[W.I.P.] Ryona Assassins (Zako/Guro/Ryona) (4 Viewers)


Content Creator
2D Artist
3D Artist
Feb 24, 2017
Okay, so after a long hiatus, I got some things done with the game. The most important thing of all, is that I fixed the problems I had with the AI. It is now much more stable. I also added some new weapons and the ability for NPCs to be hostile to each other and friendly to the player.

In around a week I'll have a new public version available for all to check for free. In the meantime, I'll leave you this preview, which shows what's currently available to my patrons.



Content Creator
2D Artist
3D Artist
Feb 24, 2017
Free update released!



Content Creator
Apr 5, 2018
Say, whats the difference between the free demo VS Patreon VS 3 bucks itch.io version?


Content Creator
2D Artist
3D Artist
Feb 24, 2017

Paid version has 3 game modes.
  • A test linear mission - a remake of a level from Goldeneye (nintendo 64).
  • An endless mode - a big room with some obstacles and other structures where you will fight waves of enemies. Here you can see all the different suits/enemies I've done for the game, and some patron custom designs.
  • AI Battle - a mode where you only look at the AI fighting in teams. You can interact a little with the ragdolls.
The free version only has 1 game mode
  • AI Battle
There's no Patreon version. When you are a patron you have access to the paid itch.io version.


Content Creator
Apr 5, 2018
OK, so the demo is just a little ant farm ? ;)
Volume for the music was set to zero for me.

Bought the itch.io version, so some gameplay impressions :)
Not a critique, just the stream of consciousness with my pesky IT bugtester goggles :P

Edit: To bring some kind of order in this late evening mess :D

[Cosmetic] Sometimes no sound clip is played when the player is detected. Just the "surprised" animation is played. Missing voice asset?
[Cosmetic] Firing the silenced pistol makes a splat sound while hitting a body, the normal pistol doesn't? or is it drowned out?
[Cosmetic] Reloading and pickup sounds are a bit loud compared to voices and shooting sounds.

[Cosmetic] The slashy arm blade produces bullet holes on walls
[Cosmetic] After picking up a health capsule dropped by a medic, the glow effect lightning stays a bit.
[Cosmetic] Texture for genital is different skin shade than rest of body

[Cosmetic] New menu system: you can "stack" settings, equipment, etc on each other. Close one and the other opened menus appear.
Expected to have only one menu open and choosing a different menu to override the old one.
[Cosmetic] Choosing an item from the menu should get you back to the game with the item in hand.
[Cosmetic] Task complete indicators are writeable inputboxes accessable by the player.

[Minor] Show Objectives and explain mission critical items at mission start.
[Minor] Spent mission item is still selectable and shows in hand.
[Cosmetic] Make weapon selectable by number keys :)
[Idea] If you die, you get a red tinted screen but just stay upright and still can look around. No Game Over message.
Maybe drop the camera to the floor and open a restart mission, load savegame (yeah yeah, later) or rage quit menu :P
[Minor] Health can go over 100, intended?
[Idea] If you are at an interactive object, make a text prompt or hint what to do.
[Idea] Maybe have a violence slider to adjust blood and gore to taste.
No blood - blood spray and decals - blood, gore, dismemberment, confetti.

[Minor] Walking under the "bridge" at the start gets you stuck if you are not keeping crouch pressed.
Related: while stepping over bodies (or parts) you can get stuck on low ceiling or be prevented to enter doorways.
[Minor] Zakos can run through a door while it's closing, even if the door is visible to far down. Same probably for opening door.

[Minor] The makarov and silenced makarov don't share ammo. If a shared ammo pool is not feasible,
just explain it as supersonic and subsonic ammunition away ;)
[Impression] Spray on the smg is ridicoulus. you can stand 1 meter away and not hit someone when unlucky. Maybe have increasing recoil with consective shots. making short controlled bursts an useful tactic.
[Impression] Shotgun is quite weak for limited range and the long reload times.
Expected to kill a Zako at close range with a center mass hit.

MAPPING - Level 02
[Cosmetic] Stairs are prone to get the player stuck or the player does not ascend a step. Maybe "cover" steps in Player_Clip ramp.
(Tower staircase and end of level jump platform affected)
[Cosmetic] The create blocks makes it easy to jump outside the compund walls. Probably not intended.
[Minor] End of mission is not triggered when not all objectives are met. Drops the player in a point of no return wasteland.
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Content Creator
2D Artist
3D Artist
Feb 24, 2017
Thank you!

There are always many pesky things that you have to leave for later, otherwise you are just polishing and not making more content. I'll try to fix as many bugs as I can, but my main focus this month will be working on sex, which will be very time consuming.

There's something interesting about:

AI: when a girl has line of fire but a inaccurate weapon, she stays there and sprays like mad without hitting the broad side of a barn.
if you make em fire, move closer, fire, until they have a better range, they would be more effective. (except for units in a "guard" position like bunker or tower)

I wonder too if I should make them, you know, not suck so much as soldiers. Like, they are clearly dumb sometimes, hahaha. If I make them deadlier, then the game will be harder. Maybe some will have no problem with the difficulty, but other people might find it too inaccessible of a game if it's that hard. One could also make them appear smart while not be that hard to beat, but personally I'm not that good of an AI developer; I wouldn't know how without spending weeks. There's always the alternative of letting the player choose, and to an extent I will do that. For now, I don't think I should work on that, as there are other areas of the game that need attention, like the sex and story.

But yeah, it's a very interesting problem, at least for me. How smart should an enemy be.

spray on the smg is ridicoulus. you can stand 1 meter away and not hit someone when unlucky.

Most of the weapons variables like accuracy and damage will be tuned during the development. They will all need to have a role, and can't be as deadly as one could hope. For now, the SMG is a common weapon that will have plenty of ammo, so you can shoot carelessly, but it's not very accurate. If it were a better weapon, then getting a new one wouldn't be as exciting. Future weapons might have more restrictive ammo but be more effective. The KSG definitely is not very powerful now and needs a retouch.

Also, my idea with the SMG was that, even if you can't kill the enemies very fast, their hurt animations will play, and they will give you a break from their attacks. So, you shoot at them, maybe spend the whole magazine, but in return they stop attacking you. I don't know if this is a perfect way to implement a weapon, but it's the idea for now. I will keep retunning it, though.

I see the red "alarm" buttons. what to do with them? they are part of my mission, but use-key does nothing. Covert modem already spent on satellite display.

Yup. Not many info there from my part. Sorry! I wanted to make it so that if you clicked the mission you would get more information, but ran out of time. My preferred release date was before the end of the last month. I released on the 3rd of this one. That actually costed me because now I have to wait until next month to get my Patreon money.

What you have to do is shoot those red boxes. I linked a walkthrough from the original game this level belongs to in case you didn't know what to do.


Content Creator
Apr 5, 2018
but my main focus this month will be working on sex, which will be very time consuming.
This sentence contains much sage wisdom :grin:

I've updated my post to bring some order to it. Most items a little things or only cosmetic.
For an early version very good! No crashes, major glitches, falling through the floor etc.
So don’t stress about my ramblings, I’m just thinking aloud.
I certainly won’t complain about focusing on sexy content :D

I wonder too if I should make them, you know, not suck so much as soldiers. Like, they are clearly dumb sometimes, hahaha.
Smart or clever bots are right out the window, even big studios don’t make smart-smart bots.
Besides gameplay difficulty, the Zakos being a bit dumb and from the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksman Academy
is fine with the tone of a zako game. ;)

About difficulty, you have unlimited detection range, location awareness, reaction speed and accuracy at your disposal.
The trick is to hamper your zakos to be enjoyable imperfect.
(e.g. CS:Go Bots can be tuned to have reactions and accuracy of The Terminator on speed, but they are still dumb as bricks)

For the moment, the AI does its job and provides targets that fight back with different tools. Good!
If you give them later different attack patterns, you got good building blocks for interesting encounters and exciting situations within the levels.
Some good read about enemy placement and combat roles in ye old Doom:
Could be interesting when you start mass-producing levels/a campaign.

Some more ramblings about AI (file under later-to-never ;) )

You seem to have already 2 distinct behaviors after player detection/activation:
- Gunners: IF in line of sight THEN fire. ELSE move (chase/roam)
- Melee: IF in line of sight THEN rush to player, attack. ELSE move (chase/roam)

If the AI would behave a bit differently for every weapon, you quickly should get a variety in gameplay situations.
(and maby combine with running speed, make melee and pistol fast runners)
For example, give every AI weapon a preferred attack range and maximum attack range.

Assuming you use an AI state machine and do a range/detection test to the player regularly anyway.
After detection of player and line of sight is present:

- IF range between player and enemy is beyond maximum range:
THEN: don’t fire. Chase/come closer instead.
ELSE: See below

- IF range between player and enemy is between max and preferred range
THEN depending on range, have a rising probability (aggression factor) to go into one round of attack mode.
ELSE keep chasing/getting closer.
Maybe not always come straight closer, but slightly directional for a bit of fanning out and less predictable movement.

- IF range between player and enemy is within the preferred range
THEN high probability for going into attack mode (not immediate to have some range variation).
ELSE keep moving while staying in preferred range zone. (Could be going closer or moving lateral for a bit of flanking)

IF attacking within the preferred range
THEN loop attacking mode
UNTIL target is defeated OR line of sight is broken OR range is changed to a different category. Then back to chase/roam.

Optional: a minimum attack range, to get snipers or rocket launcher gals to a safe distance before firing at you)
IF range between player and enemy is below min range
THEN small chance to go to attack mode anyway
ELSE move away from player

IF attacking below min range
THEN one round of attack mode, then back to chase/roam.

- IF attack mode
THEN fire a number of bullets (depending on weapon), then return to chasing player.
(e.g. 2-3 shotgun blasts, 3-5 pistol shots, 30-50 smg rounds for suppression )

From melee to sniper, you could use the same AI model.
Adjust parameters (ranges, aggression) to get a variety of enemy behaviour.
Melee: very short max attack range -> AI is forced to rush to player for attacks.
Sniper: preferred range is high but aggression is very low, so the sniper will stay mostly static and take slow, measured shots)

TL,DR: You do a good job, keep going, nevermind my ramblings :)


Content Creator
Apr 5, 2018
I've played some more and found a few little things ;)

[Impression] The smg spray is really a bit much ;)
Spent the whole mag and then some from this position to kill the one zako. (that did not activate after taking damage, may be intentional as she was guarding the other entrance).
For "suppression" the shotgun works surprisingly well. The tighter bullet cone and number of pellets makes a hit/flinch very likely.
Enough time to rush up close and blast her through the room :D
[Minor] While reloading a weapon, switch to another weapon. The previous weapon keeps the "reload flag" and starts the reload animation again as soon as you switch back to it. Works parallel with several weapons.
If your gun is empty, then this is no issue, but it is also happening when there are shots left and the "ready" state would be more helpfull.
[Minor] When the shotgun magazine is empty (but still got ammo) and the fire action is used, the reload animation is triggered, but no shells are actually reloaded. If there is no ammo left, no animation is triggered.

[Minor] The flinch animation sometimes does not override running. The actor plays the animation while "floating" around with running speed.
[Cosmetic] Resolution only goes up to 1920x1200. Some WQHD (2560×1440) option please :)
[unsure] At the training level with the 1 "block" columns, a zako seemed to be able to shoot through the wall with a shotgun.
She stood very close to the wall and it may be that the gun (or the bullet emitter point) poked through the wall and ignored clipping.
Could not reproduce the effect on other locations like the bunker or turret walls.
Or I took damage from an zako I did not see...need to play more ;)

[Funny] The water at the dam is solid :D Like in that James Bond movie with the hidden vulcano lake base.
[Idea] Give the arm slasher weapon a secondary firemode: a short, fast but weak jab/forward thrust to make the girls flinch. Gives you a better fighting chance when you are down to knives ;)
[Suggestion] If not already known, The No one lives forever games may also be an inspiration for the spy theme.
70ies look, crazy gadets, girl protagonist ;)


Content Creator
2D Artist
3D Artist
Feb 24, 2017
Hello! I finally started working in sex for the game. Here's a copy/paste from a private post in my patreon:
NPCs will enter Unconscious state when knocked out. For now, the only way to knock out an enemy is with the dart gun, but there will be other ways in the future. When an NPC is in this state, they will react to the proximity of a matching item when the player has it equipped. Now, that item is a placeholder dildo.

When the NPC detects that object, it "attaches" itself to it, allow for the player to move it around in 3D space, and the model will follow it while maintaining some constraints, like distance permitted to be moved, and have some attachment to the ground.

This way, sex can be interactive, on a 1:1 movement type ratio. Want it faster? Move the mouse faster. Want it from the side? Move yourself to the side. Want it faster, or slower? You can do that, only by moving the mouse.

This " spontaneous" sex moments are great for a game, where situations sometimes just emerge out of the randomness of all the things that are taking place. But it has one weakness, that it isn't as polished as a pre-made animation where the artist can control exactly how things move. One consequence of that here, is that you will get some clipping when the NPC goes through the floor, or is laying on an uneven surface.

To amend this weakness, I will also have some "pre-created" sex moments in game. Where things will be more controlled and will give different, more tailored experiences.

This update is not released yet, as I'm still working on it.

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