The Volleyball Jobber Girl (1 Viewer)


Casual Client
Nov 16, 2016
Christina stood in the dingy locker room, scowling as she slipped on the skimpy outfit she was required to wear for this match. The tiny spandex volleyball shorts rode up her toned bubble butt and barely contained her shapely cheeks. Her midriff was completely exposed by the cropped jersey top that displayed ample cleavage from her perky C-cup breasts.

"This is ridiculous," Christina muttered to herself, feeling almost naked in the scanty attire. She had been excited for the opportunity to make some quick cash in an exhibition wrestling match, but was starting to have doubts about what exactly she had signed up for. The outfit requirements were strange and made her feel vulnerable and exposed.

Christina pulled her long blonde hair back into a tight high ponytail. She applied some pink lip gloss and touched up her mascara, wanting to look good for her big match, even if her clothes left little to the imagination. Wiggling her cute toes with their glossy white nail polish, she took a deep breath and tried to shake off her growing sense of unease.

"You've got this, Christina," she reassured herself. "You're a star athlete. No one can beat you." Her volleyball skills and fitness gave her confidence that she could handle whoever she'd be facing tonight, even if something seemed a bit off about this whole setup.

Mustering her courage, Christina strode barefoot out of the locker room toward the ring.

Her sparkling blue eyes widened in shock as she emerged into the underground arena and took in the sight before her. The dingy warehouse was packed with a rowdy, leering crowd gathered around a raised wrestling ring. The air reeked of sweat, smoke and alcohol. Crude catcalls and whistles rang out as the scantily clad volleyball player gingerly climbed up onto the canvas.

Christina's exposed skin prickled with goosebumps, both from the chill and a growing sense of dread churning in her stomach. The ring ropes felt rough against her bare midriff as she stepped through them. Her bare soles padded softly on the canvas. Christina suddenly felt very small and out of her element, like a lamb walking into a lions' den. The eager faces leering at her from the crowd looked hungry for blood.

"And now, entering the ring, from Los Angeles, California..." the announcer's amplified voice boomed out. "Standing five foot three, weighing in at a hundred and twenty pounds...CHRISTINAAAAA!"

A mix of boos and whistles rained down as Christina stood nervously in her corner, shifting from foot to foot. She tugged at the bottom of her tight shorts riding up her ass. Doubt gnawed at her - what had she gotten herself into? This was nothing like the professional tournament she thought she signed up for.

"And her opponent," the announcer continued. "From parts unknown, standing six foot three, weighing in at three hundred pounds…SUGGARRRRRR!!” The crowd roared in approval as the announcer continued

“Tonight’s match is no longer a 3-count pinfall, but instead an accepted submission match! There will be no pinfalls, no disqualifications, no count-outs. The winner will be declared when one wrestler verbally submits and that submission is accepted at the discretion of the winner.

Christina stood in the dimly lit ring, her heart pounding as the announcer's words echoed through the underground arena. The collar of her cropped jersey felt tight around her neck as beads of nervous sweat formed on her brow. This was not at all what she had agreed to.

A knot of dread twisted in her stomach as she glanced down at her skimpy attire - the tiny spandex volleyball shorts hugging the curves of her toned ass, the hem of her cutoff jersey barely reaching her midriff and exposing her tight abs. Her bare feet shifted uneasily on the canvas, white toes curling. She felt practically naked, and utterly unprepared for what was to come.

Fury rose in Christina's chest at the unfairness and deception. She whipped her head toward the leering promoter, ponytail lashing. "This isn't what I signed up for!" she shouted over the bloodthirsty roar of the crowd. "I'm not doing this!"

But it was too late. The cage door on the opposite side of the ring clanged open and Christina felt her blood run cold.

An absolute behemoth of a woman ducked through the opening, rising to her full imposing height. Christina's eyes went wide with shock and fear as she took in her opponent. Sugar was built like a tank, all bulging muscles and cruel curves, easily outweighing the petite volleyball player by 150 pounds or more.

Sugar was clad head to toe in black pro wrestling gear - shiny vinyl boots, studded wrist gauntlets, black leather pants, a sports bra that strained to contain her massive breasts. Her head was shaved bald and her dark eyes glittered with malicious glee as she stomped into the ring, heading straight for the trembling blonde.

Christina backpedaled until she bumped into the cage wall, realizing with rising panic that there was nowhere to run. She was locked in here with this monster, and the match wouldn't end until Sugar decided to accept her submission...IF she could even survive that long.

The hulking woman stopped mere inches away, looming over the terrified college girl, their difference in size almost comical. "Well well, looks like a tasty little snack has been served up for me tonight," Sugar rumbled, her voice a sadistic purr. "I'm going to take my time with you, blondie. Teach you the true meaning of pain and humiliation. By the time I'm done, you'll be nothing but a broken, sobbing mess, begging for mercy."

Christina pressed back against the cold steel, heart hammering against her ribs, barely able to breathe. What had she gotten herself into? This had to be a nightmare. Hot tears of fear pricked the corners of her eyes but she blinked them back furiously, determined not to give Sugar the satisfaction.

"F-fuck you, bitch!" Christina managed to spit.

Sugar just chuckled darkly at the smaller girl's defiance, cruel lips twisting into a sneer. "Oh, I do love when they try to act tough at first. It will make utterly destroying you so much sweeter."

Without warning, one meaty hand shot out and clamped around Christina's slender throat like a vice. Sugar effortlessly hoisted the blonde up until her bare feet dangled off the mat, toes pointed. Christina's blue eyes bulged in shock and pain as the behemoth's fingers dug into her windpipe, choking off her air. Instinctively, her small hands flew up to claw desperately at Sugar's wrist, but it was like iron.

"Ack! Gahh!" Christina gagged and sputtered, legs kicking futilely. The pressure in her head built to a blinding agony and she was certain her neck would snap at any second. Black spots danced across her vision and her struggles weakened. Just as she teetered on the edge of unconsciousness, Sugar casually tossed her across the ring like a rag doll.

Christina hit the mat hard on her side and lay there in a crumpled heap, chest heaving as she sucked in ragged breaths, massaging her bruised throat. She barely had a moment to recover before a vicious kick from Sugar's heavy boot connected with her taut stomach, driving the wind from her lungs and causing her to retch.

"Ooooof!" Christina doubled over, arms wrapped around her midsection. Sugar seized a fistful of blonde ponytail and wrenched her head back, forcing the battered girl to look up at her.

"Pathetic," Sugar spat in disgust. "You're not even worth my time, you weak cunt. I'm going to make you suffer in ways you can't even imagine."

She punctuated her words with a brutal palm strike across Christina's face that made her head snap to the side, splitting her lip and filling her mouth with the coppery taste of blood.

Christina flushed with humiliation as the crowd roared its approval, wolf-whistles and degrading catcalls raining down on her. Hot tears of pain and shame welled in her eyes but she furiously blinked them back, refusing to give Sugar the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

The hulking woman grabbed Christina's arm and yanked her to her feet only slam a knee into her groin with a sickening thud. Christina shrieked and would have collapsed if not for Sugar's bruising grip. The agony was blinding. It felt like she'd been split in half.

Christina hung limply in Sugar's grasp, every nerve ending in her groin screaming in white hot agony. The pain was beyond anything she'd ever experienced, radiating through her core and stealing her breath. Involuntary tears streaked her flushed cheeks as she gasped for air like a landed fish.

Sugar drank in the blonde's anguish with sadistic glee, giving her ponytail another vicious tug. "Aww, did that hurt, princess?" she mocked. "We're just getting started. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be nothing but a weeping, broken shell."

With a casual flick of her wrist, Sugar sent Christina staggering backwards. The battered girl barely managed to stay on her feet, hunched over and trembling, arms still protectively shielding her throbbing sex. She looked so small and pathetic, like a wounded gazelle before a lioness.

Sugar began to circle her prey with slow, menacing steps, a cruel smirk twisting her lips. "Go ahead and try to run, little girl. There's nowhere to hide. I'm going to take my time taking you apart, piece by piece."

Icy tendrils of fear snaked down Christina's spine as she watched the hulking woman stalk her, those dark predator's eyes burning into her flesh. Her heart hammered against her ribs and her legs quivered beneath her, threatening to give out at any moment. She knew she didn't stand a chance against Sugar's monstrous size and strength.

Christina's mind raced desperately, trying to formulate some kind of plan, but sheer terror clouded her thoughts. Maybe if she could just stay away from Sugar long enough, dart in and land a few quick strikes to wear her down...

As if reading her mind, Sugar lunged forward with startling speed and agility for someone so large. Christina yelped and stumbled backwards, narrowly avoiding the swipe of a meaty paw. Sugar kept coming, backing the frightened girl around the ring.

Christina's bare feet danced across the canvas as she tried to maintain distance, chest heaving with panicked breaths. She could feel the heat of the stage lights beating down, the jeers and catcalls of the crowd ringing in her ears. The cage seemed to be shrinking around her, cutting off her avenues of escape.

Sugar herded her prey into a corner and Christina felt her back press against the turnbuckle pads, the ropes digging into her shoulder blades. The towering woman filled her vision, eclipsing the lights, her shaved head gleaming with sweat.

"Nowhere to run now, little rabbit," Sugar purred, slamming a palm against the turnbuckle by Christina's head and making her flinch. She leaned in close until the volleyball player could feel her hot breath on her face, reeking of cigarettes and cheap beer. "Just give up. Submit to me like the pathetic little slut you are.”

Christina's chest heaved with panicked breaths as Sugar's cruel visage loomed mere inches from her own, the hulking woman's fetid breath washing over her face. The turnbuckle dug painfully into her back as she pressed herself as far into the corner as she could, desperate to put even an inch of space between her and the sadistic behemoth. But there was nowhere to go.

"I...I submit!" Christina gasped out, hating herself for the quaver of fear in her voice. "Please, just let me go! You win!"

Sugar threw her head back and laughed, the harsh sound raking over Christina's nerves like nails on a chalkboard. "You stupid cunt, you don't get to decide when this is over. I'll accept your submission when I'm good and ready...if you're still conscious by then."

To emphasize her point, Sugar's hand shot out and clamped over Christina's mouth and nose in a suffocating seal. The volleyball player's blue eyes flew wide with shock and renewed terror as her air was cut off. Instinctively, she brought her hands up to claw at Sugar's wrist, but she may as well have been fighting against a steel beam.

Muffled screams vibrated against Sugar's palm as Christina thrashed in the corner, bare feet scrambling against the ropes, toes curling. Her lungs burned and her head pounded, pressure building behind her eyes until she was certain they would burst from their sockets. Darkness crept in at the edges of her vision.

Just as she teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, Sugar released her vice-like grip. Christina slumped against the turnbuckle, sucking in great whooping breaths, tears streaming down her reddened face. She barely registered Sugar seizing her ponytail until her head was viciously wrenched to the side and the behemoth's sneering face filled her blurry vision once more.

"What's the matter, princess? Can't handle a little breath play?" Sugar taunted. She lashed out with her free hand, delivering a ringing open-palm slap that snapped Christina's head to the other side. The blonde yelped at the sharp sting. "You pathetic lightweight. I've fucked bitches tougher than you."

With a rough yank on her ponytail, Sugar dragged Christina out of the corner and slung her into the middle of the ring. The battered girl stumbled and fell to her hands and knees on the canvas, golden tresses falling in a curtain around her face. She knelt there trembling, trying to will strength back into her wobbling limbs.

Sugar's shadow fell over her and a moment later the toe of a heavy boot slammed into her ribs. Christina shrieked as pain exploded through her side and she collapsed onto her stomach, trying to curl into a protective ball. But Sugar was relentless, raining down kicks across the prone college girl’s body.

Christina lay crumpled and gasping on the mat, ribs throbbing from Sugar's vicious kicks. She tried to drag herself away, but the towering woman simply placed a heavy boot between her shoulder blades, pinning her down like a bug.

"Leaving so soon, blondie?" Sugar taunted, grinding her sole against Christina's spine. "But I'm just getting warmed up."

With a brutal yank, Sugar seized the back of Christina's jersey and hauled the barely conscious girl upright. Christina hung limply in her grasp, ponytail askew, tearstained face a mask of agony. Sugar spun her around and clamped one hand over her throat while the other groped her breast through the thin fabric, meaty fingers sinking into the soft flesh.

"Mmm, not much to grab onto here," Sugar sneered, giving the modest handful a painful squeeze that made Christina yelp. "Tiny tits to match the rest of your pathetic body."

Rage and humiliation burned through the pain fogging Christina's mind. Baring bloodied teeth, she lashed out and raked her nails across Sugar's face, drawing jagged red lines down the behemoth's cheek. Sugar hissed and released her, more out of surprise than actual pain.

Christina staggered back, chest heaving. "F-fuck you!" she spat, mustering a defiant glare even as her knees quaked. "I'm not just going to roll over for you, bitch!"

Sugar touched a finger to the bloody furrows, lips peeling back from her teeth in a feral snarl. Her black eyes blazed with fury and sadistic glee, like a shark scenting blood in the water. "Ooh, kitten's got claws! Good, I love it when they fight back. Crushing your spirit will be so much more satisfying."

With a roar, Sugar charged across the short space separating them. Christina desperately dove out of the way but wasn't fast enough. Sugar's shoulder caught her in the midsection, folding her in half as all the air whooshed from her lungs. The behemoth wrapped her arms around Christina's waist and continued her momentum, slamming the volleyball player spine-first into the turnbuckle with an impact that made the ring shudder.

Stars exploded across Christina's vision and paralytic bolts of agony raced up and down her back. She could only hang there in Sugar's crushing embrace, feet dangling, too stunned to even scream.

Christina's head lolled to the side, blonde ponytail hanging limply as she struggled to remain conscious in Sugar's crushing bearhug. The behemoth's arms constricted around her slim waist like a python, massive breasts pressing into her chest, smothering her. She felt her spine compress, vertebrae grinding together, and was certain it would snap at any moment.

Just as darkness tunneled her vision, Sugar released her vise-like hold. Christina crumpled to the mat in a boneless heap, drawing ragged breaths into her burning lungs. Every nerve ending screamed in agony.

Sugar loomed over the brutalized girl, a sadistic sneer twisting her cruel features. "Pathetic," she spat. "You're barely worth my time, you scrawny little cunt."

She punctuated her words with a vicious stomp to Christina's stomach. The volleyball player curled into a fetal position with a strangled cry, clutching her midsection. Sugar's heavy boot rammed into her unprotected back again and again, each impact igniting a nova of blinding pain through her body.

"Please..." Christina whimpered, voice ragged and choked with tears. "No more...I submit..."

"You submit when I say you can, bitch!"Sugar snarled. She reached down and seized a fistful of Christina's jersey, hauling the semi-conscious girl up.

Sugar's grip tightened on the back of Christina's cropped jersey as she effortlessly lifted the dazed volleyball player off the mat and onto her unsteady feet. Christina swayed in Sugar's clutches, barely able to support her own weight. Agony radiated through every inch of her battered body.

"On your slutty bare feet, you pathetic cunt," Sugar growled. "I'm not done teaching you a lesson yet."

Before Christina could even attempt to mount a defense, Sugar grabbed her ponytail and slammed her back-first into the nearest turnbuckle. The blonde's spine bounced off the steel post with a sickening thud. Blinding light exploded behind Christina's eyes and she collapsed into a crumpled heap at the base of the corner.

Christina weakly raised her head, blue eyes glazed and unfocused. Through the ringing in her ears, she could hear the crowd roaring their approval, baying for more violence.

Sugar placed one heavy boot on the back of Christina's neck, grinding her face into the rough mat. "Look at you, blondie. So weak and helpless. You never stood a chance against me.”

The towering woman reached down and seized the back of Christina's shorts. “It’s time to teach you how much real submission holds can hurt, little girl. Let’s get you more awake and give the crowd what they want!” With a flex of her powerful arms, Sugar dead-lifted the 20 year-old up by her spandex shorts in a vicious wedgie. The stretchy fabric dug deep into the volleyball player's most sensitive areas, splitting her ass and cleaving her womanhood. Christina shrieked as she was hoisted into the air, legs bicycling frantically, toes pointed. The pain was unimaginable, like being flayed from the inside.

Sugar held the thrashing blonde aloft, bouncing her up and down to drive the wedgie deeper. "Wakey wakey, princess!" she taunted over Christina's agonized wails. "Can't have you checking out on me just yet. The fun's only starting!"

The behemoth finally released her grip and Christina dropped to the mat in a twitching heap. She frantically clawed at her shorts, trying to dislodge the fabric sawing her in half. Her face burned with utter degradation as the crowd howled with laughter at her plight.

Sugar's boot slammed into her ribs just as she dislodged the shorts from her ass, rolling her over with a fresh yelp of agony "On your feet, bitch! I didn't say you could rest!"

Mewling in pain and humiliation, Christina struggled to push herself up on wobbling arms. But Sugar was on her in a flash, seizing her wrist and wrenching the limb behind her back in a hammerlock.

The blonde screamed as her shoulder was torqued to the breaking point in Sugar's crushing hammerlock. The hulking woman wrenched Christina's slender arm up between her shoulder blades, twisting viciously. Ligaments stretched and joints creaked under the brutal pressure.

"Aaagghh! Please, stop!" Christina shrieked, back arched, teetering on her toes. Flashes of agony ignited through the joint and down her arm.

"Shut up, you pathetic cunt!" Sugar snarled in her ear. She jerked up on Christina's captured wrist and the blonde wailed as a searing bolt of pain nearly made her black out. "I'll tear your fucking arm off if I want to!"

Tears streaked Christina's flushed, agonized face. Her chest heaved with panicked sobs as Sugar cranked the hold tighter. She was certain her shoulder would dislocate at any second. Just as she teetered on the edge of a pain-induced swoon, Sugar released the hammerlock and spun her around, trapping her in a front facelock.

"Time for a little nap, blondie," Sugar hissed, flexing her bulging bicep against the side of Christina's neck. She wrenched the hold tighter, cutting off the blood flow to the volleyball player's brain.

Christina's blue eyes flew wide in renewed panic. Her hands pawed weakly at Sugar's muscular arm crushing her throat, short nails scrabbling uselessly over sweat-slicked skin. A choked gurgle escaped her compressed windpipe as her bare feet kicked and thrashed, toes curling in anguish.

Dark clouds gathered at the edges of her vision. The roaring of the bloodthirsty crowd faded to a distant buzz in her ears, drowned out by the frantic thudding of her pulse. Just as unconsciousness rushed up to claim her, Sugar hurled her limp form across the ring.

Christina hit the canvas and rolled to a stop in a crumpled heap, chest spasming as she sucked desperate gulps of air into her starved lungs. She could only lay there trembling, fighting the blackness that threatened to swallow her.

Sugar's heavy footfalls vibrated through the mat, approaching her prone body with the inevitability of a death knell. A meaty hand fisted in her disheveled ponytail and wrenched her head back. The behemoth's sweat-sheened, leering face swam into focus above her.

"What's the matter, princess? Had enough already?" Sugar sneered. "We're just getting started. By the time I'm done with you, you'll be begging me to end your pathetic existence."

She punctuated her words with a vicious yank on Christina's hair, forcing a yelp from the battered girl's lips. The volleyball player reached up with a quivering hand, and weakly grasped at Sugar's wrist, trying to alleviate the vicious pressure on her hair and scalp. But it was like trying to bend an iron bar. The behemoth effortlessly dragged her up to dangle in front of her, toes barely scraping the mat.

"P-please..." Christina whimpered, voice ragged and small. "I can' more..."

"Aww, listen to the little princess beg," Sugar cooed mockingly. "Music to my ears. But we've barely gotten started, blondie. I'm going to keep hurting you nice and slow. Savor every scream and tear."

She bounced Christina by her ponytail, wrenching pained yelps from the blonde's throat with each yank. The brutal motion made hot agony bloom through the volleyball player's neck and scalp. Involuntary tears streaked her reddened cheeks.

Sugar finally released her hair, only to seize Christina's upper arms in a crushing grip. With a malicious grin, she hoisted the battered girl up and slammed her back-first into the unforgiving steel turnbuckle. Christina shrieked as her bruised spine collided with the post, slumping forward into Sugar's waiting arms.

The hulking woman clamped one hand around Christina's slender throat, pinning her against the corner. Her thumb pressed against the blonde's windpipe, cutting off her air. Christina sputtered and choked, hands weakly batting at Sugar's wrist.

Sugar leaned in close, rank breath washing over the gasping girl's face. "I could crush your scrawny neck like a twig right here," she purred. "Snap it like dry kindling. But I'm not done playing with you yet, little toy. Do you know what a backbreaker is?”

Christina's glazed blue eyes widened in primal terror at Sugar's words, even as she struggled feebly in the behemoth's suffocating chokehold, bare feet kicking weakly against the turnbuckle.

"N-no..." she rasped out, voice a thready wheeze. The pressure on her throat allowed her just enough air to remain conscious, maximizing her suffering. "Please...anything but that..."

Sugar's lips peeled back from her teeth in a feral grin, revealing a sadistic glint in her dark eyes. "Ooh, I do love it when they beg," she purred. "But your pleas are wasted on me, blondie. I'm going to break you in ways you can't even imagine."

She released her chokehold, allowing Christina to slump against the corner, gasping and retching. But the reprieve was short-lived. Sugar's hands clamped around the volleyball player's slender waist and hoisted her up onto the top turnbuckle.

Christina teetered precariously, clutching the ropes in a white-knuckled grip, trembling legs struggling to support her weight. Before she could even attempt to fight back, Sugar grabbed her wrist and wrenched her arm out in a vicious hammerlock, twisting it behind her back until the joint screamed in protest.

"Aaaghh! Stop! You're breaking my arm!" Christina wailed, back arched, tears of agony streaming down her face.

Sugar just laughed and cranked the hold even tighter, drawing a strangled shriek from her victim. "This is nothing compared to what's coming, princess."

With her free hand, the hulking woman grabbed Christina's opposite leg behind the knee and draped it over her massive shoulder. She stepped back from the turnbuckle, suspending the volleyball player between the ropes and her body, bent nearly in half.

Christina hung upside down in the modified torture rack, ponytail brushing the mat, arms and legs wrenched in opposite directions. Muscles and ligaments stretched to their breaking point. The pressure on her spine was unimaginable, vertebrae separating, discs bulging.

"Oh god! Please! I'll do anything!" Christina babbled hysterically, eyes rolling back in their sockets. "Just let me go! I submit!"

Sugar bounced her brutally, each motion sending lightning bolts of pure agony ripping through the blonde's arched back and limbs. She could feel her spine bowing, on the verge of snapping like a brittle twig.

"What was that? I can't hear you over all that pathetic blubbering!" Sugar taunted. "If you want this to end, you'll have to beg much more convincingly than that!"

The pain was indescribable, far beyond anything Christina had ever experienced. She was certain she would die here in this rank underground ring, torn asunder by this sadistic monster..

Christina's agonized shrieks echoed through the dank warehouse as Sugar wrenched her body in the modified torture rack, bending her so far she was nearly folded in half. Sweat streamed down the blonde volleyball player's contorted face, mingling with the tears of anguish streaking her flushed cheeks. Every nerve ending in her overstretched spine screamed for mercy that would not come.

"Please! PLEASE! I'm begging you!" Christina wailed deliriously, voice cracking. "I'll do anything! Just make it stop!"

Sugar cackled sadistically, bouncing her victim and drawing fresh howls of agony. "That's more like it, blondie! Beg for me! Let everyone hear what a pathetic little weakling you are!"

She yanked viciously on Christina's hammerlock, twisting her trapped arm up between her shoulder blades until the joint gave an audible pop. The 20-year-old shrieked like a wounded animal, convulsing in Sugar's grip.

The behemoth drank in her suffering, savoring every whimper and sob. She had the athletic little princess right where she wanted her - utterly broken, stripped of all pride. Now it was time for the pure, relentless pain.

With a malevolent grin, Sugar released Christina's leg and arm, letting her crumple into a broken heap at her feet. The volleyball player curled into a fetal position on the mat, quaking uncontrollably, high keening wails bubbling from her lips. Her back felt like a shattered ruin, every breath igniting hot pokers of pain through her ribcage.

Sugar loomed over her conquered prey, arms crossed over her massive chest. "Look at you, blondie. Mewling and sobbing, can't even get up. To think you actually believed you could beat me. Stupid cunt."

She reached down and seized a fistful of Christina's blonde hair, dragging the limp girl up to her knees. Christina knelt slumped before her tormentor, ponytail askew, tearstained face a mask of despair. Her glossy lips moved soundlessly in an endless litany of pleading.

"Since you're too weak to submit on your own, I'll help you," Sugar sneered. "Pucker up, princess."

She grabbed the back of Christina's head and crushed the blonde's face into her crotch, forcing the girl down to her knees, grinding against her mouth and nose. Christina sputtered and gagged, thrashing weakly in Sugar's iron grip.

Sugar motioned to the crowd laughing “SHOULD I TORTURE THIS BITCH’S LEGS NEXT?” Her question was met with a roar of approval.

Christina slumped weakly in Sugar's humiliating crotch smother, the hulking woman's musky scent filling her nostrils, smothering her. The rough fabric of Sugar's leather trunks scraped against her tear-streaked cheeks as she struggled for air. Just as black spots danced across her vision, Sugar hurled her to the mat with a grunt of disgust.

"Useless slut," she spat. "Can't even eat pussy right."

Christina lay crumpled on her side, chest heaving as she sucked desperate breaths into her burning lungs. Every inch of her body throbbed with pain - her shattered spine, her wrenched shoulders, her bruised ribs. And now the mad crowd was baying for Sugar to destroy her shapely legs next. Despair crushed down on the volleyball player, as heavy and suffocating as her tormentor's bulk.

Sugar's shadow fell over her trembling form. "You hear that, blondie? The people have spoken. Time to turn those sexy stems to jelly."

A meaty hand clamped around Christina's ankle like a shackle. She let out a choked yelp as Sugar dragged her into the center of the ring, flailing weakly, fingernails scrabbling uselessly against the canvas. With casual strength, the behemoth hoisted Christina's long, tanned leg straight up, forcing the blonde onto her back.

"Such pretty feet," Sugar mocked, running a finger along Christina's high arch, making her painted toes curl. "Bet you give great footjobs with these. Too bad they'll be crippled by the time I'm done."

Christina bleated in panic and tried to kick free, but Sugar's grip was iron. The hulking woman tucked the volleyball player's calf under her armpit, trapping her foot behind her head in a vicious stretch hold. Christina screamed as her hamstring and glute were wrenched to the limit, sinews popping and straining.

Sugar grinned savagely and torqued the leg higher, folding the blonde nearly in half. The pressure on her spine and hip was unimaginable. Christina wailed like a banshee, hands beating weakly at Sugar's tree-trunk thigh. She was positive her leg would be ripped from its socket at any moment.

"Look at that flexibility!" Sugar laughed over the girl's agonized shrieks. "Guess all that volleyball paid off, huh princess? Let's see how far we can push it before something...snaps."

She bounced Christina in the hold, each movement sending lightning bolts of pure anguish shooting up the blonde's captured leg and spine. Tortured howls ripped from her throat, punctuated by gasping sobs. Black static fuzzed the edges of her vision.

"PLEASE! STOP! YOU'RE BREAKING MEEE!" Christina screeched, voice cracking.

Christina's anguished wail echoed through the dingy arena as Sugar torqued her leg to an impossible angle, straining the ligaments and tendons far past their limits. The hulking woman cackled maniacally over her prey's suffering, using her monstrous strength to bend the shapely limb like a pretzel.

"That's it, scream for me blondie!" Sugar crowed. "Let me hear you beg for mercy!"

Hot tears poured down Christina's contorted face. The pain was excruciating, radiating from her brutalized leg through her entire body in sickening waves. She could feel her hip threatening to pop from its socket, her hamstring fraying like an overstretched rubber band. In her agony-fogged mind, she was certain the sadistic behemoth would literally rip her leg off.

"AAAHH! PLEASE GOD MAKE IT STOOOOP!" Christina howled deliriously, voice raw and cracking. "I SUBMIT! I SUBMIT!"

But her desperate cries only spurred Sugar on. With a vicious yank, she wrenched Christina's foot up behind her head until her dainty white toe brushed her messy blonde ponytail. The 20-year-old's back arched like a bow, vertebrae separating with a sickening crunch. Her spine felt like a splintered rod of molten agony.

Christina shrieked like a mortally wounded animal, convulsing in Sugar's grip. Her hands clawed weakly at the hulking woman's impenetrable thigh, short nails leaving puny red crescent marks in the skin.

"Aww, poor princess can't handle a little stretching," Sugar taunted, drinking in her victim's exquisite suffering. "Pathetic. But we're just getting warmed up. By the time I'm done, you won't even be able to crawl out of this ring."

With that, she released Christina's mangled leg, letting it crash to the mat. The volleyball player immediately curled into a quivering ball, whimpering piteously, clutching her throbbing limb. Her quad twitched and spasmed uncontrollably. Every little shift sent knives of pure agony slicing through her ravaged muscles.

Sugar's shadow loomed over the broken blonde. A cruel chuckle rumbled up from her chest. "Writhing on the mat already, blondie? And here I thought a star athlete like you would have more fight. Guess that tight little body is just for show."

She grabbed a fistful of Christina's ponytail and dragged her head up, forcing the girl to meet her malevolent gaze. Christina stared back through a glaze of pain and fear, lower lip trembling, tears streaking her flushed cheeks. A far cry from the confident spitfire she had been mere minutes ago.

"P-please...P-please..." Christina whispered brokenly, voice a thready rasp. "No more...I can't...I'll do anything..."

Sugar's lips curled in a vicious sneer. "Still got some begging left in you, huh princess? We'll see how long that lasts."

She released her grip on Christina's hair, letting the blonde's head thud limply against the canvas. Rising to her full imposing height, Sugar placed one heavy boot on her victim's hip and slowly applied pressure, grinding the joint into the mat. Christina yelped and squirmed weakly, hands scrabbling at the hulking woman's ankle.

"Let's see how tough you are after I pop this hip out of place," Sugar growled, leering down at the trembling girl. "Although dislocating your pretty little arm sounds fun too. So many options."

Christina's heart nearly stopped at those words, terror seizing her guts. She knew Sugar was more than strong enough to follow through on those awful threats. Gathering the tattered remnants of her pride, the volleyball player forced herself to meet the behemoth's cruel gaze.

"Wait!" she pleaded, hating the desperation coloring her voice. "I'll...I'll do whatever you want. Just stop hurting me. Please."

Sugar raised a skeptical eyebrow, lips twisting in contempt. "You'll do whatever I want, huh? Prove it then. Kiss my boot, bitch."

She lifted her foot off Christina's hip and thrust it toward the blonde's face. The leather was scuffed and stained, crusted with dirt and who knew what else. Christina's stomach churned at the foul odor. Every fiber of her being revolted at the thought of putting her mouth on that filthy thing.

But the pain wracking her beaten body was far worse. The threat of further torment hung over her like a guillotine blade. Swallowing the last of her dignity, Christina extended her trembling lips and planted a soft kiss on the toe of Sugar's boot, cringing at the acrid taste.

"You call that boot worship? Pathetic!" Sugar barked, clearly unimpressed. "Put your back into it, princess! Get that tongue in there!"

Tears of pure shame rolled down Christina's cheeks as she opened her mouth and began to slather Sugar's boot with long, obsequious licks. The texture of rough leather and caked grime against her tongue made her gag. But she persisted, running her oral muscle along every curve and crevice, polishing the shoe with abject servility.

Sugar's booming laughter rang in the blonde's burning ears. "That's more like it! The high and mighty volleyball star, reduced to a simpering boot licker. If your teammates could see you now!"

Christina squeezed her eyes shut as she tongued Sugar's instep, desperately trying to block out the jeering crowd and her own mortification. She prayed her humiliating submission would satisfy the sadistic behemoth. But deep down, she knew this was only the beginning of her nightmare.

After what felt like an eternity, Sugar finally pulled her boot away. Christina collapsed onto her stomach, spitting and retching, trying to purge the foul taste from her mouth. Strings of saliva webbed her chin, mascara streaking down her pretty, pain contorted face.

"Disgusting," Sugar sneered. "You missed a spot, boot breath."

She delivered a brutal kick to Christina's ribs, flipping the sobbing blonde onto her back. Pain exploded through her side and she curled inward with a strangled cry. Sugar's hand shot out, clamping around her ponytail and dragging her up to her tippy toes, agony shooting through her brutalized left leg.

"Stupid cunt, did you really think a little shoe shining would earn my mercy?" Sugar snarled, rank breath washing over Christina's tear-streaked face. "I'm going to violate every hole in your pathetic body, turn you into my personal fuck toy."

Primal terror crystalized in Christina's gut at those words. She knew Sugar wasn't bluffing - the hulking woman fully intended to sexually destroy her. To use and degrade her in the most cruel, humiliating ways possible.

"No! Please!" Christina croaked, voice choked with panic and lack of air. "Not that! I'm begging you! This isn’t what I signed up for!!”

Sugar's lips twisted in a predatory leer, eyes glinting with sadistic hunger. "Yes, beg for me, princess. Go on, plead for me not to rape your slutty little holes."

Christina shook her head frantically, fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. "Don't...please don't..."

Sugar considered her crying victim a moment. “Okay my little star athlete, we’ll hold off on violating you, for now. Let’s see how good you can scream. I didn’t destroy your other leg yet” Sugar’s lips parted in a sadistic, cruel smile…

Christina trembled in Sugar's bruising grip, heart pounding against her ribs like a frightened rabbit as the hulking woman's words sank in. She was going to destroy her other leg now, inflicting unimaginable agony, just to hear her scream. And this was only a momentary reprieve from the threatened violations to come...

Sugar released Christina's ponytail with a rough shove, sending the battered blonde crashing face-first to the mat. She lay there shuddering, whimpering into the rough canvas, too terrified to even attempt to crawl away. The respite from having her hair wrenched was short-lived as Sugar's meaty paw clamped around her right ankle in a vise.

"Such pretty feet," the behemoth mocked, running a calloused finger up Christina's high arch. "Soft and unscarred. Bet you've never had a hard day's work in your life, prissy little princess."

She dug her thumb cruelly into the volleyball player's instep, making her squeal and thrash. "Well, you're about to learn the true meaning of pain, blondie. I'm going to twist your leg into a mangled pretzel."

Christina shrieked as Sugar savagely torqued her ankle, rolling her onto her stomach. The pressure on her knee and hip was excruciating, ligaments straining to their breaking point. She pounded the mat frantically, fingernails clawing grooves in the canvas.

"Please! PLEASE NO!" she howled, ponytail whipping. "I can't take anymore! You're ripping my leg off!"

Sugar just laughed, a deep, cruel sound, and folded Christina's leg up behind her in a sickening contortion. The 20-year-old's agonized scream echoed off the warehouse rafters as her hamstring stretched beyond its limits. She was positive she felt something tear deep in her thigh.

"That's it, scream for me, you pathetic cunt!" Sugar bellowed over her prey's tortured wails. "Sing me a symphony of suffering!"

She bounced Christina's folded leg up and down, wrenching animalistic shrieks from the sobbing blonde. Unimaginable agony shredded through her ravaged muscles and tendons, whiting out her vision. Her back arched like a bow as her spine compressed. She could only thrash and howl, a slave to the searing torment.

Just as merciful blackness started to creep in, Sugar released her devastating hold. Christina collapsed into a broken, boneless heap, mewling and blubbering incoherently, snot and drool smearing her face. Every nerve in her brutalized leg shrieked in protest at the slightest twitch. She knew it would be a miracle if she could even hobble out of this ring...

Sugar nudged the quivering girl onto her back with one heavy boot. “Torturing your feet is fun baby girl. Let’s try that again!”



Nov 23, 2023
Anche se Christina ha un corpo tonico con muscoli atletici, non ha chance contro Sugar! Il suo avversario è letteralmente una bestia!
Ma il corpo di Christina aveva una tolleranza davvero buona. Per ora non è completamente distrutto e ho adorato ogni passaggio sulla sua spina dorsale!

I'll Hope to see some torture on her six pack abs in the second parte!

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