MEGA Archive
Requires ThickerThighs:
RGB Adjustable
-RGB Slider 1 for LegwearB controls the color of the Belt/Band.
-RGB Slider 2 for LegwearB controls the color of the Buckle/Studs for their respective versions.
Requires ThickerThighs:
All belts/bands have individual left and right leg versions
Thigh squish versions, these do not require ThickerThighs as they load a custom version of TT themselves when loaded.
Thigh squish versions, these do not require ThickerThighs as they load a custom version of TT themselves when loaded.
RGB Adjustable
-RGB Slider 1 for LegwearB controls the color of the Belt/Band.
-RGB Slider 2 for LegwearB controls the color of the Buckle/Studs for their respective versions.