Willing Cousin (1 Viewer)

  • Thread starter gogoBroed
  • Start date
  • Watchers 1


This is a piece of dialogue that portrays some lighthearted fun between two cousins, with the "player character" being a bit hesitant about the whole ordeal.

It has been collecting some virtual dust (since long before the dialogue editor came out), and I decided to try to add some of the newer functionality into this. I did want to make it a bit more dynamic with according to different moods and such, but I found myself quite tired with trying to edit this one; so will probably make a new set of dialogue for that.
There are some "events" that can happen, which for example triggers a mood change. So for it to work properly, you should initially use these settings:

style - normal
mood - happy
her arms - on legs
his arms - free

I also discourage use of any automatic modes.

(I also might have used the word 'cousin' a bit too liberally in it; but I hope it won't feel too much like dialogue from GTA4. :P)


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Potential Patron
Jan 4, 2012
I like the playing with dialogue logic to create actual dialogue, rather than two people talking at each other. Need to start using that myself.


Potential Patron
Apr 12, 2012
Pretty well done dialogue! I don't have any cousins near my own age, so the idea of it just reminds me of Arrested Development.


Potential Patron
Mar 17, 2012
Very good work. I was going to write my own but I'm bad at making story's lol. I get Writer's block all the time.


Raekwon said:
I'm having problems getting this dialogue to work. Any suggestions?

I too had trouble until I paid attention to the suggested settings (style - normal, mood - happy, her arms - on legs, his arm - free) then it worked.


Potential Patron
Jul 10, 2023
The only thing I don’t like is people speaking of themselves in the third person. 😅 There are some circumstances where it’s fine, e.g. in thoughts like “Come on, Pete, get your act together,” i.e. when you’re talking to yourself.
The instances of this nonsense are easily found and replaced by “I”.

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