Avatar the Last Airbender Book 1 Katara [LOADER Only]
(This is a test mod using Stuntcock's DHE to manipulate the hair loops)
The art for this mod was done very quickly and without a model to reference from. It was wholly a test to see how competently I could adapt Stuntcock's Dynamic Hair Extender (DHE) to hair mods.
Since everything is functioning fine, I do play on releasing a version with better art in the near future. Until then, treat this mod as a WIP.
(This is a test mod using Stuntcock's DHE to manipulate the hair loops)
The art for this mod was done very quickly and without a model to reference from. It was wholly a test to see how competently I could adapt Stuntcock's Dynamic Hair Extender (DHE) to hair mods.
Since everything is functioning fine, I do play on releasing a version with better art in the near future. Until then, treat this mod as a WIP.