Finish her! (4 Viewers)


Vivacious Visitor
May 1, 2019
Sir Dudley was puzzled, he was beside himself, he was frustrated, even angry.
Dark-haired and broad-shouldered, the world heavyweight champion stood in the ring and could not find his place. The cheeks appeared on his face, wrinkles distorted his forehead, his eyebrows arched in anger.
An audience had already gathered around him. Dressed in insanely expensive outfits, the bohemians, the elite, lined up and sat around the ring. They were hiding their faces behind masks and whispering constantly, irritating the already annoyed boxer.
Suddenly, everyone present turned around, their eyes fixed on someone who had just entered the room. He walked swiftly to the ring, still with the attention of the entire audience. Just then, that same audience threw their heads back and looked up, as it flew up into the air and into the ring.
It was a girl. She walked into the auditorium, reached the ring and jumped over the ring rail and landed right on top of it.
Dudley looked her over from head to toe. She had black boots, gray and white khaki military-style pants, a black top that showed off her strong, toned but still elegant abs and covered her small breasts, broad shoulders and thin neck, and on top of that a face with a scar, wheat-colored hair and a scar on her cheek, a red beret on her head.
Dudley's annoyance became even greater. This girl was his opponent. And she was stunningly beautiful. Her skin was without a single blemish, so uniform, so smooth. Her facial features were soft, though her gaze was determined and there was a resilience and fighting spirit in her eyes that made the boxer shiver. Even the scar on her face gave her an air of sophistication and singularity rather than disfigurement. Her hair was neatly styled and braided, only her thin bangs slightly covering her face.
-What on earth was that!
The boxer strode resolutely toward the girl and stood full-length right in front of her. She was about his chest, so in response she lifted her head and looked him in the eyes with the same determination.
-My name is Dudley, Miss..." he said, holding out his hand, which wore a huge red glove.
Cami," the girl answered. For all the menacing look, her voice was quiet and soft.
Dudley lowered his gaze. Now Cami was disgruntled and already her forehead was distorted with wrinkles.
-Is something wrong?
-Yes, Miss..." Dudley hesitated a little, but quickly pulled himself together. He looked up and met the girl's gaze with determination. - Yes, Miss Cami, I wanted to tell you that I am intolerably puzzled and angry that you were chosen as my opponent.
The girl's eyes widened in surprise.
What? Do you consider me an unworthy opponent?
-No, I..." Dudley knew that would happen. He knew that a girl of that character and in such a place would take his courtesy and gallantry as an insult.
The girl was determined, her gaze hard, even rude. She was outraged that her opponent was questioning her abilities. At least, that was what Dudley had decided for himself.
-I can't fight a woman! - Finally the boxer yelled at the top of his voice, even cocking his head and taking his eyes off the girl in front of him.
Cammie stared in amazement at the tanned man, huge, muscular, dressed like a dandy in a white shirt and pants with suspenders, like a rich spoiled heir. Could he really be like that?
The girl covered her mouth and laughed. This puzzled Dudley even more. The girl didn't wait for him to finally pull himself together and say something.
-You shouldn't...I understand, but you shouldn't think so low of me...What's your name?
- Dudley, Miss...
The girl looked calm, even the tension in her seemed to disappear.
We're going to fight. That's what I've decided. If I don't finish what I started, I can't go on living. This is more than a tournament to me.
Dudley lowered his gaze sadly.
- I understand. I hope through this tournament to reclaim my family's possessions. Very important and valuable to me. Forgive me, I would never have participated in such a dishonorable event if I didn't need to.
Cammie smiled. She smiled a bright and sincere smile. The man was strange, but he certainly wasn't bad. It amused her that such a man found himself in such circumstances.
The girl stood at attention, straightened to her full height and put her hands to her sides, looking up at her huge opponent with visible friendliness.
You seem like a nice guy. But make no mistake. I've decided to take part in this fight and I'll go all the way.
Suddenly there was a sternness on her face.
And I'm not going to let you get away with it, no matter how good a guy you are!

It was supposed to be a fight to the bitter end. Winner and loser.
Dudley and the girl parted ways and backed into corners. The boxer was jumping on the spot, executing punches through the air, preparing in body and spirit for the fight. The girl in the opposite corner was warming up; she was stretching her legs all the way out, getting on the splits and bending her back like a bow. The man noted for himself how goofy and flexible the girl was. His passion and naive admiration for her beauty hurt him. He could not accept the fact that he would hurt such a beautiful creature.

The fight began and Cammie rushed forward. She disappeared from Dudley's sight with her first move, and at his feet she spun around like a whirligig and put her full weight right under the boxer's knee with her kicked out foot. A sharp pain pierced his body, the joint nearly ruptured, and only his strong muscles prevented the bones from cracking. He couldn't take another punch like that.
Dudley noted that the girl's legs were strong and underneath her clothes were muscles trained and hard as steel. Such blows could not only take him out of the fight, but could also seriously injure him.
The girl was already behind him. Barely had time to turn around, Dudley received another kick to the face. Without waiting a second, the blonde grabbed him by his clothes and pulled herself up, simultaneously thrusting her bent-knee leg forward and driving that very knee into his chest. Dudley coughed, and his breathing became labored, his eyes blurred.
At that moment he realized that the gentleman's decency could cost him not only the tournament win, but his entire career. He swept away any unnecessary thoughts, and the man made a decision.
A stingy tear rolled down the boxer's cheek. He had not yet opened his eyes from the pain, his face and facial bones continued to ache from the blow. His breath was slowly coming back as he quickly maneuvered away from his opponent with his back to the nearest corner.
"I'm sorry miss, I didn't mean to. But I have no choice. I'll apologize to you after the fight," Dudley thought and got into a fighting stance.
Cammy attacked incessantly. Her blows were honed, strong, and swift. Each one had to be devastating, and all Dudley did was duck, unable to attack. Occasionally the blows did reach the boxer, but his strong body and will prevented those blows from ending the fight. The huge boxer dodged, parried, reflected, and deflected the blows.
At one point the girl cornered the boxer. She surged into the air, drew her strong legs to her chest and straightened them with force, flying at her opponent like a projectile.
Her confidence in her flexibility and agility failed her. She was sturdy, but still light enough to make all her movements easy. Her opponent was a super heavyweight, a huge muscular giant.
And she didn't expect this giant to be as fast as she was.
As she flew, she didn't see her target disappear from view, as she herself had done at the beginning of the fight. In the next instant, pain pierced her side, went inside and went through her internal organs. The girl changed her flight path and flew even higher up.
Dudley dodged her blow in the blink of an eye and immediately counterattacked, putting all his strength into the blow. The upward blow reached her oblique muscles and, like a drill, sank into her side, throwing her upward. The girl could barely control her body in flight, and the pain was sudden and prevented her from gathering herself. As she flew under her own weight, she could no longer prepare for Sir Dudley about to strike a second blow. With the strength in his hand, he tensed every muscle and raised his arm vertically upward. The fist, clad in a huge glove, dug into the girl's front, covering almost her entire torso from the waist down to her chest. From the pain, her abdominal muscles didn't have time to tense and the blow collapsed them, flattened them under its own weight of the rest of her body, drove the fist deeper, crushing her insides. The girl's body settled on an arm as hard as a marble column, making her body rest against the fist in the area where her stomach was located. A grimace of pain crossed the girl's face, followed by a gag and the remains of undigested food poured out in bits and pieces from her mouth right into the ring.
As for Dudley, he wasn't thinking. He wasn't thinking any other way than in the category of how a fighter who wants to finish a fight as quickly as possible should think. With every punch he would crush his enemy, his body and his will to win. His body was stronger than most people's. And it was faster. He fought monsters. real monsters, wizards and sorcerers. His body had long exceeded what was available to the average man.
The only thought he had left from the beginning, even before he decided to fight in earnest: he would not cripple her appearance. This beautiful girl is a fighter with her charming face-he will not dare mutilate her appearance.
The new fool and the girl flew into the corner, unable to regroup. She hit the corner of the ring and collapsed. Vomit continues to leave her insides - the last punch crushed her gut again. The boxer is close by and manages to catch her just before she falls to the floor of the ring. Boxing doesn't involve grabbing her opponent - if she falls, he has to wait for her to stay down or get up again, and he can't let her do that. Punch, punch, punch again, in the same place. No sooner had his muscles rested from the previous blow than a new one ripped them apart. Dudley's fist dug deeper and deeper into the girl's strong, embossed muscles, which were already changing color from red to a darker, crimson, and then purple. Her bowels dance inside her body, her muscles contracting violently, trembling, her breasts quivering trying to resume their ability to breathe uninterrupted, her stomach emptying as its contents continue to pour from the girl's beautiful lips. Dudley doesn't look at what's happening, he's in a rush, he'll stop when the girl passes out, when the fight is over.
Punch after punch he pummels her into the corner of the ring until blood rushes out of her mouth and into his crystal white shirt. Sir Dudley recoils and bounces back.

Before him is a heartbreaking sight. The girl is leaning against the corner of the ring, her legs trembling and closed at the knees, keeping her from falling, her face in agony, her eyes clouded, her lips dripping with saliva and leftover food. She can hardly breathe, her abdomen like a pump, dancing in time with her breathing, her once strong muscles unable to tense and hold shape, her inflamed and bruised belly relaxed, her insides squeezing it from inside like a tight leather sack that constantly jerks. The girl is convulsed.
Again a tear runs down the boxer's cheek. He did not wish such cruelty. A punch to the gut punches through the girl's stomach, reaches all the way to her spine, blood pouring from her mouth as the body finally falls exhaustedly to the ground.
Cammie wakes up in the infirmary. Pain is the first thing she feels. Her gut twists, her abdominal muscles burn with fire. Tears pour down her cheeks - she's lost.
Excuse me miss, my personal physician will examine you. - We hear a sad male voice nearby.
The girl hardly looks back at the man. Her recent adversary is staring dejectedly at the floor.


Vivacious Visitor
May 1, 2019

Let it be her.
Agile and gutsy.
I want her to be finished off only after she admire her defeat, which not so easy for strong willed fighter like her.


May 25, 2019
Shit, the thread was abandoned!
I noticed it usually gets stories in bursts, people come here, post a few stories, then it's a slow period without replies, then it resurfaces.

But right now I think people are not completely sure about the state of Undertow going forward because of change of ownership and migration, so it can be holding people back from writing here, maybe in fear of losing this data. At least I would think so.

From my end I'd like to say that it is a valid concern, anything can happen during migration, but we'll try to do everything we can to make sure no data is lost.

Red Death

Vivacious Visitor
Jan 10, 2021
View attachment 134098
Let it be her.
Agile and gutsy.
I want her to be finished off only after she admire her defeat, which not so easy for strong willed fighter like her.
Marcy will be facing against Yujiro Hanma from the Baki series.

It was another night at the Death Club, all the seats are occupied and the audience are anticipating another beautiful and gruesome match, a man wearing a stylish suit enters the cage holding a letter. The man spoke through his microphone "It is another great night for another great fight! I present to you our dear audiences the competitors for tonight! Coming from the city with her first debut match Marcy The Agile!" Marcy came out of her entrance sprinting and jumping to the cage showing great athleticism. "And on the opposite entrace stands one of the most powerful person in the world! Yujiro! The Ogre!" A man with an imposing height and large muscles came out of the entrance walking slowly." Both the fighters are now in the cage, only one shall get out with their lives. The man in the stylish suit quickly runs to exit the cage thus symbolising the start of the match. Yujiro stands tall bringing his arms in a wide pose signalling to marcy to take her shot while smiling ear to ear. Marcy smirked, having little knowledge about the world of fighters may have been both a blessing and a curse for her as she sprinted towards Yujiro with amazing agility, she got closer and started bombarding Yujiro with punches, hooks jabs on his torso and liver, using her kicks to target all the vital spots on his body, this goes kn for a couple of seconds until Marcy stopped her hands shaking from all the punches she have thrown but she still smiles with confidence. Yujiro's outfit was destroyed by Marcy's attacks revealing his bare upperbody that glistened like metal for all to see. Yujiro smile faded away and was replaced by a mockering stare, he readies his fingers and strike Marcy's abdomen with it, his finger attack leves a purplish mark on Marcy's abs as she was thrown to the other side of the cage, marcy clutched her abs in pain but was far from giving up she ran fast and jumped to meet Yujiro's face sending a knee to it, but instead her knee felt like it hit metallic object, Yujiro used the opportunity and swat her away with his hands like a fly, sending her agaist the wall of the cage making loud noises. All the air in Marcy's lungs wer driven out, she gasps for air again, she tried most of the strategies she knew but all were ineffective, marcy started losing faith in herslef but kept on charging...again and again and again...she was thrown back, she was punched on her guts over and over, she felt her legs lose feelings as she was lightly kicked by her enemy. She was left on her back, exhausted and with no more will left in her, she pants for air, Yujiro seeing her state was now bemused as she wasn't even able to hurt him a single time, he bring her upwards, holding her by the head, he put his other hands on her abdomen and started squeezing on both hands, Marcy struggled hard and scream as her head and body i bei g squeezed, in one swift motion Yujiro twisted both hands like a towel, there were several loud crunches of bones breaking. Matcy's body went limp, her head is facing on her back, her neck was broken. Yujiro dropped Marcy's corpse on the ground, he smiled again as to how she doesn't stand a chance in the beggining at all. He bring his foot up and stomped on Marcy's abs, twisting hisfoot right and left breaing her insides and other bones. Yujiro walked towards the cage and opened it forcefully with his hands exiting without a thought.

Next one is Jc just like most here give her a brutal ending as possible.



Potential Patron
Jan 12, 2022
Jared was a college student in his first year and was in need of some money. There had been a new app that has been going around on social media allowing users to meet up and fight to the death for cash prizes. After creating an account, Jared signed up for a match and was instantly put up against a young attractive woman named Jc, who looked about Jared's age. They had a few minutes to chat about where they'd be meeting up, and ended up agreeing to meet up after dark at a nearby street that was always empty. It was the perfect place...

Jared was a little nervous, since this would be his first fight, let alone it was to the death aswell. His only experience was from watching wwe or combat in movies. He was only a little relieved since his opponent was a small female.

Once the time came, Jared arrived at the street, where Jc was already waiting. She was leaning against a lamp post wearing a beautiful black dress that went down only to her mid thighs along with some sneakers. If this were any other occassion, Jared would've mistaken her for a prosititute, with the way she stood. Jared only had on some sweat pants and a tank top, feeling the cool night breeze run against his open arms. As the two saw each other, they approached one another, meeting up under the light of a lamp post. They both raised there fists and stared each other down for a moment as they made eye contact.

Before they began Jared noticed Jc gulp as she looked him up and down. "I'll make this fast Jc." Jared taunted, only for Jc to quickly run at him and lunge her body at his, wrapping her arms around Jared's waist, which made him stumble back enough for him to fall backwards onto his ass with Jc hugging his waist still. "Ugh.." he groaned, but then looked down at Jc, seeing her at his waist. He then lifted his arm up in the air and crashed his elbow down right onto Jc's spine. "Ah!" She yelped as she pulled back from his waist and straddled his thighs as she sat up on his lap, only to be met with Jared's fist hitting her face directly, causing her head to snap back, along with the rest of herself. "Ghack!" She spurted as her nose bent a little and started to bleed while she was now laying flat on her back with her thighs still spread across Jared's lap.

Jc was breathing hard as she was already hit pretty bad. She could feel her legs being moved as Jared pushed them to the side to stand himself back up. Jc pushed her hands against the street to get some distance to pick herself up, but Jared was following her, stepping closer, until Jared suddenly let out a loud yell and dropped to his knees, clutching onto his crotch. Jc had just kicked him right in the balls when he got close, giving her time to pick herself up and attempt to finish him off. While Jared was on his knees, trying to recover. Jc approached and quickly launched her knee up, right into Jared's jaw with brutal force. His head flew backwards and he landed hard on his back, his knees now raised up in the air. "Mghhh" He groaned as he felt his mouth begin to bleed, staring up at his opponent, although he had a nice view up Jc's dress, he knew he had to get away. Before he could do anything, he could feel a weight press down on his chest as Jc sat herself down on him, her thighs on both sides of Jared's head. "G-get off!" He screamed, squirming his body under her. "Not a chance little boy.." she replied and Jared was soon met with a series of punches to the face. "Mphh ghh ahh!" He groaned each time she slammed her fist into his face, rocking head from left to right. He was starting to get more and more frustrated at the fact he was being bested by this bitch. Jc was growing more confident by the second.

Jared's face had a look of rage as Jc was smiling down at him. She soon stopped and began to pant heavily from the amount of punches she delivered. Her thighs pressing against the sides of his head while she took a short break. Jared was now missing a tooth and his nose was broken at some point. He had to get out fast, thinking quickly, he turned his head enough for him to sink his teeth into Jc's meaty thigh, biting down hard and drawing blood. "Gahhhh!!!!!" She screamed and rolled off from Jared to hold her now bleeding thigh. "You're an animal!" She called out at Jared, tears now forming in her eyes. Jared had no look of remorse, rolling himself over ontohis hands and knees, coughing up some blood before finally getting back on his feet. Jc would soon bring herself up to her feet aswell, looking over at her opponent. They stared each other down for a bit, both breathing heavily at this point. Jc took some steps back and put her hand out at Jared. "S-stay b-bac-k-k" she choked a bit on her words as she continued to tear up. Jared began approaching her, ignoring her words.

Once Jared got close, Jc immediately turned around, but a second too late. Jared grabbed tightly onto her hair and pulled her toward him, quickly wrapping his arms around her neck, putting her in a chokehold. "Ahck! N-no no please!" She begged, but Jared increased the pressure on her neck, making her gag and begin to squirm. "Mhhh n-no!" She kept on begging, then started swinging her elbow wildly into Jared's side, making him wince a little, but at the same time he increased the strength. Her eyes started to roll back as she tried to fight back, she then arched her back and pushed her soft ass backwards into Jared, trying her best to pull herself out. "Ghaaa" her tear continued to roll down her face, she also had her hands up on his arm, slowly starting to pry it off. In her final attempt she finally managed to break free, stumbling forward, toward the lamp post as she got out, bending over slightly with her hands on her knees, now panting like a dog. "Mhh nghh.." she couldn't speak.

Jc didn't have much time to recover, Jared was still behind her. She could feelt something poke her butt as Jared got closer, as soon as she straightened herself, Jared would push his hand against the back of her head and slam her face first into the pole, breaking her nose and smashing in her front teeth. "Ahhahh!" She whimpered and fell over, laying on her stomach close to the curb. "N-no m-more.." she said in a soft and weak voice. Jared still had some rage built up from the pain she put on him. He finally released it all on her, lifting his foot up and stomping it down onto the back of her head, right onto the curb. "Ghack!" She let out one yelp before going unconsious, her ass jiggling a little, along with her thighs as she twitched a little. He then started stomping down on the back of her head, over and over. He could hear a sickening crunch as her skull cracked open, bits of her brain and skull flew out after his final stomp, leaving a pile of mush, that was once her head.

He looked down at his shoe, now a mess in her blood and flesh. He then stepped back from her, seeing her body twitch a few times before finally going still. Jared then took out his phone and took a pic of Jc's corpse, he took a few of her, lifting up her dress, getting one of her ass and a few of her tits. He then posted the finished corpse on his death app account and saved the rest for himself.

Next Kate. Show her no mercy >;)


May 25, 2019
Kate's opponent was a large and strong guy, with bulging muscles, built like a bodybuilder. He looked threatening and dangerous, but he was... rather slow. Which allowed Kate, with her speed and agility, to move around him quickly, while delivering quick attacks.

The guy sees Kate moving off to the side, he tries to catch her and immediately feels pain in the back of his back - that would be her sexy leg striking him with a kick. He notices her moving past him, and tries to lunge for her again, but his arms grab empty air, meanwhile he feels pain in the back of his head now from a stingy punch of Kate's fist.

This goes on for a while, she wears him down slowly but steadily. The crowd cheers for Kate now, seeing how this furious feline is bringing down the larger opponent with a lot of quick and precise strikes. At first nobody thought she could make it... and now they watch as from a few more punches to the head the huge guy drops down to his knee with a thud that shudders entire ring. He looks dizzy... death by a thousand cuts is apparently real, his brain got too much rattling from all the punches she got, not to mention other spots where many of her kicks and punches landed. The prize of 250 000$ for this seemingly uneven and unfair challenge really seems to be getting closer and closer, more and more real.

"WHOO-HO!" She roars out of excitement throwing a fist into the air, as the crowd cheers back at her. She knows not to waste time boasting, though, she walks around him and stands in front of the guy. "Time to put your lights out!" she says and goes for a glorious-looking rounhouse kick aimed at his head that should surely knock him right out!

SWOOOSH-BAM! The crowd expects the huge mass of muscle to fall now, but instead they watch how the big guy catches Kate's sexy leg, he stands up and yanks her, forcing her to stumble right into his trunk-like arms. "HHHUUGH!!" he grunts and gives her a quick hard squeeze... and Kate's mouth opens and she screams, and some people can hear a series of cracks behind that scream. The beast opens his arms and Kate falls on the floor. She looks scared, she feels like something is broken inside of her... she tries to crawl away from him as quickly as she can, on her ass, facing up at first, then she flips over on her belly and crawls faster, she starts to get up to one knee!..

But it's just a few wide steps for the beast and his arms grab her head from behind, a palm on each side of her skull. She starts screaming as he lifts her up just by her skull, her screaming gets louder and higher pitched, her arms clawing at the man's arms holding her with her knees floating just above the floor, her head on the level with his chest. "HHUUGH!" another grunt, Kate's scream suddenly goes into a squeal and then immediately dies off... replaced by a horrible crack. Her arms and legs give out a strong twitch and her body falls on the floor. Not moving for the first time since the fight began... her cheek on the floor, her ass in the air. Eyes rolled up and bloodshot and blood slowly flowing out of her nostrils and ears. She twitched a little as if she was trying to get up but not in full control of her body, her fingers twitched, her hand moved, one leg pulled up a little, her hips pumped and then she went completely still.

The crowd was shocked by a sudden turn of events and a sudden end of the fight. It took a while for most of them to even realize that the fight was over. And even more time to realize what just happened. At first there was a terrified scream, then muttering of the crowd, then some laughs and finally cheers for the winner of the fight. The guy just stood menacingly over the body of the defeated opponent, panting and breathing heavily.

"Ah, told you, the girl had no brains, thinking she could beat this guy..."
"Oh, poor thing, did he kill her?!"
"Holy shit, that's so cool!"
"Oh my god..."

Kate was so close to winning this... but just one mistake, one fatal skip cost her her this fight, the prize and her life, as by the time medics arrived it was already too late.



Could be something more barbariany-medievaly or could be just a themed outfit for a themed fight event.


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Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
The weight of the gold in her purse had finally caught up to Freya. It bore heavy on her mind, and she opened up the sack to see the blood still fresh on the coins. She had never considered herself a thief or a murderer, yet here she was carrying an army's worth of gold. Their screams still rang in her ears, and their dying faces burned her eyes.

There was no going back to the way things used to be, there was no peace at the end of this road, but Freya was happy. Happy to see her flawless reflection on the shiny, new coins. Her only goal now was to get as far away from town as quickly as possible.

The faint sounds of a water stream filled her ear, and she pondered if a small rest would be worth it. She was two days away from a new beginning, but the damned horse would not stop groaning.

Freya had found him locked in one of the stables of the garrison, the last living witness to the silent slaughter. She would be rid of him in the next town, but for now, she needed him to carry the gold. Unwillingly, she relented and stopped. The horse neighed as if to thank her.

"Quiet, you miserable beast!" Freya's tongue was sharp. She held a knife to the poor animal's throat.

"Get one thing through your thick skull. Just because I am stuck with you does not mean I will hesitate to gut you like your master," The horse snorted in fear.

"Now make use of what little rest you have, and then we move, is that clear?" The horse's eyes widened in response. She tied him to a nearby tree and moved toward the stream.

The cold water felt good on her bare skin, cleansing her wounds and providing welcome relief. She had placed her vestment and daggers atop a nearby boulder.

It wasn't long before their cries filled her ears again. She remembered each one of the barbarians. The war chief had fallen swiftly, run through from behind. Freya recalled the way his blood splashed on her clothes.

She treasured the final moments of a young soldier, his eyes unmoving as she chopped his head off. One by one, she recollected their deaths and her fingers soon moved between her legs. Soft moans filled the air.

The horse began to sigh, interrupting her flights of ecstasy.

"What is it now, you doleful heathen!?" The horse cowered in fear.

"Quiet, or I slay you where you stand!"

"Not very good with horses, are you?"

Freya froze. That voice had come from behind her. The deep, gravely baritone could mean only one thing. She turned around to see him standing there with a wide smile. One of the barbarians had survived.

She dove to the boulder and reached for her daggers, but a honed, sharp blade stopped her advance. The man had aimed it perfectly, an inch from one of her fingers. It lodged itself in the boulder. Freya got up slowly, keeping her arms in the air.

"The poor beast was thanking you," He said with a smile.

"What?" Freya vocalized her confusion.

The barbarian let out a hearty laugh and moved towards the animal, gently patting its head and removing the heavy sacks of gold. It nighed and licked his hands.

"Good boy!" He smiled.

Freya once again moved for her daggers. Like clockwork, another blade lodged itself in the boulder, stopping her in her tracks.

"I've got plenty more where that came from!" Freya did not doubt that for a second.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Helvir, son of Crova, but I am sure you met my father," He patted the horse.

Freya gulped. He was the son of the war chief.

"I am sure you know what is going to happen now," he smiled. "But I am going to make this a little interesting."

Helvir removed his armor, standing bare as the day he was born.

"I am impressed that you managed to slaughter my friends and family," He walked toward Freya.

"They were weak and pathetic!" scowled Freya. Helvir laughed.

"Indeed! They deserve to die if they were bested by you!" Helvir circled his prey. "But you will find I will not be so easy!"

"Then come at me, you miserable pig, and let's get this over with!" barked Freya.

"My, such willingness to die!" Helvir's voice was cold. "I already know what you can do with a blade, so why don't we make this more interesting?"

"Do I have a choice?" Freya smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"I am afraid you do not!" smiled Helvir. "So here's what I propose...your fists against mine! Winner takes all!"

Freya laughed. She couldn't believe the arrogance of this man.

"You seem to forget that I slaughtered your family," Freya moved closer till they stood face to face. "I would gladly add one more to the pyre!"

She swung a fist at his head with enough force to crush his skull. Helvir smiled and moved his face an inch, letting it sail harmlessly past his nose. Freya attempted a kick on the rebound, but Helvir swatted her leg away and pushed.

She stumbled, unsteady on her feet. Helvir rattled her jaw with a ferocious fist, drawing blood from her lips. Shocked, Freya withdrew and moved back.

"Hmmm, not great without your daggers, are you?" smiled Helvir.

With a primal cry, Freya moved in for another assault, throwing fists at his head and body. Her eyes grew wide as he avoided all her blows with cat-like elegance.

"AUGH!" His fist caved into her abdomen, impaling her and lifting Freya off her feet. Then he flung her away.

Freya landed hard on the uneven and jagged rocks, her body rolling to a stop some distance from Helvir. She writhed in pain and covered up.

Helvir did not press his advantage, content in observing her suffering. She watched him go hard and gulped. Freya tried her luck again, trying to tackle him to the ground. He did not even move an inch. She looked up to see him smile.

"AHHHHH!" The sharp end of his elbow pierced her back, and her cheek landed flush on a boulder. It bruised her skin. She rolled to save herself from a vicious stomp that flung water in the air.

Freya attempted to sweep him off his feet. Like before, he barely moved. With a vile grin, he twisted his fingers into Freya's hair and picked her up. Blood erupted from her mouth, and drool hung from her lips.

Helvir closed one of her eyes with a violent fist and then squished her nose with another. He pushed her back into a nearby tree, holding her arms over her head.


Her stomach started to bruise from his steel wallops, then her breasts turned purple from an unyielding assault. Helvir concentrated on her pussy next, annihilating her slit with uninterrupted knees.

Then he turned his attention to her face again, turning it into a swollen, pulpy mess. Before long, Freya sat on the base of the tree, battered, bloodied, and bruised.

"G-go ahead," She stammered. "F-finish me!"

"If it were only so easy," He whispered.

"N-NOOO!" protested Freya. He picked her up and flipped her around, pressing her cheek against the tree trunk. Tears ran down her swollen cheeks as he fucked her hard.

When he was done, he threw her into the stream and moved towards her daggers.

"P-PLEASE NO, N-N-NOOOO!" She tried to crawl away. Helvir straddled her chest and cut her throat.

He stood there watching her life fade away. Freya coughed and retched blood, her hands trying to hold her life force in.

He undid her hands and kept a foot on her wrist. Helvir flung a single coin of gold in her palm.

The last thing Freya saw was her reflection in the shiny, gold coin.



Kyrgyzstani-Peruvian UFC fighter VALENTINA SHEVCHENKO -

Ruby gets overpowered by a male in a fistfight and gets fucked hard.


May 25, 2019

I do that you will write the story I requested then right
You keep ignoring or not understanding the rules of this thread. This is a final warning. And final explanation.

You have to write a decent short story about a character requested by previous writer, and THEN you request the next character. In this thread you can request only a character. You can ask for things like "Matt Hardy non kill no blood at smackdown arena Empty", but it is up to the next writer to decide if they want to honor your wishes about these additional details or not. (Because otherwise someone may ask for something that nobody will ever want to write and then the thread will get stuck).

Moreso, it can be picked up by anyone, T Tilltomorrow or anyone else in particular is not obliged to write anything specifically for you.


Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
Ruby for as long as she remembered fought to get where she is the training the spars the sore bones every morning


Another combo to her face knocks her to the ground she struggles to get up as the man above as Nero Kurosaki smirks

“They said so much about you how you were impossible to even touch, it’s to bad you weren’t all they hyped you up to be?”

Her collar would be gripped her arms flopping motionless from all the attacks as he began to destroy her muscled Abs with knee’s


Multiple knee’s turned my pain screams into small moans of pain as he finally drops her.

The man turns her around and rips her pants always as she turns around shocked

“What are you doing?!!”

“I’m having my way don’t worry…I’ll be gentle”

Over and over he thrusted earning moans from Ruby he grips her hips over and over as she gets rocked

“S-Stop! STOP IT!”

As he slowly obeyed her hopes were quickly shattered as a quick slash left her throat bleeding heavily as she begins to choke on her blood

“It’s to bad I would want to have more fun but I have a job to do bye bye…”
And with that he pulled his pants back up and walked away as Ruby took her final breath

Next Monika from DDLC Versus Matt Hardy Wrestling Ring

Sorry if this seems lackluster I haven’t wrote stories in a while


Brother Nero nodded.

"From fuckin' Doki Doki Literature Club?"

Brother Nero looked away, embarrassment flush on his face.

Matt Hardy tried hard to sympathize but then broke out in a fit of laughter.

"Don't worry bro, I got you!"

With Brother Nero's Steam library now staring him in the face, Matt Hardy hovered his cursor over Doki Doki and yelled "DELETE! DELETE! DELETE!" then right clicked on the icon and uninstalled the game.


The brother's then high-fived and shared a sandwich.


Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
Yeah I know. I haven't been keeping well due to covid and then you half assed a story to spam your Matt Hardy request for what seemed like the 100th time. That really got to me for some reason. I do apologize.


Potential Patron
Jul 24, 2021
Yeah I know. I haven't been keeping well due to covid and then you half assed a story to spam your Matt Hardy request for what seemed like the 100th time. That really got to me for some reason. I do apologize.
I can see that sorry I didn’t try and half ass it I haven’t made a story and I didn’t know if that character was an OC or not so I ran on limited knowledge of the character


May 25, 2019
If I fix my story can you fix my request to clean up this mess I just feel like I’ve been messing this entire place up with me wanting something so desperately
The main problem is your desperation. It is obvious. This thread is not the place for such specific desires and requests.

I think you best bet is to pay someone to write something for you. Or keep waiting for someone to pick up your request in another thread. Or directly approach writers whose stories you like, and ask them about whether they'd like to write a story like that... maybe someone will be into it and write it for free. But I would not count on that. Ask what they'd like in return to write a story for you. In most cases money is a good option :) A short story should not be that expensive, I can guestimate something in the neigbourhood of 5-25$ for something like this.

Or write a good story. 3000-4000 characters, decent writing. Basically write it like you'd want others to write for you. What you give is what you will get back.

I'll leave this for a couple days so everyone involved can read it, then I will clean the thread up.


Potential Patron
Jul 24, 2021
If anyone see’s this I wanna apologize to the people on this thread I want to apologize to the owner Wrecksler, Chainsaw and anyone I pissed off my urge to have a story i for so long wanted got the best of me


May 25, 2019
If anyone see’s this I wanna apologize to the people on this thread I want to apologize to the owner Wrecksler, Chainsaw and anyone I pissed off my urge to have a story i for so long wanted got the best of me
That's ok. I'm also not the owner neither of Undertow nor this thread. It was created by M Misfit87 , and I am tech administrator of the website.

As long as you don't keep pushing it :) I know firsthand how annoying it can be, when you have some idea or characters you'd like to read a story about, or to RP and it just doesn't happen for a long time.

I can also suggest you try out You can post ads in chat there in ads rooms, and you can write what kind of scene you'd like to play out. I'm sure it wont too long (in days, not hours) to find someone who would be happy to co-write it with you. Meaning that one of you will play one character, someone else will play another. Then you'll get your story in a form of RP log which you can save and even post here after some cleanup and re-formatting it to look like a story instead of a chat log, if you like.


Potential Patron
Jul 24, 2021
The weight of the gold in her purse had finally caught up to Freya. It bore heavy on her mind, and she opened up the sack to see the blood still fresh on the coins. She had never considered herself a thief or a murderer, yet here she was carrying an army's worth of gold. Their screams still rang in her ears, and their dying faces burned her eyes.

There was no going back to the way things used to be, there was no peace at the end of this road, but Freya was happy. Happy to see her flawless reflection on the shiny, new coins. Her only goal now was to get as far away from town as quickly as possible.

The faint sounds of a water stream filled her ear, and she pondered if a small rest would be worth it. She was two days away from a new beginning, but the damned horse would not stop groaning.

Freya had found him locked in one of the stables of the garrison, the last living witness to the silent slaughter. She would be rid of him in the next town, but for now, she needed him to carry the gold. Unwillingly, she relented and stopped. The horse neighed as if to thank her.

"Quiet, you miserable beast!" Freya's tongue was sharp. She held a knife to the poor animal's throat.

"Get one thing through your thick skull. Just because I am stuck with you does not mean I will hesitate to gut you like your master," The horse snorted in fear.

"Now make use of what little rest you have, and then we move, is that clear?" The horse's eyes widened in response. She tied him to a nearby tree and moved toward the stream.

The cold water felt good on her bare skin, cleansing her wounds and providing welcome relief. She had placed her vestment and daggers atop a nearby boulder.

It wasn't long before their cries filled her ears again. She remembered each one of the barbarians. The war chief had fallen swiftly, run through from behind. Freya recalled the way his blood splashed on her clothes.

She treasured the final moments of a young soldier, his eyes unmoving as she chopped his head off. One by one, she recollected their deaths and her fingers soon moved between her legs. Soft moans filled the air.

The horse began to sigh, interrupting her flights of ecstasy.

"What is it now, you doleful heathen!?" The horse cowered in fear.

"Quiet, or I slay you where you stand!"

"Not very good with horses, are you?"

Freya froze. That voice had come from behind her. The deep, gravely baritone could mean only one thing. She turned around to see him standing there with a wide smile. One of the barbarians had survived.

She dove to the boulder and reached for her daggers, but a honed, sharp blade stopped her advance. The man had aimed it perfectly, an inch from one of her fingers. It lodged itself in the boulder. Freya got up slowly, keeping her arms in the air.

"The poor beast was thanking you," He said with a smile.

"What?" Freya vocalized her confusion.

The barbarian let out a hearty laugh and moved towards the animal, gently patting its head and removing the heavy sacks of gold. It nighed and licked his hands.

"Good boy!" He smiled.

Freya once again moved for her daggers. Like clockwork, another blade lodged itself in the boulder, stopping her in her tracks.

"I've got plenty more where that came from!" Freya did not doubt that for a second.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Helvir, son of Crova, but I am sure you met my father," He patted the horse.

Freya gulped. He was the son of the war chief.

"I am sure you know what is going to happen now," he smiled. "But I am going to make this a little interesting."

Helvir removed his armor, standing bare as the day he was born.

"I am impressed that you managed to slaughter my friends and family," He walked toward Freya.

"They were weak and pathetic!" scowled Freya. Helvir laughed.

"Indeed! They deserve to die if they were bested by you!" Helvir circled his prey. "But you will find I will not be so easy!"

"Then come at me, you miserable pig, and let's get this over with!" barked Freya.

"My, such willingness to die!" Helvir's voice was cold. "I already know what you can do with a blade, so why don't we make this more interesting?"

"Do I have a choice?" Freya smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"I am afraid you do not!" smiled Helvir. "So here's what I propose...your fists against mine! Winner takes all!"

Freya laughed. She couldn't believe the arrogance of this man.

"You seem to forget that I slaughtered your family," Freya moved closer till they stood face to face. "I would gladly add one more to the pyre!"

She swung a fist at his head with enough force to crush his skull. Helvir smiled and moved his face an inch, letting it sail harmlessly past his nose. Freya attempted a kick on the rebound, but Helvir swatted her leg away and pushed.

She stumbled, unsteady on her feet. Helvir rattled her jaw with a ferocious fist, drawing blood from her lips. Shocked, Freya withdrew and moved back.

"Hmmm, not great without your daggers, are you?" smiled Helvir.

With a primal cry, Freya moved in for another assault, throwing fists at his head and body. Her eyes grew wide as he avoided all her blows with cat-like elegance.

"AUGH!" His fist caved into her abdomen, impaling her and lifting Freya off her feet. Then he flung her away.

Freya landed hard on the uneven and jagged rocks, her body rolling to a stop some distance from Helvir. She writhed in pain and covered up.

Helvir did not press his advantage, content in observing her suffering. She watched him go hard and gulped. Freya tried her luck again, trying to tackle him to the ground. He did not even move an inch. She looked up to see him smile.

"AHHHHH!" The sharp end of his elbow pierced her back, and her cheek landed flush on a boulder. It bruised her skin. She rolled to save herself from a vicious stomp that flung water in the air.

Freya attempted to sweep him off his feet. Like before, he barely moved. With a vile grin, he twisted his fingers into Freya's hair and picked her up. Blood erupted from her mouth, and drool hung from her lips.

Helvir closed one of her eyes with a violent fist and then squished her nose with another. He pushed her back into a nearby tree, holding her arms over her head.


Her stomach started to bruise from his steel wallops, then her breasts turned purple from an unyielding assault. Helvir concentrated on her pussy next, annihilating her slit with uninterrupted knees.

Then he turned his attention to her face again, turning it into a swollen, pulpy mess. Before long, Freya sat on the base of the tree, battered, bloodied, and bruised.

"G-go ahead," She stammered. "F-finish me!"

"If it were only so easy," He whispered.

"N-NOOO!" protested Freya. He picked her up and flipped her around, pressing her cheek against the tree trunk. Tears ran down her swollen cheeks as he fucked her hard.

When he was done, he threw her into the stream and moved towards her daggers.

"P-PLEASE NO, N-N-NOOOO!" She tried to crawl away. Helvir straddled her chest and cut her throat.

He stood there watching her life fade away. Freya coughed and retched blood, her hands trying to hold her life force in.

He undid her hands and kept a foot on her wrist. Helvir flung a single coin of gold in her palm.

The last thing Freya saw was her reflection in the shiny, gold coin.



Kyrgyzstani-Peruvian UFC fighter VALENTINA SHEVCHENKO -

Ruby gets overpowered by a male in a fistfight and gets fucked hard.
The weight of the gold in her purse had finally caught up to Freya. It bore heavy on her mind, and she opened up the sack to see the blood still fresh on the coins. She had never considered herself a thief or a murderer, yet here she was carrying an army's worth of gold. Their screams still rang in her ears, and their dying faces burned her eyes.

There was no going back to the way things used to be, there was no peace at the end of this road, but Freya was happy. Happy to see her flawless reflection on the shiny, new coins. Her only goal now was to get as far away from town as quickly as possible.

The faint sounds of a water stream filled her ear, and she pondered if a small rest would be worth it. She was two days away from a new beginning, but the damned horse would not stop groaning.

Freya had found him locked in one of the stables of the garrison, the last living witness to the silent slaughter. She would be rid of him in the next town, but for now, she needed him to carry the gold. Unwillingly, she relented and stopped. The horse neighed as if to thank her.

"Quiet, you miserable beast!" Freya's tongue was sharp. She held a knife to the poor animal's throat.

"Get one thing through your thick skull. Just because I am stuck with you does not mean I will hesitate to gut you like your master," The horse snorted in fear.

"Now make use of what little rest you have, and then we move, is that clear?" The horse's eyes widened in response. She tied him to a nearby tree and moved toward the stream.

The cold water felt good on her bare skin, cleansing her wounds and providing welcome relief. She had placed her vestment and daggers atop a nearby boulder.

It wasn't long before their cries filled her ears again. She remembered each one of the barbarians. The war chief had fallen swiftly, run through from behind. Freya recalled the way his blood splashed on her clothes.

She treasured the final moments of a young soldier, his eyes unmoving as she chopped his head off. One by one, she recollected their deaths and her fingers soon moved between her legs. Soft moans filled the air.

The horse began to sigh, interrupting her flights of ecstasy.

"What is it now, you doleful heathen!?" The horse cowered in fear.

"Quiet, or I slay you where you stand!"

"Not very good with horses, are you?"

Freya froze. That voice had come from behind her. The deep, gravely baritone could mean only one thing. She turned around to see him standing there with a wide smile. One of the barbarians had survived.

She dove to the boulder and reached for her daggers, but a honed, sharp blade stopped her advance. The man had aimed it perfectly, an inch from one of her fingers. It lodged itself in the boulder. Freya got up slowly, keeping her arms in the air.

"The poor beast was thanking you," He said with a smile.

"What?" Freya vocalized her confusion.

The barbarian let out a hearty laugh and moved towards the animal, gently patting its head and removing the heavy sacks of gold. It nighed and licked his hands.

"Good boy!" He smiled.

Freya once again moved for her daggers. Like clockwork, another blade lodged itself in the boulder, stopping her in her tracks.

"I've got plenty more where that came from!" Freya did not doubt that for a second.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"Helvir, son of Crova, but I am sure you met my father," He patted the horse.

Freya gulped. He was the son of the war chief.

"I am sure you know what is going to happen now," he smiled. "But I am going to make this a little interesting."

Helvir removed his armor, standing bare as the day he was born.

"I am impressed that you managed to slaughter my friends and family," He walked toward Freya.

"They were weak and pathetic!" scowled Freya. Helvir laughed.

"Indeed! They deserve to die if they were bested by you!" Helvir circled his prey. "But you will find I will not be so easy!"

"Then come at me, you miserable pig, and let's get this over with!" barked Freya.

"My, such willingness to die!" Helvir's voice was cold. "I already know what you can do with a blade, so why don't we make this more interesting?"

"Do I have a choice?" Freya smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"I am afraid you do not!" smiled Helvir. "So here's what I propose...your fists against mine! Winner takes all!"

Freya laughed. She couldn't believe the arrogance of this man.

"You seem to forget that I slaughtered your family," Freya moved closer till they stood face to face. "I would gladly add one more to the pyre!"

She swung a fist at his head with enough force to crush his skull. Helvir smiled and moved his face an inch, letting it sail harmlessly past his nose. Freya attempted a kick on the rebound, but Helvir swatted her leg away and pushed.

She stumbled, unsteady on her feet. Helvir rattled her jaw with a ferocious fist, drawing blood from her lips. Shocked, Freya withdrew and moved back.

"Hmmm, not great without your daggers, are you?" smiled Helvir.

With a primal cry, Freya moved in for another assault, throwing fists at his head and body. Her eyes grew wide as he avoided all her blows with cat-like elegance.

"AUGH!" His fist caved into her abdomen, impaling her and lifting Freya off her feet. Then he flung her away.

Freya landed hard on the uneven and jagged rocks, her body rolling to a stop some distance from Helvir. She writhed in pain and covered up.

Helvir did not press his advantage, content in observing her suffering. She watched him go hard and gulped. Freya tried her luck again, trying to tackle him to the ground. He did not even move an inch. She looked up to see him smile.

"AHHHHH!" The sharp end of his elbow pierced her back, and her cheek landed flush on a boulder. It bruised her skin. She rolled to save herself from a vicious stomp that flung water in the air.

Freya attempted to sweep him off his feet. Like before, he barely moved. With a vile grin, he twisted his fingers into Freya's hair and picked her up. Blood erupted from her mouth, and drool hung from her lips.

Helvir closed one of her eyes with a violent fist and then squished her nose with another. He pushed her back into a nearby tree, holding her arms over her head.


Her stomach started to bruise from his steel wallops, then her breasts turned purple from an unyielding assault. Helvir concentrated on her pussy next, annihilating her slit with uninterrupted knees.

Then he turned his attention to her face again, turning it into a swollen, pulpy mess. Before long, Freya sat on the base of the tree, battered, bloodied, and bruised.

"G-go ahead," She stammered. "F-finish me!"

"If it were only so easy," He whispered.

"N-NOOO!" protested Freya. He picked her up and flipped her around, pressing her cheek against the tree trunk. Tears ran down her swollen cheeks as he fucked her hard.

When he was done, he threw her into the stream and moved towards her daggers.

"P-PLEASE NO, N-N-NOOOO!" She tried to crawl away. Helvir straddled her chest and cut her throat.

He stood there watching her life fade away. Freya coughed and retched blood, her hands trying to hold her life force in.

He undid her hands and kept a foot on her wrist. Helvir flung a single coin of gold in her palm.

The last thing Freya saw was her reflection in the shiny, gold coin.



Kyrgyzstani-Peruvian UFC fighter VALENTINA SHEVCHENKO -

Ruby gets overpowered by a male in a fistfight and gets fucked hard.
You start the fight with a earth shattering power bomb that echoes through the empty and calm Forrest for what it’s worth Ruby takes the fall like a champ her back in terrible pain

from the landing but her knocked out face shows she is to weak to respond the way you hold her waist while her legs make a wide V showing her privates are arouses you

through the entire fight she had a good start landing a couple punches in while being cocky about it but her overconfidence got the best of her

You got the upper hand as you threw down punches to her gut over and over to the point she nearly threw up

For what it’s worth her facial reactions were everything to you her pained moans her screams when she was at full strength it all aroused you and now you wanted more no matter how big or small

As you throw her waist off you let her lie their instead of leaving her alone you simply and slowly sit over her as she stirs awake a punch to her face rocks her face to the left

No response from the fallen girl angers you as you continue pounding her face In over and over


For all the attacks it left her a black eye and bleeding from it all her breathing getting low you find a perfect way to make her focus

You swiftly turn her around as you unbuckle your pants
You squats down behind Ruby and teases the KO'd girl by rubbing your cock along her shorts, earning weakened moans from her lips.

You bite your lip and looks to her as you plays around with her body, taunting what's to come.
"Don't..." Ruby begs as she tries to squirm free.

The poor girl is helpless and can do nothing but watch as You tears down Her shorts, leans over close against her, and whispers loudly in her ear so Sje can hear too.

"I'm going to fuck your brains out, Ruby . You'd better get someone to help you”

And with that you begin to thrust into her getting satisfying pained moans loud ones from Ruby as while you do that you slip your fingers into her shorts to rub her clint

“Cum for me bitch….Cum for Me!”

As you continue to multitask around her just as you wished she had cummed it’s contents spraying everywhere From the ground but your moves were to much for her and with that passed out for real as you zip up your pants and throw her over your shoulders you head back to your secure and safe hideout to do whatever you want and wish with her

Next Monika destroyed by a wrestler or wrestling moves

Please tell me if I had done good I really tried my best it’s just that sex in that area isn’t my forte but I hope you enjoyed it

Red Death

Vivacious Visitor
Jan 10, 2021
Monika has entered the ring, she didn't know what happened...she was just here. As Monika was wandering over the ring there was a sudden flash of light and on the opposite side of the ring there stood a man with the face of a tiger.
images (7).jpeg

Action music started playing in the background of the empty ring, and soon an ominous-sounding voice echoed throughout the arena, the voice said "Are you ready?! Fight!"

The tiger-headed man rushed towards her with alarming speed, Monika was frozen by what just happened while simultaneously confused on what is the purpose of this event. She hasn't thought as her suppose opponent clotheslines her making her face the blaring lights. Monika was breathing hard she was not a warrior but she would try her best and win. She sends a fast kick to her opponent trying to not let them get close, the attack finds its mark though anti-climatically her foe just shrugged it off as they reach for her leg, Monika still hasn't recovered her leg and her opponent grabbed hers, she felt her world spinning fast as she was thrown toward the ropes, as she hit the role she was bounced back from the force, returning to her sender whim has a first lock and loaded as they punch her in the stomach.

Monika forgot everything she was thinking as all the air in her lungs was taken out from the force of the punch, she hit the mat gasping for air. Her opponent took their time as they too got on the ground and hold on to both of her legs and bent them towards her head, Monika was put in a Boston crab her lower back was in tremendous pain, she started clawing the mat to escape but all was in vain. Her silent opponent stops bending and put her in an arm lock and twisted it hard, Monika screamed at the top of her lungs as her arm was twisted at an odd angle her ligaments were torn, and she was practically begging and crying to the man to stop. Her wailings were put on deaf ears as the man opened her legs up, Monika was not sure what the man would do but she can't even foster any energy to move from the pain. The tiger-headed man fell face-first to her crotch, Monika wails as she put her able hand to soothe the pain.."..the numbers are going down the round is almost over" the ominous voice interrupted. The tiger-headed man nodded and lifted Monika, her head pointing to the mat, they jump high almost reaching the lights, and falling at an accelerated speed, Monika was screaming as they fall. The impact was huge as the ring shakes as if an earthquake occurred. As the dust settles there the tiger-headed man still holding Monika's body is limply hanging, her neck is bented in a grotesque manner. The man standard up and the corpse fell backward to the mat, there was no cheer just a slow-mo replay of her neck being broken... The man man disappeared again in a flash of light. "Match Over"

My request (deleted the first one for she was actually just 15, anime said she is more than 200 but she has a mind of 15 so no) this is my new request Allyssa.
20211219_105226.jpg .
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