Pro Boner

Pro Boner ver. 2.0

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Heh! Excuse me for my choice of title. I couldn't resist. Anyway, this is the lawyer-themed dialogue I mentioned back on my dialogue thread. The scenario goes as follows:
In an alternate universe, with the passing of the twenty-eighth amendment to the constitution, not only do lawyers offer confidential advice under Attorney-Client Privilege, but they must also offer a blowjob to their clients pro bono.
I also designed an O.C. for this dialogue. I'll post some screenshots of her on the screenshots thread, and perhaps make a character folder for this dialogue later on.
Also, despite this dialogue being mostly a vanilla dialogue, it is still technically a loader dialogue, as you will need certain mods listed below:
-An office background of your choosing.
-A wedding ring mod.
You can download my Hot Rods mini loader pack and load the dialogue using that, as the mini loader pack contains everything needed for this dialogue, including the animtools position I used for it, except for the office background and the wedding ring mod. The office background is, again, for your choosing, while the wedding ring mod can be found under the third loader mod archive by @Faceless. As always, I do hope you like this dialogue as much as I do. If you run into any issues or have any questions, let me know.

P.S.: I completely forgot to mention this, but make sure that his hand is not holding her head, or else the dialogue won't work properly.

Update: Here's the OC I created.
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  1. Pro Boner 2.0

    This time, I added in an option for her to have her head grabbed by him. Pull her head down to...

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