In orbit over the planet Amazonis, on the vessel Fist of the Empress...
The Countess Sybaris, a haughty-looking woman in an officer's uniform turns towards the assembled troops and points to the large screen at the front of the briefing room. A static-tinged image springs to life, displaying a tall, busty, scantily-clad woman dressed in a combination of leather straps and cloth, overlaid with a schematic with various notes.
"This will be your opponent on the field of battle. Their ancestors were Zakolite colonists, presumed lost in space centuries ago, but we have recently discovered what has become of them."
The screen switches to a new scene, a bloody battlefield littered with bodies. An amazon stands triumphantly atop a pile of fresh corpses, a cluster of severed heads tied to her belt, a fresh trophy hanging from her upraised fist.
"They have devolved into directionless savagery, divided into tribes at constant war with one other. They practice primitive barbaric bloody rites. They have lost their way. We will subjugate them and tame them. We will bring them back into our fold."
The countess paces, hands clasped behind her back.
"Our probes indicate that they have grown taller and stronger than the average Zakolite citizen and have tamed some of the planet's indigenous wildlife, but they are armed with primitive weapons and have no structure or discipline, no glorious purpose! They will fall before our might in short order."
The screen flickers again, zooming in on the victorious amazon, a manic feral grin on her blood-spattered face.
"Our scouts have indicated that this is one of their most feared warriors. You will land, and in the face of superior numbers you will make an example of her. You will show these barbarians that they are no match for our strength and discipline."
The officer's gaze sweeps over the troops in front of her and she smiles a hungry predator's smile. Then after a thoughtful pause she waves a dismissive hand in the air.
"Oh, and one more thing, ignore any rumours of barbarian magic. Superstitious nonsense, nothing more. The scouts that reported this have been disciplined appropriately."
She raises a clenched fist. "That will be all. I know you won't fail me. To your drop pods. For the Empress!"
She turns, cape swishing behind her, and leaves the room.
The ride down to the planet is uncomfortable as the troops are tightly packed into a drop pod and then sent hurtling down at the planet like a giant bullet. It won't be long before planetfall.
The Countess Sybaris, a haughty-looking woman in an officer's uniform turns towards the assembled troops and points to the large screen at the front of the briefing room. A static-tinged image springs to life, displaying a tall, busty, scantily-clad woman dressed in a combination of leather straps and cloth, overlaid with a schematic with various notes.
"This will be your opponent on the field of battle. Their ancestors were Zakolite colonists, presumed lost in space centuries ago, but we have recently discovered what has become of them."
The screen switches to a new scene, a bloody battlefield littered with bodies. An amazon stands triumphantly atop a pile of fresh corpses, a cluster of severed heads tied to her belt, a fresh trophy hanging from her upraised fist.
"They have devolved into directionless savagery, divided into tribes at constant war with one other. They practice primitive barbaric bloody rites. They have lost their way. We will subjugate them and tame them. We will bring them back into our fold."
The countess paces, hands clasped behind her back.
"Our probes indicate that they have grown taller and stronger than the average Zakolite citizen and have tamed some of the planet's indigenous wildlife, but they are armed with primitive weapons and have no structure or discipline, no glorious purpose! They will fall before our might in short order."
The screen flickers again, zooming in on the victorious amazon, a manic feral grin on her blood-spattered face.
"Our scouts have indicated that this is one of their most feared warriors. You will land, and in the face of superior numbers you will make an example of her. You will show these barbarians that they are no match for our strength and discipline."
The officer's gaze sweeps over the troops in front of her and she smiles a hungry predator's smile. Then after a thoughtful pause she waves a dismissive hand in the air.
"Oh, and one more thing, ignore any rumours of barbarian magic. Superstitious nonsense, nothing more. The scouts that reported this have been disciplined appropriately."
She raises a clenched fist. "That will be all. I know you won't fail me. To your drop pods. For the Empress!"
She turns, cape swishing behind her, and leaves the room.
The ride down to the planet is uncomfortable as the troops are tightly packed into a drop pod and then sent hurtling down at the planet like a giant bullet. It won't be long before planetfall.