Link to DL site: dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ120676.html
My apologies since this is my first real post here so things might be slightly off than what others are used to.
I don't know a great deal about the game it's self, only that it features a character from an Anime I haven't watched myself yet.
The controls are pretty smooth and the animations are pretty slick from what I have seen in the trial version. It's a 2D side scrolling beat-em up with H animations and game over CG's, there's about 5 stages and contains an animation gallery. That's from the research I've done at least. It's a pretty neat game, probably has a couple hours of play time.
What I cannot find is a viable link to the game in order to down load, and since Dlsite won't accept my card as a form of payment I was unable to purchase it. I'm spreading word around of the game in the hopes some one may come across a link they would like to perhaps share.