SWTOR file changer + nude mod (11 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2020
I deleted what was in settings.txt and then pasted that and this happened when i take the top off.View attachment 109095

Should i leave the other stuff in the file or delete it?

edit: when i put it at the end of the file it just does the same thing as before (also im using 1.2c, is that the right one?)
I know this is a bit late but I had the same pink chest issue all I did was change the setting Character texture atlasing from high to low and it fixed the problem.


Potential Patron
Aug 29, 2020
I don't suppose anyone has an answer to my question? it's strange. both Shae Vizla and Lana are naked in cut scenes and the preview but not in game play? is there something I'm missing? any help would be most appreciated.
I have a feeling it has to do with the settings.ini


Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2020
I don't suppose anyone has an answer to my question? it's strange. both Shae Vizla and Lana are naked in cut scenes and the preview but not in game play? is there something I'm missing? any help would be most appreciated.
I have a feeling it has to do with the settings.ini
When you say they are not naked in game play are they in their equipped armor, are you seeing them in their normal underwear, or are their bodies invisible?


Potential Patron
Aug 22, 2020
Sorry, I meant to say Lana and Shae Vizla are in their normal underwear. I managed to fix it for Shae, but Lana still has her shorts on. I can't fix it either. she is topless but still has shorts in gameplay.

I think it has something to do with her material its strange, this is what it is named but that can't be right.
Material: leg_underwear_light_ge_mtx83c01_u
your lucky you get her in underwear when i take everything off she has her entire body invisible all i get is her head floating lol
if you have any armors set to be nude in the settings.ini like the dancer outfit just equip her with it and that should do it


Potential Patron
Aug 29, 2020
Oh I got it. somehow.
uh my fix is here.

#Remove underwear
replace /resources/art/dynamic/player_character/outfit/all_naked_body/texture/___psd/chest_tightskin_non_non_a01underwear01_f_m.dds empty_mask_large.dds
replace /resources/art/dynamic/player_character/outfit/all_naked_body/texture/___psd/leg_pantskin_non_non_a01underwear01_f_v01_m.dds empty_mask.dds
replace /resources/art/dynamic/player_character/outfit/all_naked_body/texture/___psd/chest_tightskin_non_non_a01underwear02_f_m.dds empty_mask_large.dds
replace /resources/art/dynamic/player_character/outfit/all_naked_body/texture/___psd/leg_pantskin_non_non_a01underwear02_f_v01_m.dds empty_mask.dds
replace /resources/art/dynamic/player_character/outfit/ge_naked_light_mtx83/texture/___psd/leg_underwear_light_ge_mtx83c01_u_m.dds empty_mask.dds
replace /resources/art/dynamic/player_character/outfit/ge_naked_light_mtx83/texture/___dds/leg_underwear_light_ge_mtx83c01_u_m.dds empty_mask.dds
replace /resources/art/dynamic/player_character/outfit/ge_naked_light_mtx83/texture/leg_underwear_light_ge_mtx83c01_u_m.dds empty_mask.dds

The problem with this fix is i don't know what one of the final three paths fixed it.


Avid Affiliate
Sep 24, 2012
Just as a heads-up, this mod is causing Effect Error in some missions. I encountered it six times before uninstalling it, and running a repair on the game.


Potential Patron
Jan 7, 2021
I need help!

I've been using the V2 version of this mod for a while now and wanted to try the V3, but after I uninstalled the old version and tried the new one I got this error, so I was like "okay...it's broken, so I'll just reinstall the old one".

But now I'm still getting this error msg. I'm not super computer savvy and can't figure this out. Can anyone help me fix it?



Avid Affiliate
Apr 27, 2012
Traxolan's GitHub is gone, anybody knows what happened?


Potential Patron
Jun 7, 2021
these nude files well not work need files for Female sith character preset human robot race all kinds of nude files.


Potential Patron
Jun 7, 2021
View attachment 21732

Possible for someone to mod the Bastila Shan outfit and get rid of the center flap showing more cleavage? not the whole thing just where a cleavage window should be exposing the breast a little bit more?
There is need to run the SWTOR file changer + nude mod make the outfit nude an have to run the file very time finish the update


Potential Patron
Jun 7, 2021
I hope they find a way keep the nude file loaded in the game SWTOR it does an update every time log in the game I had to put in nude files for SWTOR when finish download an update. I hope they find way stop the update for SWTOR


Potential Patron
Aug 27, 2021
Hey All, still here to keep this thread ALIVE. Hoping that a miracle would happen and SWTOR Fan would return. I've been working my butt off to try find anyone who would be willing to work on this, or know *how to* work on it.

So here's the good news:

Sometime in 2019, a SWTOR file changer named Souppoato/SWTOR_Coconut appeared. He made the following

A very recent update of SWTOR_Fan's swtor swapper with a lot of fun perks including re-inserting older animations. The GITHUB link should let you download it.

The other good news:

The mod *ALLEGEDLY* will let you upload files larger than the default. I'm not 100% but it might allow you to use higher def textures

And the bad:
Souppotato/SWTOR_Coconut, as recently as 2019 made his last post and like SWTOR_Fan has disappeared intooblivion

finding anyone updating this mod will be incredibly hard, mainly due to the type of file that SWTOR_Fan mysteriously managed to do the impossible, through an edit, that being the .gr2 files. Files that were practically made to be opened by a granny viewer (Often specified for a SPECIFIC GAME). Editing GR2 files and replacing them is an even harder task. Supposedly they can be opened by 3DSmax with special plug ins, but that's another nightmare i can't find.

Final thoughts:

The only way I honestly think any of us can see an update to this mod to get better textures/effect/working would be to try to seek out a professional who would freelance their services to editing anything. Just a thought, if anyone wants to put together a gofundme/patreon/crowdfunding thing to get pros to help us.

That's all
well it is weird, but I don't think the mod in github (GitHub - SoupPotato/SWTOR-Animation-Mods: A collection of mods that improve animations or sounds within SWTOR. The purpose of this tool it give players a better, more-enjoyable experience playing the game. It also includes a number of graphical bug-fixes which at the time of writing this, Bioware has not fixed.) can let you replace files larger than the default, to me it seems like the only difference is that there are no more error messages; however the file, if u extract it afterwards, will still be the file before the replacement took place (same size) :/ is it just me?

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