Mod.fla template v0.98.3 (2018) by Faceless
For Flash CS 6.
For Flash CS 6.
- her arm (left and right)
- her arm (back)
- her forearm (back)
- her torso (top and bottom layers)
- her leg (left and right)
- her ear
- her nipple (left and right)
- her face
- her nose
- her teeth
- her upper lip
- her lipstick
- her eyebrows (left and right)
- her eye ridge
- her neck
- her jaw
- her navel (for piercings)
- his leg (left and right)
- his torso
- his penis
- his arm
- his hips (pants)
- his breasts (left and right)
- his nipples (left and right)
- his left arm
- his shirt (includes sleeves)
- her arm (left and right)
- her arm (back)
- her torso (top and bottom layers)
- her leg (left and right)
- her ear
- her nipple (left and right)
- her breast (left and right)
- her face
- her nose
- her teeth
- her upper lip
- her lipstick
- her eyebrows (left and right)
- her eye ridge
- her neck
- her jaw
- her navel piercing
- his leg (left and right)
- his torso
- his penis
- his arm
- his breasts (left and right)
- his left arm
- his shirt (includes sleeves)
- character code embedding
- component toggling
- hiding her nipples
- her components as costume objects (immune to hue sliders)
- her chestUnderCostume and upperChestCostume components (immune to hue sliders)
- his pants components (immune to hue sliders)
- handjob support
- her
- him