Tear Stained Eyes

Tear Stained Eyes 1.1

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I really love the mods aesthetics! Great work :)
I need 50 characters, but seeing it's already patched into the loader by sby/ModGuy I have nothing else to say but thanks!
Amazing stuff! Also, what's the resource for the rope around the neck?
Thanks for your review.

The rope leash is available here:
How do I change its color in the RGB version? Can't seem to find the second eye accessories slider
The secondary slider is provided by the allalphasliders mod:
I'll add this to the post.
I like this mod, especially for some dialogues.
Can you add a MC compatible version?
Thanks for your review.
For what I know, it's not possible to use the eye mods with MC, because there is no matching mod type for these.
Maybe this will be possible so time in the future.
(I know sclover13 was working on a modding template which provides additional mod types.)
non-RGB version is cute, RGB version makes for a nice bruise :)
You are my hero. Was trying to edit swf via decompiler, but no resutl))
Can you, please, add RGB compatibility. Or just make its color related to mascara color
Hey! Thanks for your review.
You are not the first one asking for RGB slider support.
Will see if I can add this.

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