Finish her! (4 Viewers)

Deleted member 437198

Potential Patron
Oct 13, 2022
*thud* “Ack!”

That was the sound of a woman’s back being slammed against the wall, that woman’s name being Allyssa.

She was just coming home from a night out with friends when, halfway through her walk home, she noticed she was being followed, and it wasn’t a subtle kind of stalking. It felt like an encroaching, inescapable presence that is coming for her. She doesn’t know why, but soon enough, that will be the least of her worries.

Unfortunately, her luck ran out when she found herself in a dead end alleyway in an attempt to escape her predicament. When she turned around, she finally got a good look at her stalker.

Spiky white hair, and a casual look with the usual jacket, black shirt, pants and sneakers. This was Ryuga, a man who runs a certain type of “enterprise.” Though she has absolutely no clue about who he is, he was recently responsible for a company swooping in on a business deal after a woman central to closing it out was “convinced” to back out instead.

Before she can even utter a word, Ryuga rushed in, grabbed her by the collar, and roughly slammed her back-first into the nearest brick wall, which takes us into the present…


*thump* “OOOOFF!”

It has only been a moment since the pain in her back has registered, when a forearm pinned her to the wall and a new pain in the form of a knee strike registered right in her exposed belly. Wind was forcefully expelled from her lungs, and she fell to knees and covered her midsection as soon was she was released.

With her clothing doing her no defensive favors, and a mild breathing discomfort in her lungs, Allyssa decided she had a right to know what was going on, at the very least.

Allyssa: W-why are you…d-doing this?

Ryuga: Hmm? Oh that? Remember that guy you’ve seeing lately, Bertram? How he’s been getting you all those expensive stuff for the couple of dates you two had?

Well, newsflash! Bertram’s broke as a bitch. That money he spent on you? As it turns out, that was other people’s money. A debt he owes to them, and a debt that hasn’t been paid in weeks.

So, these people decided that it would be best to “remind” him of the debt he owes them. Still think he’s Prince Charming?

Allyssa was shocked at hearing all this. He was nice, sweet, and he got her everything she wanted. Well, now she knows the guy was just putting up an act, and the worst part: the price he’s supposed to pay, she’s the one who’s currently paying.

She slowly stood up, her back still to the wall, but was still stunned with the news. Seeing this, Ryuga took this opportunity to stun her even further.


Wasting no time, he dashed in and sunk a forward elbow strike in between her breasts, exactly on her sternum, that caused enough pain to keep her mind in a haze. Taking advantage of this, Ryuga easily removed her shirt over her head, throwing it to the side, and leaving her defenseless further in her orange shorts and black bra.

Ryuga straightened her up and took a good look at her torso. She had a nice body, with a slightly slim figure and moderately-sized breasts. Attractive as she may be, her body will simply not be able withstand his oncoming onslaught, which is further punctuated by a-

*thud* “OOF!”

-straight punch to the belly, doubling her over once more. Ryuga pinned her right shoulder with his left hand to keep her upright and drove-

one, “HUAGH!”

two, “URGH!”

three, “AGHAHK”

four, “UOOUFF!”

five, “AUGHHH!” straight punches, landing in her abs and navel alternatively.

She was allowed to fall, this time she fell on her knees, and moments later, her head bowed into concrete as her two hands were busy clutching her beaten midsection.

Allyssa could not properly defend herself with all the thoughts running in her mind. Why would Bertram hide this to her? Why would he lie about this? And most importantly, how will she make it out of this situation?

The answer to the last one didn’t take too long as she was picked up by her hair and straightened her up against the wall. Ryuga readied his fists as he-

*bam* “AAAHUGH!”

*bam* “AAHUUGH!”

*bam* “URUGHHH!”

*bam* “UURUGHH!”

-administered two hard shots on both sides of her ribs, damaging and causing pain on her sides. Ryuga wasn’t finished however. He placed her in a clinch position and drove-

*wuuump* “UGHHHH!”

*wuuump* “AUUGHH!”

*wuuump* “OOUGHH!”

-three hard knee strikes deep in her upper abs, the last one catching her in the solar plexus, which further made it hurt to breathe.

Somehow, she made it through that standing, and it was getting late as well. Ryuga had to finish this up.

As her mind was clearing up, she saw him raise an open palm, seemingly preparing to stab her. She feared for her life, but all she could muster was a whimpering “please” out of her lips.

With a smirk in his face, he drew his hand back and then he lunged it, aiming at her abdomen…

…until it stopped short of his finger touching her belly.

Befuddled, Allyssa looked up to her tormentor as one word left his lips:



He delivered a classic One-Inch Punch right into her abdomen, causing her to spit out a stream of saliva out of her mouth. There was now a crack where she took the blow, as well as a bruise in stomach Her breathing became shallow and she finally fell onto the ground. She was finished.


Against all odds, however, she was not knocked out, which was rather unfortunate, as she is feeling all the pain in her abdomen at the moment, causing her tears to fall from her eyes.

Ryuga saw this and had quite the cruel idea.

He took out his phone, snapped a couple of pictures of the barely-clothed and terribly-beaten Allyssa, crying on the ground in pain. He sent this to Bertram, knowing he would soon call. While waiting, he picked up Allyssa’s shirt and threw it to her to cover herself up. Bertram’s call soon came:

Bertram: You son of a bitch! Who the fuck are you?! What did you do to to Allyssa?

Ryuga: Well hello to you to Bertram!

Betram: Don’t bullshit with me, who sent you? I swear to-

Ryuga: Whoa, whoa, whoa! That’s no way to talk to someone who can still end your little fling’s life. Besides, if you had paid weeks earlier, she wouldn’t have to go through this, now would she?

This stopped Bertram dead in his tracks as he now realized what is happening.

Ryuga: But no need to worry. I’m a nice guy after all. I’ll even let you talk to her right now.

Ryuga knelt down and placed the phone close so Allyssa can speak to it.

Allyssa: B…ber…tram…h…help…p-p…please…h-help…m…me…

Bertram was horrified at first seeing and now hearing Allyssa’s state.

Ryuga mouthed a “thank you” as he continued talking to Bertram, who now seems to be in a more respectful tone.

Bertram: Please, don’t kill her.

Ryuga: Honestly, I wasn’t going to, but as you have seen and heard, she’s not exactly in the best condition at the moment. I suggest that you pay up your debts so stuff like this never happens again, got it?

Bertram complied and Ryuga ended the call.

As he was leaving, he noticed Allyssa peacefully passed out, the trails of her tears drying up and her shirt not worn but still covering her up. Despite what he just did, Ryuga decided to anonymously call in a tip to an ambulance so that Allyssa would get picked up and get taken to a nearby hospital, where Bertram would later manage to find her. It has since been rumored that even after Bertram paid his debts, Allyssa cut all ties with him.


In an undisclosed location, Ryuga was debriefing his clients about the events that have transpired and they seemed very pleased with his work.

“So…does this mean I can also take “that” comission and release it under our enterprise?”

He recevied his clients’ response.

“Splendid. Thank you so much for your generosity, and it was a pleasure doing business with you.”

As Ryuga ended the call, he pulled up a file containing details of an especially Enterprising assignment. As he sends it out for anyone to take on, its message is soon revealed…


Greetings. I am a randomly-generated alien warlord. I am different from the one you may have read of earlier, as their phrasing was not how we wanted to the message to be delivered. They have since then replaced by me. I will not take up much more of your time so I will now discuss exactly what we want.

Your target is Dr. Carol Marcus, a Starfleet science officer. We believe Dr. Marcus will be of great help and of use to us. However, we expect that she will not come willingly, and so, we send out this open contract to bring her to us alive, which is your primary objective.

Furthermore, you have two secondary objectives. First, she must not be engaged in any sexual activity whatsoever. She is to remain as “pure” as she can be when she is brought to us. However, we understand how lonesome it can be in the great expanse. Therefore, we shall…overlook any attempts in groping Dr. Marcus’ unconscious body. Consider it an additional reward for following your objectives.

Secondly, please refrain from causing any form of facial damage, head injury, or brain trauma. Dr. Marcus is an intelligent individual and her wide knowledge will be an asset for us. In addition, she is also a female human with attractive facial features, and we would appreciate it if said features remained exactly as they were.

As for the mission itself, the best time to attack Dr. Marcus is when she is clad in her undergarments as she is in the photographs provided. Her exposed abdomen is the perfect place to inflict damage upon her, and all her highly appealing features are there for your hands and eyes to feast on. Where and when you will execute your plan is something we will leave in your capable hands. (A/N: you get to choose the location!)

As mentioned above, we require that you bring her to us alive. Capturing her will not be easy but we have provided some guidelines that may be of great help to you.

We highly encourage that you punch her in her bare abdomen, as well apply elbow & knee strikes and kicks. We have also provided you with these non-lethal Stun Phasers we have provided. We are curious to see the effects of a female human being struck in the midsection with a Stun Laser from the Phasers we provided. Any information pertinent to this topic will be additionally rewarded.

We also encourage select wrestling moves, such as the abdominal stretch, reverse bearhug and the backbreaker. Exercise caution in using these moves, as we only allow her spine to be damaged and not completely broken

Lastly, while the Vulcan nerve pinch is an effective technique, we believe there are also nerve endings on the solar plexus that you may exploit with a powerful Stun Laser shot, or any strong uppercut punch or deep knee strike in order to render Dr. Marcus unconscious.

We understand that we are asking for a lot, but we have many plans for Dr. Marcus and we are willing to pay any price to attain her. So until we hear of your exploits, as the Vulcans would say, live long and prosper. 🖖


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Deleted member 437198

Potential Patron
Oct 13, 2022
Haha, I have to admit that particular shot of Carol always caught my eye as well. The pose, the lighting and everything is just so sexy.
When I first saw Into Darkness’ trailer, that one frame of Carol in her undergarments stuck with me, and I was pleased when I found it in the actual film. It further helps that Alice Eve has a beautifully built body. Just 10’s across the board. Also, updated details on how to deal with Carol! Good luck to whoever takes up the task. 🖖


Vivacious Visitor
May 1, 2019
When I first saw Into Darkness’ trailer, that one frame of Carol in her undergarments stuck with me, and I was pleased when I found it in the actual film. It further helps that Alice Eve has a beautifully built body. Just 10’s across the board. Also, updated details on how to deal with Carol! Good luck to whoever takes up the task. 🖖
Nope, you deleted your post with both story and request.
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Red Death

Vivacious Visitor
Jan 10, 2021
Damn my request got flooded😅, i wonder when will the text be approved tho? I kinda want to try again in writing better outside of 3rd person.
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May 25, 2019
My apologies, I think only we can see it, as it currently awaiting admin approval, most likely because I kept editing it the last time.
Ah. Indeed. Good thing I'm administrator then! Approved :D Yeah, spam filter thought it's spam for some reason.

Fun fact, while I was Super Administrator since I was not in moderators group I didn't have moderation tools available to me until I added myself as moderator...



Vivacious Visitor
May 1, 2019
Carol Marcus doubled over, wrapping her arms around her stomach. The klingоns who were now running around her lab yelling furiously had attacked suddenly only ten minutes ago. They quickly captured the complex, where the scientist arrived as a consultant on the development of weapons against these same klingons. Resistance was crushed and two soldiers, accompanied by an apparently specially authorized representative, ended up in her laboratory. Even before she could do anything, they attacked her first - a shot from a paralyzing laser hit her right in the stomach. temporarily stopping breathing, and then creating a painful spasm in the solar plexus, slightly capturing the stomach. Alas, even before they arrived, she turned on the blocking of the room. Now they are locked inside. She is going to wait for reinforcements of the troops and evacuation. To get them out of the room by force will not come out - with serious interference from the outside, the self-destruction protocol is activated.

One of the klingons growled menacingly in his own tongue. She argued with the second, and their special escort was silent. The two soldiers started pointing at Carol, pointing their fingers at her and shouting angrily.

The attendant slowly lowered closer to the girl.
- Carol Marcus, did you lock the doors?
The girl just grinned silently. The still handsome young face with a wide jaw twisted in anger.I
- In vain, - He shook his head. - We didn't mean to harm you, you should be captured alive and even healthy.
He walked to the doors, examined the equipment around. For a klingon, he was extremely calm and cool. So he examined the room for about ten minutes. During this time, Carol came to her senses and stood up to her full height, slowly massaging the place where she had been shot.

The klingon's transmitter went off. He began to say something in his own language, already harder - with each other they had to keep a face. A few minutes later, the klingon turned to the girl in annoyance.
-You acted recklessly. We can't get out of here unless you unlock the doors yourself.
The girl smiled smugly.
-Can't wait, klingon. I will die, but I will take you with me.
She put her hands on her hips proudly.

The klingon turned to the soldiers in a slightly doomed tone. He explained something to them for several minutes. They listened, and then approached Carol and grabbed her. She resisted, but she was not a fighter, but a scientist. Each of them secured one of her legs with their foot, and then moved one arm behind her back, slightly arching her back. Ribs showed under her uniform.

The smarter klingon, dressed unlike the others in a floor-length white coat, took off that same coat and folded it neatly. Under the coat, only a T-shirt was hidden, and tight pants. But now Carol was surprised to see his sculpted muscular body, each of his arms literally bulging with muscles.

He walked over to her and slowly unbuttoned her uniform. Before him opened her breasts in a bra and her stomach - slender, toned, but without muscles. Slightly athletic belly of a girl who clearly monitors her health and nutrition.
-Klingons in childhood play games where they test their body for strength. - He stroked her stomach, which immediately covered with goosebumps. - I'll test your body.
His index finger rested on Carol's small, neat navel. It was quite deep and the finger went into it without effort on the joint.
-Don't touch me, klingon! - The girl retaliated, but more with fear than anger.
- My name is Cor. And these two are Nut and Per.
With these words, he plunged his finger into her navel. He washed her press and went deep into the inside. The girl groaned in pain, her face contorted in anger. Kor pushed his finger inside ruthlessly, applying maximum strength, and his subordinates did not allow the girl to even move an inch or bend. Her back remained straight, and her stomach was flat, dented in the navel very deeply.
-OH! - The girl indicated her feelings.
Kor began to move his finger sideways, as if stirring the woman's insides. She moaned, but endured.

This went on for five minutes. Then Cor removed his finger. The navel area of the girl turned red from exposure.'
-I'm skilled in torture as I'm skilled in combat, woman. I will crush you. Your body, your spirit. I will crush every part of your body. I'll start with the navel. The place that appears at your birth. Similar to the klingons.
He turned on the transmitter and spoke something in klingon into it. There was an answer and a shot. The screams of people were heard.

Carol looked excitedly at Cor.h
-This is your first test that you won't pass, woman. I will push through your navel until you can't stand it. I'll give you ten minutes. Your task is to prevent me from pushing it inside. Tighten your muscles, inflate your guts, but don't let me crush him. If you can't stand it, then every time your press loses to my finger, I will order to shoot one of the prisoners. There are personnel, both civilian and military. Too much is enough.
Carol's eyes widened. Yes. She can endure such agony for ten minutes. But what a humiliation, what a strange entertainment. If she just let his finger stick in her guts for ten minutes, someone would die. And most likely he will immediately get it and crush her navel again. Poor, unfortunate navel. The girl almost burst into tears. She must tense her muscles, she must endure.

Cor did not hold back - he immediately brought down all his strength on the unfortunate navel of Dr. Marcus. He pressed his finger in like a sword. Carol immediately flexed her abs. A terrible pain spread across the surface of her abdomen. Cor calmly pressed, drank deeper, and the girl, groaning in agony, shaking with her whole body, tried to resist and not let her finger go deeper. She groaned, moaned, tears flowed from her eyes, but her stomach hardened, trembled, contracted, but did not soften.


There was a desperate cry of pain. Kor's finger was already starting to push through her abs, she immediately strained him even more, pushing him back, but he immediately began to attack again. It was a tug of war, a test of strength. And when there was a cry of agony, the girl left the strength. The klingon took advantage of this to deliver a crushing thrust, the finger pushing through the muscles, causing a spasm and sinking through the muscles into the intestines.

Carol was horrified at what had happened.
- - She whispered in fear.
- The klingons keep their promises. Your guts are too weak, woman. Now others will answer for it. Kill one hostage!
Screams, exclamations, then the sound of an energy shot, screams of horror and silence were heard in the transmitter.

Carol howled in horror.

- Filthy monster!
- It's all right, doctor. This is just the beginning. That was your belly button. You resisted for almost ten minutes, so let's just say you're crushed here. Nut, Per, crush Miss Marcus's back.
The soldiers pushed the girl forward. She fell on her stomach, still desperate and angry. They immediately fixed her on the floor. They acted according to the planned scheme, quickly and consistently. Both of them, pressing their backs to each other, sat on the doctor's lower back, resting their feet on the floor.

- Second test, woman. Again ten minutes. These brave warriors will break your back. If you can't stand it, one of yours will die again.
Kor barked something loudly in klingon and the soldiers put their feet on the floor, strained them and rose at the same time, each grabbing a part of the woman's body - one thrust his legs bent at the knees under his armpits, and the second kicked the woman's forearms onto his thighs, and with his hands grabbed her under the chin. pulling back. Miss Marcus arched under them in a C shape. Her greatest point of curvature was just below where the klingons' backs met. They both pulled the upper and lower parts of the body towards themselves, as if tearing the woman in half. Dr. Marcus felt such pain that her eyes rolled back. She did not even scream or moan - inarticulate sounds and wheezing came from her mouth, her face showed as if she was about to lose consciousness. The woman turned white. Cor dropped to the side of the three so that he was on the courts and bent a little lower. He ran his hand over Carol's tight, drawn stomach. The hips and ribs stretched the muscles and skin, so that the stomach was absolutely flat, which it is even difficult to make it even with an effort on purpose in ordinary life. The klingon bent down and brought his fist perpendicular to the surface of the woman's abdomen.

-Raise it higher!

The woman's body was taller, and the klingon's fist had more room for acceleration. He put his strength into his hand and, with all his strength, drove his fist vertically upwards right into the surface of the woman's absolutely flat, hard belly from tension. Admittedly, his soldiers did their best, so that even his mighty blow only pressed through the surface of the press for a moment, and then immediately bounced back, like from a springboard. In response to the blow, Carol made a sound that was a mixture of burping and hiccups. Cor looked dejectedly at his wristwatch, which also served in many other roles at the same time.


The girl's body collapsed to the ground. She immediately began to regain consciousness, twirling around as if stung, now she was screaming at the top of her lungs. She twisted and writhed, trying to grab onto the place where there was the strongest curve in the grip, as if she had a spike sticking out of her spine there.

- Ten minutes passed and you survived. Not respect, but less contempt, I express to you, human woman. A klingon would have endured much more, but for you, this is already a feat.

Carol, in tears, silently looked at the klingon, massaging the same place in the spine.

- Let's assume that your spine survived. Well, we still have a chance to test it. Now let's move on down the list. Nut, Per! Cobra Capture!
The soldiers hurried to fix Carol screaming in helplessness again. They laid her on her stomach and were about to sit on her again.

- Not! On the table! I need her belly on full display!

The soldiers looked at each other, but immediately lifted the girl's body and also threw her on her stomach on the table. One of them climbed onto the table and sat on her small of the back, as he had done the previous time. The second went around the table and stood up so that the girl's face was turned to him.

- Ten minutes! Kick her out!

Nut obediently pulled the woman's body towards him, her head and chest lifted off the surface of the table. his hands were pulling her jaw back.

- Few! Let her ribs tear through her skin! Sit below her buttocks!

Nut sat down further, continuing to pull. He was sitting on Carol's thighs, continuing to pull back on her front body, and her arms were thrown over his own thighs as before, her hands fixed on his hips. Now the whole stomach to the waist left the table and stretched into a dense flat surface with a neat reddened navel below. Cor walked over to the table and stood on the side. Per did the same on the other side.

- Ten minutes! Your back is on the verge of breaking again, but now your abs are also at risk! Soldier Per, don't you dare underestimate the enemy! Each of your blows must be so strong, as if you want to turn her belly inside out! Start!

The next ten minutes were deposited in the woman's memory as a continuous, endless pain. The pain in her back combined with the pain of her stomach being torn apart by blows - from the waist to the chest, her body became a huge ulcer, a throbbing lump of pain. The back was constantly tense, each blow pierced her slender, but still very vulnerable press, broke through into the insides for a second, and then immediately bounced back, allowing the press to return to its previous absolutely flat shape. The blows hit the intestines, the glands, the bladder and uterus, and pierced the stomach. Gases coursed through her small intestines, fecal masses swollen her large intestine, bile passed down her throat into her mouth from her stomach. She tried to scream, but she couldn't utter a word because of the pain. Ten minutes later it was already another girl. Her whole belly blushed, in some places becoming crimson, her face became bright white, even her lips. The press itself has undergone changes - from absolutely flat and strong, it has become slightly flabby, as if a little fat appeared on the girl's stomach.

Kor and Per knew what to do. On command, they both landed a final blow - one to the upper abdomen, crushing her stomach and large intestine, along with the pancreas, the second fool crushed her small intestine and uterus.

A tight stream of vomit escaped under the ridiculous bleating from the girl's throat, rushed up and fell between the parted klingons.

Cor put a brush on the girl's stomach and began to stroke - she flinched and began to moan. Even that touch now brought her pain.

- Okay, woman. You stop disappointing me. By the looks of it, we crushed your abs and guts. But this is not enough.

Ask her now, she might be rude. From resentment, from hatred. Spit on him, and for this, the klingon will definitely kill. Cor knew they weren't finished. All that was left was to finish it.

- Per, take care of her legs while she recovers.

For the next ten minutes, Per methodically destroyed the woman's legs. He took them in grips, twisting and tearing her joints, he clamped hard objects between her calves, tearing her muscles. Kor and Nut wore gloves. Their knuckles were metal, and with electrodes connected to them. They were created solely for torture - when struck, they caused lubrication, and therefore hardening of the muscles, making the blow more painful.

Kor said something in klingon. He sat down, dropping to the floor on one knee. The second he put forward, at right angles to the floor. He held his back straight, as if about to take an oath. Nut and Per took Carol in their arms and put her spine first on the commander's knee and thigh. She pressed against that painful part of her spine again and arched back, howling in pain.

- Ten minutes! Let's get started!

Her belly was no longer so flat - a little loose and swollen, it trembled flabbyly from each blow, each blow dispersed the skin, creating small craters on the stomach. After each such blow, the girl trembled all over, straining not only the already almost completely destroyed press, but also other muscles of the body. Needless to say, the klingons knew their business - the blows were continuous, they alternated, they affected every part of her body. Nut and Per divided her stomach into evil ones and beat each in their own, and Kor sometimes waved his hands joined together, as if for prayer, and brought his hands down, as if he had a hammer or a dagger in his hands, which he would like to plunge into the inside of a woman. Drooling, vomiting, blood poured from the woman's mouth, belching, hiccups and rumblings were heard from her throat. Her stomach sounded like a squelching swamp, and each blow was like a step sinking into a quagmire.

Carol opened her eyes. As soon as she moved a little, she screamed from the sharp pain piercing her entire body. In general, everything. Every muscle, every organ howled in pain. She was shaking. The pain was so intense and absolute that it even gave her a headache. She lay in the corner, without outerwear, in only her underwear. She leaned her head against the wall and in front of her gaze was her crimson and still flabby destroyed belly. Kor approached her and slowly placed his foot on her stomach, causing the girl terrible suffering and making her scream in pain. When she got used to her and stopped screaming like that, he spoke:

- Did we crush your legs, Carol Marcus?

The girl looked at him in despair with tears in her eyes.

- Answer! If not, we'll try again! We'll give you ten minutes, just like before! And if you can't stand it. people will die!

Carol trembled, vomit rising and pouring out in a thin stream, causing her to cough from the stinging, vile bile. She knew there was no point in holding back. She would rather die than go through torture again, the more I risk other people's lives. Better humiliation.

- Yes.
- We crushed your navel! Have your abs been torn apart! Have your guts been crushed!
- Yes…
The klingon smiled.
- Then you will unblock the exit and without sacrifice and torment we will leave this planet with you!
Carol was silent for a moment, but she forced herself to say
- Yes.
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Vivacious Visitor
May 1, 2019
About requast, I find restrictions pretty cool idea. It make author to put more affort and fantasy in their works.

About 150 sm
Can flex her abs in and out or wave it to make it harder to land a punch on her. She even can muve her onnards that way to move it away from the landed attack.
Very flexible, really hard to damage her spine.
Hight pain tolerance. Agile and quick as fuck. At same time coldblooded a furious in nature.

Kill her if you can. But no weapon, no cuffs or ropes as restrictions. Give her all you have.


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Vivacious Visitor
May 1, 2019
Ow shet, here we go again...
Last buddy I hoped to continue my request dropped his own and vanished, so we are on next Miura ass long hiatus till someone appeared again...


May 25, 2019
Thats a curse!

But really it's just the nature of this thread. And from my observations not even just this thread, but all forums of this kind, it feels like people all over the world seem to be getting horny on some kind of global schedule. If you need to put blame somewhere - blame the Moon I guess :)


Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
About requast, I find restrictions pretty cool idea. It make author to put more affort and fantasy in their works.

About 150 sm
Can flex her abs in and out or wave it to make it harder to land a punch on her. She even can muve her onnards that way to move it away from the landed attack.
Very flexible, really hard to damage her spine.
Hight pain tolerance. Agile and quick as fuck. At same time coldblooded a furious in nature.

Kill her if you can. But no weapon, no cuffs or ropes as restrictions. Give her all you have.

Havok Red was getting frustrated. The big man was characteristically slow on his feet, and his nimble opponent made him look like a fool.

"Donna! Donna! Donna!"

The constant cheers from the crowd didn't make it easier to concentrate. Nor did the constant jabs from Donna.

"What's the matter? Tiring so soon?"

Havok hated to admit it, but she was right. The last 20 minutes had been an exhibition of tireless grace. Donna's body was lithe and sinewy. The former dancer turned pit fighter was one of the best combatants in the intergender deathmatch league, and it wasn't looking great for Havok.

The big man had entered the tournament to pay off his debts, but now he was fighting for his life.

"You know what I'm gonna do when I kill you?" cooed Donna.
"Take your decapitated head and put it over my fireplace. You will fit right in with my other trophies!"

Donna was a sadistic bitch. In the last month alone, she had killed four hard-as-nails men, and their heads now rested in her living room as mantlepieces.

The steel cage suddenly started to feel smaller. Havok felt the cold bars closing in. He sweated profusely, wiping a bead from his brow as he concentrated.

"Nope!" Her voice was firm and confident.

He stared dumbfounded as her taut abdomen swayed out of the way of his punch. Havok couldn't believe his eyes. She weaved and contorted her stomach to avoid his strikes, moving it like a belly dancer.

"Missed me again!"

Her sultry voice echoed in his ear. She had managed to evade yet another strike, nimbly and gracefully bending her body to let it sail over her head. She struck like a panther, moving in and out of his attack range, baiting out his strikes, and then making him pay.

"Try harder, Pig!"

Havok blocked out her incessant jabs. They stabbed like knives in his psyche, making him question his every move. He decided to close the gap and moved in, trying desperately to land something, anything!

"Awww..." mocked Donna. "Is the big, bad man going to cry? Boo Hooo!"

Donna's punches and kicks weren't strong, but they were beginning to add up. A light jab at his ribs, followed by a kick to his hamstring. Then Donna dashed away to avoid a punch and rushed right back in.


A haymaker to his chin had Havok seeing stars. Then Donna dumped him to his ass by sweeping his feet away. He cradled up on the floor, covering himself up for an attack. It never came.

"I am not going to make it that easy..." smiled Donna. "I am going to humiliate you and then tear you apart..." Havok swore he could see her eyes turn red. "!"

Her vile laughter filled the cage, and Havok did his best to ignore it. He got to his feet swiftly and shook the cobwebs off. Like a bull in a china shop, he rushed towards Donna.

"Oh my! You seem angry!" she mocked and ducked underneath a punch.

"And confused..."

The crowd cheered as the dancer elegantly moved and weaved in the cage.

"You seem you don't belong here," Donna made him wince with a jab to his rib.

"Give up now, and I'll kill you quicker!" She whispered into his ear as she flipped over his head.


Donna laughed as Havok screamed. It was the only thing he could do. She had physically shut him down and was now breaking his mind.

Havok knew he was playing right into her hands. He wished he could have concentrated harder in school. Maybe that would have made him a little wiser.

Another failed strike led to excruciating punishment. Donna jumped up in the air and dug her heel into his head. The sharp edge pierced through his skin, and his agony echoed in the cage.

One thing Donna didn't account for was Havok's tenacity. Like the other big men, he was dumb, but unlike the others, he wasn't giving up easily.

Her opponents would be dead by now, but Havok kept pushing, looking for that one strike to even the odds. Donna decided to shut him down for good.

Havok smiled. He finally saw that murderous intent in her eyes. Donna was looking to end him quickly. He wasn't too bright, heck, he wasn't even a good fighter, but there was one thing he was good at.

He had analyzed her finishing move, using countless videos to spot the one chink in her armor. Havok knew he didn't need to fight well. He just needed to bait out that strike. Now was his chance.

Donna jumped in the air, using the steel cage as a springboard to vault higher. She shot her foot out, aiming it at Havok's head.

Havok knew it was a feint. The true strike would come when he blocked. He watched Donna's body spin in the air, and her foot traced an arc to his head. Donna was waiting for him to block the attack and duck. She would then finish him off like the others. Her hands hovered over the knife in her back pocket, eager to plunge it between his eyes.

Havok neither blocked nor ducked. He stood tall, letting Donna float a little closer. When she was within range, he reached out and grabbed her leg.

"What The-"

Her surprised yelp turned into a blood-curdling scream as he flung her into the cage wall. Donna crumpled to the floor, holding her back and writhing in pain.


Havok breathed a sigh of relief. Now it was his turn to deliver some payback. He began by pulling Donna up to her feet and slamming her into the cage wall by her throat.


The big man cried and let loose with a fist to Donna's stomach. He panicked when he saw her smile.

Havok felt each of Donna's organs move out of the way, and her stomach swallowed his fist whole. He found himself stuck when she tightened her abs. Her skin was like quicksand. The more Havok struggled to pull his arm free, the more he got stuck. Fear shot through his body.


Donna raised her hand in the air, brandishing a knife. Without thinking, Havok grabbed her wrist and struggled as the sharp steel hovered over his eye.

With one arm stuck in her stomach and the other keeping her from poking his eyes out, Havok didn't know what to do. His breathing quickened, and he could feel his heart beat faster.


The crowd called for blood as they struggled for the knife. It was inches away from Havok's retina, looming with a dark shadow over his face.

"Don't be afraid..."

Donna whispered with a smile.

"Let it go in..."

The knife moved closer to his eye.

"You know you want to. You know you NEED to!" Donna's sultry voice dripped with honey.


Havok twisted her wrist, and with a loud crack, it broke.


There was deathly silence around them as the people watched in shock. They had never heard the champion scream in pain. The knife fell out of her hands.

Havok pulled his arm free and pushed Donna to the floor. He leaned back on the cage, taking a few deep breaths before anger simmered in his eyes again.

"Like I said..." Havok paused for a quick breath. "Time for some payback!"

Havok cracked his knuckles and moved towards her. He stopped mid-way when Donna screamed again. She grabbed her wrist, snapped it back into place with an even louder crack, and picked up the knife again.

"W-What the FUCK are you lady?" Fear lit up every nerve in Havok's body.

"Your worst nightmare!" Donna gave him a grin and jumped in the air.

He winced and screamed as Donna sliced and diced. He bought his arms up to protect his face, but Donna left a sharp cut on his wrist. Havok screamed as she left slices on his back and then jumped over his head, leaving him with a cut on his cheek as she landed.


Havok's screams bought the crowd alive as the champion cut him down. She chased him around the cage as he backpedaled, clumsily trying to keep her stabs and slices away from his vital organs. He needed to think of something fast.

Donna just kept coming. Her hands moved swiftly, brandishing the knife as if it were an extension of her arm. Havok ducked and weaved as best he could but got cut on his chest and leg while moving away.


His scream was as much frustration as it was pain. He knew he wouldn't last long. Without many options, he thought of one plan and decided to stick to it.

Havok took a deep breath and stood still.

He figured the best way to win his turn was to make Donna think he was tired. She fell for it, letting out a scream and dashing towards him to stab him in between the eyes.

"This is it..."

Havok thought to himself. He took a deep breath.

"Wait for it..."

Donna loomed in his vision, aiming the knife at him with alarming speed.


He told himself. Havok saw the knife cut the air with a loud "swoosh," hovering inches from his head.


Without even thinking, Havok shot his hand out.

The crowd fell silent. Even Donna's eyes widened. Tears rolled down his face as he saw the knife stuck in his hand. It had pierced right through to the other side. Everyone stared in disbelief and stayed quiet.

"This sounded so much better in my head....AHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

His blood-curdling scream brought the crowd alive and shook Donna from shock. Thought completely idiotic and reckless, Havok managed to wrestle the knife away from her.

Donna realized Havok wasn't going to give up.

He was going to keep trying to look for a way. She understood she needed to end him fast.

Donna rushed towards him and jumped, aiming a punch at his head. A cold chill ran down her spine when she saw Havok smile. He interrupted her strike mid-air with a thunderous fist to her belly.

Havok relished the feeling of his fist sinking into her stomach. Without her crazy antics, it felt surprisingly soft and welcoming.

Donna fell to her knees, drooling and winded from the attack. She coughed as she tried to breathe.


Havok removed the knife from his hand and flung it to the floor. It landed in between him and Donna. From out of nowhere, Donna got a second wind and rushed to the knife.


He took advantage of his greater reach and took two steps forward. Donna gulped as she saw his fist shoot out.

She realized she was going to run right into it. It was too late to change course.


Donna's eyes widened from the impact, and drool hung from her lips. Havok had put everything he had into that punch, and it showed. His fist buried deep into her stomach.

Donna collapsed on his shoulder, her head falling on his chest. She coughed up blood on his skin, and her hands went limp by her side.


The crowd watched silently as the rookie challenger gave the veteran a belly pounding. Strike after strike bruised her stomach, and Donna's blood ran down Havok's chest. Her apex asset had turned out to be her curse.

Donna's body remained limp and obedient, folding itself to accommodate Havok's fist and straightening out. He struck with all he had. There was no way he could give her another chance. She was far too dangerous.

His strikes were unceasing and brutal, pounding her skin with discontent and rage. Havok kept punching till he exhausted himself and finally let her go.

Donna fell to the floor limp, lying on her back with quiet protests of pain. Her eyes were fluttering, and her body twitched.


Someone shouted from the crowd. It amazed Havok to see how quickly they turned. He could see their faces contort into a rage, and they called for Donna's blood.

His hands shook as he picked up the knife. Havok stared at it.

The angular protrusion of pain reflected his face back, and he closed his eyes, then jumped on Donna. Havok sat on her bruised stomach, eliciting a tired cough.


Havok raised the knife high, aiming it at Donna's face. Her eyes met his, and she snarled at him.

"D-Do it, you pig! End me!"

She sputtered spit as she spoke, eyeing him with fury. The knife shook in Havok's hand.

"DO IT!"

His breathing quickened, and a deathly chill ran down his spine. Havok screamed and plunged the knife into the floor, inches from Donna's face.

The crowd began to boo loudly, but Havok could care less. He picked up his tired body and headed towards the door. His middle finger shot up to the crowd as they booed him.

"Y-you fuckin' COWARD!"

Havok froze when he heard Donna's voice. "No," he thought. "!"

He heard her footsteps behind him. Havok could feel the cut in the air on the back of his neck. He could feel her get closer.

He looked at the door, but it was too far. Donna's footsteps grew even closer.


His mind raced to think of something. Anything other than what he was thinking. He gulped as he realized there was nothing else he could do. He took a deep breath and turned around.

Donna's hands rose, coming at an arc towards Havok. He grabbed her wrist and broke it.


Havok redirected her hand towards her neck and plunged the knife into Donna's throat. Loud gasps from the crowd filled the air.

She collapsed on his chest, smearing it with her blood as she slowly fell to her knees. Then she fell over, limp.

The crowd cheered Havok's name, and he stood in the cage looking at his hands. There was blood on them.


Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
For my request, I nominate Cassie Cage, who agrees to job in a wrestling match against a large man for money, and gets her ass beat.


Dec 22, 2022
For my request, I nominate Cassie Cage, who agrees to job in a wrestling match against a large man for money, and gets her ass beat.
I know this really isn't how it works, but to whoever write this one, please, please put a lot of belly beating and attacks to the stomach in it.

I think a proper image is missing :/
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