ParadiseEleven's videos (11 Viewers)

  • Thread starter ParadiseEleven
  • Start date
  • Watchers 5


Potential Patron
Oct 13, 2011
Thanks for uploading the Sadiscream videos! Some questions, do you know which is the song they use in the ending credits for the fourth video? It really is catchy for a song made just for a porn video.

Also, I know this is not a place for requests, but may I ask if you will place certain videos from this company?

Oh and also, I am new here, so I wish to know if there is a thread in which to find videos themed on female police officers, detectives, investigators, spies, secret agents as it is a fetish of mine, and Giga-Zeus is not the only one to make such videos, but is hard to list them all as sometimes the covers are taken down from battlecat for reference.


These look like some awesome movies and you're really cool for uploading them but every time I try to download one it doesn't play. Is there a program I need to download or a special player that I need? Please advise. Thanks.


Casual Client
Jun 20, 2011
The videos in the thread are usually split into parts for smaller file sizes. Chances are you have to recombine them with something like HJ-Split.

Once the file parts are joined into one file, the videos here usually play on the standard players like media player. If not, you could try a different player: something like Media Player Classic or VLC.


Download ZHZD-01.part2.rar for free on
Download ZHZD-01.part1.rar for free on
Download ZHZD-01.part3.rar for free on

The videos in the thread are usually split into parts for smaller file sizes. Chances are you have to recombine them with something like HJ-Split.

Once the file parts are joined into one file, the videos here usually play on the standard players like media player. If not, you could try a different player: something like Media Player Classic or VLC.

No need to combine them as they are all rar files. All you need to do is extract from part 1 and voila. Keep in mind that they all have to be inside the same directory for it to work.
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