Not sure if this counts as a feature? Fresh poster, but years-long time lurker here, plz don't ban me Stuntcock.
Basically a,hopefully simple (vaguely remember reading somewhere that modding his balls is somewhat difficult), graphical mod for his body to add a lipstick mark on his balls.
For the sake of being specific the above would be my most preferable choice, but maybe it's more possible/convenient to place the lipstick marks elsewhere (his chest, maybe her body too).
You can find LOADS of references other than mine conveniently placed on white backgrounds just Google searching "lipstick mark", if needed.
Not really a new "feature" - that word usually implies changes to game mechanics (or adding an automated DJ system for background music, or adding multiplayer support, or voice control - complicated stuff).
This thread would have been moved to Loader Requests anyways, because "his balls" aren't included in the vanilla import system. Any mod fulfilling this request would necessarily be a Loader mod. So the location is fine.
maybe it's more possible/convenient to place the lipstick marks elsewhere (his chest, maybe her body too).
Let's consider three options for how this might play out:
Vanilla imports which place kiss marks on various pre-defined parts of her body. By loading a few of them back-to-back, you could cover her in kisses.
Straightforward. Faceless has demonstrated the technique with various body-writing mods, so an apprentice modder could crib from his files.
Loader imports which do the same as above, but targeting parts of his body (especially the balls).
Slightly more complex. Requires Flash and involves some heavier scripting.
A modal system which puts the game into "kiss mode" - allowing you to click on any part of his or her body and leave a persistent kiss mark upon it.
Conceptually simple but involves tons of fine-tuning and edge cases (because of layer boundaries, rotation and scale cancelling, partial alpha blending, separate tan and skin sprites, positional arms sprites, etc). Since this is a niche request, it's not going to happen unless you do something extraordinary (like "learn ActionScript and do most of the coding yourself" or "pay the server bills for six months" or something).
Let's assume that we're going to proceed with some combination of the first two options. I'll give you a budget of five kiss marks. Please choose how you want them allocated by copy-pasting the marks on top of a SDT screenshot (so that I can see how they should be sized and oriented). If you want to choose five different kiss marks and put them all on the scrotum then that's fine; if you want five copies of the same kiss mark distributed across the two bodies then we can work with that also.
If you're actually interested in option three then please say so ASAP (so that we don't waste time creating a bunch of small mod files which will become redundant).
You can find LOADS of references other than mine conveniently placed on white backgrounds just Google searching "lipstick mark", if needed.
White backgrounds are slightly inconvenient; transparent PNGs would be better; vector files would be perfect. However, it's pretty easy for a modder to vectorize any of those lipstick images.
Getting a lipstick mark onto his balls isn't especially difficult. There are a few complications, though:
visual transformation are applied hierarchically in Flash. We'd need to include special scripting to cancel-out any inherited scale changes due to ballsize adjustments. Otherwise, the kiss mark would become much too large (or too small).
the mark images are all presented in complete form, and they're seen face-on. Your reference image shows a few marks being cropped off at the edge of the scrotum (although they aren't actually foreshortened because the artist was lazy). It may be possible to find edge-on reference images, and then to include kiss marks along the edge of the scrotum (via masking) ... but it's probably not worth the additional effort.
the kiss mark would presumably inherit the lipstick color. This could be either a persistent scripting effect (changing the lipstrick color immediately updates all on-screen kiss marks) or a one-time effect (so that it becomes possible for a rainbow of different kiss marks to appear on-screen). Or we might just be lazy and apply hard-coded colors (e.g. RedKissMark.swf, PurpleKissMark.swf)
Loader mods do not have a built-in removal mechanism. How does the user get rid of the kiss marks?
We could hook into GUI, so that clicking "Remove Lipstick" would also remove kiss marks.
We could bind an additional hotkey (Ctrl-Shift-J or whatever).
We could make them vanish when the Reset behaviour is invoked.
We could just be lazy and leave them on permanently (user must restart game to eliminate them).
I've posted an western porn image pretty graphically detailing it.
You've ATTACHED a porn image detailing it. Attachments aren't supposed to be used for reference images (which are temporary); they're for high-priority persistent content (such as Hair imports, dialogue TXT, and SWF mod files).
Could you please try to use the "Remote Upload Images" feature to move your files to offsite hosting? I can do it manually if you're having trouble, but it would be a good idea to learn the tool if you intend to stick around on the forum.
Could you please try to use the "Remote Upload Images" feature to move your files to offsite hosting? I can do it manually if you're having trouble, but it would be a good idea to learn the tool if you intend to stick around on the forum.
Done. I thought the former option is more preferable, to avoid clutters of giant images in posts. I deleted all the IMO unnecessary references and just kept one image.
Your Option 3 is way more than I asked for - it sounds really fucking awesome, but like you said, its plausibility is doubtful. Besides, wouldn't that imply some issues with dimensionality? Since SDT is at a 2D/profile perspective the girl would have to leave marks at an angle that wouldn't technically be visible to us.
I am mostly interested in your Option 2.
the kiss mark would presumably inherit the lipstick color. This could be either a persistent scripting effect (changing the lipstrick color immediately updates all on-screen kiss marks) or a one-time effect (so that it becomes possible for a rainbow of different kiss marks to appear on-screen). Or we might just be lazy and apply hard-coded colors (e.g. RedKissMark.swf, PurpleKissMark.swf)
Please choose how you want them allocated by copy-pasting the marks on top of a SDT screenshot (so that I can see how they should be sized and oriented).
I'd be satisfied with basically this.
Although now that I've done this I realize that all the lipstick mark images I've found basically don't match her...well...lips.
SDT Chan has only one, quite thin IMO, lip variation, and while I'm sure there is like one mod that modifies lips (called OliverLips I believe), it leaves SDT Chan at the permanent state of a gaping mouth, it's not hue-adjustible and, pardon my criticism, looks kind of fake instead of naturally full.
wouldn't that imply some issues with dimensionality? Since SDT is at a 2D/profile perspective the girl would have to leave marks at an angle that wouldn't technically be visible to us.
You're over-thinking it. The girl wouldn't actually lean over and kiss the body; the mouse pointer would just turn into a magic stamp that prints a persistent kiss mark wherever you click (including the girl's own face, which would require some impressive flexibility!)
Hue shifting would be fantastic. If it can be tied to the lipstick color that's doubly so.
One of your marks spans the hipbone. When he bends at the hip, that mark is going to get sheared into two separate pieces. I'll move it slightly inwards (towards his buttock) so that it's fully within the leg sprite. Unless you have an alternative preference.
there is like one mod that modifies lips (called OliverLips I believe), it leaves SDT Chan at the permanent state of a gaping mouth, it's not hue-adjustible and, pardon my criticism, looks kind of fake instead of naturally full.
There are a few older mods like that. They predate most of the Loader features, so they couldn't effectively replace the girl's lips. Instead, they simply create a GAG object which resembles a set of lips. That's why her mouth gapes open. They could have provided color-shifting capability, but presumably they were happy with the cherry-red pornstar look.
If you're interested, please spend a few minutes searching the forum (just to double-check that someone hasn't created an actual Lip mod in the interim) and then post a new Loader Request thread. If you want to reuse the appearance of one of the existing mods then say so. Otherwise you'll need to find really good reference images (anime style, side view, correct thickness and proportion, appropriate amount of shininess, etc). I can't make any promises w/r/t feasibility; I haven't looked at face composition code in a while.
You're over-thinking it. The girl wouldn't actually lean over and kiss the body; the mouse pointer would just turn into a magic stamp that prints a persistent kiss mark wherever you click (including the girl's own face, which would require some impressive flexibility!)
Otherwise you'll need to find really good reference images (anime style, side view, correct thickness and proportion, appropriate amount of shininess, etc)
Yeap, that's the problem, anime-style girls have no lips at all most of the time.
Finding good ones from a profile point of view is nigh-impossible.
I mean, SDT is basically a blowjob simulator, the fact the girl's lips never got any extensive modding attention is a damn shame.
I took into consideration your remark about proper cropping angle-wise, and realized that it's spot-on.
These marks are kind of big but they illustrate what I think is a more realistic kind of look.
Maybe the best result would be mix-and matching the cropped marks with full ones?
Seconding this. If anything, I thought that's what you guys meant when I first saw this thread. Bite marks and hickies on her don't sound bad at all. Though getting that sort of stuff done is definitely beyond my league.
My loader template has supported lip mods since 0.97.2, but I'm reasonably certain that no one has ever made use of it, since that shit requires tweening.
My loader template has supported lip mods since 0.97.2, but I'm reasonably certain that no one has ever made use of it, since that shit requires tweening.
Well, I'm completely illiterate when it comes to TECHNOLOGY, but wouldn't it be possible to take that and the basic lips and just make them...bigger? With no tracing or artwork involved. Or would that end up looking really shitty, if possible at all?
Well, I'm completely illiterate when it comes to TECHNOLOGY, but wouldn't it be possible to take that and the basic lips and just make them...bigger? With no tracing or artwork involved. Or would that end up looking really shitty, if possible at all?
Take a look at sby's work, if you haven't already. He's a programmer; he doesn't draw stuff. When he wanted to make the penis bigger, it required 300+ lines of code. Significant work was needed, in spite of the fact that penis-size-adjustment was already a standard feature of the game.
SDT is a finished game. If we attempt to modify the visuals in isolation, then we tend to damage something else -- such as layering, idle animations, contact-detection logic, or gameplay mechanics. Or - less obviously - our changes may cause an existing mod to become inoperable or unstable.
For a very rough analogy, you might consider the old N64 game Goldeneye. There was a cheat which made everyone's head enormous. Technically it was very simple - just a scale adjustment on part of the mesh. If you were eight years old then it was hilarious to watch the deformed characters have conversations and act out the game's storyline. But this simple visual edit also changed the difficulty of the game and the balance of its weapons, because it was now much easier to achieve a headshot from a long distance.
The difficult part is done. Masking and scale-correction occur as expected. No problems with stability or load order - you can load the SWF file even if the balls are currently hidden. The kiss marks will be shown whenever you decide to include balls in your scene. The marks apply to all skin tones and to both the HIM and the FUTA HIM balls (because they're the same balls). This will not be true of the torso kiss-marks because those are different sprites, but it's trivial to workaround that problem.
Color is applied at the moment of instantiation, and the mod is unresponsive to color changes which occur afterwards. So you can get a rainbow effect by loading kissBalls1.swf, then changing the lipstick color (or bringing an entirely new girl into the scene if you want to be thorough) and then loading kissBalls2.swf. See screenshot below.
Marks do not "stack" (because that would be very bad for performance). If you load a SWF file twice then the incoming mark will simply replace any existing sprite which it finds in its "slot."
I used a deliberately oversized mark in these screenshot for easy visibility. The mark has been narrowed in the actual version, to better match the apparent thickness of the girl's lips.
For technical reasons, it isn't a good idea to actually crop the marks. Instead we just put them in a position where part of the shape lies outside the boundary of the scrotum, and then we assign a mask so that the protruding part is automatically hidden.
If you look closely at the screenshot above, you'll note that the two kiss marks both encounter the edge of the scrotum when the balls are shrunk far enough. This is because we chose to keep the lipstick marks constant-size (so that they correspond roughly to the size of her lips). Hence, we must deal with the boundary problem in all cases - it cannot be confined to a few deliberately "cropped" kiss marks.
If we want to get fancy then we could also distort the vectors of any edge-straddling kiss marks into a trapezoidal shape, thus achieving a crude one-point perspective. I haven't bothered to do so because it would bloat the SWF and because I don't find the effect very convincing. The distortion effect needs to be "corroborated" by lighting or shading effects, and I'm terrible at eyeballing those.
I plan to release six files. Files one through five will each include a single mark. It is expected that the files will be loaded sequentially with gameplay intervals in between (presumably in order to change lipstick colors for a "rainbow effect" scene, or to gradually play through a dialogue/scenario in which the player must "earn" each successive mark). The sixth file will simply load all five marks simultaneously (and therefore all marks will share the some color). The combined file should be much more convenient if someone just wants a bunch of kisses.
I'll release the FLA project file in case people want to customize the shape, size, or orientation of the marks.
If not, then you can grab it from my Loader imports thread. Bottom of the first post, under the "Cosmetics" heading.
I'm moving this thread to Filled Requests because the basic proof-of-concept implementation is done.
You can submit bug reports here or in my thread.
If anyone wants to pursue the "big lips" idea then please post a new Loader Request thread revive this thread. VincentL and 4dascience - if you guys want to pursue the idea of kiss/bite/whatever marks on the girl's body then please create a new Request thread for it. It doesn't require Loader features; it can be achieved with conventional vanilla imports.
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