The girls from RWBY (2 Viewers)


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Feb 13, 2016
It took me longer than I hoped it would, but I've given Raven some proper clothing.


Details on right arm:
Details on left arm:

The outfit mod can be found here: Raven Branwen Outfit

It wouldn't be a RWBY outfit mod if there wasn't some part that sparked an irrational hatred in the pits of my soul (or the void that once was my soul, if my works here have burned it away to nothing). Here it was getting the skirt right (or at least attempting to). I have done what I can to follow the canon outfit but I ended up taking some minor liberties with it for the sake of making it not look weird in SDT.


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Feb 13, 2016
Moving to Vernal's hair after dealing with all of Raven is really a nice breath of fresh air with how simple it is by comparison (if only because there's far less of it in total and not that much going on with it).

Hair Preview 1 (Naked).PNG

The hair can be found here: Vernal Hair
The code I used for her body is as follows:

For the time being until I get the outfit done, I've whipped up a quick placeholder outfit as well in case you don't want her to be naked (the poor girl's been through enough as-is, really):

Hair Preview 2 (Placeholder Outfit).PNG

The full placeholder code for the outfit (with her physique) is as follows:

Quick Edit: Attaching didn't work right. Still getting used to the new forum system. Images should be fixed.


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Feb 13, 2016
Much like her hair, Vernal's outfit has far less going on than her leader's.


Right Arm:
Left Arm:

Outfit can be found here: Vernal Outfit

Hopefully I've figured out the new forum system this time so I don't need to do a quick not-so-panic edit.


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Feb 13, 2016
I previously said that, if I didn't fall back off the wagon, I'd be getting around to making mods for Ilia as well. Well, I haven't fallen off yet so here we are...

Hair Download Link: Ilia Amitola Hair

Nude Preview:

Body code:

Placeholder/Vanilla Outfit Preview:


Code for the placeholder setup:


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Feb 13, 2016
Popping back in to continue my trend of supplying proper clothes for RWBY girls to make sure Ilia has her uniform. I also managed to convince her to stop hiding her markings while I was at it.


Details on Right Arm (Glove):

Details on Left Arm (markings):

The outfit (with markings) can be found here: Ilia Amitola Outfit
A standalone version of the markings (e.g. for making her nude while still following canon) can be found here: Ilia Amitola Body Markings

On an unrelated note, after watching the Adam short that was released about a week ago as of this post I might actually be able to make something for Sienna. I avoided considering it before because that sash thing around her torso/arms wouldn't work at all in SDT because of the way clothing exists in terms of modding (or at least I didn't see a way to make it work without outright removing it), but her flashback outfit didn't have the sash so that might get rid of my old (albeit internal) excuse. Probably going to get Cinder and Nora done first, though, since they've been waiting for far longer comparatively.


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Feb 13, 2016
I'm not one to join in on trends but I think I've got a solid entry for Spooktober here by way of a "fear boner" entry. Forewarning: Volume 5 spoilers in this post! (I'm sure it's not important to EVERYONE here but I feel better about myself having warned people first.)

For anyone who didn't figure it out yet (understandable, "fear boner" isn't exactly a good hint), this is a set of mods for Cinder's post-timeskip outfit, both with and without her left sleeve.

Outfit preview, with sleeve:

Outfit preview, without sleeve (spoilers!):

Details on left arm:

I also made a version of the mod that only supplies her body modifications, i.e. the scar on her face. All 3 versions, as well as a standalone version of the hair, can be found below:

Standalone Cinder Post-Timeskip Hair: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Hair
Cinder Post-Timeskip Outfit, with sleeve: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Outfit (With Sleeve)
Cinder Post-Timeskip Outfit, without left sleeve: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Outfit (Sleeveless)
Cinder Post-Timeskip body modifications: Cinder Fall Post-Timeskip Body Modifications

Enjoy your fear boners, folks. Or normal boners, if you're into this sort of thing. Or don't enjoy them, I'm not your supervisor.


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Feb 13, 2016
I'm sure I could find a way to make a "for thousands of years I lay dormant" joke here but the only interactions I am aware of featuring that line all require 2 people (that and I wouldn't be able to properly do it justice), so I'll pass. I'm back again to finally finish something I started ages ago: supplying post-timeskip outfits to every character who had them since volume 4. In other words, I've finally gotten around to making Nora's post-timeskip outfit.


Shot of her gloves:

The outfit can be found here: Nora Valkyrie Post-Timeskip Outfit

The hair is the same as I used with the original outfit, i.e. it was made by Maineim and can be found in his thread here: Stuff by Maineim (2-2-14 RWBY's Penny)

Next I need to actually work on getting caught up on RWBY as I still haven't seen any of Volume 6 yet. I've seen some lewd pics based on it though, so I am already aware I've still got work ahead of me once I start watching...


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Feb 13, 2016
A couple days after making my last post I hunkered down and basically binged most of Volume 6. This translates roughly to "new waifus L O C A T E D"

I'm going to be starting off with the ones that I believe will be the easiest to make. To that end, the first character I've made is Terra Cotta-Arc, wife of Jaune's sister Saphron.


I've also figured out a passing vanilla outfit which is depicted below:

(Post-script edit: in addition to the above vanilla outfit, I have now made a proper version of her outfit. It's in the next post; I'm not adding it to this post since both are showing up on the same page as of right now. If the next post gets moved to a new page whenever one is created, I'll update this post to include the proper shot as well.)

The codes underlying the above 2 screenshots are as follows:


The hair can be found here: Terra Cotta-Arc Hair

An alternate version of the hair which removes the glasses (which I have concluded are either because Terra is far-sighted or for the sake of fashion only, since she only ever looks through them when she's looking down at her Scroll) can be found here: Terra Cotta-Arc Hair (No Glasses)
Note: The above link is a direct link to a .png of the hair without the glasses.
Last edited:


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Feb 13, 2016
Having now finished Volume 6 (and having quite enjoyed the last episode), I now may have more girls to add to the list based on that last episode. I'm not sure how to properly segue this into the actual focus of this post but [one actual, working segue later] here's Terra's outfit.


Shot of her sleeve (both are identical):

The outfit can be found here: Terra Cotta-Arc Outfit

Interesting story: while getting references I noticed that she has a ring on her left hand (not surprising, I just never noticed it until I inspected more closely). However, the position of it (as in, on her ring finger) means that you'd never really see it during SDT gameplay. Just a fun little tidbit I felt like sharing.


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Feb 13, 2016
Terra just kept nagging me to get around to making Saphron, and I finally had the time to make the hair to a satisfactory level so I have.


The standard stop-gap vanilla outfit that comes alongside these until I get the proper outfit done is below:

Here are the codes to recreate both of the above displays:



The hair can be found here: Saphron Cotta-Arc Hair

Not sure how long the outfit will take, mainly because of other pressing concerns on my plate unrelated to making these (i.e. midterms). Hopefully it won't be long, then I can start getting into the more fun (read: annoying due to lack of good reference shots in the show or due to complexity) mods based on volume 6.

The Great Spice

Potential Patron
Sep 22, 2018
View attachment 52409
Character Code:
Character Code:
Hey, so I see you made this neo hair but I am here to offer a different style of her hair from side view which might actually fit the avatar better than this hair style.

Heres some artstyles that may suit the model better if implemented.


otaku guy

Casual Client
Dec 30, 2017
View attachment 88293

Edit: Wait, I must test it.
The hair is pretty out of proportion and out of place, I think it'd be better using those hairstyles more as tracing bases instead of just ripping them straight from the image.
Well I guess I should have read that before making this....
I know they're not perfect, but what I do is only to help others get closer to the content they ask for.
Example: Workout Ruby Hair (based off of Jlullaby's work and ripped from Aestheticc Meme's version)
Scrappy, but could lead to something if polished.
Workout Yang is on the way too...……… Should I scrap that?


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Feb 13, 2016
I couldn't really find any part of your posts I specifically wanted to quote as a way of pinging you so I'll just opt to drop an otaku guy otaku guy up at the front of this so that you get notified about this. For those expecting something of substance from me per usual, skip to the end - I didn't want to leave otaku guy trying to skim past my ramblings about outfits to see why I wanted to say something to him.

The one thing I would suggest you do at the least (because honestly it's not perfect but that Neo hair is an improvement - with all due respect to dark_knight17 and the work he's done, his Neo hair is a tad angular, shall we say. Still good, mind you, but not beyond improvement) would be to test hairs once you've made them - I feel like some of the pink hair should end up going on the backmost layer so it hides behind her face instead of covering her nose (but I'm not sure if it actually is, or if it's just a visual thing cause of the colors), and that shows up fairly quickly if you drop it into SDT to test and see how the hair looks. I've basically never actually had a first pass at a mod be the one I end up putting on the RM, whether due to minor tweaks or, in one case, realizing that a .png wouldn't do the hair justice and remaking it more or less from scratch as a .swf file instead. If you did test it, then it also becomes a bit of dealing with opinions and finding feedback with which to improve the work. (In that case, having specific feedback helps - things like "in what sense is the hair out of proportion/place?")

One other thing I will note, is that you may want to see stuntcock's post from near the bottom of page 10 in this thread; it was a response to me posting my first hair and had a lot of useful information with respect to hair modding. The main thing I'd point you to is the first point from their post, which suggests to have a layer of "hair" under where the ear would be (that would be put on the layer which goes under the ear to begin with, and produces the same result).

That having been said, onto the reason (most) are here for this post, I presume: New Shit™. It's been awhile but I finally managed to make enough free time to finish Saphron's outfit.


The outfit can be found here: Saphron Cotta-Arc Outfit

I'm fairly sure the same interesting tidbit about Terra applies to Saphron as well, i.e. that her ring is positioned such that it doesn't show up in any common supported angles in SDT, so I've opted to assume as such.


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Feb 13, 2016
Possibly. It's more a laziness/trying to find a real-life job/"FFXIV is a black hole for my time" thing than anything. Hell, I never finished what I wanted to do in v6 (Jinn, Young Maria, new outfits for Cinder/Neo) either.

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