SWTOR file changer + nude mod (9 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Jun 7, 2021
I found out this mod works need to load the file in after the update is done. I see other players are nude in the game with there characters if load this file. I notice all males characters has no penis an balls loading the same file. I am not sure if other people see the same thing loading the same file make my female character naked.


Potential Patron
Aug 27, 2021
Hey, I've been tinkering around with this for a bit, but I am new to this stuff. I'm using v 1.1 and trying to mod individual items, specifically the xoxaan armor. I'm attempting to remove upper armor, leaving nude chest/torso with only the shaw remaining. Similar to the male version, but on a female. I've found that the shaw has a separate gr2 file to the rest of the top, so I subed the archetype with the nude body archetype and left the shaw gr2 in place. The problem is, the only way I've found to remove a purple glaze over the character's torso is to apply the large empty mask which shows the shaws real color in cutscenes and the outfit manager but melds it to the skin tone in gameplay. Is there anyone who can help give any advice how to fix it so that the shaw matches the color of the bottoms, not the skin while remaining mostly nude up top?
interesting, I think there might be more than one dds files that need to be replaced? I dont know because i havent actually looked at the index of the extracted asset. If u can extract that part of the asset and see under material id of that chest outfit there exists more "materialoverride" that might be where it come from.


Vivacious Visitor
Apr 20, 2012
How would I go about extracting Nautolan female textures? would like to try to make a nude texture for them.


Potential Patron
Oct 23, 2021
Hey so i am noticing with version 1.1 when i strip darth hexid this happends how do i fix this any help would be great.
Why is this happening.PNG

as you can see in the character window she is naked but when not in character window she still has underwear so as i said any help would be great thank you.

also i did try 1.2c but well it does this instead so i have not a clue what is going on it works just fine for my player who is a sith pureblood but well as you can see Darth hexid has no body so yeah.


But as i said earlier any help would be great the main one i am using now is version 1.1 because atleast they have a body but yeah please any help would be great thanks.
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Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2021
I am a beginner in modding and I tackled the female torso knit.
I'm on blender, the problem when I put the mesh in the game the change to good was taken into account (size of the breasts increase), but the torso remains frozen in game, so I think that the physics has disappeared from the imported file or this is the wrong file.
I could create nothing if this problem persists, please help me.


Avid Affiliate
Oct 11, 2018
Is it possible to get actual textures on the models or no? Literally looks like the nipples are painted on and there is nothing going on in the crotch area. Anyone here have basic modeling skills?


Potential Patron
Jan 7, 2020
I am a beginner in modding and I tackled the female torso knit.
I'm on blender, the problem when I put the mesh in the game the change to good was taken into account (size of the breasts increase), but the torso remains frozen in game, so I think that the physics has disappeared from the imported file or this is the wrong file.
I could create nothing if this problem persists, please help me.

i'm not sure if you can do that to the models. You can change the mesh or skin of the nudes though I think if you edit the files.


Avid Affiliate
Sep 24, 2012
Might have just had the death knell for this mod. Tried reinstalling it today. It loaded okay, but I moved 50 feet in Carrick Station, and the game froze and crashed. Tried a second time, same result. This mod might be toast.


Potential Patron
Jan 7, 2020
Here's a new question: Does anyone think they can find out how to apply the nude skins to other species that aren't playable characters?

These include the Voss or the Nautolan etc.

If anyone thinks they're thrifty enough to find the path to mod such.

Captain Si

Vivacious Visitor
Jul 31, 2017
I need help!

I've been using the V2 version of this mod for a while now and wanted to try the V3, but after I uninstalled the old version and tried the new one I got this error, so I was like "okay...it's broken, so I'll just reinstall the old one".

But now I'm still getting this error msg. I'm not super computer savvy and can't figure this out. Can anyone help me fix it?

View attachment 116731
that is what i get as well ?


Potential Patron
Apr 26, 2018
Reports are that the 64 bit mod breaks the nude patch, in that the files can't be read and therefore can't be replaced. Don't know yet for sure.


Potential Patron
Apr 26, 2018
Yup. The SWTOR file changer is broken. "Files cannot be read" and "This texture is larger after compression than the original" errors. This will require a full rework, I think.

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