tools and scripts which will allow you to publish SWF files with your own custom graphics inside. @AdrianMcClean has apparently done so (as mentioned here). If you're curious about the details then you can contact him by private message. This isn't necessary, of course -- it's perfectly acceptable for you to focus on actual artwork and let other people deal with the SWF stuff. It's just an option in case you're bored/curious/whatever.

I'm looking for someone who does have access to flash development programs who can import my custom clothes and make swf's out of them.
This is a (usually) a trivial task for any Flash modder; just post your files in a vector format (such as SVG or AI) and someone will take care of it (so that they can reap a bit of glory in exchange for five minutes of work). Raster formats (such as XCF, PSD, or PNG) are also acceptable, although the resulting in-game graphics will tend to be less crisp at high zoom levels. And the file sizes will be larger when raster graphics are embedded into a SWF file, but that's rarely a concern since few people are on dialup internet nowadays :)

It gets more interesting if you want to create clothing which responds to the in-game RGB sliders. Such mods require that either:
  • the original artwork must be divided into separate layers, one or more of which can be independenty RGB-shifted (while preserving highlight and shadow details on the upper layers)
  • the Flash modder must put in additional effort (e.g. because you've provided single-layer artwork and so they need to carefully dissect or re-trace the whole thing)
It gets even more interesting if you want to include physics features in your clothing -- such as swaying skirts, stretchy straps, dangling tassels, etc... That's a more "advanced" topic; I'm happy to discuss the details if you're interested, but it should probably wait until you've settled in and completed a few projects.

Making your clothes respond to the SDT breast slider is intermediate in difficulty - between the straightforward RGB shifts and the arcane physics features. It really depends on how fancy you want to be. It isn't too tough to create a solid-colored shirt or bra which simply stretches or fits around breasts of various sizes. On the other end of the scale, you can create a mod which actually adapts to various breast sizes as if it was an actual garment.

You don't need to deal with any of this stuff right away; feel free to file it under "inspiration" and proceed with your own stuff. But if you do intend to tackle some of the more advanced features, then I'd encourage you to talk to a Flash modder before you begin. They can help you to organize your work in a way which is amenable to the peculiarities of SDT, and can make suggestions to reduce the amount of frustration and re-work which you'll encounter during the project.

I could make hairpieces myself, however.
Keep in mind that there's potential to use the "physics" system built into SDT in order to provide limited hair animation. You can find an overview here. It's a somewhat arcane process and most of the rigging work is done in Flash, so it usually requires a Flash-savvy artist. Collaboration between an artist and a Flash modder can also be effective.

But again - it's an extra layer of complication, and it isn't necessary for you to get involved with it. If you'd prefer to just keep things simple for the moment then there's no problem with releasing a few PNG hairstyle mods and taking requests.

Platform pumps
Just in case you haven't seen it -- @BrokenToaster's thread contains a whole section of platform pumps. He's semi-inactive at the moment, so you could try reading through the last few pages of his thread for any unfulfilled footwear ideas.


Casual Client
Apr 28, 2016
Welcome to the Undertow forums.

Thank you VERY much for your help! I know it's probably a pain to explain all that same stuff to noobs like me over and over, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

Here I've attached the WIP of my Judy Hopps head. It's a hairpiece, yes, so one would have to ignore the chin jutting out underneath the "mask".


  • nip.PNG
    255.6 KB · Views: 946


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
It's a hairpiece, yes, so one would have to ignore the chin jutting out underneath the "mask".
Welp. Your first mod touches on a whole bunch of issues. You can basically just proceed with your current approach, publish the mod, and move on. Or ... you can immediately dive into modding arcana and try to make it super fancy.

If you're interested in the second approach, then you may find it useful to examine some of the My Little Pony mods (example). They encounter similar difficulties in attempting to alter the shape and color of the girl's face -- trying to preserve as much of the underlying face as possible (because the girl's face responds to gameplay events, and so a static "mask" feels like it doesn't belong in the scene). Modders dealing with MLP stuff tend to work around the edges: adding a prosthetic nose or horn while merely recoloring the skin.

Of course, this approach is limited. It would suffice to create the outline of the rabbit face and fill it with grey (possibly even with some internal highlighting or hatchmarks to suggest a fur texture), but the white fill around the mouth can't be achieved in PNG format. It would require SWF work.

The trouble is: once we cross that threshold, we immediately notice that the SWF bunny head looks weird when it sits atop the plain-old anime girl body. So it's tempting to pile on a bunch of other SWF features (grey-white fur texture over the whole body! animated floppy ears! big fluffy paws! cottontail!). But then we're in feature-creep territory and you're forced to learn a lot of Flash bullshit. And people are throwing weird acronyms at you and expecting you to understand stuff about keyframes and tweens. And they're constantly asking you to redraw stuff because apparently you didn't do it correctly (they mentioned something about template boundaries and alignment problems but they didn't actually explain what the problem was or how to fix it). And there's no end in sight ... and you burn yourself out before you've finished your first project.

It's probably best to either finish the project as-is, or shelve it to focus on something else (so that you can then return to it when you've had some exposure to SWF stuff and you're prepared for the bullshit). Shoe mods are pretty straightforward, for example. They don't even need to fit around the girl's feet, because we can simply hide the feet and assume that they've been crammed into the shoes somehow.


Casual Client
Apr 28, 2016
I actually started modding in the first place so that I can make better furry mods. I wasn't satisfied with the ones I saw on these forums - all the ones I've seen just have a prosthetic nose and animal ears. The chin and mouth aren't even animal-shaped, so they end up looking like Whos instead of furries!

So I'm going to try to make this Judy-Hopps head work. What I think I need to do is make part of her chin transparent (so that when she opens her mouth, her chin doesn't jut out of the bottom of the "mask"). The other thing I need to do is fix the mouth. I may cut off part of the "mask's" bottom lip so that the "real" anime girl's lips underneath can open and close as his cock enters her mouth. The only problem with that is that it will look weird when her underlying mouth is closed.

OR, if this is possible, I could completely cover her head with the "mask" and then have an animated animal mouth on the mask that is programmed to open up whenever hers does (Is that possible?). Honestly, it wouldn't bother me much that the only really animated things would be her eyes and mouth. I'm not too concerned with preserving as much of the underlying face as possible. This mod is mostly for me and other people who may like furries a lot on this site. Still, I'm going to do my best to make the mask not look too dead or still. I'll definitely make it an swf.


Content Creator
Jun 5, 2012
The chin and mouth aren't even animal-shaped, so they end up looking like Whos instead of furries!
Agreed. But I would urge you to keep a small scope for your initial projects.

I started with "it would be cool to make an animated version of the Fluttershy hairstyle" and it spiraled into "let's rewrite the SDT physics system". Relevant.

So I'm going to try to make this Judy-Hopps head work.
Just to reiterate - there's no harm in putting this mod on hold for a while, working on a few smaller projects, and then returning to it when you're more familiar with SDT and Flash stuff.

What I think I need to do is make part of her chin transparent (so that when she opens her mouth, her chin doesn't jut out of the bottom of the "mask"). The other thing I need to do is fix the mouth. I may cut off part of the "mask's" bottom lip so that the "real" anime girl's lips underneath can open and close as his cock enters her mouth. The only problem with that is that it will look weird when her underlying mouth is closed.
The "proper" solution is to delve into the individual sprites which compose the SDT girl's head. You'd selectively draw over specific parts of them in order to create a longer nose, a grey/white fur transition, etc...


A Flash modder could extract the relevant sprites for you (or you can do it yourself), and then package your edited versions into an SWF so that they can be loaded back into the game. The redrawn/recolored sections of cheek+jaw+nose would move around correctly, as "part of her face" instead of "a mask worn over her face." But that's only half of a solution. It leaves the girl's mouth shape unchanged, so any attempt to build a "snout" would still incur the Whos-instead-of-furries problem. It's a bad idea to simply draw additional stuff onto her lip sprites - because the lips are carefully sized, positioned, and animated to fit around the penis during penetration. If you draw a long snout onto the upper lip then it will look okay in the "idle" state ... but it will deform when the lips stretch open to admit the penis.

The full fix would require us to do more in-depth Flash work -- to actually stretch the mouth horizontally and create a "deeper" mouth which will graphically mesh with the reshaped nose, while still fitting around the penis properly. As long as we're doing that, we should try to shrink or recess the chin as well (because "prominent chin" is a unique and instantly recognizable human characteristic). These anatomy edits would involve a lot of back-and-forth tweaking and testing of your custom artwork, as well as fine-tuning of the scripting and animation parameters which fit the artwork into the gameplay scene. When participating in such a collaborative project, you'd benefit from a baseline understanding of some Flash stuff (like transformation hierarchies and HSL shifting) and some SDT stuff (such as penetration depth and some specific sprite layering details).

I'd argue that it's probably not even appropriate to invest so much effort specifically for the Judy Hopps character. It ought to be a broad effort to support longer faces (for existing furry characters with the "Whos" problem, pokemorphs, My Little Pony snouts, etc).

I agree that it's a valuable project, but it would be better as your sixth project instead of your first. If the project is done properly, then your seventh through twelfth projects might be major enhancements of existing furry mods (which could be quickly rolled out by re-using the "improved face" code framework, and simply drawing in the appropriate fur colors for each species/character/whatever).


Potential Patron
Jan 26, 2016
Furries, I have a request for Vanilla Rabbit from Sonic the Hedgehog.
The source images are attached below.
You don't having to worry about doing clothing if you don't want to.
I just want the Vanilla's face with her ears and Sonic-style eyes.
If you need more source material, please let me know.
vlcsnap-2016-05-12-21h44m55s257 - Copy.png vanilla_side_flipped.png vanilla_side.png vanilla_side2.png
Last edited:


Casual Client
Apr 28, 2016
shentaidude16 shentaidude16

That source material is perfectly fine. I'll see what I can do to make a "mask" mod. Currently, though, I'm working with other modders to make a bunny mask that has an opening and closing mouth.

Once that's done, I'll be sure to incorporate whatever technique we use to make a Vanilla the Hedgehog mod with an opening and closing mouth. The only funny thing is... the way Vanilla is drawn has her mouth on the side of her face! I'll see what I can do to preserve as much of the original artwork as possible while still making it look okay in SDT.

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