Metroid: Other M death (4 Viewers)


Potential Patron
Apr 26, 2010
personally i don't like this kind of ryona.
Seriously.. is she sexy with her armor ? I don't think so..


Potential Patron
Jan 11, 2010
I, too, have to see past her armor to enjoy it, but, eh, that's just how it is. Try to think of it as a part of her, and it helps. I have to agree with a previous post, the last metroid draining her completely would be incredible. That was one of my favorite ryona moments in Super Metroid (only takes her down to 1 energy though).


Potential Patron
Nov 28, 2010
There's a hack where you can play as Zero Suit Samus. Here's a video of it.

Now if only someone has a complete ryona video with ZSS...
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Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Hmm, I wonder if Samus's animations will even be compatible with her Zerosuit. It's very possible the game will just freeze when she's hit with an attack and the game can't load the unique animation.
I wonder if you'd have to load up the ZSS with the power suit's animations... of if that's even possible.
I'm kinda doubting that though... but hey, I hope someone tries it out anyway and proves me wrong.


Ryonani Teamster
Nov 23, 2009
Just tried this out on Dolphin. She has the basic hit animations but any sort of grabs and holds don't affect her, like the weird flies and venus fly trap baddies. She also can't morph into a ball, shoot missiles, or aim first person. Her pistol also won't kill quite a few monsters.


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
Just tried this out on Dolphin. She has the basic hit animations but any sort of grabs and holds don't affect her, like the weird flies and venus fly trap baddies. She also can't morph into a ball, shoot missiles, or aim first person. Her pistol also won't kill quite a few monsters.

Just as I suspected. The Zero suit was intended for a very specific portion of the game, so of course they wouldn't bother creating animations enemies that wouldn't appear in that part.
It's a real shame, because the content otherwise really isn't that bad...
Considering Team Ninja was behind this it's actually quite shocking there's no Justin Bailey mode... Hell I half expected them to include a multitude of unlock-able skimpy outfits, you know, considering their track record so far.


Potential Patron
Nov 28, 2010
Hmm, if only the disk is dual layered, we'll be able to model hack the Suit to just use ZSS model. Like how hackable SSBB is... oh well. And besides, Itagaki, the one whose responsible for Team Ninja's "track record," is gone now. I guess if Itagaki was still with TN, they would have had those extra content...


Ryonani Teamster
Feb 23, 2010
A model hack would be the only thing that'd work, I was thinking that too... course I know even less about how to do something like that.
As for Team Ninja; let's face it, with or without Itagaki the team usually tries to crank up the sex appeal. I mean he left the team back in '08, and they still made another fan-service game with Dead or Alive Paradise... of course that's another topic in and of itself.

I'm gonna go out and say that, if it's possible to get the good content with ZSS, it's a lot of effort and trouble you'd have to go through and might not be worth it... even with all the nice voreish content, hehe.
I wonder if the game had done well, if there wouldn't have been a 'collectors edition' in the next year or two like Prime Trilogy; maybe with with added content such as a fully playable ZSS.


Ryonani Teamster
Jan 7, 2012
Metroid Other M

While surfing Youtube I found this Excellent ryona video for "Metroid Other M" for Wii that released at 2010

Based on the videos then the Ryona in this game is excellent IMO if you get past the Wii graphics , it feature a Lot of grabs , a lot of vore , a lot of bearhug variations , a lot of creatures bites and when the character is losing health it looks like she was electrocuted like the case in old school games

I wished that the girl was wearing a normal costume but anyway the ryona looks is excellent in that game , The ryona From 1:05 to 1:15 is wonderful for me

So anybody tried that game yet to tell his opinion about the ryona in this game ?
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