Updated June 19th, 2023
Available on this page:
SDT FrameRateUnlocker v1.1 Updated April 11th 2022
Requires the Loader
Can be loaded manually as a swf mod or through $INIT$ at start up
Text guide to installing as a start up mod
This mod when paired with Flash Player v10.3r183.90 For SDT Generally improves Performance and allows for higher than 30fps
Now prints to the loader status console when loaded correctly
Start HD SDT 1.3.2 Updated June 19th, 2023
This is a GUI application that fixes a few issues with SDT and the Flash projector, hopes to greatly improve performance for CPUs with greater than 4 threads, and add some QoL features.
~Video demonstration here~ : fixed link
By default and if you reset the settings, the application requires loader.swf and Flash player 10.3 be in the same root folder as the application
other wise you can set either to what ever path you like in the settings drop down
If you are able to contribute a performance report or For more information or to report issues / get support check the thread below:
Available on this page:
- FrameRateUnlocker 1.1
- [Updated] Start HD SDT 1.3.2
SDT FrameRateUnlocker v1.1 Updated April 11th 2022
Requires the Loader
Can be loaded manually as a swf mod or through $INIT$ at start up
Text guide to installing as a start up mod
This mod when paired with Flash Player v10.3r183.90 For SDT Generally improves Performance and allows for higher than 30fps
Now prints to the loader status console when loaded correctly
Start HD SDT 1.3.2 Updated June 19th, 2023
This is a GUI application that fixes a few issues with SDT and the Flash projector, hopes to greatly improve performance for CPUs with greater than 4 threads, and add some QoL features.
- Uses an included copy of Flash player 10.3 and debugger version which is the fastest for SDT
- Now allows you to search your PC for any Flash Player/file location you prefer
- Sets the Flash player to your CPUs max affinity(threads)
- This shouldn't matter but I've see the affinity set wrong sometimes. If your CPU has more than 4 threads you might see a performance gain. Your max number of threads is detected and set by default, you can only lower it.
- Sets the Flash player to High Priority
- This should generally improve performance
- Allows you to choose an HD starting resolution
- Now includes a few more resolutions
- Previously the flash player's outer window bounds was set, now the inner game area is set to the exact resolution including when Windows 10/11 is scaled above 100%
- Fixes a Windows scaling issue, when the desktop is scaled above 100%, with the Flash player that caused blurry edges and text
- This is done by setting the following regestry key: @"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers" "Application path" "HIGHDPIAWARE"
- Added a toggle for the above in case you are ok with the blur but want to squeeze out a few more frames
~Video demonstration here~ : fixed link
By default and if you reset the settings, the application requires loader.swf and Flash player 10.3 be in the same root folder as the application
other wise you can set either to what ever path you like in the settings drop down
If you are able to contribute a performance report or For more information or to report issues / get support check the thread below:

Start HD SDT & SDT FrameRateUnlocker [Updated 12/10/2021]
SDT FrameRateUnlocker v1.0 11/13/2021 Requires the Loader Can be loaded manually as a swf mod or through $INIT$ [/COLOR] The previous version of this original post contained a lot of wrong information. I was confounded during my initial testing from using an APU laptop as well as SDTL2, making...