what would people think of an interactive first person ryona story? (6 Viewers)


Ryonani Teamster
Sep 8, 2010
Only one of the 3 preds is female at the moment, the first pred is a giant snake (i call him "he" but i guess his gender does'nt matter, he's just hungry!), the second is a huge and horny male ogre (with lots of chains and a lust for inflicting pain!)and the 3rd is a female spider lady (she's fat at the moment but if people all want her to be sexy i could change it) :D

Things that can happen so far:
the snake might crush you in his coils or make you a quick snack,
the ogre might make you his b%%h, snap you in half or just use you as a lollipop,
and the Arachne has the most options at the moment! (also the most struggle points!) can you escape her web?
will she wrap you up and save you for later? or have you now?!

yes noice! i might make a VoreQ pred who can do any of the above! muahahaha! >:D


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
Arachnids :in love: The Milia Wars spider archetype is perfect IMO. Kind of have a thing for constriction/immobilization.

I hereby vote VoreQ as shapeshifter. And when the player beats you, you can...Q.Q?

It's late, don't expect much on the witty stick, it's bone dry at this hour.


Only one of the 3 preds is female at the moment, the first pred is a giant snake (i call him "he" but i guess his gender does'nt matter, he's just hungry!), the second is a huge and horny male ogre (with lots of chains and a lust for inflicting pain!)and the 3rd is a female spider lady (she's fat at the moment but if people all want her to be sexy i could change it) :D

Things that can happen so far:
the snake might crush you in his coils or make you a quick snack,
the ogre might make you his b%%h, snap you in half or just use you as a lollipop,
and the Arachne has the most options at the moment! (also the most struggle points!) can you escape her web?
will she wrap you up and save you for later? or have you now?!

yes noice! i might make a VoreQ pred who can do any of the above! muahahaha! >:D

sounds awesome, how far are you with this project?


There's already a first person vore game in development, just can't remember the name, but u can meet arachne,slimegirl and that snake (dont remember name).
It's 3d with a bit poor enviroment graphics, but the enemies looks pretty nice, when the enemy catches u a picture with u and the enemy with u in the belly(no animations tho :{ )

And there's some xenophobia (dont know correct name) that is first person, also 3d but gore instead and its a little girl (too unnecessary) naked which you control. (Child and pron is the worst combo)

Well good luck with your story tho.
If it turns into a game ill try it :D

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