Black Desert Online - Resorepless Nude Mod

Black Desert Online - Resorepless Nude Mod 3.6f

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as Penthateather said the mod does not work and causes corrupt file errors
It's very fantastic. you are the hero in my mind. Thank you
Hi, BlackFireBR (você é brasileiro?)

I installed "resorepless" without customizations and it worked fine. But when I tried to add pubic hair and increase proportions of the body (in customize option), when installing appeared the following message:

Deleting: files_to_patch\.resorepless

Restoring: pad00000[2021-09-16][1251].meta.backup 1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).

Copying Files...
(1/13294) -

Failed to open file "patcher_resources/texture/"

Then, I tried to follow the suggested solutions in program, but I couldn't find that "" file... Could you help me? Btw, I installed Black Desert through Steam.

Finally, congratulations by your great mod! I hope to be able to use it with customizations!
The Dark Knight has not changed yet. If you buy underwear, it changes.
10/10 mate, easy as hell to use and its great, if i may, just a suggestion, can you please make a hide secondary weapons permanently option? I play a maehwa and a warrior and both the shield and the bow really cover more than I would like.

Thank you.
I just made a special version for you that does exactly that. Download here: and put it in your "PAZ" folder.
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 3.0b
great mod!! absolutely fantastic! any plans on adding dark knight ?
Thank you! It's already added since v2.6
The launcher automatically checks the files after mod installation. PLEASE HELP
The mod is amazing and the creator is very active and never fails to help anyone who is in need.
thank you for the fix for the square on the ground still seeing some with just glove and boots no out fit think they are life skill clothing
Thanks to you I have always been a fun game of doubles
Great work as I said before. Thanks for fixing Kibelius damage thing I mentioned. I have a request. Could you make another option for the Kib armor that makes it 100% transparent? I like having your transparency options and a totally transparent option would be awesome, thanks!
Thank you. You can easily achieve that by using "Tools->Remove a File->Any Class->Upperbody" and mark to remove all the files ending with "00_ub_0034.pac" and "00_ub_0034_01.pac". (Use the letter G to mark it across all classes of the same gender)
Easy to install, looks great, updates frequently. I can fully say that this is a mod that one should have and a mod author that all should follow.
Thank you very vrty
It was stopped after a patch T,T please Help me
Ok, thing is, It DOES work, but not with 3.6f, you have to download 3.6d if it doesn't work with 3.6f
  • Deleted member
  • 5.00 star(s)
  • Version: 3.0c
Many thanks to the artist who adds to the world so many cute beauty and charm!
This is a fantastic tool, I hope that soon a replacement for model skins becomes available, never was a fan of the plastic barbie textures in fantasy games. Give me some detail and human features!
Easy to use and fast update.

Thank you very much.
IT's Awesome
Just Download it then U will see a new world
Love the mod! Though if it has been unnoticed, it doesn't work on Tamer. would love to see this fixed <3
I'm sorry to ask this while you are busy but can you add dark knight nude model?

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