
Resorep 1.7.0

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Please refer to [Tool] Resorep - DirectX 11 texture replacer

Update procedure:
1) Launch your current unupdated version of Resorep.
2) Unhook all applications.
3) Unpack and launch new version of Resorep in different folder than old version.
4) Hook all applications again.

By downloading this file you agree to the following:


The Software is provided "AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS," without warranty of any kind, including without limitation the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. The Licensor makes no warranty that the Software is free of defects or is suitable for any particular purpose. In no event shall the Licensor be responsible for loss or damages arising from the installation or use of the Software, including but not limited to any indirect, punitive, special, incidental or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all other commercial damages or losses. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the Software is borne by you. Should the Software prove defective, you and not the Licensor assume the entire cost of any service and repair.

EDIT: Many users have reported that this does not work.
Ray Wing
First release
Last update
3.74 star(s) 118 ratings

Latest updates

  1. 1.7.0 - Performance improvements

    This update should improve hooked game performance - increase FPS and reduce stuttering...
  2. 1.6.0 - added 32-bit applications support

    Thanks to Rainer for contributing x86 support for Resorep's dll.
  3. 1.5.1 - fixed version number

    1.5.1 - fixed version number

Latest reviews

Try running the jar file via cmd as admin: 1.- Run cmd as admin. 2.- go to the directory were the resorep file is located, using cd. 3.- type: java -jar resorep.jar. 4.- It should work, it worked for me
All I get is a "no such file exception" any time I try to add a game.
this might not get answered and I'm okay with that, but i would like to address a problem I'm having, hoping someone can help. I am getting an error message reading "AccessDeniedException: dx11proxy64.dll -> C:\Programfiles (x86)\Ubisoft\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Assassins Creed Origins The Curse Of The Pharaohs\d3d11.dll" any advice would be greatly appreciated
ich bekomme es nicht zum laufen auf win 11 könnt ihr es machen das es auf win 11 geht
I was having the issue where you double click on the Resorep jar file and It was not doing anything.

Fixed this by downloading:

Java SE Runtime Environment 8u381


Java SE Development Kit 8u381

Also used Jar fix after downloading both of these and it seemed to fix the issue for me.
Why it says resorep no such file exception when i try to add a game?
bruterifle is right, here's how I made it work:
- install java 8 (
- uninstall any JDK you have installed (you can look up "java" in your apps list and just uninstall it from there, like any other normal app on Windows)
- double click resorep.jar
Just do what this Guy says. The Win 10 works to Win 11 "at least for me" No jar fix need simple rename the "sample" to "Resorp"
It worked normally on my Saints Row 2022, I just installed the latest version of java and I also put the Jarfix that the Ruzik left our comments so I don't have a problem
Funcionou normalmente no meu Saints Row 2022, Instalei a última versão do java e coloquei também o Jarfix que o Ruzik colocou nos comentários para não ter problema)
It works on Win10 , you need to run this thing thourgh java8u231(JRE!) , download the currect version of java8 , install it , then use cmd browse to where it located(XXX/bin/javaw.exe), run javaw -jar (resorep.jar's path)
In my case , i happened to have JDK installed on my computer , so double click on it will result in failure.

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