
breastexpansionplus V3_7

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This mod tracks how much cum is inside of her to animate her belly, breasts, or body to expand accordingly (each can be disabled or enabled, as well as how aggressive the expansion is). Also features 'puking' cum where a throw up sound is made, reverse swallow animation, and she drools the cum.
see settings file to change a bunch of features of the mod.

note, the Belly animation included in the mod is slighty old, and updated version is included with 'SuperBelly':
Install that mod as an init mod to be loaded first before breast expnsion, and this mod will use the updated 'SuperBelly' belly animation.

see the Mod's settings files for how to adjust the many variables of this mod.

breast expansion v2.7

added other belly skin tones provided by stuntcock for superbelly
added dialogactionsenabled setting
changed how dialog actions are done, proxies checkwordaction now

breast expansion v2.6

added setting to have the sliders set the minimum expansion ranges for breasts and body

breast expansion v2.5

edit: loosened up the restrictions on the cumto___ helper functions to allows a weird hack of having things shrink as effectivecuminside increases
do this by assigning the effectivecum_____start settings higher than the effectivecum____end settings

also changed the default value of debug mode to be off.

breast expansion v2.4a

edit: changed swallowing checking to a simpler more compatible way

breast expansion v2.4
requires loader 5.21+

the loader required to use this:
other updates and stuff(the animtools if you want the communication features):

added body scale reset upon resetting mod (was a sort of bug)
added breastexpansion_comm for animtools communication
added cum in body check ~ uses inthroatcum code with animtools variables

new setting: added bigpenisexpansion alternate setting to work with animtools, set equal to 2.

- sby

breast expansion v2.3
requires loader 5.21+

the loader required to use this:
other updates and stuff:

new: pressure expansion and settings added
fixed dialog variable mis-spelling (thanks Pim_gd)

pressure expansion based on throatcumbulge volume-determined checks. uses soundlevel of cumming to decide when to do pressure expansion.
also added a starting effectivecuminside check to control when the pressure expansion starts for the breasts, body and belly

- sby

breast expansion v2.2 edit

edit - added second variables to dialog variables to use checks easier (apparently checks don't do boolean logic xD )
added: effectivecuminside2,timerpuke2,bellysize2,breastsize2,bodysize2,superbreastsize2,eyecumtimer2,bigpenisbellychange2,bigpenisbodychange2,bigpenisbreastchange2,penisInMouthDist2,breathLevel2,passOutFactor2
anyway, see example dialog to properly use them.

added option to add and update dialog variables, option called 'addvariabletracking = 1'
variables added : effectivecuminside,timerpuke,bellysize,breastsize,bodysize,superbreastsize,eyecumtimer,bigpenisbellychange,bigpenisbodychange,bigpenisbreastchange,penisInMouthDist,breathLevel,passOutFactor,mouthFull (true/false) to dialog variables

example usage:
held:"he's in too long, but he's holding me down!"{"style":"Thought","check":{"breathLevel":">40"},"check":{"passOutFactor":"<=0"}}
see included dialog for rest of examples

~ breath level usually starts at 0 and builds up to 50 as she loses breath
~ passoutfactor usuaully starts at 0 and builds up to 40 as she becomes more passed out

- sby

breast expansion v2.1.1

requires loader 5.21+

edit - fixed breastcumming point bug

new: now uses referenced body scale min/maxs to support modded ranges
options to define minbodyscale and max body scale (aka pedobear support)
new modpanel buttons to redefine minbodyamount, minbreastamount, and minbelly amount based on current sizes

i didn't change the actual version number due to laziness.
now people can use whatever miniscule body scale or gigantic body scale they desire, hopefully i cleared up any weird changes.
just in case you want to redefine the min sizes, i put up some buttons on the modpanel. i suggest holding shift and moving her out of the way of the penis before manually changing sizes in the tab to use these.

- sby
breast expansion v2.1

requires loader 5.21+

new: bigger max belly - dante drew me some more belly frames, so now belly expansion can go to 150
modpanel stuff - added some sound effects buttons that have been commented in my code for a while, along with puke,autoshrink,cum+ and cum- buttons
manual autoshrink - a key is now optional to activate the autoshrink feature. some options include ability to shrink if auto not enabled, and at a different amount. defaulted to f3. (thanks to trashyaccount22 for suggestion)

this version takes use of modguy's new modpanel feature (which is why it needs loader 5.21+)
this mod creates a panel in the modding tab with some clickable buttons on the page.
this added page can be found by clicking the left and right arrows in the bottom right corner of the modding tab.
the page can be identified by the "breast expansion 2.1" text at the top of the page.

at the last minute, i threw on some cum+ and cum- buttons that use the dialog effectivecum variables to adjust the effectivecuminside.

- sby

breast expansion v2.0

dialog triggers: puke,cumfrombreast,breastexpansion,bodyexpansion,bellyexpansion,breastreduction,bodyreduction,bellyreduction
timepuke option
eyecum leaking
penisinmouthdistance expansion

with animtoolV2 and penisrangeV1's general success, i have added some bonus expansion stuff for when doing some extreme penis deepthroating.
when enabled, she will expand temporarily as a big penis is put in deeper in her. see png pictures 'ex' included to see what i mean.

i added some dialog triggers and actions for dialog lovers to have fun with. i included a dialog file 'be dialog test' to demonstrate the stuff.

since puke had an optional button, i decided to make the timed part of it optional as well, allowing people or dialog'ers to choose only when to puke.

i tested out some more cum generation stuff. to do the eyes without activating cumineye, i shrink the hit zone for it temporarily.
the eyecum stuff starts when an effectivecuminside amount is reached, and effectivecuminside is increased. i added some delay stuff as to not generate mass amounts from her eyes.

- sby

breast expansion v1.9

new: puking throat animation
puking button
puking event timing options
settings file organized better
some bug fixes from pruning puke

decided to redo the puke control to a style similar to how the expansions are done. it is now possible to easily adjust when certain puking actions happen by their puketimestart.
i also added a button for puking. thanks to 'tanksk1' for suggesting the idea ;)

after some tweaking, i found a way to do a reverse swallow animation to make the appearance of throwing up better.

- sby

breast expansion v1.8

new: very much needed option to turn off belly movieclip called "bellyexpansionactive"
updated the mod to use the new settings stuff. still uses personal debug textview for now because i like the way it looks.

- sby

breast expansion v1.7
intermediate version with backup setting support/checking. not released

breast expansion v1.6.1

new: complete restructure of how the mod works
belly expansion
easier and better control of how/when things expand
bonus sound effects for puking

remade the entire mod based around an emulated amount of cum inside her
(the amount inside her is actually quite accurate by using the amount swallowed and the spurt frequency)

now, instead of arbitrary amounts (that used to be options) for every type of increase, things now are all controlled by effectivecuminside.
this makes the mod considerably simplier, easier to build onto, and much easier for end users (you) to tweak without any real effort of code diving.
this change was made because the addition of belly increasing made the puke feature extremely messy, essentially making puke connected to even more stuff.
if you care enough, look at "be code structure.png" to get an idea of what i am talking about.

to help end users even more, i have included a "showdebuginfo" option to allow people to see important variables in the mod.
this allows people to better adjust some of the options more to their liking, and see how/when things activate.

i have also built onto the settings loading. it will now display in the upper right hand corner if a certain line in the text file was not found to be a setting.
lines that use multiple dashes "--------" are not considered to be errors. i use them as spacers to categorize the types of options.
you may add additional lines like these if you wish to separate them out further.

showdebuginfo=1 //1=active; shows variable info the mod uses on left side of screen
swallowincrease=1 //1=active; effectivecuminside is increased when she swallows cum (increases at least 1 for every swallow)
animSpeed=0.17 //0.0001+; percent per frame that the breasts will increases towards their target breast size (bTarg)
animSpeedbody=0.13 //0.0001+; percent per frame that the body will increases towards their target body size (bTargb)
animSpeedbelly=0.16 //0.0001+; percent per frame that the belly will increases towards their target belly size (bTargbelly)
autoshrink=1 //1=active; effectivecuminside decrements over time
autoshrinktimerinterval=100 //integer 0+; frame interval between shrinks
effectivecumautoshrinkamt=0.4 //amount that is subtracted every interval from effectivecuminside. (may be negative to have a "autogrow")
autoshrinkeffectivecumstart=40 //0+; the effectivecuminside point where autoshrink starts occuring. function will activate when effectivecuminside > this
puke=1 //1=active; she will drool cum at intervals
winceonpuke=1 //1=active; she will wince during puking

pukeamt=0.3 //0+; percent of total effectivecuminside that she target to puke per interval, default at 30%
pukeshrinkrate=12 //int value >= 0;the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (still mis-named with the next xD)
pukeshrinkamt=60 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
cuminmouthfrompukemax=60 //(int) >= 0; max amount of cum created in mouth from puking, max superscedes min
cuminmouthfrompukemin=12 //(int) >= 0; min amount of cum created in mouth from puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects a static time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900 or more for long time. see equation below.
timerpukeeffectivecummult=3.5 //0+; multiplyer of how often she pukes. equation: timerpuke = int(Math.max(100, 1000 - (effectivecuminside) * timerpukeeffectivecummult + puketimebeforestarting));
effectivecuminsidepukescale=0.25 //0+; percent of how much effectivecuminside is decreased compared to how much she pukes. used to better show lots of amount puked, but still maintaining plenty of effective cum inside her.
pukeeffectivecumstart=20 //1+; the effectivecum inside point where puking occurs
playpukeupthroat=1 //1=active; plays up-throat sound effect during puking
playpukegag=1 //1=active; plays puke-gag sound right before puking
throatcumincrease=1 //1=active; effectivecuminside will increase when cumming down her throat
mouthfullthroatcum=2 //2=excess leaks out mouth,1=on,0=off; effectivecuminside will increase while cumming when cum in mouth is maxed (40). in option 2, no increase occurs and excess cum leaks out mouth;
winceonthroatcumincrease=1 //1=active; she winces when you cum down her throat
throatcuminc=7.3 //-5 - 15; interval of effectivecuminside increase from throat cumming.
------- //use these min and max sizes with effectivecum start and end points to have windows where certain expansions start and end
autominbreastsize=1 //1=active; minbreastamount is set to whatever her current breast size is
autominbodysize=1 //1=active; minbodysize is set to whateever her current body size is
autominbellysize=1 //1=active; minbellysize is set to 0 (there is no current belly size from vanilla sdt)
minbreastamount=5 //0-149; the minimum size of her breasts (with to superbreast feature, this can be redicuously huge like 400)
maxbreastamount=170 //0-149; the maximum size of her breasts (with to superbreast feature, this can be redicuously huge like 400)
minbodyamount=5 //0-100; the minimum size of her body
maxbodyamount=100 //0-100; the maximum size of her body
minbellyamount=0 //0-100; the minimum size of her body.
maxbellyamount=100 //0-100; the maximum size of her body.
cummingbreasts=1 //many same as before
cumfrombreastssensativity=0.9 //0+; difference in breast target to breast size activates cumming from breast. used to avoid mini-spurts from tiny changes (like autoshrink if that is small)
---------------------- //for effectivecum points, use with their min/max values to create scaled windows where things increase
maxeffectivecuminside=300 //integer 0+; highest value effectivecuminside can be
effectivecumbreaststart=65 //0+; point where breasts start increasing
effectivecumbreastend=150 //0+; point where breasts reach their max size
effectivecumbodystart=135 //0+; point where body starts increasing
effectivecumbodyend=200 //0+; point where body reaches max size
effectivecumbellystart=0 //0+; point where belly starts increasing
effectivecumbellyend=80 //0+; point where belly reaches max size
statusupdateforthislastline=0 //1=active; will display messege to say if all lines read in settings file. only really useful to point out there are blank lines

- sby

breast expansion v1.5.1 clean

new: fixed for sdt 1.18
int sdt, breasts now have thier own handler, which controls breast firmness. the firmness option was the problem, and has been fixed in this version
also tweaked breast cumming so they split individually from each other with the option to have them as they were

new option:
cumgensynccum=0 //1=on, 0=off; makes the cum from each breast split at the same time

- sby

breast expansion v1.5 clean

new: cumming breast and super breast features.

cumming breast is activated through changes of breast size.
superbreast is used to increase the breasts beyond their drawn sizes through scaling. USE MAXBREASTAMOUNT TO SPECIFY DESIRED MAX BREAST SIZE IF USED
if maxbreastamount is not greater than 149, then superbreast will not be used even if enabled because scaling is not required.

options: (new indicated with a '*')

swallowincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; increase breast size after swallowing cum
swallowbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
swallowbodyincreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
animSpeed=0.06 //rate that breasts grow for swallowincrease, acts as this functions resolution
animSpeedbody=0.05 //rate that body grows for swallowincrease, acts as this functions resolution
incMult=1.3 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
incMultb=1.5 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
autoshrink=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will slowly decrease in size over time to their min / original size
autoshrinkbreastdecreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
autoshrinkbodydecreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
autoshrinkbreastresolution=1 //0.0=none, 1.0=v1.3's amount, 0.5 to 2 suggested range; amount that breasts decrease per frame of change
autoshrinkbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0=none, 0.7=breast amount equivalent, 0.4 to 1.7 suggested range; amount that breasts decrease per frame of change
animRevSpeed=0.12 //rate that breasts shrink; (animrevspeed * 30 ~= time in seconds per decrease)
animRevSpeedbody=0.15 //rate that body shrinks
autoshrinkdelayafterincrease=200 //sets (frames)delay until breasts start decreasing, then they decrease at animRevSpeed*700 frames
autoshrinkdelayafterincreaseb=200 //frame delay before body starts autoshrinking, then they decrease at animRevSpeed*700 frames
puke=1 //2=on but no breast decrease,1=on,0=off; sectionally over time, she will drool out cum while her breasts shrink
puke1breastshrinkprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
puke1bodyshrinkprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
winceonpuke=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during puking
pukeshrinkbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ;change in breast size per frame of puking
pukeshrinkbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ;change in body size per frame of puking
pukeamt=1.3 //0.0 to 2.0; a scaled amount of cum she will drool out during puking; 0 = 12, 2 will double
pukeshrinkrate=12 //int value >= 0;the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (still mis-named with the next xD)
pukeshrinkamt=60 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
cuminmouthfrompukemax=60 //(int) >= 0; max amount of cum created in mouth from puking, max superscedes min
cuminmouthfrompukemin=12 //(int) >= 0; min amount of cum created in mouth from puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900 or more for long time
pukecum2notlimitedbymaxbreast=1 //1=on,0=off; allows puking to not be bound from breast max limitations, (cumming in her while at max breast size will still activate puking for puke option 2)
maxeffectivecumfrombreastincrease=150 //0 or more; acts as max amount of cum she can have pukable in her
throatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat, toggle switch for funtion
throatcumbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
throatcumbodyincreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
throatcumbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ; amount breasts increase per frame of active cumming in throat
throatcumbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ; amount body increase per frame of active cumming in throat
mouthfullthroatcum=2 //2=excess leaks out mouth,1=on,0=off; breasts will grow while cumming when cum in mouth is maxed (40). in option 2, no growing occurs and excess cum leaks out mouth; toggle switch for function
mouthfullthroatcumbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat
mouthfullthroatcumbodyincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; body increase when cumming down throat
mouthfullthroatcumbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ; amount breasts increase when actively cumming in full mouth
mouthfullthroatcumbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ; amount body increases when actively cumming in full mouth
winceonthroatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during cumming down throat and mouthfullthroatcum
throatcuminc=7.3 //~-5.0 to ~15.0; amount breasts grow from cumming down throat
autominbreastsize=1 //1=on,0=off; will set the original breast size (or min) to her breast size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
autominbodysize=1 //1=on,0=off; will set the original body size (or min) to her body size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
minbreastamount=10 //0 to 149; manually set min breast size if autominbreastsize disabled
*maxbreastamount=200 //0 to 149, or 0 to 300+ with superbreast; limits breast increases
minbodyamount=0 //0 to 100; manually set min body size if autominbodysize disabled
maxbodyamount=100 //0 to 100; limits body increases
setbreastsscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all breast increases according to current size (bigger breasts increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation
setbodysscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all body increases according to current size (bigger body increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation
scaledbreastfirmness=1 //0=off,1=on; will adjust breast firmness according to min and max firmness
minbreastfirmness=0.2 //0.1=loose to about 1.0=rock solid; the min breast firmness. normally goes from loose small breasts to hard (cum filled) breasts.
maxbreastfirmness=0.8 //0.1=loose to about 1.0=rock solid; the max breast firmness. the hardness direction can be reversed by having the min > max.
---------- //kona's: this.breastFirmness = Math.max(0.2, 0.2 + (60 - g.characterControl.breastSize) * 0.01); setting mine to min=0.8,max=0.2 is close with full breast limits
*superbreasts=1 //0=active, turns on superbreast feature. *****use "maxbreastamount" to specify max size******. breasts can increase bigger than konashion's drawn breast limit through scaling. doesn't scale clothing
*breastscalexmult=0.007 //the x scale multiplier per unit of size
*breastscaleymult=0.007 //the y scale multiplier per unit of size
*breastxoffsetmult=0.33 //the x offset per unit of size
*breastyoffsetmult=0.72 //the y offset per unit of size
----------- //the ratio of these 4 breast options has found to make them look good for the largest breast size(when scaling starts being used). scaling these values can control how fast/slow they are scaled through changes
*cummingbreasts=1 //0=active; turns on cumming breast feature
*gencumwithbreastincrease=1 //1=active; breasts will cum if the breasts increase
*gencumwithbreastdecrease=1 //1=active; breasts will cum if the breasts decrease
*cumgenanchordelay=5 //the anchor delay for the cum strands
*cumgengravitymult=0.9 //the gravity scaler for the cumstrands
*cumgendelayamount=10 //the delay in frames before cum starts generating
*strandxoffsetfromnipplecenter=16 //the x offset from the breasts that the cum will generate from
*strandyoffsetfromnipplecenter=0 //the y offset from the breasts that the cum will generate from
*cumgenframebufferlength=10 //how long the cumgen state will stay active per increase before cumgen stops; used to keep continuous cumgen between breast changes
*cumspeedbreastratiomult=5 //the multiplier of how the breast max/breast current affect the speed of the cum
*cumspeedhermovementmult=0.05 //the multiplier of how her movement affects the speed of the cum
*cumspeedscale=0.2 //the master scaler of the cum speed
*cumgensplitpercent=0.08 //percent that generated cum splits per link creation
*cumgenstrandcomparebase=4 //base size of the strand to categorize big and small cum strands
*cumgenstrandcomparerandommult=4 //the random multipier of the size of the strand to categorize big and small cum strands. base+(0 up to random) = range
*longstrandsplitdetachpercent=0.95 //the percent that long strands will detach from the nipple due to strand splitting
*longstrandenddetachpercent=0.8 //the percent that long strands will detach from the nipple due to strand ending
*shortstrandsplitdetachpercent=0.8 //the percent that short strands will detach from the nipple due to strand splitting
*shortstrandenddetachpercent=0.1 //the percent that short strands will detach from the nipple due to strand ending
*cumgenrandommassmult=0.2 //the multiplier of how much mass the generated strands will have
*cumgenminmassbonus=0.05 //the minimmun amount of cum mass that is added to the random amount
*cumgenxspeedmult=15 //the x speed scaler of the generated strands
*cumgenyspeedmult=7 //the y speed scaler of generated strands
*cumgencumvolumexmult=4 //the x speed scaler of how much cumming volume adds to the strand speed
*cumgencumvolumeymult=1 //the y speed scaler of how much cumming volume adds to the strand speed
*cumgensynccum=0 //1=on, 0=off; makes the cum from each breast split at the same time

- sby

breast expansion v1.4 cleaned

due to the massive size that breast expansion got, it was starting to be difficult to work with.
so, i have cleaned out all of the non-breast expansion tied mods.
these cleaned out mods/features can now be separately downloaded in my thread.

main features:
swallow cum increases breasts
cumming in throat increases breasts
periodically puke-drools up cum from breasts
normalize to regular breast size over time
breast firmness scaled to size


swallowincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; increase breast size after swallowing cum
swallowbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
swallowbodyincreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
animSpeed=0.06 //rate that breasts grow for swallowincrease, acts as this functions resolution
animSpeedbody=0.05 //rate that body grows for swallowincrease, acts as this functions resolution
incMult=1.3 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
incMultb=1.5 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
autoshrink=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will slowly decrease in size over time to their min / original size
autoshrinkbreastdecreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
autoshrinkbodydecreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
autoshrinkbreastresolution=1 //0.0=none, 1.0=v1.3's amount, 0.5 to 2 suggested range; amount that breasts decrease per frame of change
autoshrinkbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0=none, 0.7=breast amount equivalent, 0.4 to 1.7 suggested range; amount that breasts decrease per frame of change
animRevSpeed=0.12 //rate that breasts shrink; (animrevspeed * 30 ~= time in seconds per decrease)
animRevSpeedbody=0.15 //rate that body shrinks
autoshrinkdelayafterincrease=200 //sets (frames)delay until breasts start decreasing, then they decrease at animRevSpeed*700 frames
autoshrinkdelayafterincreaseb=200 //frame delay before body starts autoshrinking, then they decrease at animRevSpeed*700 frames
puke=1 //2=on but no breast decrease,1=on,0=off; sectionally over time, she will drool out cum while her breasts shrink
puke1breastshrinkprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
puke1bodyshrinkprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
winceonpuke=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during puking
pukeshrinkbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ;change in breast size per frame of puking
pukeshrinkbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ;change in body size per frame of puking
pukeamt=1.3 //0.0 to 2.0; a scaled amount of cum she will drool out during puking; 0 = 12, 2 will double
pukeshrinkrate=12 //int value >= 0;the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (still mis-named with the next xD)
pukeshrinkamt=60 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
cuminmouthfrompukemax=60 //(int) >= 0; max amount of cum created in mouth from puking, max superscedes min
cuminmouthfrompukemin=12 //(int) >= 0; min amount of cum created in mouth from puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900 or more for long time
pukecum2notlimitedbymaxbreast=1 //1=on,0=off; allows puking to not be bound from breast max limitations, (cumming in her while at max breast size will still activate puking for puke option 2)
maxeffectivecumfrombreastincrease=150 //0 or more; acts as max amount of cum she can have pukable in her
throatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat, toggle switch for funtion
throatcumbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
throatcumbodyincreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
throatcumbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ; amount breasts increase per frame of active cumming in throat
throatcumbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ; amount body increase per frame of active cumming in throat
mouthfullthroatcum=2 //2=excess leaks out mouth,1=on,0=off; breasts will grow while cumming when cum in mouth is maxed (40). in option 2, no growing occurs and excess cum leaks out mouth; toggle switch for function
mouthfullthroatcumbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat
mouthfullthroatcumbodyincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; body increase when cumming down throat
mouthfullthroatcumbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ; amount breasts increase when actively cumming in full mouth
mouthfullthroatcumbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ; amount body increases when actively cumming in full mouth
winceonthroatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during cumming down throat and mouthfullthroatcum
throatcuminc=7.3 //~-5.0 to ~15.0; amount breasts grow from cumming down throat
autominbreastsize=1 //1=on,0=off; will set the original breast size (or min) to her breast size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
autominbodysize=1 //1=on,0=off; will set the original body size (or min) to her body size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
minbreastamount=10 //0 to 149; manually set min breast size if autominbreastsize disabled
maxbreastamount=149 //0 to 149; limits breast increases
minbodyamount=0 //0 to 100; manually set min body size if autominbodysize disabled
maxbodyamount=100 //0 to 100; limits body increases
setbreastsscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all breast increases according to current size (bigger breasts increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation
setbodysscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all body increases according to current size (bigger body increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation
scaledbreastfirmness=1 //0=off,1=on; will adjust breast firmness according to min and max firmness
minbreastfirmness=0.2 //0.1=loose to about 1.0=rock solid; the min breast firmness. normally goes from loose small breasts to hard (cum filled) breasts.
maxbreastfirmness=0.8 //0.1=loose to about 1.0=rock solid; the max breast firmness. the hardness direction can be reversed by having the min > max.
//kona's: this.breastFirmness = Math.max(0.2, 0.2 + (60 - g.characterControl.breastSize) * 0.01); setting mine to min=0.8,max=0.2 is close with full breast limits

- sby

breast expansion refined v1.4

this has really turned into a master file of all of my behavior type of mods.
although they could be easily split up, i am selectively lazy and i prefer to have everything in 1 place for me to build onto.

as requested, i did add in body expansion in this release.
this was done a while ago, but i never uploaded the versions in between because i got caught up expanding on possibilities.

although modguy was probably the only one who noticed, the source file is included with all of these releases.
it has been included because it provides info on how it was made.
when i started modding, it was tedious to find source examples, and i hope this helps any newer modders out there.

added new features:
body increase for the breast increase functions
option limiters for breast and body changes for each increase function
resolution options for breast/body for the the increase functions
breast firmness scaling
ondeepthroat behavior actions
inthroat behavior actions
cheekbulge tweeking
swallow by head tilt variable
create more spit strands when penis leaves mouth
create more spit strands while pulling off
moutfullthroatcum now has new (2) option which leaks out mouth instead of going down throat

breast values based on 0-149 scale, while the body is based on a 0-100 scale. this means resolution values for them are about 1 to 0.7

option list, stars next to new options:
(editing values here does nothing, this is just for reference; change the values in the "BreastExpPlus_v1_4.txt" file)

swallowincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; increase breast size after swallowing cum
*swallowbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
*swallowbodyincreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
animSpeed=0.06 //rate that breasts grow for swallowincrease, acts as this functions resolution
*animSpeedbody=0.05 //rate that body grows for swallowincrease, acts as this functions resolution
incMult=1.3 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
*incMultb=1.5 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
autoshrink=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will slowly decrease in size over time to their min / original size
*autoshrinkbreastdecreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
*autoshrinkbodydecreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
*autoshrinkbreastresolution=1 //0.0=none, 1.0=v1.3's amount, 0.5 to 2 suggested range; amount that breasts decrease per frame of change
*autoshrinkbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0=none, 0.7=breast amount equivalent, 0.4 to 1.7 suggested range; amount that breasts decrease per frame of change
animRevSpeed=0.12 //rate that breasts shrink; (animrevspeed * 30 ~= time in seconds per decrease)
*animRevSpeedbody=0.15 //rate that body shrinks
autoshrinkdelayafterincrease=200 //sets (frames)delay until breasts start decreasing, then they decrease at animRevSpeed*700 frames
*autoshrinkdelayafterincreaseb=200 //frame delay before body starts autoshrinking, then they decrease at animRevSpeed*700 frames
puke=1 //2=on but no breast decrease,1=on,0=off; sectionally over time, she will drool out cum while her breasts shrink
*puke1breastshrinkprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
*puke1bodyshrinkprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
winceonpuke=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during puking
*pukeshrinkbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ;change in breast size per frame of puking
*pukeshrinkbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ;change in body size per frame of puking
pukeamt=1.3 //0.0 to 2.0; a scaled amount of cum she will drool out during puking; 0 = 12, 2 will double
pukeshrinkrate=12 //int value >= 0;the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (still mis-named with the next xD)
pukeshrinkamt=60 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
cuminmouthfrompukemax=60 //(int) >= 0; max amount of cum created in mouth from puking, max superscedes min
cuminmouthfrompukemin=12 //(int) >= 0; min amount of cum created in mouth from puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900 or more for long time
pukecum2notlimitedbymaxbreast=1 //1=on,0=off; allows puking to not be bound from breast max limitations, (cumming in her while at max breast size will still activate puking for puke option 2)
maxeffectivecumfrombreastincrease=150 //0 or more; acts as max amount of cum she can have pukable in her
throatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat, toggle switch for funtion
*throatcumbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; prevents breasts from increasing in function
*throatcumbodyincreaseprevent=1 //1=on,0=off; prevents body from increasing in function
*throatcumbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ; amount breasts increase per frame of active cumming in throat
*throatcumbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ; amount body increase per frame of active cumming in throat
*mouthfullthroatcum=2 //2=excess leaks out mouth,1=on,0=off; breasts will grow while cumming when cum in mouth is maxed (40). in option 2, no growing occurs and excess cum leaks out mouth; toggle switch for function
*mouthfullthroatcumbreastincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat
*mouthfullthroatcumbodyincreaseprevent=0 //1=on,0=off; body increase when cumming down throat
*mouthfullthroatcumbreastresolution=1 //0.0+ ; amount breasts increase when actively cumming in full mouth
*mouthfullthroatcumbodyresolution=0.7 //0.0+ ; amount body increases when actively cumming in full mouth
winceonthroatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during cumming down throat and mouthfullthroatcum
throatcuminc=7.3 //~-5.0 to ~15.0; amount breasts grow from cumming down throat
addmorecumspurts=1 //1=on,0=off; turns on adding more cum spurts to ejaculation, toggle switch for function
additionalcumspurts=4 //0 or more; amount of cum spurts to add to the initial 5
cumspurtlengthmultiplier=11.9 //ajusts the length of the cumspurts, mincumspurtlength + randomly up to this amount
cumspurtpauserate=0.7 //0.0 to 1.0; the percent that the penis will 'bob' after done each additonal spurt
mincumspurtlength=15 //0 to don't over do it; the minimum length of additonal cum spurts
randomizeadditionalcumspurtsreductionfactor=0.3 //0.0 to 1.0; reduces the amount of additonal cum spurts randomly according to this percent
autominbreastsize=1 //1=on,0=off; will set the original breast size (or min) to her breast size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
*autominbodysize=1 //1=on,0=off; will set the original body size (or min) to her body size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
minbreastamount=10 //0 to 149; manually set min breast size if autominbreastsize disabled
maxbreastamount=149 //0 to 149; limits breast increases
*minbodyamount=0 //0 to 100; manually set min body size if autominbodysize disabled
*maxbodyamount=100 //0 to 100; limits body increases
setbreastsscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all breast increases according to current size (bigger breasts increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation
*setbodysscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all body increases according to current size (bigger body increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation
*scaledbreastfirmness=1 //0=off,1=on; will adjust breast firmness according to min and max firmness
*minbreastfirmness=0.2 //0.1=loose to about 1.0=rock solid; the min breast firmness. normally goes from loose small breasts to hard (cum filled) breasts.
*maxbreastfirmness=0.8 //0.1=loose to about 1.0=rock solid; the max breast firmness. the hardness direction can be reversed by having the min > max.
-------- //kona's: this.breastFirmness = Math.max(0.2, 0.2 + (60 - g.characterControl.breastSize) * 0.01); setting mine to min=0.8,max=0.2 is close with full breast limits
*deepthroatactions=1 //1=on,0=off; enables deepthroat actions in this section
*gagondeepthroat=1 //1=on,0=off; will play gag sound when throat is hit
*splatgenerateondeepthroat=1 //1=on,0=off; will show splat when throat is hit
*splatsoundondeepthroat=0 //1=on,0=off; will make splat sound when throat is hit
*pleasureincreaseondeepthroat=1 //1=on,0=off; will allow pleasure increases from hitting throat
*deepthroatpleasureincreaserandom=300 //0 to lots; randomly up to amount is added to base for pleasure, when throat is hit
*deepthroatpleasureincreasebase=500 //0 to lots; will give a bonus to pleasure when throat is hit
*passoutfactorincreaseondeepthroat=1 //1=on,0=off; enables pass out factor, or "breath", to be decreased from hitting throat
*deepthroatpassoutmult=1.7 //0.0+ ; the multiplier of amount of breath lost; breath lost is fractionally divided from current breath
*deepthroatpassoutbase=1.5 //1.0 + ; the base amount of breath lost; equation: her.passOutFactor = Math.min(her.passOutMax, her.passOutFactor + deepthroatpassoutmult * (deepthroatpassoutbase - her.passOutFactor / her.passOutMax));
*shockinthroat=1 //1=on,0=off; stays wide eyed while in throat
*shockondeepthroat=1 //1=on,0=off; gets wide eyed when throat is hit
*shockondeepthroatamount=160 //0=none,160=almost no pupils; amount that she gets wide-eyed. (also effects length of shock)
*shockondeepthroateyenormalizefasterrate=0.005 //0.0+; linear additional amount that she returns to normal per frame; equation: her.eyelidMotion.shock = Math.max(0, her.eyelidMotion.shock - shockondeepthroatamount*shockondeepthroateyenormalizefasterrate);
*shockondeepthroateyenormalizefasterexporate=0.05 //0.0+; quadratically returns to normal by this rate; equation: her.eyelidMotion.shock = Math.max(0, her.eyelidMotion.shock - (shockondeepthroatamount - her.eyelidMotion.shock)*shockondeepthroateyenormalizefasterexporate);
*winceinthroat=0 //1=on,0=off; she will wince while in her throat, overrides shockinthroat
*winceondeepthroat=0 //1=on,0=off; she will wince when her throat is hit
*winceondeepthroatholdtime=6 //0+; frames that wince from throat hit is held
*cheekbulgeedit=1 //1=on,0=off; enables custom cheek bulge options
*cheekbulgemovedivide=25 //0.0+; amount cheek bulge from movement is limited
*cheekbulgemouthcumdivide=50 //0.0+; amount cheek bulge from cum is limited
*cheekbulgepositionmult=1.5 //0.0+; amount cheek bulge from position is multiplied
--------- //cheek bulge equation: her.head.cheekBulge.alpha = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, her.movement) / cheekbulgemovedivide + her.cumInMouth / cheekbulgemouthcumdivide + her.pos * cheekbulgepositionmult);
*changeswallowtiltto=-0.8 //-0.2=kona's default, -1 disables swallow from tilt; adjusts amount her head must be tilted up before she swallows. -0.8 is very close to cutting of swallowing from tilting
*morestrandspulledoff=1 //1=on,0=off; enables extra strands to be created when her lips leave the penis
*pulledoffnummaxstrands=2 //0+; max amount of additonal strands that can be created from pulling off
*pulledoffstrandmakepercent=0.7 //0.0 to 1; avaerage percent of max strands will be made, done randomly
*morestrandspullingup=1 //1=on,0=off; enables extra strands to be created while pulling up from penis
*morestrandspullingupmovemin=5 //0+; speed limit of pull up movement before strands may be added
*morestrandspullingupuptravelmin=30 //0+; amount of distance she must pull up on penis before strands may be added
*morestrandspullingupmakestrandsteppercent=0.3 //0.0+; percent each valid frame that more strands are made
*pullingupnummaxstrands=3 //0+; max number of strands from pulling up can be added per pullup
*morestrandspullingupdowntravelsubtractnumstrandsdistance=30 //0+; distance of pulling down that restores more strands to be created (enables staying on the penis, but creating strands while moving up and down; without it, more strands may not be added until pulled of penis; 999 disables it)

- sby

breast expansion refined v1.3

i did less variable testing with this release, hopefully things function as they are supposed to.

added new features:
puke without shrinking breasts + modifiers, new options allow ability to puke without any breast expansion or reduction if combined with maxbreastamount=0
addtional cum spurts + modifiers
cuminmouthfrompuke min/max puke modifiers

i also cleaned up the settings file and categorized the different modifiers into separate groups.
i put stars next to new options:

swallowincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; increase breast size after swallowing cum
animSpeed=0.06 //rate that breasts grow for swallowincrease
incMult=1.3 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
autoshrink=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will slowly decrease in size over time to their min / original size
animRevSpeed=0.12 //rate that breasts shrink; (animrevspeed * 30 ~= time in seconds per decrease)
*autoshrinkdelayafterincrease=200 //sets (frames)delay until breasts start decreasing, then they decrease at animRevSpeed*700
*puke=1 //2=on but no breast decrease,1=on,0=off; sectionally over time, she will drool out cum while her breasts shrink
winceonpuke=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during puking
pukeamt=1.3 //0.0 to 2.0; a scaled amount of cum she will drool out during puking; 0 = 12, 2 will double
pukeshrinkrate=12 //int value >= 0;the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (still mis-named with the next xD)
pukeshrinkamt=60 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
*cuminmouthfrompukemax=60 //(int) >= 0; max amount of cum created in mouth from puking, max superscedes min
*cuminmouthfrompukemin=12 //(int) >= 0; min amount of cum created in mouth from puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900 or more for long time
*pukecum2notlimitedbymaxbreast=1 //1=on,0=off; allows puking to not be bound from breast max limitations, (cumming in her while at max breast size will still activate puking for puke option 2)
*maxeffectivecumfrombreastincrease=150 //0 or more; acts as max amount of cum she can have pukable in her
throatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat
mouthfullthroatcum=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will grow while cumming when cum in mouth is maxed (40)
winceonthroatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during cumming down throat and mouthfullthroatcum
throatcuminc=7.3 //~-5.0 to ~15.0; amount breasts grow from cumming down throat
*addmorecumspurts=1 //1=on,0=off; turns on adding more cum spurts to ejaculation
*additionalcumspurts=4 //0 or more; amount of cum spurts to add to the initial 5
*cumspurtlengthmultiplier=11.9 //ajusts the length of the cumspurts, mincumspurtlength + randomly up to this amount
*cumspurtpauserate=0.7 //0.0 to 1.0; the percent that the penis will 'bob' after done each additonal spurt
*mincumspurtlength=15 //0 to don't over do it; the minimum length of additonal cum spurts
*randomizeadditionalcumspurtsreductionfactor=0.3 //0.0 to 1.0; reduces the amount of additonal cum spurts randomly according to this percent
autominbreastsize=1 //1=on,0=off; will set the original breast size (or min) to her breast size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
minbreastamount=10 //0 to 149; manually set min breast size if autominbreastsize disabled
maxbreastamount=149 //0 to 149; limits breast increases
setbreastsscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all breast increases according to current size (bigger breasts increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation

- sby

breast expansion refined v1.2
this is a re-modified version my modified version of Modguy's "Breast Expansion Test"

added new features:
breast increase from cumming down throat,
breast increase from cumming into mouth while mouth cum max,
can limit/change max and min (original) breast size,
new breast increase equation that attepts accurate volume scaling (also because breast slider has bigger difference in breast size near end)

same settings file as before, here are the defaults and comments:

swallowincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; increase breast size after swallowing cum
animSpeed=0.06 //rate that breasts grow for swallowincrease
incMult=1.3 //0=none;3> = lots;amount that breasts grow for swallowincrease
autoshrink=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will slowly decrease in size over time to their min / original size
animRevSpeed=0.12 //rate that breasts shrink; (animrevspeed * 30 ~= time in seconds per decrease)
puke=1 //1=on,0=off; sectionally over time, she will drool out cum while her breasts shrink
winceonpuke=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during puking
pukeamt=1.3 //0.0 to 2.0; a scaled amount of cum she will drool out during puking; 0 = 12, 2 will double
pukeshrinkrate=12 //int value >= 0;the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (still mis-named with the next xD)
pukeshrinkamt=60 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900 or more for long time
throatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts increase when cumming down throat
throatcuminc=7.3 //~-5 to ~15; amount breasts grow from cumming down throat
mouthfullthroatcum=1 //1=on,0=off; breasts will grow while cumming when cum in mouth is maxed (40)
winceonthroatcumincrease=1 //1=on,0=off; she will wince during cumming down throat and mouthfullthroatcum
autominbreastsize=0 //1=on,0=off; will set the original breast size (or min) to her breast size when mod is loaded, limits puke and autoshrink.
minbreastamount=10 //0 to 149; manually set min breast size if autominbreastsize disabled
maxbreastamount=149 //0 to 149; limits breast increases
setbreastsscalelimitingfactor=0.8 //0 to ~3; scales all breast increases according to current size (bigger breasts increase slower); use 0 to have v1.0 equation

- sby

breast expansion refined, v1.0
this is a modified version of Modguy's "Breast Expansion Test"
uses same character folder setup as original, see end of document

breasts increase as cum is swallowed
fixed (or tweaked) hacky volume detetion, now can swallow when volume increasing
added optional gradual breast returning, breasts can autoshrink back to their initial size over time
added optional "puking", her breasts decrease while she drools out cum. she pukes more often the bigger the size increase from the intial breast size.

preference tweaking can be done in the "BreastExpPlus.txt" file, these are the variables that you can modify:

default values: //comments

animSpeed=0.06 //rate that breasts grow
incMult=1.3 //amount that breasts grow
animRevSpeed=0.16 //rate that breasts shrink; (animrevspeed * 30 = time in seconds per decrease)
autoshrink=1 //0 = turn off, 1 = turn on; breasts will slowly decrease in size over time to their original size (when mod applied)
puke=1 //0 = turn off, 1 = turn on; sectionally over time, she will drool out cum while her breasts shrink
pukeamt=1.2 //0-2, a scaled amount of cum she will drool out during puking; 0 = 12, 2 will double
pukeshrinkrate=15 //the amount that her breasts shrink per puke section (this is mis-named with the next)
pukeshrinkamt=40 //rate that breasts shrink while puking
puketimebeforestarting=-100 //effects time delay before puking, range from -900 for super quick, 900+ for long time

- sby
Breast expansion mod test.
Settings in BreastExp.txt
Needs a character folder, can't be packaged.

When she swallows, her breasts grow by:
Volume swallowed * incMult @ animSpeed units per frame.

For an emphasised effect, increase incMult.
For a faster animation, increase animSpeed.

Known bug:
If she swallows while cum in mouth increases, there is no effect.
This is because the detection of volume is hacky.


First release
Last update
4.55 star(s) 33 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. added some compatibility fixes in proxy logic

    breast expansion plus V3.7 added some compatibility fixes in proxy logic (small update to...
  2. V3_6 reup, fixed load error

    reupload of V3_6 to fix stuff
  3. small tweak to enable slider with superbellyV7_1+

    breast expansion plus V3.6 added check to enable showing belly if using superbellyV7_1 and...

Latest reviews

Is there a way to change the "belly movieclip" so it doesn't stick out as much especially with breasts set to the minimum size?

Whenever belly expansion is enabled, there's a part that sticks out just under the breasts and it looks really off to me, I wish there was a way to remove/move/edit that part without disabling the belly expansion feature.
if you want to modify the animation the source fla file is included in the download. if you have a replacement animation that might be better i can probably add it as a setting as to which animation to use.
how to use it in mod, i dont know how to use flash at all
not working how it will. changing setting do nothing.
This mod is fantastic. It works perfectly with your right panel tab in the loader package.

However, I wanted to make it load by default on every start. For some reason, when you download this as a standalone mod all the features work except the belly expansion. I wonder what could be causing this, considering it works flawlessly through the right panel. Any words of wisdom are appreciated in figuring that out.
make sure your settings file is in the settings folder, it might not be seeing it and in the source code belly expansion starts disabled.
Love this mod but I do wish there was a way to have the belly expand only and not the Breast.
turn off the breast and body expansion in the settings file
Is there a way to increase the size that the belly can grow to?
Love it but there is one problem that i got for some reason, there are small lines under boobs and stomach area , seems almost as if she had 2 different bellies or something.
Love this mod.
The possibilities to set-up this mod is amazing.
But, why the belly can only be "maxbellyamount=150"? There is a chance to create a Super-Belly mod? How can go further than 150?
Thank you. Love your mods. <3
So... I got it to work but it’s all green buttons with abbreviated words and numbers, can u let me know what each one does?
Really love this mod, the idea of breastcumming is super cool.
I don't know if you're up for feature requests, but if you are:
How about a simmilar feature for the belly?
a) dripping cum from the bellybutton when "full"
b) have cum shooting out of her ass, when belly can't expand further.

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