Based on @dantethedarkprince's 'Clare Armor' mod, extract and separate the armor.
- open with the SWF mod button in the Modding tab.
- This mod is compatible with Vanilla
- This mod destinated to be use for add claymore's armor over another outfit previously loaded.
- The pack contain 3 mods.
- claymore's boots. you can found a rgb version here.
- the 2nd mod contain the front tight metal part and metal cuffs.
- the last mod had shoulder, cape, sword, strap and side&back tight part.
Moreclothing settings:+poptotop=Claymore Claymore's armor.swf=Claymore:Body:CostumeBottoms>Body+convertbodytocuffs Claymore Armored Top.swf=Claymore Armored:CostumeTop+converttoptoovertop Claymore's boots.swf=Claymore's boots