Finish her! (7 Viewers)


Vivacious Visitor
Mar 2, 2019
Post a pic of a fighter and the next person writes what happened at the end of the fight and how she was beaten. Can be death or non death finish and any type of girl.

I'll post the first picture.


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Ryonani Teamster
Jun 10, 2010
Despite her best efforts, Darna proved to be no match for The Ocean Master. She had made the mistake of fighting him at sea, the two perched atop a rock formation in the middle of the ocean, and the villain appeared to draw his strength from the rollicking waves. His powerful fists came down like thunder on Darna's soft-looking body and he had also been able to pick her up and slam her down on her head, back, and neck with ease.

The Ocean Master grabbed the front of Darna's skimpy red bra, exposing further her delightful cleavage. "Beg me," he taunted. "Beg me for a quick death, Darna."

Though her face was scrunched up in pain and embarrassment, Darna was able to compose herself for a moment, long enough to weakly defy her conqueror. "Never... I'll never give in..."

"Very well," The Ocean Master said, sneering underneath his ornate helmet. He delivered a brutal right cross to the heroine's face, causing her to fall limply to the ground, still on the edge of consciousness. Reaching to his belt to retrieve a small horn, The Ocean Master blew into it and created a sound that no human had likely ever heard before. It was a song of summoning.

The water seemed to roar and soon a massive, thick, dark tentacle shot out of the water to coil itself around Darna. Sticky suction cups forcefully attached themselves to her flesh, increasing the disgusting feeling of being taken by this creature, and the tentacle wound itself tighter and tighter. Darna would start to feel her bones creaking from the pressure and a few seconds later, she let out a shrill scream! "Nooo! Noooo..." she cried, struggling, her red boots kicking weakly before the octopus restricted her to the point that she could hardly move her legs.

"I gave you a chance," The Ocean Master said. "Now you can beg all you want. It's too late, ha ha ha ha ha!"


Darna felt some of her bones give out and she screamed even louder! "Pleeeeeeeease... please! MERCY!!!"

The Ocean Master blew into his horn once more, drowning out Darna's words. And the octopus continued to squeeze.


You guys can figure out the rest from there




Vivacious Visitor
Mar 2, 2019
Erza couldn’t believe in what was in front of her eyes. The beautiful frame of her friend Lucy wobbling around in a desperate attempt to keep its stance while pain was gaining the advantage on every single cell of her young body. What had started as a simple training fight between the two, soon degenerated in a no hold back one-sided beating as the red haired proceeded to methodically destroy the weaker soul of her “friend”. Erza always considered Lucy as a best friend, or so she thought. Deep down her, a dreadful ideology of hate and disgust nested in her when they first met and remained dormant until this very moment. With every hit she connected to the body of Lucy, this desire for destruction spread like a virus and soon she could feel nothing but wrath. All the blonde magician could do was accept the beating that the incredibly more powerful friend had reserved for her.That is how Lucy Heartfilia was defeated at the hands of Titania. But this wasn’t enough. Erza was still far from satisfying her thirst for pain.

Lucy, dazed from pain, had lost the control of her body but was still fully conscious when a heavy blow connected with her jaw projecting her small frame off the ground and into the brick wall in the back of the room. As she bounced off the hard surface, she was met by an even harder blow the her chest that pinned her to the wall. She managed to avoid the break of any ribs only thanks to the softness of her voluptuous chest that had absorbed most of the blow. Nonetheless screams of pain erupted from her lungs but Erza was completely deaf to the moanings of her friend. Instead, she spun Lucy’s body around, grabbed her skull from behind and smashed it against the wall, again, and again, and again. She went on with the assault until the brick wall finally gave in and Lucy ended up stuck into the wall, all her body weight resting on her neck. Luckily for her she has always been bullheaded.

Erza was pure madness. Equipping her Heaven’s wheel armor she grabbed her friend tights wrapping her left arm around them and raising her feet off the floor then she used her steel covered fist to drive some of her hardest uppercuts into the soft belly of Lucy. From the other side of the wall muffled screams of agony could be clearly distinguished over the sound of metal hitting flesh. Soon Lucy had no more air in her lungs and her screams turned into gagging noises and then nothing while Erza continuously rammed punch after punch into her belly. Lucy’s body started spasming under the heavy blows as probably Erza made her empty her stomach multiple times before dry heaves developed. The weak abs of the blonde magician offered little to no protection to the internal organs and they were witnessing the full wrath of Scarlet, being squashed and rearranged in her tummy without mercy. It was as if Erza was trying to burst Lucy’s spine, in a few instances the steel knuckles of the berserk fighter could be clearly distinguished rising under the skin of Lucy’s back. Damn those punches were deep.

After what seemed an eternity Erza stopped. Lucy’s body was destroyed, her soul shattered as much as her stomach. Yet the red haired demon strived for more. She freed Lucy of her lock, keeping her up with a strong hold of her blond locks. Lucy’s face was contorted in pain, in was incredible that after all she went through she was still conscious…well…semi-conscious. It wouldn’t last far longer. Erza turned into her Black Wing Armor and raised into the sky smashing the roof of the building. After a long distance she stopped mid air giving a last look to her old friend. Behind trembling lips she heard “….pls…..s..sstop…”. Lucy felt like she was being stabbed by a thousand scorching swords just to pronounce these words but it was all useless. Still hold her up by the hair, Erza smashed her fist into Lucy’s cheek sending her flying to the ground at an incredible speed and she followed right back. Lucy limp body smashed through the roof and bounced off the concrete floor just to be met by Erza who drew her once again into the ground. Moments before the impact, Erza equipped her Purgatory Armor and landed on top of Lucy’s belly with an immense strength. The power of the impact shattered glass of nearby buildings and created a huge crater with the frame of the poor young blond girl in the center. When finally dust settled and Erza rose up, the body of Lucy became visible, her eyes widened by unmatchable pain and the deep shape of three spikes from Erza’s Purgatory Armor still clearly visible aligned down the middle of Lucy’s belly.

Cassie Cage (from Mortal Kombat serie)


Vivacious Visitor
Aug 8, 2011
Angered by Casey Cage, the boss entered his own rage. He let out a loud battle cry and swung his fist straight for the teenage girl’s face. He missed, however, as Casey moved out of the way and landed another punch to his face. Then, as he backed away, she kicked him twice at the chest before adding another kick as a roundhouse kick. The kick hit him right at the face and caused him to fall to his right on his knee.
With this scene, the battle seemed to be over. Casey didn’t hesitate for a second to raise her right leg above the boss’s head. She knew she had to end the fight there, thus she finished it right there. She brought her right heel forcedly down on the back of the man’s head, knocking him down to the ground.

Finally, the battle was over. Casey was relieved by it but quickly held her head. She was straining herself too much that was needed. But the battle had reached its end, so she saw no need to stay around.

However, there was a problem. Casey didn’t know about it until she passed the boss and heard something from behind. She then feared the worse.

The boss chuckled as he rose back to his feet. His face was bloody, but he wiped some of it off with his hand. Then he turned back to Casey and grinned.

“You’re a tough one, girl, but…it’s going to take more than that to take me down.” He said.

Casey turned back, wanting to face him again. However, her pace was slow, and soon she got hit by the back fist of the boss. She stopped herself from falling but stumbled to keep herself standing.

The boss was fine with this. He dug into his trousers pocket and displayed a pair of nunchucks to her with a mad grin. Casey was worried about this and even considered running from the scene. However, it wouldn’t matter anyway. The boss charged at her, swinging his nunchucks crazily.
Casey didn’t stand a chance. She did try to punch the man, but her arm was hit by the nunchucks.

“AH!” Casey yelped.

Just that single hit was enough to stop her. The boss found this to be good, before then shipping the nunchucks all over her body.
“Argh! Urgh! AH!”

With each hit the boss made, Casey could barely keep herself from standing. The boss kept hitting her over and over with his nunchucks against her face, chest, arms, stomach, and stomach. She was becoming a brutally beaten girl and losing the battle.

This time she didn’t have any fight in her left. Her body was badly beaten and bruised to the point that she couldn’t even muster a little bit of strength. In other words, she was defeated. But to cement that fact, the boss pulled back and swung the other side of his nunchucks to end her. Casey was on her knees at this point and barely able to see him through her dizzy eyes.

“Goodnight, girl. Stay down next time.” He said.

With that, the boss swung his nunchucks down on Casey’s head. It was the final fatal blow and the last one Casey would remember.

The damage was over. Casey hit the ground and blacked out after the final battle. The boss was the triumphant one, making all of her progress so far for nothing. She was completely defeated.



Vivacious Visitor
Aug 8, 2011
Finally, the choice was made. Cha bowed her head down and dropped her arms to her side. It was a clear sign that the woman has submitted to the villain's conditions. The boss wasted no time, as he charged after Cha. The woman could do nothing to defend herself. The bad guy was very pleased with the change of events in front of him. He wasted no time punching Cha in the stomach and hitting her at both sides of her head.

The final blow came as a hard kick to Cha's stomach. The woman cried out in pain, as her body fell and then be hit on the back. The woman felt so immobile that she couldn't move much of her body. The bad guy stomps his foot hard on her stomach and pulled her left arm painfully.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!" Cha cried in pain.

The bad guy forced Cha to lie on her back. Then he lifted her up to his chest with his hand under her upper back and knees. Cha could do nothing but cough bitterly. At this point, she knew she couldn't escape. The bad guy already had his knee up, with Cha's weak body in his grasp. Finally, he sent the woman down on his knee with much of his brute force. The impact was so bad that Cha cried so loud that tears ran out of her eyes. She finally couldn’t bear with the pain anymore. The impact knocked her out instantly, with her body still in the man’s grasp.

Unfortunately, the boss wasn't done. He walked to the balcony and held Cha's body high above his head. “You lose,” he said as he threw the woman over the balcony. Cha's body had crashed through a table on the floor below. She wasn’t dead, but her whole body was badly beaten. It was a miracle that she was still alive after everything she went through.

Nonetheless, the battle was over, but with Cha being defeated and destroyed.

Next Character:



Swell Supporter
Apr 29, 2011
It had been just another day.

Carissa fought to maintain consciousness but she knew she had already lost. She whimpered in pain as another kick rocked her abs and flipped her over on her back. To think, this had been a normal day. She turned up for her photo-shoot on time and was about to bounce a little early. She had plans and a crush on a new man in town.

The problem was he wanted to start the party a little early. He had attacked her the moment she had come in for the photo shoot with a brutal rising knee that connected with her jaw. She was out of it that very instant and what followed next was thorough demolition. He picked her up by her blonde mane and battered her face left and right. Changing tactics he picked her and suplexed her to the floor. As she lay writhing in pain, clutching her back, he bought his heavy 11 inch boot down on her stomach and watched as her eyes went wide with pain.

"Where is the drive?," His voice was calm and calculated. "I won't ask again!"

Was that what this was about? How could she be so stupid, you would think that years of training would make a spy invisible. How did he know?

She felt a stinging fist connect with her cheeks, snapping her head sideways. "I said.." He repeated in that calm, cold tone. "Where is it?"

She knew she had lost but she would not give up the drive.

She felt a sinister punch connect on her abs, knocking the wind out of her. He let her fall to her knees, clutching her stomach and coughing hard. He laughed and sent a knee to the side of her head, flooring her.

"Okay..." She spoke finally "It's in the..." Before she could finish the sentence, she Carissa felt his python like arms coil around her throat.

He laughed in a sinister, loud voice. "I already know where it is!" He said smiling. "I just thought I would have a little fun with you"

He poured on the pressure and watched her body go limp, her legs twitching and her eyes rolling to the back of her head. He kept her there till she slowly passed out.





Vivacious Visitor
Aug 8, 2011
If anyone could say anything about Kelly right now it would be that she never gives up. The girl has been beaten severely and yet still finds the strength to move. Her boxing gloves felt like the weighted a thousand pounds. But she refused to give up. Her abs ached and she felt a broken rib because of the damage she had received. She wiped the blood from the side of her lip with her forearm and tried to wipe the sweat from her forehead. Her body glistened in transpiration.
After going through some much, Kelly could see the ending of her gauntlet. One more opponent. Standing right in front of Kelly was a tall man with brown hair. Upon looking at the man, Kelly felt terrified. The man had a serious muscular appearance that clearly showed how strong he was.
Suddenly, the man yelled out loud and rushed at Kelly fast. The girl was taken aback by his move, but was still able to stand firm despite the growing pains in her body. She tightened her fist and breathed calmly, as she prepared herself for the final fight.
The man approached Kelly and sent a front kick at the girl. The young fighter reacted quickly by deflecting it with a punch and soon ended up regretting it. The girl expected herself to do fine, but instead she screamed out in pain and drew back her hand. It was as if she hit steel. The bad guy laughed at her and sent his knee hard at the girl's stomach.
"URRRGGGHH!" Kelly grunted.
The force of the man's attack knocked Kelly right on her back. The pain hurt so bad for the girl that she could do nothing but feel every ounce of it. The man's attack was more brutal that the other guys the girl had faced and was now something to worry about.
Unfortunately, the man wasn't done. He went over to Kelly and pulled her back on her feet by her blonde hair. It came as a rush to the heroine as she screamed in pain. The man then swung two different punches at her face almost at the same time. The blows were so much that it knocked the girl right to the ground, on her side.
"Ooooohhh." Kelly moaned weakly trying to get her Barings.
The man looked at Kelly lying on the ground a bit more, before turning away. He was just about to leave when he heard a groan. The man sighed and looked back only to see the girl trying to get up. She was already on her arms and knees. Even though she has gone through so much, she was still determined to win.
However, Kelly was longer in any condition to fight. She couldn't even get herself to get up again. The girl just panted heavily and groaned as she tried to get back up. The man looked at her attempt and decided to end it. He didn’t rush at her like most of the men did. He just casually walked to her, while watching the girl struggle back to her feet. It wasn’t easy to stand again, but Kelly somehow found a way to do it. Unfortunately, she still wasn’t in a good state to fight the muscular man in front of her. Most people would have given up by now, but the girl was different. She was bruised up, weak and yet still ready to fight back. Sadly, due to the first hits, it was clear she won’t be able to do much damage.
The man finally came to a stop in front of Kelly. He didn’t seem worried at the girl, even as she launched her attack at him. The girl came as fast as she could and began to throw weak punches, but there were unsuccessful. The man dodged them quiet easily with no effort. The man fired a right punch of his owns that connected with Kelly’s cheek. Blood spurted out her mouth because of the devastating impact. The man fired a hard left turning Kelly’s face to the other side. More blood stained Kelly’s top. The impact of the man’s attack was hard and sudden that it caused the girl to cry out in pain.
The man fired a hard kick to Kelly’s sore mid section. The attack had come as a surprise, and as a result caused the girl to stumble back trying to get air.. The man didn’t care about her though, as he suddenly kicked her right under the chin.
“UUURRGGGH!” Kelly cried out loudly.
The force of the kick was so hard that it knocked Kelly a few feet up and away. Her body tumbled on the ground a bit, with the girl screaming. When she came to a stop, she was on her back, on the ground, while feeling so much pain. She groaned a bit and tried to get up, but an instant pain from her back forced her to the ground. It almost seemed like it was all over for Kelly.
However, the man wasn’t done. He went over to Kelly and pulled her back to feet by her hair yet again. The girl groaned and stumbled from left to right, just to stay on her feet. She threw a weak punch at the man, but he deflected it and countered with a punch of his own to the girl’s unprotected belly. Kelly was about to throw up when the bad guy connected machine gun punches to her face.
Kelly grunted hard in pain, as her weak body felt each strike. Her body rattled with every impact. The man could see the weak look on her face and knew she won’t be able to fight. He finished her off with a devastating uppercut under the chin.
“UGHHHHH,” Kelly grunted as she was launched in the air. As she was coming down the bad guy connected with a hard spin kick on the bottom of her back. CRACK! “ARRRRRGHHHHHHHHH!” Kelly screamed as she crumbled to the floor.
“My legs,’ She groaned. “I can’t feel my legs.”
“You will feel this,” the bad guy said as she delivered a final kick to the face. Darkness swallowed are heroine. She was broken and defeated.

Next challenger


May 25, 2019


When Dany signed up for a fight she did not expect to be matched against a Shemale... or was it Herm? She could not tell. But Merry, her opponent, was extremely fit and overall much stronger than Dany. She just toyed with her the whole time they fought inside of a circular ring with metal railings and concrete floor.

Now she just stood there, her face bruised, lip broken, makeup running over as she could not hold her tears of pain and humiliation.

"Well..." Merche said, cracking her neck and knuckles. "Time to go all out on you, huh?" she 'asked' her. "Oh, I'll also have some fun with your corpse once I'm done, just so you kn..." she did not finish as Dany spat into her face. Merry twitched, her eyes wide open in surprise. Slowly she wiped that off her cheek and looked at her fingers covered in Dany's spit. Then back at her.

"Oh... Thanks..." she went to play it out. "I'll keep this and use it as lube." she said, moving that arm behind her back, stating that now she was only going to use her right arm and legs. "Go on, attack me, bitch, your last chance."

Dany went all out on Merche but somehow she managed to block all her attacks with just one arm, and at one moment she grabbed Dany's arm, wrapped it around her, turned Dany to face away from herself and SLAMMED her face into the metal railing. A few teeth audible rattled on the concrete floor, the crowd awed and cheered. But Merche just pulled her up and slammed back down again. And again. And again. Until that sexy face was a broken mess. It was hard to tell if she was dead or just knocked out.

Merche dropped Dany down in the middle of the ring and pulled her shorts down, her hard cock jumped out. She got down to her knees and undid Dany's pants with one hand. She pulled them down and her panties too and rubbed her own spit into herpussy. "Now..." she wiped the rest over her shirt. And proceeded to pull those pants down with both hands, to her knees.. Flipped her over, ass up. "The fun part!" She said and slammed her cock into that pussy...


About 5-10 minutes later Merche was standing on her feet, one foot on Dany's exposed ass with cum flowing out of her pussy, as well as as urine, which indicated that she was, in fact, dead and her bladder relaxed. Merche posed like that for a while and then walked off, leaving the corpse in the ring.

Next, Laura (will be honest, hoping for a fatality ^^ )

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Swell Supporter
May 9, 2012
Stepping into the spotlight of the ring of combat, Lauren's scrappy confidence was accentuated by her playful pawing and kitten postures, which hid a mix of wrestling and kickboxing behind their adorable allure. She did not break character even as she saw her opponent approach, the local champion named Inga whose muscular physique and deranged smile gave her an easy air of intimidation.

Darting around her opponent, Lauren was sure that she could wear the titan of a woman down. But she found her kicks soon left her own feet sore, putting tears in her stockings before they left any trace of a bruise on Inga. And Lauren's few grappling attempts had beaten the confidence out of her, as she was stonewalled and thrown around the ring.

Now, Lauren scrambled across the mat, panting for breath as her blonde hair clung to her sweaty face. In less than 60 seconds, the cute catfighter had been reduced to a terrified challenger, trapped in combat against a merciless amazon. Lauren threw a desperate kick, and was answered by a brutal headbutt. She stumbled in place before a massive backhand send her spinning through the air, her kitten-eared hairpiece flying loose and landing a few feet away from her. Lauren made it to her knees before Inga had a powerful hand around her throat, ignoring the blonde girl's chops and kicks as she forced her to stand. Then, Lauren gasped as she was raised into the air, held overhead in a military press position. She struggled in vain, wriggling and whimpering as her opponent used her like a set of weights. Inga threw Lauren down over her knee, crushing the smaller girl's back as she shrieked until her throat was raw.

Crumpling to the mat, Lauren lay facedown and nearly motionless aside from her half-conscious sobs. She was like a ragdoll when Inga took hold of one of her ankles and dragged her into the center of the ring, limp as the champion then grabbed one of her wrists with her other hand. Inga pressed a foot down into Lauren's back, and the blonde girl's head raised up in a moan as the bow-and-arrow style hold roused her with a fresh wave of pain. Looking left and right as she began to understand her position, Lauren then shook her head and slapped the mat with her free palm. "G-Give!" she cried, tapping out and beating her untrapped foot against the floor. "I submit!...submit!!"

Her shoulders flexing, Inga grinned as she pulled up on Lauren's arm and leg, keeping her own foot pressed firmly down into the blonde girl's back. Lauren's mouth grew wider as she howled, her tearful eyes squinting shut as her back was awash in agony. Inga continued to pull, licking her lips as she felt a series of pops beneath her heel. Suddenly, Lauren's back bent harshly with a crack. Her eyes snapped open, and then rolled up slightly when a louder and wetter crunch came out of her spine. Inga threw her head back in sadistic ecstasy as she further broke her opponent's back beneath her foot, pulling one last time and making the beaten fighter flop against the mat before finally releasing the hold.

Facedown and shuddering lightly with uneven breaths, Lauren put up no resistance as Inga knelt down over her body and pulled her head up into a deadly choke hold, trapping the blonde girl's skull as she wrapped one powerful arm across her throat. Inga paused to flex to the crowd, also causing Lauren's tongue to begin to hang out as her oxygen was cut off. The champion looked down, grinning as a string of drool ran from her expiring prey's wheezing mouth. Inga then grabbed Lauren's head with her free hand and pushed, forcing a crack out of the blonde girl's neck. Inga took pleasure in twisting and wrenching three more awful noises out of her foe, breaking Lauren's neck in several places to ensure that she was finished.

Discarding her vanquished challenger as she stood up, Inga basked in the crowd's adulation as Lauren lay splayed out and facedown, a failed fighter now dead on the mat. Drool pooled under her open mouth as her hips pumped once against the canvas in a lifeless spasm.


Next: Amanda



May 25, 2019
Amanda clearly thought that it was a good way to earn some quick buck, signing up for a fight in a fight club. Some old pool was repurposed into a fighting pit. There was some knee-deep water in it making it harder to walk around. Her opponent was another girl, Anastasia, also wearing a swimsuit. Both girls rushed at each other, and oh boy, it was a great fight, both girls ripping at each other's hair and outfits, though it was quit hard to rip swimsuits like that apart.

Finally Anastasia got the upper hand, her fists slamming into Amanda's face until her jaw was broken. Seeing as he opponent was dazed Anastasia laughed, gripped her hair and forced her head down under the water. She moved her sexy leg over her opponent and saddled on her back, Amanda was fully submerged, bubbles going up, Anastasia just laughing on top of her. "I win, motherfucker!" she said with a laugh while she was still struggling. Soon Amanda stopped moving. Anastasia slowly stood up and pulled Amanda's head out of her water. She showed it to the crowd.

"Looks dead to me!" she said, seeing as her lips were blue. She forced her on her knees, and just for the fun of the crowd she grabbed those shoulder laces and pulled her swimsuit off, exposing her tits. "Love these? I bet you wanted to see these!" she laughed, playing with Amanda's tits for a while. She noticed Amanda had some nice earrings and she just roughly ripped those off her ears. "Ah, trash." she finally said and let her corpse fall in water again, this time just walking away.


Next Larissa

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Vivacious Visitor
Aug 8, 2011
After some time, Larissa made it to the back of her studio. It was like a warehouse in which she kept some clothes and other items in storages, with most of them kept in boxes. The place was dark, which was a relief to her, and she made her way through the place, trying to be quiet as much as she could. The pain her body endured was terrible.
She figured out that at this point that more bad guys were in her studio. She wasn’t ready to confront any more of them, especially with the state of her body. However, it would seem yet again that fate wasn’t on her side.
The lights came on suddenly and shined all over the place. Larissa found that she wasn’t alone like she had thought. Three guys dressed in the same manner as the other bad guys se had defeated previously were approaching her, with sly smirks on their faces as they stared at her.
“Looks like our friends dealt with you pretty well.” said the guy at the right.
“We saw what you did. You’re quite skilled. But this is where it ends for you.” The other guy added.
Larissa huffed and slowly removed her hand from her chest. Her body hadn’t been given enough time to recover like she would’ve hoped. There was no time for regret now, though. The enemies were in front of her and she had to fight.
So she did what she could do at that moment. She moved into a fight stance while trying and failing to hide the pain on her face. Her enemies noticed how her arms and legs staggered when she moved, and knew what they had to do.
The bad guy at the middle spread his arms apart as a motion to his comrades. They obeyed without saying a word and moved to her sides. Larissa was reminded of the battle she had in front of her shop, and gulped somewhat scared. This fight wasn’t going to be easy, but she couldn’t show weakness now.
Her opponents came to a stop. It wasn’t long after that they charged straight for her from their respective positions. Larissa was quick to move her head out of the way of the guy at her left, before making an attempt to punch him at the face. She failed, however, as the guy dodged, thus leaving her open.
The bad guy that was formerly at her front came and grabbed her arm. His action caught her by surprise, and left her open for the guy behind her to do a roundhouse kick aimed for her face
“AAAHHH!” She cried out in pain.
Larissa almost fell to the ground if it weren’t for the guy that was holding her arm. He didn’t do it for the good of his heart, though. He saw his own chance and sent his knee up against Larissa’s back.
“AAAHHH!” She cried out again.
The beating didn’t end there, sadly. The same guy proceeded to punch her at the face twice. Each punch left a bruise and blood on her face, before the second punch knocked her out of his grip and to the ground.
“Urghh…” Larissa could barely scream.
Now at this point her eyesight was becoming foggy again while her brain seemed too dizzy to concentrate. Her pain and suffering was obvious on her face as she could barely stare at the bad guys when they gathered around her.
“Is she done for?” asked the guy at her left.
“I think so. Let’s just go. We’re done here.” Answered the guy at her right.
The bad guy at her head agreed and turned away. His two comrades followed him behind. The three of them believed Larissa was done for as they continued walking away. But then they came to a stop when they heard an escaped groan echo, followed by other sounds coming from behind them.
The three of them almost couldn’t believe what they were hearing. It was only when they turned back that they understood what they guessed was happening. Larissa was getting back up to her feet despite the pain coursing through her body.
Larissa was biting her bottom lip throughout the experience. As the men watched her defy the odds, she bite her lip so hard that blood leaked out. She didn’t care about the wound she inflicted on herself, though. She couldn’t afford to stay down like a coward.
“Hmph! Impressive!” said the guy at the center. ”Clearly, we underestimated her. Let’s show her how much we’ve learnt.”
Both men at his side agreed and rushed over to her. Larissa moved to a defensive stance since she expected a close-up battle between them. But then they proved her wrong when they began doing a special cartwheel attack. All three opponents cartwheeled towards her.
Larissa’s eyes could only widen before she received the hits of their respective attacks. She was kicked by the first guy in the face.
Followed by the second guy connecting with her chin.
The third guy kicked her in the temple
Each hit caused Larissa to back away, which was why they kept hitting her with the special move. So, even as she had been hit at her face and chest, she refused to be knocked down. It was almost admirable until the third guy who stood by came at her and did the same move. Larissa couldn’t withstand that hit.
“AAAHHH!” She hit the ground hard.
Larissa’s state was bad as she could barely see who were standing around her. Of course, at the back of her mind, she knew it was the same bad guy, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying as they stare down at her.
“She’s holding out.” said the guy at her right.
“Yeah, but for how long?” The guy at her left asked.
“Let’s find out.” The guy at her head said mischievously.
Larissa was barely able to understand what they said. It didn’t matter though, because the guy who had only mischievous and cruel thoughts for her asked his comrades to move aside. He then went to her right and bent down to pick her up in his arms.
He had something planned for her. It was really the only thing Larissa could tell before he carried her above his chest. So even if she could figure out his plan, it was too late. He brought her down on his knee when he raised it, causing pain to shoot through Larissa’s sprained back and whole body.
The bad guy didn’t even bother to put her down. He let her body hit the ground and huffed when he saw her lying on the floor almost motionlessly.
“Is she dealt with now?” One of the two guys standing by asked.
The guy who did the backbreaker looked down at her. He shook his and chuckled. Larissa’s resilience was impressive to him. It only made him realize just how much fun he could have with the young woman’s body.
“Carry her towards that place.” He nudged his head to a wooden box not far from them. “I have something prepared for the young lady here.”
Both men obeyed by sending a nod at her and picking her up by the arms. Larissa had no way to protest. She was too weak and beaten up to make any move against them. So the only thing that she could really do was groan as they dragged her body to the place.
“Lift her up.” The same bad guy ordered.
His comrades obeyed and lifted her by the armpits until her legs were barely able to touch the ground.
Now the moment seemed perfect for him. He bent down towards Larissa’s motionless legs and carried her on to his shoulder. Larissa couldn’t make any sense of it until the guy jumped backwards to the box, thus causing her body to be the one to break through the hard wood.
Larissa could only cry out in pain before falling into silence. Not only had her body been used to break through the wooden box, but the weight of the guy made it worse for her. He got off her soon afterwards and huffed when he turned back to see her defeated body. Larissa had been destroyed





Club Regular
Aug 24, 2019
Been a lurker on this site for awhile, but this is my first post. I love the idea of this thread!


Anna thought that she had a photo shoot today, but instead she was fighting for her life.

Her manager. Her stupid manager. Either he was unaware that the "Death Dojo" was a real fighting venue, or he was insanely incompetent at research. She had been to female combat websites before, where women were defeated in a fight. All fake, of course. She found them quite stimulating, and had a desire to be one of those women. Anna was getting bored with her current modeling career, as it didn't seem to be taking off like she wanted it to. She had asked her manager to get her involved in one of these websites, and he came to her with "The Death Dojo." She should have known something was wrong when she couldn't find anything about it online, but she just assumed it was foreign or something. No, the Death Dojo was a real place, and it was NOT pretend. It was real. Really violent, really crazy, and really illegal.

Her name had been drawn first, and even when entering the cage, she thought it would be like wrestling, where it wasn't entirely real. The enthusiastic crowd got her excited. When a 6'5'' man wearing nothing but a red speedo and wraps around his feet and legs entered, she started getting aroused. She'd never seen such a strong looking man before in person, and couldn't wait to "fight" him. "He could probably pick me up with just one hand!" She was so impressed with her manager.

Getting kicked directly in her face changed her mind immediately.

She had worn her favorite outfit, black denim cut off shorts, a white sleeveless shirt with leopard print design on the front, and matching heels. The kick to her face knocked her right out of her heels onto the cold hard floor.

Her opponent, Zabriskie, grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up into the air. Anna was kicking furiously as she was being choked. He could pick her up with one hand, all right! The second Anna lost consciousness and her arms fell limply to her sides, Zabriskie grabbed her crotch with her other hand and held Anna above his head. He slammed her down into a brutal over the knee backbreaker. Anna was a rag doll at this point and Zabriskie picked her back up and slammed her back down three more times. Anna was draped over Zabriskie's knee, totally limp and at his mercy, as if he had any.

After a few seconds of admiring his work, he pushed Anna off of his knee onto the cement floor. He rolled her over onto her stomach, and he began to take the wrappings off of his one foot. He used the wrap to bind Anna's hands together behind her back. Then he took the wrappings off of his leg. Anna groaned a bit as she slowly started to regain consciousness. She was confused for a minute about where she was. Then she remembered. The cage, the giant, and her stupid manager. Realizing her hands were bound she started to panic. She rolled over onto her back, and she saw her opponent. His one leg was entirely unwrapped. She saw what he had done, and her panic intensified.

He had formed his wrappings into a noose.


Zabriskie approached Anna as she tried to wriggle herself away, though there was nowhere for her to go. He stomped down on Anna's stomach, knocking the wind completely out of her. She stopped moving, and Zabriskie wrapped the noose around Anna's neck. He slung her over his shoulder and he started climbing the cage. Balancing himself with his feet, he fastened the noose to the top of the cage. Still holding on to Anna, he waited for her to start moving around again. As she awoke, all she could see was the floor, and it strangely looked far away. Then she realized she was slung over her opponent's shoulder and had something wrapped around her neck. "No please! I didn't know this was a real fighting venue! I'm not a real fighter! Let me go!"

"Oh, I'll let you go all right!"

"Oh, shi-ACKK!"

Zabriskie jumped down from the cage wall and, as promised, let Anna go. Anna hung from her neck from the top of the cage. She twisted and turned, futilely kicking the air. Her hands were still bound behind her back, and there was nothing she could do. Right before everything started getting blurry, she caught sight of a familiar face in the crowd. Her stupid fucking manager.

"Fuck yo-ACKKKKK!"

Zabriskie grew bored waiting for his weak opponent to expire. He jumped up, grabbed Anna by her ankles, and yanked down.


Anna's neck had been broken as she hung there limply from the cage ceiling. Her face purple, her eyes rolled back into her head, blood, sweat, and drool covering her face, Anna had been completely dominated and destroyed in the Death Dojo. Her manager came down after Zabriskie had left the cage and he took pictures. "This is the greatest photo shoot of your career, Anna!"

As is custom for the Death Dojo, the loser's body was left where it was for the remainder of the fights. It was going to be a long time before her body was let down and disposed of.


Next: Maggie


May 25, 2019
How about spicing things up a bit, and going for...



Maggie thought she had it in her to defeat the champion of the multiracial underground fight club. She knew it was not a human but an anthro equine yet still she signed up for a fight, with one condition - she was allowed to bring one blunt force weapon with her. She grabbed her favorite bat and after having a drink for courage at the bar she entered the ring.

"I'm gonna beat the life out of this stupid horse!" she said holding her bat with both hands up over her head, shaking it and riling up the crowd. They cheered her up, even though most of them did not think she had any chance they still enjoyed her energy and did not want to drop her morale by booing at her or jeering a t the start of the fight.

Then, as lights blinked and music changed to something heavy, her opponent's silhouette appearet at the underground arena entrance. He was huge and muscular. He walked down the ramp and calmly and slowly walked into the ring through the ropes, pulling them with ease. He was wearing some tight shorts and a gasmask. Shorts failed to hide the huge bulge of his crotch, if anything they outlined it. He just huffed when he saw her. He sat aside his belt in the corner and then just stood there in the middle of the ring.

The bell rang. It was a bit awkward as Maggie was not sure if the fight actually started, Brad was not even going into a fighting stance. He just stood there. Tilted his head a bit. She grabbed her bat tighter. "I'm gonna cave your skull in!" she screamed and charged at him with a battle cry! "AAAAARRRRRRR UH!" she slammed the bat down aiming for his head, but it did not reach the target.

He moved surprisingly fast, his hand grabbed the bat and then he slowly lifted it up, lifting Maggie along with it. He her off the bat and tossed it to the side, it r attled on the floor and ended up somewhere near his belt.

He did not seem to show any emotions. MAggie's eyes widened in terror though. She tried to punch him in his chest, belly, face, but without a weapon it seemed that her fists and her strength were not enough to even cause him any pain, she could punch a wall with exactly the same results.

He got soon bored by it, and sent a punch of his own. Maggie's head snapped to the side and by the look of it she was already out, stumbling backwards. He followed, and kept punching her, face snapping from side to side, then he slammed his fists into her ribs multiple times, and he did not stop even after she was cornered, he kept punching her with his huge fists over and over.

She was hanging on the ropes by now. Her sexy body was shuddering in the corner of the ring from his punches. Soon people started to hear cracks, her ribs started to give, her facial bones too. After about a minute of brutal punching he finally stopped. She was compeltely out by this point, bleeding out of her nose. Maggie slipped down off the ropes and onto her knees. Brad turned around and it looked like he was gonig to walk away, he made a step... And then he kicked back with his hoof. Slamming it into the side of her forehead. There was a sickening crack, the crowd awed as they watched Maggie's body slam back into the corner of the ring, blood spattered around. She bounced off the turnbuckle and fell flat on her belly, there was a deep dent in her skull, skin ripped in one place and blood was leaking out of it. She twitched.

Now he walked into the corner where his belt and her bat were. He grabbed both, belt he placed over his shoulder. And walked back to the girl. He dragged her to the center of the ring. Roughly he pulled her shorts down, slid the lace of her panties to the side and shoved her own bat into her pussy. He leaned in on it until something ripped and kept slowly shoving it inside until only the handle was left outside. He then raised his belt over his head, the crowd chanting his name. This was a quick fight, but they got what they payed for.


Next: Lisa

( link removed due to inability to verify model's actual age at the time of shooting. So instead a description - a cute fit young cheerful blonde of 19 yo, with a bit of Harley Quinn attitude but more innocent. With a neon-pink tight fitting leggings that perfectly outline her appealing legs and butt, with thick looking white sneakers with blue accents, and with only a dark blue bikini top with yellow text pattern. Her blonde hair are tied into a ponytail with a bright bink rubber band )
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Swell Supporter
Sep 3, 2019
I will pit Lisa against my usual protagonist Sam

Lisa scowled at Sam and launched a flurry of kicks at his torso, Sam managed to block most of the strikes but was caught by a roundouse to his lower left ribs, he winced in pain as Lisa squealed in delight.
Lisa followed up with a one two, punch combo but Sam managed to block the punches at the last second. He thew a straight kick of his own that caught Lisa in her belly, knocking her back a few steps.

Sam and Lisa continued to exchange strikes from the probing range, each with moderate success, finally Lisa breaks the cycle by attempting a high risk move, she places her hands on Sams broad shoulders and vaults herself up onto him.

Sam staggers around the ring, with his face stuffed into his opponents crotch, as she straddles him, Lisa's face breaks into a cruel grin as she cruhes her foes head with her thighs and pummels him with punches as she does so, the modest sized crowd roars its approval as Sam emits muffled yells of pain.

Sam and Lisa finally come crashing down as Sams legs give out.
Lisa lands straddling Sams torso, she immediately resumes throwing punches at her opponents face, Sam had a split lower lip and a slightly bruised left eye as a result of Lisas attack.

Sam finally manged to stem the flow of Lisas punches by grabbing her wrists, he pulls her arms towards him and slams his forehead into the cute gymnasts face with a vicious headbutt, Lisa rolls off Sam from the sheer shock of the unexpected blow.

Sam got to his feet and stomped down hard on his foes toned back, she moaned in pain but managed to get to her hands and knees, only to be forced back on the floor with another heavy stomp to her spine.

Sam sat on Lisas back and apllied a camel clutch, her eyes widened in horror as her shrill screams of pain filled the arena, Sam had pulled Lisas spine into an almost 90 degree angle as he pulled on her chin with both hands applying 80% of his maximum strength.

Tears rolled down Lisas cheeks as she sobbed for mercy 'please stop, you're gonna break my back!' she pleaded in desperation, 'That's the plan!' laughed Sam.

Sam roared as he upped the force of the camel clutch to 100%, the crowed sceamed in excitement, Lisas back made popping and cracking noises as tendons and vertabrae were crushed, her wails echoed louder than ever, then fell instantly silent as Sam snapped her spine clean in half with a sickening 'Crack!' killing her instantly!

Would love to see someone take on Nancy (preferably in a death match)



May 25, 2019

Brad was at it again, another bitch matched against him in a fight. He huffed, this one looked plum and fat. He smirked, more flesh to play with. He did not mind. She still got bones to break.

The fight started and Nancy was surprisingly strong and active in a fight, slamming herself into him, and he really was overwhelmed at first by her attacks, she managed to drive him into the corner with her attacks and punches at his face and chest. It only took one uppercut from him to knock her out though, she fell on the floor and he had time to recover. He flexed his muscles and walked over to the girl. He looked around. The crowd was all eager to see more violence. He smirked under his mask. Looked down at the girl. Waited for her to open her eyes. And then slamed his hoof down on her face, crushing her skull and head and brain, crushing it all into mush, before lifting his hoof up and kicking her over to her belly and using her plump ass to wipe his hoof clean.




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Potential Patron
Jun 10, 2012
struck by surprise and killed and raped by a group of men and then his body thrown into the sea, but not before taking pictures of his body which was unrecognizable, naked, with traces of semen everywhere, breasts cut in two, without one of his eyes and with traces of having been killed by afixia and the bone of his neck broken in a dirty way



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